Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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Olympus has Fallen was the last one I saw..I wasn't sure what it was gonna be about but it ended up being a pretty good action movie :P 8/10 normally and 9/10 on my "manly" the ones where you just want adrenaline :D

1 decade ago

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Oblivion- saw it last night. Quite good actually IMHO. I was expecting it to be mostly plotless action focused on CGI tech but it turned out to have a great plot.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Just saw Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It was awesometacular!

1 decade ago

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I've just watched it too :)

1 decade ago

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Eat Drink Man Woman (1994) - I had to watch it for my Chinese history/film class but I thought the film was great and entertaining. I highly recommend it if you're into foreign drama and comedy. 8/10

1 decade ago

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That was one of my favorite foreign films of the 90s. There's a Mexican remake called Tortilla Soup, but I haven't seen it yet.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for the suggestion. I might have to check that one out.

1 decade ago

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Evangelion 3.33: You Can (Not) Redo.

1 decade ago

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In theater it was 'Django Unchained', on TV it was Casino Royal (2006 of course) not regreting them both.

1 decade ago

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I ended watching "Hulk" on TV 5 minutes ago.

Yesterday "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" (on TV too).

1 decade ago

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Thank you for smoking!
Just the movie for me, great and witty and not one cigaret is lit in all of the movie!

1 decade ago

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Well, I'm just rewatching old movie. Donnie darko, someone has watched it before? It's pretty confusing yet interesting.

1 decade ago

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I've seen it 3 times. It's amazing. One of my favorite movies.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, first time I watched it when I'm just a kid. I just understand right now. It's a good movie, but still... Shawshank Redemption is the best.

1 decade ago

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My favorite movie is Lost Highway by David Lynch.

1 decade ago

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I just watched Mulholland Drive the other day for the first time, have you seen it? I yelled, "Dammit, Lynch!" after it was over, lol. He's a good director, but everything has so many layers.

1 decade ago

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I've seen it. I love it as well. Yeah, his movies can be interpreted in many ways, that's what makes them great. Plus surrealism and mind fuckery. I love this director (no homo).

1 decade ago

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I struggle a bit with Lynch. Blue Velvet and Mulholland Drive were pretty good, although a bit messed up.
I put Cronenberg in the same group of multi-layered stories, sometimes trying to be a bit too clever.. Gave up halfway through Existenz and Cosmopolis. Eastern Promises was better though, not as slow and had more of a story.

1 decade ago

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Donnie Darko is one of my favorite movies ever. You should also watch Southland Tales.

1 decade ago

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The Grey

Despite some cliche shortcomings, it nailed me to the sofa after a hard day of work, thanks to its overall ability to be unpredictable as hell, and just plain nice to look at.


1 decade ago

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Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.
Quite nice, with a great plot.

1 decade ago

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Total Recall (2012) I'd give it a 7/10

1 decade ago

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Moonrise Kingdom. Was awesome.

1 decade ago

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I was really happy after I watched that. Royal Tenebaums is my favorite, but Moonrise Kingdom is a close second.

1 decade ago

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Anchorman - 10/10. Hilarious movie, Probably Steve Carrell's funniest role.

1 decade ago

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Backdoor sluts 9

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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That's next up in my list of movies. I hope it's good. :D

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 decade ago

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While it may not qualify as a movie for you guys (it was in Japanese theaters so I consider it to be a movie), the last one I saw was Bleach the Movie 4: Hell Verse.

I enjoyed it greatly, but I feel like they could have expanded way more on the character Shuren since he was featured on a promotion poster AND the DVD/Blu-ray case, but had very little screen time, in my opinion.

I give it an 8.5/10.

1 decade ago

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You'll have to excuse me for hopping all over this thread. I've been on a movie watching bender for the last 2 months or so. I've seen almost a new movie every single day, occasionally more than one. I've been watching whatever I could get my hands on, some of it great, some of it terrible. Everything from chick flicks to foreign films.

Most recent:
L.A. Confidential and The Departed.

My review of both movies: rocks fall, everyone dies. The Departed was 8/10, L.A. Confidential 6.5/10. Still chewing on Mullholland Drive.

1 decade ago

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You labeled the thread as being official (meaning that it was created by or is being maintained or at least approved by support), but you insult support in the same post. Maybe something like this is why the last thread was taken down.

My most recent movie: Madagascar 3. Meh. It was okay.

1 decade ago

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Previous thread wasn't mine. If it was I would keep it alive :)

I deleted the "insult".

1 decade ago

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I didn't think it was your thread. Whatever; no worries. =)

1 decade ago

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Iron Man 3!!! Meh.. Creative actionscenes, more humor than IM 2, but story/characterwise.. Ugh, terribad.. 6.5/10 at best..

1 decade ago

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Looper 7,5/10

1 decade ago

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Iron Man 3, enjoyed it. Not as good as the first one but better than the previous one.

1 decade ago

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including porn?

1 decade ago

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Oblivion. Good movie to watch on the big screen and the story wasn't as weak as you would expect from the blockbuster. Overall, it was pretty much OK, I guess.

P.S. Tom Cruise at his 50 still looks like he's 30 years old %) Plastic surgery, I know, but still))

1 decade ago

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This was the last movie i saw as well, and it was better than i thought.
I forgot Tom Cruise was in it, as i was watching Olga Kurylenko! :)
worth watching on the big screen.

1 decade ago

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It wasn't just pretty good, it's actually very good. If the Neil Blomkamp movies didn't exist(one of which came out in 2013 and was slightly better than it), I'd say it's the best sci-fi I've seen in years. I've finally seen Tom Cruise use his full talent and actually do some great acting, like I haven't seen him in years(since The Last Samurai, actually, his other great movie), the costumes were awesome, the CGI was top notch, the sceneries were absolutely stunning and beautiful, the story was, for the most part, very coherent and it had Morgan Freeman in it(and everything that has Morgan Freeman in it is automatically better). Like I said, Elysium was a tad better, but it's a great movie nonetheless, better than The Hunger Games Catching Fire(which is a good movie in itself), Pacific Rim (a movie which I heavily enjoyed, but which I have to admit isn't exactly the smartest or logical one I've seen) or Ender's Game(such a huge disappointment). And compared to such movies like The Host(can't believe it's actually directed by Andrew Niccol) or After Earth, it's a fucking masterpiece.

1 decade ago

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