TL; DR: Please check the winners of your giveaways before gifting, and we highly recommend you make sure they activate your gift.

ADDED: A couple of people have offered scripts for checking winners: the SGTools Activation Checker; and SilentGuy's Sidebar Script.

Yes, this is yet another topic about re-gifting. I am creating it because we just discussed this topic thoroughly a couple of days ago, and it seems a lot of people "didn't get the memo." It is somewhat frustrating when the same explanations have to be repeated over and over, again, but not everyone reads the forum, and even those that do cannot be expected to read every posting. I dearly hope that you guys all read this one.

Your Support staff tries their best to deal with infractions as quickly and efficiently as possible. Despite common opinion, we are neither "asleep," nor are we "idiots," nor "power-tripping," "lazy," and long list of other unfavorable adjectives. We knew that signing up for this position meant we would suffer unwarranted abuse, but we did it, anyway, because we wanted to help make SG a better place. We cannot, however, do it all on our own.

The "weakness" with the way this site is currently run is that it relies upon the users of SteamGifts to do their due diligence. Unfortunately, people give away their gifts and keys without first checking the winners of their giveaways for failed activations, and then also fail to ensure those gift are activated. Later, they complain that their gift has been misused, absolving themselves of all responsibility and dumping it on Support. Everyone has the power to make things better, but nobody wants to take action themselves. It is like a roomful of people sitting in the dark, every one of them saying, "Somebody really should turn on that light," but none of them are making any move to do so. And everything wrong is the fault of Support.

That is oppression.

This site is mostly run by its users, and that is a good thing. It gives SG flexibility and allows for the pursuit of both generosity and fairness However, if we as individuals do not take it upon ourselves to keep things in order and point out abuse when it arises, then it is unfair for us to complain about "how bad it is." We are the ones who choose to either let the mess pile up or clean it.

Speaking for myself, I thank God that I have never had too much trouble with my gift giving. I'm fairly certain that the fact I check each winner before handing over my gift, and demand that the gift be redeemed directly after it is received, has something to do with that track record. I am neither omniscient nor omnipotent, but I can tell you that if you win one of my giveaways, you'd better have your ducks all in a row because you're going to be checked thoroughly.

SteamGifts has thus far been successful because you, the users, have made it that way. More rules and restrictions will not solve our problems, individual responsibility will. Goodness is stronger than evil, but evil will spread and take hold if goodness does nothing but stand by and watch. If we want this to continue being a great community, then I suggest we stop waiting for other people to do the work for us. If we all choose to be active agents for the good of the site, then we need never fear that the challenges will be greater than our combined might. If everyone is reaching for the light switch, then that light will definitely go on.

I hope that what I have written here makes sense to you all. Thank you for your patience.

9 years ago*

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So I've just requested a re-roll. Is it ok to hit "sent" even though I haven't while I wait to hear back on whether the request was granted or not?

Just want to remove the notification that I have an unsent gift at the top.

9 years ago

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You only want to click on "sent" if you actually sent it. I know the warning icon is annoying, but it shouldn't take long to get a re-roll request answered. Just hang in there.

9 years ago

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Alright, I'll leave it. Thanks for the swift answer.

9 years ago

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Hmm ... somehow I don't quite get how to work this SGTools activation checker. I did a self check, and it basically printed out all my wins in red, as if I didn't activate any of them, or is that the output when everything's okay, how would it look like when someone did regift a game?
Also, what exactly do I enter in that Steam Vanity name field? When testing it, I entered "carlica" in both fields - would I have to enter something else?

9 years ago

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there is tons of error in that tool, Sega genesis games, Serious Sam, Crazy Machines, Borderlands GotY, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution, etc you just need to know about these errors, but is not really hard to find if it's an error or not, just check if person has it in library and check another person or two who have the game for sure, if it shows to all that they don't have it, but they supposed to, it's an error.

9 years ago

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You have a private profile, I'd wager that's what's causing the checker not to work on you.

9 years ago

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I set it to public for testing purposes and the result was still the same.

9 years ago

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Hmmm, I don't know then. Maybe it takes a while for Steam to sync something-or-other so that it would work? Or perhaps syncing your Steamgifts account would make a difference?

To be honest, I'm clutching at straws and making things up here when it comes to a possible solution off the top of my head. :p

9 years ago

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Seems like that's it ... it just takes a while after unlocking the profile. Also tested your profile, prints out a few - not too many - red games as well, guess it's safe to assume those would be the false positives?

9 years ago

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I'm pleased you got it working.

Yes, they're false positives on mine - the majority of them are for Sega games from when I won SEGA Genesis Classics Pack 2 and another separate giveaway for Sonic The Hedgehog 2. The checker is looking for the individually named games but when you activate them Steam puts them inside something called "Sega Genesis and Megadrive Classics" and it works almost like an emulator. Any of the games that launch through that cannot be seen by the tracker as far as I know.

GTA IV Complete Edition - I can only assume it's looking for something by that name rather than the individual games that made up the pack (GTA IV + GTA IV Epidoes from Liberty City)

Then there's YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 6 The Lost Gold & Who Wants To Be A Millionaire: Special Editions and I don't know why they don't show up.

The tool doesn't work perfectly but I've found it an ok starting point to check winners and whether or not there might be cause to ask for a reroll. Just cross reference those red entries against their Steam profiles.

Edit: Actually, YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 6 The Lost Gold & Who Wants To Be A Millionaire: Special Editions don't even show when searching my profile (I just checked) but they are in my library.

9 years ago*

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Again, we wouldn't even need external tools, if this were handled by SG when someone syncs their account. When someone wins a game, they would be forced to sync, and as long as SG doesn't detect the game in their account, it shows up somewhere in red on their SG profile.

9 years ago

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You have a private profile, so it can't check your games. Also, vanity name (I think): -> JasmineMcCoy. In your case you'd have to enter your community id: 76561198079938042.

9 years ago

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Okay, just set it to public ... feel free to test if you can get any other result. I will set it back to private after a while though, I don't like people spying on me.

9 years ago

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Works now (took a few mins to sync it seems).

9 years ago

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Hmm .. okay, so it doesn't work with private profiles, and it takes a while to sync. Hmm it would be cool if this functionality could be included with the sync function in SG, so we wouldn't rely on Steam profiles to check for regift. Thanks for checking.

9 years ago

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This should be a sticky.

9 years ago

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Until then... bump.

8 years ago

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Bump indeed.

8 years ago

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this really needs a bump.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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SGtools link is broken for me suddenly; it should direct to

8 years ago

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tk domain stopped working.

8 years ago

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Makes sense. The page hasn't been edited in months, so I figured it was on SGtools end. Well, hopefully this will get updated, since I don't know if the .tk will come back ever.

8 years ago

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bumping the thread
just checked someone who had already served a suspension after winning a GA of mine. I had asked for a reroll but of course it was denied as suspension already served.
Found out in the meantime he won one DLC twice and hasn't activated a won game 2 weeks after the GA.
So ticket filed, maybe he'll get a permanent suspension now?

8 years ago

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While this information is old news, and this guy is already on our "naughty" list. we still thank you for taking the time to contact us. We can't possibly catch everything ourselves, so it helps when people report apparent violations.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the post, have a bump.

I'm interested to know how things would work if one day I needed to mark a game as not received and then at a later date bought or won the same game. I had to mark a couple as not received on another site and for a while was concerned about continuing to enter further giveaways for the same game in case there was a mix up.

8 years ago

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There is nothing special about what you describe. It is quite ordinary for people to purchase a game they did not receive after having won it. You would not be allowed to enter giveaways for games you have added to your library, of course.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I didnt know such a thing existed , bookmarked cus reasons .

8 years ago

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Useful-thread bump (4x Demon Hearts)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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He looks calm... "Don't worry, I'll land on my feet"-calm :)

8 years ago

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Yeah, I'm sure he'll be fine :P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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thank you

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Only click "received" after you activated the game. Else it will show up as "not activated".

8 years ago

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:/ too late :P

8 years ago

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Just click on "received" again.

8 years ago

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ty for help. :d

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Drama King*

8 years ago

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what official word? SGTools is third party website, like ITH, Youtube, Twitch, some blog or whatever else. Anyone is free to use it and may post his GA behind "closed door" - it's considered private GA, same as any puzzle for example and treated in the same way.

8 years ago

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Just some bias, inflated and artificially fuelled and induced drama from most probably useless users that are by far the brightest lights in the universe! :-)

If I just look at the SG discussions threads I really don't have to search far to find loads of SGTools giveaways.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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Focus on the benefits. You brightened my day, after all. D

8 years ago

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Too bad he/she deleted their comments. I wouldn't mind them brightening my day too :-)

8 years ago

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Perhaps he found them embarrassing? No matter. It wasn't important. )

8 years ago

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Is it acceptable to create giveaways for Steam packs if I have separate keys for the included games rather than a single key?

8 years ago

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Pretty sure it's okay, since the only regulation here is for the winner to have the games from the pack activated on their account, regardless of how they acquired them.

8 years ago

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But it sucks for them when a publisher adds a game to thier package (after the giveaway) but that winner doesn't get it.

8 years ago

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Does that happen? It could result the winner having an unactivated game if that's the case.

I would expect the updated pack to have a new AppID.

8 years ago

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Updated packs maintain the same SubID but their contents can change. See an example of the problem here:

8 years ago

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The same thing happens with "Season Pass" packages or "Complete Editions" that have DLCs added slowly over time.

8 years ago

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Thanks, this is good to know.

8 years ago

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question is, why do you want to do that? is it about CV? maybe some bundle keys that are in a collection, and the collection gives full CV? if it's something like that - i understand, why one would like to do it that way, but i believe those collections get added to the bundle list anyway. so in the long run it doesn't matter and you can just make seperate giveaways.

8 years ago

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I want the winner to get the entire series. It's a bigger and more exciting prize than just a game here or there.

8 years ago

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yep, that's a very good reason. :)

8 years ago

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Thanks, this makes sense.

Now, here's another way to complicate things - what if the winner already has one of the games? Do I keep the key for that game, or am I obligated to give it to the winner so that they can then regift/trade it?

8 years ago

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As far as I know, you are allowed to request a reroll. The best thing to do to avoid having to spam support with reroll requests is to mention in the giveaway description that you will reroll if the winner owns "X or more games" from the pack.

From the Guidelines:

Try to refrain from entering giveaways for packs if you already own the majority of the games contained within. The giveaway creator may request a new winner if you own a high percentage of the packaged games.

8 years ago

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Yes, but suppose it's 1 out of 3 games. It's not the majority, but the issue is still there. I guess the only reasonable solution is for the GA creator to ask people not to enter if they have any of the games.

8 years ago

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It's up to the giveaway creator. Owning any part of the pack is sufficient grounds for a re-roll, but that doesn't mean the GA creator is required to request one.

8 years ago

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if that's so, maybe the guidelines should be changed. high percentage of the packaged games and any part of the pack is quite the difference. i honestly wasn't aware that one game of a 10-game-pack is enough for a reroll. not that would ever do that, but the guidelines should be absolutely clear about it.

8 years ago

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[from the FAQ:]

In the end, the giveaway creator has the final say, and if they believe the winner owns too many of the packaged games, we'll allow them to request a new winner.

That seems pretty clear, to me.

8 years ago*

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right, this makes it clear. ^^ but that's in the FAQ, not in the guidelines. so the users have to gather information about a single topic from two different pages. before i wrote my post, i didn't think of checking the FAQ, because i already found the information i was looking for. i had no indication i would get even more information on this at another place. not sure if that's optimal.

8 years ago

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Thats a very good point. I always wondered why these two pages are separate...

8 years ago

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The FAQ is meant to be a quick answer to the most common questions. The Guidelines are meant to provide more detailed information to the more commonly-used functions of the site.

8 years ago

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Optimal? No. There are multiple things that need to be tweaked in the upcoming version of both pages.

8 years ago

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oh, so there are new versions coming? good to know.

8 years ago

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Depends on pack too, I guess. For example, I probably wouldn't ask for a reroll on a Book of Unwritten Tales Collection for owning the first game, since it is just the start of the saga.

8 years ago

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It's the BioShock Triple Pack.

8 years ago

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Well, same goes. BioShock 1 is a midget compared to Infinite only. If one enters only for Infinite though, I'd ask for a reroll on the spot.
(Although if somebody has no games from that pack, I'd wager a good sum that they'll only play Infinite nonetheless.)

8 years ago

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I'm thinking of requiring the winner to not have any of the games to enter. Which will be a bit of a challenge, because at least initially I'm planning to use an SGTools filter with quite steep requirements (one where most people who pass are likely to own at least one of the games). The nice thing about SGTools filters is that at any time I can lax the rules if I see that I don't get enough entries.

8 years ago

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Depends. BioShock is still a good name and many people want to play it who never had any of the games (at least on PC, legally). And I'd expect many to enter for the third part alone anyways.

8 years ago

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Well, they can enter, but I'll just ask for a reroll if they win.

8 years ago

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I meant that they'll get all three, but they will likely never play BS1/2. Like how I saw way back people buying the Orange box only for HL or the GTA complete pack for GTA:VC or maybe GTA:SA.

8 years ago

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I'm willing to take this chance.

I wonder if there's any way to define a rule that would cater to those who are more likely to also play the old games? Possibly limit the giveaway to people with smaller libraries, though there may not be correlation (and I don't think SGTools allows checking the size of libraries, at least not yet).

8 years ago

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Build a (white)list of those who have them wishlisted and say they'd like to play them, and send the link only to them. I don't think a subjective thing like that could be put into script format.

8 years ago

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I'm not sure I see much of a difference between declaring that they want the games (to get an invite), and just clicking Enter Giveaway.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Ah, re-reading your comment, I see that I misunderstood. No, I don't see why you would have any obligation to provide a game key to the winner if they already own the game. It's activated to their account, so it pretty much counts as "you've done your part". :P

Don't quote me on that though. I'm not support, heh.

8 years ago

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No worries. I'll probably add a request for people not to enter if they have any of the games.

8 years ago

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Yeah, at least support will most probably be able to clarify about this when you request a reroll (if you need to request one at all). :P

8 years ago

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Keep it and make a new giveaway for it. I can't see Support having a problem with that. If the winner complains, blacklist them for all eternity.

8 years ago

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You are obligated to deliver what was promised. You are allowed to re-roll if the winner owns any part of what was promised.


  • If you promised Metro 2033 Redux, and the winner owns Metro 2033, you must supply the Redux version because it is (technically) a different game.
  • If you promised Mortal Kombat X Premium Edition, that includes the base game plus add-ons, so a winner who owns Mortal Kombat X may be re-rolled.
  • If you promised Celebrat10n TrackMania Complete, and are giving all four parts as separate keys, you are obligated to provide all four parts. (You could also ask for a re-roll if your winner owns any part of the pack.)

[Edited for correction.]

8 years ago*

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Thank you for clarifying this Khalaq.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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To my knowledge, not just technically, both Redux versions are different enough to play totally differently. Like how Wasteland 2 and the Director's Cut are pretty much completely different games.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I assume the all keys part? I wasn't sure about it, but this is what I always did. Somebody ended up with a pack where he had the base game, he just gave away the base after that (since I advised him that as to my knowledge it is perfectly within rules).

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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As long as the winner gets the promised games, everything is fine. In some cases, owning all of the games included in a pack is recognized by Steam as owning the entire pack, but not always. That is why Support double-checks for ownership, and also why you should check your winners to see what they already own from the pack.

8 years ago

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Yea but he wants to use multiple keys and list them as 1 item on SG.
Then collect whatever CV the pack item he listed is rated at, keep whatever excess keys from the set the winner may not need, then make another GA or GAs for the remaining keys and collect CV again on those too.

8 years ago

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Well, in my case both the pack and the separate games are in the bundled list, so the pack actually gives less CV. Not that it should matter. I mean, if I was the winner I'd be perfectly fine either way, as long as I get what's in the pack.

8 years ago

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Yeah, I don't think it matters. Go for it.

8 years ago

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Actually, I believe I was mistaken in my earlier response. You have to deliver what was promised, so if you promise a pack, you have to deliver all parts of that pack.

8 years ago*

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All parts, but not necessarily a single key, correct?

8 years ago

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Correct. The danger of providing multiple keys to make up a pack is that something may be missed, or Steam may not recognize it as ownership of the entire pack.

8 years ago

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I've done it several times. Less hassle, especially when DLC keys are involved. Record I think was one game in 8 keys, all put up as a single GA.

8 years ago

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So, for example, I just found out that one of the winners of my last giveaway didn't activate his gift even though he accepted it (It was in steam gift form). He also marked it as read. SGtools also tells me after mine he won another giveaway that he didn't activate (but not before, as i had checked).

Am i supposed to mark my loss there or do something like report him? (He hasn't regifted it yet, but i have no way to know he didn't trade it though)

8 years ago

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Report. User will only get a suspension though.

8 years ago

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What happens to the user will depend upon the circumstances.

8 years ago

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What else can be? Suspension, permanent suspension (still suspension). At least I never read anyone saying support sent them a warning message or that a non-activator just got away with a report.

8 years ago

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There are occasionally cases where the winner contacts Support regarding a win which has not yet been activated. Our response is based upon the circumstances.

8 years ago

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Sounds like special cases indeed.

8 years ago

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winner has 7 days since GA ended to activate game on their account. if you send gift 1min after GA ended, they accept 1 min after that that means they still have 6days 23hours 58minutes before they can be suspended ;) Reasons may vary - maybe they want to make big activation of multiple gifts at once so it spams their activity feed, maybe they are not currently on their PC and are using PC mobile auth so they can accept gift but they cannot log into their Steam, maybe they have 999 Games at Steam atm and want their 1000th to be special one, so they will activate your gift after 1000th game ;) All in all as long as it's less than 7 days they are fine I believe.

8 years ago

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I know, I don't even care when the date is 2-3 days. Some mark it fast and just add it many days later.

8 years ago

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So rather than immediately report, I should try to talk to him first on steam and give him a chance to activate the gift still? I really don't mind to be honest, I don't want him to be punished if it's some honest mistake.

8 years ago

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whether you want to hit him up on steam or not is up to you. but yes - wait the 7 days b4 reporting (7 days since Ga ended, not 7 days since gift delivery) - if after this time he has not game in his account report. If he has ill intentions adding him may scare him off and maybe he will activate. He may also try to switch profile to private to hide his not-activating - in this case after 7 days contact support to check - support can check activation even on private profiles (he must unprivate to sync with SG).

8 years ago

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I have him still because it's how i sent him the gift, so I'll just try and see. If he replies and/or activates it, all the better, less work for everyone. If not, i'm still in time to report it. It's just a message anyway :)

8 years ago

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But I should still report the user if he hasn't activated my gift after a week, even though there is no proof he regifted/traded it, right? I'm just asking to be sure because i don't wanna clutter support unnecessarily

8 years ago

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it doesn't matter whether he traded/regifted/just showcasing the gift - if ANYONE (not only your winner but if you notice anyone on SG not activating their win) and 7 days passed since GA ended - you do report. It doesn't matter if someone is retrading, regifting, activating on another account or just keeping the gift in their inventory - it all falls under breach of the same rule - not activating won games.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the precision :) I wasn't sure what has or has not to be reported :)

8 years ago

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Support can't catch everything. If you are convinced there is a problem with a user or with the site, let us know. If nothing else, we will double-check to make sure everything is as it should be.

8 years ago

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Wouldn't it be better to at least try to contact the winner and explain to him how things work? He may still have the key and can activate it without getting into trouble.

8 years ago

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If you are patient enough. Sometimes a slap on the wrist can be the best teacher, especially on the internet where people are way too comfortable behind their supposed anonymity.

8 years ago

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I'll give a try to that and see what happens.

8 years ago

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depends - I've also seen users who got warned that they miust activate their wins instead of doing so switching their profiles to private trying to hide the fact that they are not activating.

8 years ago

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Suggestion: Why not adding an "Activated" button in the "Created" page too? That way once an user has confirmed receiving the sender can confirm on the site its activation.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Yes, thatĀ“s on the "Won" page, but to report that you as a creator made sure that the winner activated the gift on their account I suggest adding the function here so the creator can notify it and give feedback to SG.

8 years ago

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The creator is the one responsible for verifying delivery of the gift (with the "Sent" button), and the winner is the one responsible for verifying receipt of the gift (with the "Received" button). Another button is not needed. If we had GA creators verifying activation, that would place additional responsibility on them and give us yet another thing to check. (Was the GA truly activated? Or did the creator simply mark it "Activated" when it was not?)

8 years ago

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Ok, so it wouldn't help you at all since it's another piece of unverified data huh... oh well, guess I'll stick to using the sgtools to check activation then.

8 years ago

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Bump! I wold like to see if a user "served his time" so that I don't waste the support time with an "useless ticket"

I mean something like "last suspension served for. #ENDED at#"

No idea if it wold be hard to implement, but I really feel bad when I'm asking for a re-roll and u guys tell me that the user served his suspension already :(

I hope you understand what I'm saying (English is not my first or second language :)) )

Thank you in advance for answering.

PS: searched around and did not find an answer for this, I'm sorry if I missed it.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Yeah, we can't really do that. If it makes you feel any better, it doesn't take that long to see if someone has already been suspended. There's more time spent checking to see whether or not a person really did fail to redeem a game. (Check Steam account, check games, check "anomaly" list, etc.).

8 years ago

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The only answer to this is use SGTools. No other way to ensure that your winner won't make you waste time asking for rerolls.

8 years ago

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You are wrong. Please read again what I have written. Thanks!

ofc I use SGTools but that will only say that someone did or not commit an infraction and not if he was suspended already for it or not

8 years ago

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I understand what you wrote. The only way to avoid this issue is not to play the game. There is no way to play and win.

8 years ago

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Do people actually hold you responsible if they get winners that don't give a damn about the rules nor their gift? That's news to me, so I hope those people read what you wrote.

8 years ago

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Do people actually hold you responsible if they get winners that don't give a damn about the rules nor their gift?

Judging from the messages they give us, yes, some do.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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Bumping for visibility

8 years ago

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also Khalaq could you update your link for the SGTools Activation Checker in the OP, their domain has changed:

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Please check your winners people!
I just had a quick GA where the winner has the game in his account already (played it 2 days ago according to steam) and 2 unactivated wins from October 2015.
In September and October 2015 he won Defy Gravity twice.
In January 2016 he won PAYDAY 2: A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack 3 times!
He made 1 GA which the winner did not receive 7 months ago then decided to reach level 3 by only making South America restricted GAs :(

Ticket has been sent, hopefully he'll be banned forever.

8 years ago

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So needed bump.

8 years ago

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Sorry for the bump of an old thread - but I would really appreciate a heads up on just how long to wait before you give up on someone activating a win - I have two now over the week old date, neither of which respond to emails and refuse to accept a request on steam - but I fear if they have used the code somewhere else, will I be the one who gets into trouble when asking for a re-roll and it turns out that they have used the codes ??? :( sad face all over...

8 years ago

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Submit a ticket under the Request Received Feedback category and provide a screenshot showing that you sent the game to the winner (screenshot of the sent key, for example).

8 years ago

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ahh - now that sounds better than a reroll - would rather not get into trouble for trying to give aways games :P

8 years ago

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Prepare for a long wait though - I've sent a "Request received feedback" 6 months ago, still waiting....

8 years ago

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Unrelated since it's not actually a feedback request, but a request to revert to the previous winner. So you're comparing something any staff member can handle vs something only cg could do.

8 years ago

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Well, right here Budgie asks that very same thing and Khalaq says it wouldn't take long.

8 years ago

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Doesn't change the fact that what you said was misleading and Loupou will not have to wait anywhere near 6 months

8 years ago

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The winner has 7 days to activate their game (just like you have 7 days to deliver the key ;) ).
Don't know the answer for the rest of the question, though :/

8 years ago

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yeah - that much I know - I did state that I have 2 over the week age :) - keys already sent using the SG button dob :)

8 years ago

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will I be the one who gets into trouble when asking for a re-roll and it turns out that they have used the codes ???


8 years ago

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hmmm - so what would be the point of asking for a re-roll then? not in the mood to get into trouble for someone elses asshattery

8 years ago

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You can ask for a reroll if for example it's a gift and it's still in your inventory. Or if the user has not been online from before you sent the key. In those cases you know you can still give the new winner the game. If you don't - do as SleepyKitten suggested.

8 years ago

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good point - many thanks :) - would prefer to just write it off as people not wanting my gifts, than get into trouble over it :)

8 years ago

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The only "trouble" you would get into would be not being able to give the key to a new winner. You would then have to fix that "problem" by filing another ticket (Request Received Feedback).

8 years ago

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Those tickets take ages to be dealt with though - waiting for my received feedback for 6 months now ;____;

8 years ago

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if you ask for re-roll you will have to provide valid keys for the NEW winners

8 years ago

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yeah - I know - see above answers - the problem is the usual one of not knowing if the keys have been used - so at this point I think I will just submit tickets as per
notes :) cheers

8 years ago

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If you mean in general (and not in this particular case): Rerolls are mostly useful when you check up on your winners before you send the game (which is recommended) and they turn out to have lots of not activated and multiple wins you don't have to send the game, the GA gets rerolled and hopefully this time someone who appreciates the game and adheres to the rules of SG wins.

8 years ago

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yah - this one I know - and I sadly do not do as often as I should :( - no this is for two specific cases that are over the week old and I have attempted emailing and adding on steam - even left a comment on one of their comment sections, but no joy - so I will wait a few more days and then submit the tickets and write them off as just people who don't want my giveaways :)

8 years ago

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This userscript makes checking up on your winners extremly convenient. If you then act on it if you find something is completly up to you. If the infractions are very old and they have activated all their wins since then I normally let it slip ;)

8 years ago

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good to know - thanks

8 years ago

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Here's the long version:

You may ask for a re-roll at any point after the seven-day grace period has expired (or if any other reason to re-roll comes up). If you have given the winner a key, it is possible that he/she may have redeemed the key, thereby preventing you from giving it to someone else. If you find out that the key is now invalid, you may request that the game be marked "Received" by the original winner, instead.

  • When requesting a re-roll, you will need to show Support evidence of your having attempted to contact your winner.
  • When requesting Received feedback, you will need to show Support evidence that you sent (or displayed) the key to the winner.
  • In those situations where a Re-roll or Received Feedback is inappropriate, the giveaway may be deleted with the consent of the winner.

I hope that clarifies things for you.

8 years ago*

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many thanks - very clear -
(Moderator) gave me the heads up :)

8 years ago

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[Edited my response.]

8 years ago

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That actually is confusing :S

If you find out that the key is now invalid, you may request that the game be marked "Received" by the original winner, instead.

The only way to find out the key is invalid, is to have somebody without the game try to actvate it. Do you mean you can ask for a reroll, and if the new winner says it's already used, the support will change the winner again to the original one and mark it as received? O.o

8 years ago

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Yes. The Supermod and Admin have the power to reverse the re-roll and mark it as "Received." (I don't know if Mods can do it, as well.)

8 years ago

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Hmmm, that sounds bad towards the new winner though :S
And won't this process, with the current number of supermods (1) + admins (1), take a few years?

8 years ago*

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I'll step out at this point - as I appear to have kicked the hornets a little bit - which was not my intention - but I do appreciate the help - might check back later if someone could indicate if the synch feature might one day be tied to the gift received feature - perhaps leading to a warning popping up if the person has not synched to check if their win has been activated. This has probably already been discussed and diregarded though. cheers :)

8 years ago

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While disappointment is never fun, it beats the alternative of real loss on the part of the giveaway's creator. No, the process does not usually take that long, and demand for it is much less than for other things.

8 years ago

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Khalaq's wrong, it does take ages. I'm waiting for a "Request Received Feedback" ticket to be dealt with for half a year now ;___;

8 years ago

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Yes, this interests me as well. Greatly.

Edit: Ooooh, interesting. I will still use my method of trying to determine whether it is a reroll or request feedback (especially since it seems the latter's priority dropped significantly, increasing the response timeā€¦ substantially).

8 years ago*

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Can I get some help along these lines...

One of my current winners didn't activate several wins; however, that was 5 years ago and another 3 years ago and they still are not activated. The reroll request specifies only a month ago.

Should I request a reroll, or just send the gift?

8 years ago

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You can try requesting a reroll. In case the user has not been yet suspended for those offenses (which, though, is unlikely), they will be suspended and you'll get a reroll since your winner is suspended. If they have been suspended, your reroll request will be rejected.

8 years ago

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The re-roll request specifies only a month ago.

In other words, if the user has been suspended within the past month, that is grounds for a re-roll. Suspensions older than a month are considered "old news."

8 years ago

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Thanks for the info. I went ahead and requested one, just in case. I figured Support can make the call.

8 years ago

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