I'm still fiddling with the final part. I'm certain I know what I have and where to use it, but somehow it's not working...
I don't seem to understand the entrance system you're using well enough...
A Happy Belated birthday as well! :) I'm sorry I haven't wished you one earlier.
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Well apparently I didn't understand my entrance system very well either because several people have entered in a manner that I was not expecting (although totally legitimate). You've still got a few days and I think there are clues in this discussion. If all else fails, we can talk on Steam.
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Congrats on the solve. In terms of whose brain works like that, I would have thought the majority of people would have the capability to read a question and find the answer. It doesn't seem that hard a concept to grasp. Apparently I was mistaken . . .
Thanks for the bump!
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Hi, somehow I missed this discussion which supposed to be your birthday puzzle..
Anyway, Happy (belated) Birthday!! Sorry I couldn't join the party yet.. :)
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I was wondering when you might show up =o) I expect you'll join the party fairly quickly. It is possible in about 10 minutes . . . others struggle more, but there is a mountain of clues in this discussion if you care to take the time to read them. You have 25 hours remaining.
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Sorry I couldn't make it in time..
I really need more time to solve Q6-10 a lame excuse I know.. :P
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Ah.. I definitely missed that one..
But I still believe with more time I could have found it.. :P
That's a good puzzle you made there combining all three elements.. :)
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Bump, solved ITH. Still working on that very last part. Read all the comments, but just can't put it together...
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bump for solved all, except q6-q10 =_=
Thanks for puzzle and some interesting information about NZ.
And happy birthday, of course!
I understand meaning of these questions, but i failed to get correct answer. It's sad.
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Okay, there isn't any need to disturbe you now, so i'll just come back here later for solution.
And again, Happy birthday! A bit late. =_=
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It was tricky, yes. When flags appeared with names Jack, Andrew and James - I was convinced that's all about history of UK flag. You know, times of King James, when st Andrew flag combined with st George flag become Union Jack. So i tried lots of variants on the supposition that "Andrew' - St Andrew.
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Just got started on this.
Q5: The person I found isn't accepted.
Q6 & Q7: No idea what to do.
Q8 & Q9: How would I know?
Q10: I can't read your mind.
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Okay, got Q6-Q10. That was tricky. :P I was wondering why that was so out of place.
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I'm not a big fan of getting stuck on puzzles. :P I usually run through everything in a single sitting.
And it was very easy.
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That's because people who are too intelligent tend to overthink simple puzzles.
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Haha. Kinda threw me off track with this. http://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/cQdFq1s
Although i did check the source code for each of the GAs anyway but left the ITH since i hadn't encountered someone sneakin in the link like that in an ITH. Well played
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very sneaky link hiding even went back and did those puzzles thinking there might have been something in them to do with the final giveaway
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You could argue that about any puzzle. Sometimes some people can see the pieces and put them together to easily solve the puzzle; however at times seeing that relationship is much more difficult. And what is easy for one person might be difficult for another and vice-versa.
I think I had provided enough hints to lead people to the right solution, but I acknowledge that it would be more difficult if English wasn't your first language. I do wonder how many more people would get the concept if I changed:
If you don't know the answer to a question, try "Did you read the instructions?"
If you don't know the answer to a question, try "Banana"
I would suggest the solve rate would be much higher, but that would contradict your point about finding the link between the different parts of the puzzle. If my assertion is correct, it leads me to believe that people didn't read Q18 closely enough (or struggled with translation) to identify that I was giving them the solution (which just happended to be in the form of a question).
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For me Did you read the instructions? gives me a hind to re-read hints / instruction, OP post and to look for hidden meaning in it. It'd be the same hint for me as for example "look at google images" "try to think backwards" (so I could try to enter answers in reverse order), "try using certain sea code" - to guide me to morse code translator and so on :D
And Banana is something random, so I wouldn't think about it as another hint "way to solve puzzle", and try to do something different with this word.
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I understand your point. Obviously this puzzle was not for you but I'll go back to my earlier comment that what's difficult for some is easy for others and vice versa. If it was too difficult for all, then it would be no fun and if it was too easy for all then it wouldn't be a puzzle!
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I fully agree with If it was too difficult for all, then it would be no fun and if it was too easy for all then it wouldn't be a puzzle! :D
But at the same time you can't say that I was skim-reading your ITH puzzle. I was reading it over and over again, but couldn't find this certain connection.
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Nie martw się . Jestem bardzo zły w zrozumieniu zdania warunkowe w języku polskim (w rzeczywistości zrozumienie polskiego w ogóle ) , więc to chyba mój zły , jak dobrze!
And if that translates into a joke about your mother, I'm really sorry!
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I just thought you were being an instruction nazi, I didn't think you'd mean the actual answer is "Did you read the instructions?" lol You are a true villain.
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I won't go through the answers to all the questions as most were quite straight forward. Q6-9 or Q6-10 stumped a lot of people and it came down to how well you followed instructions and read the questions thoroughly. At the top of ITH, I specifically instructed people to "Read through all the questions before beginning." This should have been a hint that there was something in the questions that would help you. However, even if you didn't take my advice and jumped straight in, you should have spotted the answer I was looking for if you didn't skim-read the questions.
Specifically, Q18 reads as follows (emphasis now added):
The name of that bird is also the name of a fruit. However, in New Zealand we rarely use that name to describe the fruit because it can cause confusion with the bird. If you don't know the answer to a question, try "Did you read the instructions?". So what name do New Zealanders generally use to describe that fruit?
Hmmm . . . if you don't know the answer to a question, try "Did you read the instructions?". So how many people tried "Did you read the instructions?" as their answer to questions 6, 7, 8 and 9? Exactly 57 people, which happens to be the same number of people who solved the puzzle. For reference, "Did you read the instructions?" was also an acceptable answer to Q10 so you didn't need to brute-force this (and Q16). Also, I have absolutely no idea who John, Jack, James, Andrew or anyone else is.
If you solved ITH and got on to the GA Train, you would have noticed that the GA for MKX was in my hidden lair. Some people gate-crashed my lair in a legal way, however, when you solved ITH you were told: "You might also need this . . . 456092fa". This was part of a separate SGTools link which was hidden in the ITH puzzle. If you look at Q6, there is a link "PUZZLE #1:" If you were perceptive, you would have noticed there were actually two links - "PUZZLE #1" and ":". The second link was the intended entrance into the MKX GA once you had solved ITH.
I think that covers everything - drop me a line if you have any further questions. Congratulations to the winners and I hope everyone had fun. Until next time.
There is less than a day to complete the puzzle (closes Fri 18th March 12:00pm NZ Time / Thu 17th March 11:00pm GMT), which should be more than enough time if you approach it the right way. So far there have been 55 solvers, and entries for the 8 GAs range from 8 to 26 - so anywhere from 4% to 13% chance of winning each GA. I'm seeing more and more people get through on their own, which suggests there are more than enough hints in this discussion to solve, so don't expect too much more from me. But if you really are struggling, feel free to ask a question.
Ok, so initially I wanted to celebrate my cake day . . . but that is still 11 months away. So instead I've decided to celebrate my birthday, which conveniently enough is today. And in doing so, I've created a relatively easy puzzle train.
I also wanted to say thank you to the outstanding community here (especially the puzzle creators and solvers). In the one month I've been here, I've constantly been on SG and as a result, my time actually playing games has drastically reduced. As a thanks, I've created a special GA for my whitelist.
Who is on my Whitelist you ask? Well a few random people. You might be on it because:
Whitelist GA here.
If you think I might have missed you from my whitelist, drop me a line and let me know why you should be added.
Back to the train - The puzzle is an easy 20 question ITH I call Kiwi Triathlon. It's a combination of trivia, (simple) jigsaws and riddles. Please read the instructions.
GAs are L2+ (Real CV Ratio 0.2+)
Mortal Kombat X Premium Edition is L3+ (Real CV Ratio 0.2+)
Note this is my first discussion, train, SGTools, ITH and Jigidi so chances are something is broken . . . please bear with me!
Hall of Fame (First 5 entries to Whitelist)
You'll probably struggle more than most with this puzzle, but here it is - Enjoy!
HINTS Added below (damn you Zaugr!!!).
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