Hey there!

I just saw there are DLCs for Batman Arkham City, but they're only available with the BAC GOTY edition. But I already got Batman Arkham City... So am I able to buy the GOTY edition, use the DLC's myself and give away the extra copy of BAC?


Oh, I see I get -66% on GOTY edition. Is it because I already got the basegame? I'm able to purchase it as a gift, I wonder if I get the update or the full GOTY edition for the price :P

12 years ago*

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they are not available everywhere.
A friend of mine asked a friend of his to buy it for him- he resides in UK i think-

12 years ago

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You almost never get an extra copy of the base game if you buy a GOTY edition or a game collection (few exceptions, maybe I'll google the Steam FAQ entry for you).

Edit: there you go

12 years ago

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But it says "Game of the Year includes Arkham City and all DLC!" :P

Edit: Yeah, no, that's not what I meant. It seems like I'm getting a discount for owning the basegame. Now, when I purchase the GOTY as gift with this discount, do I get the basegame + DLCs or just the DLCs?

12 years ago

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Let's assume you purchase it, and instead of adding it immediately to your library, you purchase it for your inventory.

You will then notice, that you only get 1 single item.

When activating this item, you get Batman:AC GOTY, no matter if you already own Batman:AC or not.

If you already own the vanilla version, you will not get an extra copy, it simply will be wasted.
Depending on the game, you will either have 2 entries in your library, or it will simply add the DLCs to your base game (different games handle this in different ways - you will probably get the DLCs though).

HTH ;)

12 years ago

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Hmm, yeah, but I'd try to get more copies with this discount to give them away on SteamGifts or something like that :D

Edit: Seems to work hehe

12 years ago

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You should get a GOTY edition (game + DLC) as tradeable item (well, depending on your selection during check-out) for the discounted price.

Did you try to purchase it as a gift (trying is free, as long as you don't complete the purchase)?

I was only pointing out, that you will not get an extra copy of the base game if you activate the GOTY.

12 years ago

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Yeah, purchased it as a gift with discount, it's in my inventory and I can purchase more copies with discount. Hmm, should I take the risk of getting banned for using a "pricing bug" and buy more gifts? xD

12 years ago

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You won't get banned. It's their error,- all they can do is a forced refund, and even that's illegal in some (most EU) countries.. I find this very curious btw, as I too have the full GOTY game but don't see any form of discount on the store page. Screenshot?

12 years ago

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Yeah, you've already got the GOTY edition, I just have the base game ;)


I think, I won't get any discount anymore if I activate a gift in my account.

12 years ago

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I thought, from what you'd said before, that you still had that price after buying the GOTY edition for yourself. Anyway, what Dopefish said below here.

12 years ago

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It's not a price bug.

I could purchase multiple discounted copies of Zombie Driver HD if I'd choose to, since I own the original game.

It's an intended feature. I doubt that the Devs or Valve would lose money in the process and it's always better than piracy and you still pay more than you would during the 75% off deals.

12 years ago

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Yeah, lets wait for the next deal, maybe I'll get it -75% and -66% xD

12 years ago

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If you want it now, it would be cheaper for you to buy 5 TF2 keys in the market and trade them for B:AC GOTY ;)

Even though that would "only" save you 1.50 - 2 Euro

12 years ago

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For any game collections or bundles you buy off steam, when you activate them on an account that already owns one or more of the items in the pack, you do not get extra copies of those duplicate items, except for some Valve titles (really only a few). There's a thread up on the official steam forums that details which Valve games this counts for.

12 years ago

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I have the regular copy and get the 66% discount too

12 years ago

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I had only vanila Batman AC and then bought GOTY, now I check and still have 66% discount on GOTY. BTW I hate thing that all progress and achievements from vanila don't export to GOTY, you have to do it since 0% (but saves can be relocated manualy from steamapps folder)

12 years ago

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Well, didn't play the game yet, so no problem for me :P

12 years ago

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I'd rather hate that you have two entries for the same game in your library. It pisses me off that sometimes they don't upgrade a game to Game of the Year, Ultimate, Collector's etc editions but put those upgraded editions as completely different game.

12 years ago

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I'm planning on contacting support and asking them to remove the base game from my library after I've purchased the GOTY edition. I figure they won't say no - I'm asking them to remove a game without any compensation!

12 years ago

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It's no a Steam problem.... you will get problems with the new CD KEY and your Windows Live Account, you need to ask one from Windows Live support team to remove BATMAN AC[norma] versionfrom your Account!

12 years ago

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The issue I'm talking about isn't with GFWL - in fact, I haven't even inputted my Arkham City key into GFWL. My gripe is having 2 entries for Batman in my Steam library - Batman Arkham City TM and Batman Arkham City GOTY.

12 years ago

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just get the goty edition, the dlc packs are way overpriced for some reason. £20 each? wha?

12 years ago

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Well, yeah, the problem: I can't buy then anyway :D

12 years ago

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ups it was the wrong one xDDD proof again

now i will download it and try out to activate GOTY on my Windows – Live Account....

UPDATE: DONT ACTiVATE your GOTY IF YOU HAVE THE NORMAL VERSiON. ITs DONT WORK (or your need a second WinLive ACCOUNT)-.- proof, sorry german ^^

12 years ago

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Waaaaaas? Was soll denn die Kacke?!

12 years ago

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jo, keine ahnung was das soll

12 years ago

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Unless you really like to do all those challenges, not really worth getting

12 years ago

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Wait until the next sale. During the winter one I bought GOTY version on GMG for less than $5.

12 years ago

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Or he can wait ten years and get it for free with Buttman: Arkham Hospital pre-order.

12 years ago

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you can ask a russian guy or use vpn >> SEEEEE <<, ^^

12 years ago

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is that a special addon for steam, Id like to have it too!

12 years ago

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If you use...

After you instal one of this AddOns got << here >> and install if he ask(if he dont ask you to install just do it manually). Enjoy =)

12 years ago

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The point was that waiting for a price to drop is nonsensical. Everything loses it's value as time goes by, but by waiting you're depriving yourself of joy. Also more and more games pop up you'd be interested in so your waiting will never end.

Bottom line, buy a game when you want to play it.

12 years ago

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The best price is usually at Amazon I believe they will have both Batman Arkham Asylum and City GOTY version for $10 in the future, currently the best deal is Asylum GOTY and regular City for $10 though I could be wrong

12 years ago

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Remember this one rule about extra copies from Steam:

They only give extra copies if they say they will.

97% of all games will give you nothing extra. The remaining 3% will make it obvious if you can get an extra copy.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by TheTimmaeh.