I also joined to win games. Today the main reason I stay is to get rid of extra keys I obtain from bundles. I also hang out in BAA chat because I like Frivoc. I don't really have other conditions for giving than making it painless. I just don't have the energy to deal with people who cause me any kind of trouble (don't mark received, for example). That's not to say they're worse people. I'd just rather wait until they've leveled up a bit so they will likely know the rules better.
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Former leecher here. Ok, I still leech but I do give now as well
I agree with everything that you've said yet I don't have negative feelings towards people who use sgtools, who only create high level giveaways, who create only forum giveaways, who contribute only in groups where they have the biggest chances of winning, who blacklisted me, not even those who have never given away a game but won 50 games. Why? Because SG needs all of you.
And the only thing I don't like are people who are trying to make others think the same way as they think. And they're showing their magnanimity by not blacklisting anyone, creating only level 0 giveaways and not using sgtools because SG is already divided and conflicted enough yet they come here to the forums to hate everybody who thinks different than them, ranting on everything and everyone.
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came for the trade section, stayed for giving away games for free :D
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My reason for being here? That's easy. I really liked the game I played at that time and I wanted to give it a bit more exposure. So I joined the site to make a giveaway for said game. It is still the same today, there are games that I like and which I wish to spread a bit information about. That is the reason why I'm mostly giving away the same games over and over again. And also the reason I wish more people would actually intend to play their wins and not just collect games. And yea, from time to time I even win something.
Also, what is so bad about some drama? People are expressing their opinions, it isn't thad bad. I mean we are after all free to ignore such threads. There is still a multitude of threads with less drama one can enjoy. And be honest, people here are still tame most of the time. If you want to see some really unnecessary drama go to a popular multiplayer game of your choice and read a random thread in the Steam forum.
And yea, people make mistakes it is common. Probably make more mistake than most people. But I would say it depends if people are willing to learn out of said mistake and also if they are willing to correct their mistake. But I haven't seen that many user showing their goodwill and correcting their mistake. Although it is pretty simple.
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Because while trading for games people asked me to rep them on Steam Trades. :3
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I first joined SG due to a forum that I used to frequent. To make giveaways in their steam group, and of course receive the odd game as well. And that group had a strict "activate everything you win or you're out" rule.
If I could not blacklist the nazi supporters, the people who think it's alright to seriously harass other users, and the people who just sell their wins, I would just have stopped doing public/forum giveaways a long time ago.
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I used to give out spare games from bundles on a forum I was a member of. I saw someone there doing a slightly different thing, giving out the spare games on some suspicious site called Steamgifts, where one needed to register. I never took any keys from the forum, just gave them away, so I didn't check it out at once, but after a while I decided to check the link, which led to me registering, and I started giving out the games here instead.
It didn't take long until I went from giving away bundle leftovers to purchasing (non bundle) games specifically for giving away. I'm still amazed and inspired by all the generous people here, and even though there's a bit of drama every now and then, a significant part of the active community seem to be very nice people.
I've done a little of everything, some public no restriction giveaways, some mid level, some high level, a lot of invite-only giveaways (everything from just links, puzzles to sgtools for people with a certain maximum amount of wins) and whitelist/group giveaways for many different groups. I like that there are several options, and sometimes I like to do giveaways for a select few. If that option was not available, I probably would just skip that giveaway altogether, I wouldn't have made the exact same public giveaway instead, so in my case, having some options/"conditions" leads to more giveaways.
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I can't remember, but probably I was looking for some site were I could win some games, and found this.
Now I know that steamgifts is more than that. It has the Discuss tab too. Now I share I can, while I appreciate every win that I get.
I trade, I comment, Im more active here. Its cool. There's really nice people here and I can learn a thing or too, and help whenever I can.
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I'd gotten a copy of a Worms game (I think it was Worms Revolution? Don't remember, and too lazy to look), and I didn't want it. So I was trying to find someone who would take it, and I was pointed towards this website. Then I just kinda stuck around and kept making giveaways and stuff. The Steamgifts bug bit me and there was no going back. :-)
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One of my major places for giveaways was...
Got lured here by...
Forgot about steamgifts shortly after, but recently found my way back and decided to stay.
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took you an hour to find that gif?
tch tch tch, i expect better from you ;)
and btw, you can use this for all simpsons related gifs: https://frinkiac.com/
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I think I was searching for a GTAV giveaway which I ended up buying last sale xD
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you buy GTA5 instead of dental care for Ally?
good call
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Well number of posts is more or less the same, but it do feel like people are commenting less.
Maybe it's bc it's users we don't know? (and if you mean less thank you's in GAs - well there are people who like me think it's annoying to have inbox filled with "thx" messages : P So I don't say thx everytime I enter GA).
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(and if you mean less thank you's in GAs - well there are people who like me think it's annoying to have inbox filled with "thx" messages : P So I don't say thx everytime I enter GA).
i think that is what she meant ;)
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I had years of unused keys from bundles and liked the idea of being able to give them away because I knew there were so many I'd never play. Turns out I like winning games too though ;-)
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I used to not giveaway bundle games at first since you weren't allowed to, it still feels kinda wrong to me but that's just my weird brain.
I also was a professional leecher at the time, but lately I hardly enter giveaway, unless it's for wishlisted game I really really want (so tell me what you want what you really really want). Also talking to people here makes me feel not as lonely.
Anyway, thanks for not creating a giveaway, I don't like how everyone has to apologize when they don't create a giveaway for their threads. :(
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no GA here
wall of text incoming, sorry :(
i joined the site to leech free games (duh). like a lot of users. started giving extra bundle copies of games i didn't want, then of games i already had.
i remember sgv1. but no strong attachments to it, as i wasn't long enough there (a few months).
last year i stopped entering most GA, except wishlisted ones (reduced the wishlist to 50~ games, which is already 100 again, bummer).
a few months ago i almost stopped coming here. too many fights and drama. (indeed for a whole month i only entered GA, no forum posts or else).
now i'm doing either a medium lvl GA (4-5-6) or low lvl forum GA (2). some puzzles no hard ones.
the most important thing is that i've never used any specific rules and last week i stopped entering GA with "Rules".
i still do group GA, but my whitelist and blacklist are both empty (sorry for the 300+ people who got -1 a while back, still think you are great).
so, what is the point of this thread. i'm guessing just to remind you all (and me) that we are all humans. this place is for giving. giving should be made without any conditions, otherwise it is not giving (imo anyway). the site has its main system for rewarding excessive giving (the level system) and i think that should be enough.
before you jump, yes rule breakers should be punished. but once, not repeatedly. multiple offenses should be punished more severely. you might argue that the current 3-day suspension, or even a month suspension is not enough, but that is beside the point, and for another discussion.
do you honestly believe people can't make mistakes? i believe this place is better then that. and i hope to continue enjoying your company of amazing people. and too meet new ones ofcourse :)
no GA here as well check my profile if you don't believe me
yirg donated a GA :-)
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