no GA here

wall of text incoming, sorry :(

i joined the site to leech free games (duh). like a lot of users. started giving extra bundle copies of games i didn't want, then of games i already had.
i remember sgv1. but no strong attachments to it, as i wasn't long enough there (a few months).
last year i stopped entering most GA, except wishlisted ones (reduced the wishlist to 50~ games, which is already 100 again, bummer).
a few months ago i almost stopped coming here. too many fights and drama. (indeed for a whole month i only entered GA, no forum posts or else).
now i'm doing either a medium lvl GA (4-5-6) or low lvl forum GA (2). some puzzles no hard ones.
the most important thing is that i've never used any specific rules and last week i stopped entering GA with "Rules".
i still do group GA, but my whitelist and blacklist are both empty (sorry for the 300+ people who got -1 a while back, still think you are great).

so, what is the point of this thread. i'm guessing just to remind you all (and me) that we are all humans. this place is for giving. giving should be made without any conditions, otherwise it is not giving (imo anyway). the site has its main system for rewarding excessive giving (the level system) and i think that should be enough.

before you jump, yes rule breakers should be punished. but once, not repeatedly. multiple offenses should be punished more severely. you might argue that the current 3-day suspension, or even a month suspension is not enough, but that is beside the point, and for another discussion.

do you honestly believe people can't make mistakes? i believe this place is better then that. and i hope to continue enjoying your company of amazing people. and too meet new ones ofcourse :)


no GA here as well check my profile if you don't believe me

yirg donated a GA :-)

8 years ago*

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I joined to trade

8 years ago

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I definitely joined because I somehow found out about this site giving away steam games. I had to get on it. I used to enter everything on public. I used to be on this site a lot more. Now I just check in the morning and maybe at night if I'm on the computer. I try to give away any extra keys I have available during special event. Great website, a lot of great people.

8 years ago

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Saw free games, so I came. Saw trading so I commerced. Now I'm a happy trader with a few friends around. Still don't understand the giving away to random people thing, but I don't mind sharing a few games with people I like.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by TinyPurple.