I thought about that but... i still want to play it with mods ^^ Thanks for advice :D
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Bad advice,you must mod those games
My advice though is to always keep a clean save before doing a mods,usually i start the game far enough to at least have my character ready
Always install one mod at a time that way if you add it and the game goes to shit but worked before that you will know what one to remove
I always make several saves,that way i always have one save i can fall back on when a new mod goes wrong,or if the file gets corrupt for some reason,as sometimes it can be corrupted and not because of mods,just because shit happens
Always keep a backup of the complete game before any mods installed so if anything goes bat shit at the most you will just delete the game and re-install
Modding is fun but can be risky but i find if you take your time test each mod it is really low anything will go wrong once you find the set of mods you like you will know they play nice together and can install all of them when you re-install the game or start a new one
That is what i do,one mod at a time and test them once i find the mods i want to use all the time that play nice together i do a save and back up the save and i make note of which mods i installed that way if i add new oens ill know what i added and what to remove or incase i need to do a whole new install i still have my fav mods
Nexus is a good place to go,as it has a mod manager and makes it easy to install remove mods and it lets you mark mods as fav on the site
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thats just silly, esspecially for a game that has a mod creator with it.
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use the Nexus mod manager, it will help alot keeping your mods in order, also make sure to use the 4GB launcher if your are using a lot of mods... and have more that 4GB of memory xD, fixed a lot of crashing for me.
PS: i play mostly with graphics mods, 2k texures, better faces, better sound, better colors.. etc
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What if i don't use a lot of mods but -just in case- try to use 4GB launcher? Is that ok? Also i've been using Fallout Mod Manager instead of NexusMM. What's the difference between them?
This time i'll try your style. Better faces, better textures and colors sounds good enough. Thank you :)
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Ah, ok. Thank you for the list. I'll take a look for them for sure.
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That's just the way it is with mods, some will break your saves or the game itself and that hasn't changed. The only "safe" mods are for cosmetic changes or mods that add completely new worldspace and items without messing with what's already in the game, anything else and you run the risk of glitches.
Best thing to do is read the comments for a mod before you install it and see what issues people have run across while using it then decide if you could deal with those issues if they happen to you.
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What about a "no gore" mod? I don't like gore in this game. Last time i used a basic NoGore mod but i don't know if that caused this mess.
Actually you're right about comments. While i'm playing the game, the game was still new enough and there wasn't so much comment for submitted mods. I'll check them as well. Also Luchingador recommended me to use Nexus Mod Manager; i'll use that too.
Thank you for your time.
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games changed alot since launch, generally a mod works fine with base game ive found, its when you start mixing em things get more interesting, add to that vanilla NV has bugs that werent patched out, obsidian make brilliant games but flawed appears to be ever present among their genius :)
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Nexus Mod Manager is great, I use it when ever I play FO:NV, as you can see from my profile, I have around 160 hours in NV and I only bought it this summer.
I've had minimal problems with mods and the only real problems I've had were because I have so many mods installed.
Last time I checked, I had just under the 135 mod limit for the game. lol
Granted, some of the mods are small, like a single gun or piece of armor etc, but each mod counts towards the limit.
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It's just the way that the game handles content: if you have a save that contains references to content that no longer exists, say pointers to item addresses that no longer exist, it creates an exception that the game is not configured to handle. It's not as bad in Skyrim, which was configured to handle these sorts of things better, probably for ease of use with the Steam Workshop, but you can still have issues such as inventory weight not matching what you're actually carrying. It only gets worse the more intricate the modification you are using gets. That is why in general you are advised not to uninstall mods and then load a save that relies on them, and to always make a save before you install a new modification, and then continue off of a new save slot.
Also, in my experience, I'm not sure what mods you have actually ties into the 'back-up' you make. If I had to guess, when Steam installs a game, a record is kept of what files are installed by default [maybe the checksums as well] and it uses this log when creating the back-up. That is usually why, when uninstalling a game, data not created by the install, such as modifications, alternative launchers, and configuration files are left behind.
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If you use "public-approved" mods, they are usually safe. Always check the mod's description for conflicts, how to uninstall it and what problems (if any) could arise in doing that. Install only mods which you plan to use, since most of the time removal can give errors (which may or may not break your saves, but try to minimize the risk). Absolutely read a guide on how to mod. Lots of issues come not from the mods, but from lack of knowledge on how to mod.
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About how to install a mod or arrange, right? Got it. I always read each mod's installation guides but i don't know if there is a seperate one (actually wgeorg sent some links from YouTube below).
About saves... that's not so possible to try your way. Mine was a script error on "P___num chip" mission end so i couldn't foresaw that and all of my saves are worthless now. Only way is trying mods between missions and try your method but it's not so fun either :/ I'm tired of arrange things in my life, so, no. If it will crash on a bloody mission; i'll quit this game forever :D
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I didn't mean to necessary test all the mods. Just be careful (as mentioned before check the users' comments, complains and issues) and don't install mods you aren't sure you want (specially if they add/change a lot of content).
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I don't know about Ultimate Edition since i have "regular" one with a few DLCs. Shouldn't them all the same in the end... kind of? ^_^
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I would recommend you watch Gophers "Fallout NV: Tutorials for mod users" Playlist:
https://www.youtube.com/user/GophersVids/playlists or
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Honestly, I can't "+1" this comment enough!
Gopher's videos and tutorials are amazing and THE BEST place to go for help/recommendations for FO:NV mods.
He also has some really good play throughs/Let's Plays as well. His latest NV play through, play as the "Jack" character is really good, right now he's playing through the Dead Money DLC (I believe he's still on that one. I really didn't like Dead Money, so I stopped watching, but the main game play through is great).
You can't go wrong with Gopher's vids, if you're just looking for mod tutorials or if you're looking for a series to watch, Gopher has you covered! 8)
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I heard there is some sort of problem that can corrupts saves on New Vegas after the amount of save files get too far or something similar to that. I have no idea if its true, but I use one mod called CASM:NV which is a save manager that creates multiple auto saves and keeps saves <1000 I think, to stop any likelyness of corruption and keep a save file to fall back on.
Also I use the Yukichigai's Unofficial Patch which probably helps stuff.
I also usually keep at least 6 saves going at once, so I have multiple different ones to fall back on as well. I would also make sure your mod list is correctly ordered.
Good luck
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Years ago, when i start to play FONV for the first time, i used many mods and about 30+ hours later i've encountered a bug which prevents me to continue to the main quest (it was the last mission of Lucky... 38, i guess). I couldn't remove any mods from the game because which caused to crash the game when load a save game.
Nowadays, how is modding process for FONV? Any improvements? I want to start it again and also i want to use mods but i'm afraid of save game loss etc. Any advices about this?
p.s. If needed, i can provide you the list of the mods i used before since i archived them on my FONV Steam backup DVDs. But that's ok, i already forgot the game and a clean start would be better.
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