One game I enjoy even despite how old it is, would be Command and Conquer: Renegade. Mostly because the community is still alive, there's new maps for it on some servers, and so on.
It's unfortunately not free yet, although that might happen later on if EA keeps adding old CnC games to the freeware list.
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"Command and Conquer? I miss those games on console, didn't realize there was a good one on PC..."
You, sir, have a lot of making up to do to the RTS gods. I'm not usually a PC > console person because I happily own both, but for the love of god, don't play RTSes on consoles. That's just not right. There's a guy who married his pillow in Japan and he is looking down on you in embarrassment.
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RTS's sure. But what about TBS's? I played X-Com UFO Defense ONLY on Playstation 1! (and only for a while before the insane difficulty made me angry enough I traded it to my uncle).
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If TBS is turn-based strategy, those are fine. It's just that RTSes have so much going on that you really do need a keyboard and mouse to properly play them as they should be. There's been attempts to do a proper console RTS, but the best I've seen has been Halo Wars and, while that was absolutely brilliant for what it was, what it was was incredibly basic compared to a PC RTS.
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IIRC Renegade is the FPS one. The RTS ones are what I prefer (mainly Red Alert 1 and 2). There's so many maps, mods, conversions, etc for them on sites like moddb, raden, etc that they never get old to me. Gotta love rules.ini
Settlers 2, 3 and 4 are games I always come back to as well.
I don't know how easily it would be to find online matches for any of the above though since I generally just play skirmishes against the AI but they're all old enough now that they should be quite cheap to pick up.
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I like games that have their "mojo", you know a good game by having fun even you finish it [gta:vc,sa ,scrapland, binding of issac, etc.]
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It kind of depends on if you like it or not, but I would say it has a ton of replay value. I put in over 150 hours.
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Indeed back in the day every game reached a new corner and you didn't need much to be entertained. Now everything is done 1000 times before and just doesn't have that same great feeling.
Only new game that I did get this oldy newy feeling with was Bioshock, but once you complete it there's nothing else left to do. A competitive multiplayer game perhaps? Like League of Legends, Dota or some MMO to throw time in. If only Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory wasn't so dead. Diablo 2? Starcraft I-II. Anything with endless multiplayer funsies I guess.
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I do love and still play League for well over 2 years now:)
Great suggestion for those trying to find a good game to stick with. Without friends, though... solo queuing is a rare occurance, so i try to find something to pass my time until people get online... you know?
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Honestly, I can play pl_badwater on TF2--just that one map--and be happy for an entire year.
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Just pl_badwater is enough for me.
Heck, I could live solely on arena_ mode.
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I like seeing what all kinds of different people bring to the table when making a game, so I switch games often. Bundles FTW.
The only game I keep going back is Rock Band for my Xbox, but that is just for when friends are over.
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1) I knw that feeling and it started when my Steam Library ws groeing heavily due sales and this site. I want to keep focused on 1 game but I cant. I got to many good. :(
2)TF2 (mostly with friends)
3)F2P (But the F2P aspect i really good made. No downsides exept for a smaller inventory. But I bought myself premium for 0,29€ anyway)
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Yes. I love switching from game to another game, particularly indie games. Right now, the only game that I haven't got bored of is Binding of Isaac. But I stopped playing BoI because I already achieved Platinum God.
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1) Do you like switching from game to game often?
well, it depends on my mood really. Sometimes I switch between games and sometimes I go for a 100% first then switch
2) Do you have a game in mind that you haven't gotten bored of after at LEAST a year of play time? (if so, what?)
Yup, Battle Pirates. Sadly, I left it only because it takes all my time and I need to study. Seriously, when I play it time goes by so fast without me even realizing it.
3) Is this game pay to play, pay to win, or free to play / win?
Free to play/win. You gotta be patient though :P
check it out XD
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I will ease up the search for you ;)
Also check out their War Commando and Backyard Monsters they both are nice games and worthy of addection :D
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1) yea. I play games based on my mood. Sometimes it's platformer, sometimes its quirky indie game, sometimes its TBS, sometimes it's FPS
2) I think I have a solid year of playtime of TF2 in-game. Ok, not quite. It's actually just 1/3rd of a year
3) free to play, skill to win, pay to have hats
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Lets say you're walking through a dungeon with a giant spider as an ally. No, this is not WoW. You're killing dragons with a gesture of your hand. You're too overpowered for them, or any other place in PvE. You move on to the next game... And the next... and the next. Each one has something in common.. It's so boring after so many days... I have 41 games on steam, and a few other downloaded games, and still nothing to play because they are so boring. (especially the games you can beat and then what?)
1) Do you like switching from game to game often?
2) Do you have a game in mind that you haven't gotten bored of after at LEAST a year of play time? (if so, what?)
3) Is this game pay to play, pay to win, or free to play / win?
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