baah, children are almost nothing more than animals if there are no intelligent humans or society involved in their growth, the "pure heart" is only product of good "parenting", we are not born with it
And I don't think this is last "proof" that the current generation is totally idiotic. It's always said by the idiotic generation about next generation. No need to put few cases as the current generation and make it that 100% of people in this generation is idiotic. There are always and always will be rotten things.
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Easier way to put this : People learn from doing. You start off as a bad knowing nothing, so it's pretty normal to expect a kid of a young age to do stupid stuff. Clearly your brother didn't know the ins-and-outs of the good and bad results of what he was doing.
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Downloading Porn on your Mothers Phone is better to explain than My Little Pony ._. Dude seriously: What is wrong with you ? :D If I'd download MLP on my or my parents phone, they'd kick me out. If I'd download porn on my or their phone, they'd probably say: "Son. I'm proud of you".
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Oh good, at least someone on here was raised normal with good parents. :)
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There isn't any proper public education anymore. Maybe never were, but the people who were born in "the previous generations" had to help out their parents around the house, maybe even work part time jobs to provide. They were introduced to responsibilities, and things that come with adulthood. While most of the (modern world's) youth are not. Also when I was in high school I lived in a hostel (the school was far from home) I lived in a room with 3 other guys. I'm comfortable in any social situation, and living with others. While "todays's kids" grow up being on the two different sides of phone screens, I think that's part of the problem as well. The don't develop enough social skills, and are not "street smart".
Altho it's not a "generation's" fault, and I do think, this whole generation thing is dumb. People are different, so are kids, and unless they get into real trouble, maybe it's best for them to live a minor's life while they can, with all the silly dumb stuff they doy.
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Agreed. Thinking about life a hundred years or more ago, there was no separate social structure for kids. They worked side by side with adults their whole lives and were given ever-increasing responsibilities until adulthood. Additionally, there was no government safety net, so being an idiot had real consequences which kids are now insulated from by parents, teachers, government and so on. Too often a kid gets into trouble and what do parents do? -- They try to get them out of it and avoid the consequences rather than a) teach them beforehand what those consequences are, and b) make them go through the ordeal they put themselves in.
For example, I knew when I was a kid that if I ever did anything that would land me in jail, I would have to stay there at least 24 hours before I was bailed out and if I committed a crime I would have to admit my part in it and take what was coming to me. Obviously, that same way of thinking was ingrained in me for even the little stuff - i.e. actions have consequences we must live with; and in order to grow into a responsible adult, you can't be shielded from that.
Folks today are like animals in that we are constantly told to do whatever feels good in the moment and a ton of people do. But a lot of what I have today in terms of my belongings and experiences that I cherish came by doing the opposite - by doing what I hated to do because I knew the results would be worth it. Add to that treating others with respect and not having an entitlement mentality and those things have taken me pretty far. It is a shame this little brother hasn't been taught these things or had them required of him.
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but the people who were born in "the previous generations" had to help out their parents around the house, maybe even work part time jobs to provide.
I assure you that kids still do help around the house of the current gen. If they dont, then thats on the parents, not the kids. Its takes a community to raise a kid and some such.
People of later generations like to blame the newest generation for their faults, but forget that they are the ones responsible for bringing up the newest crop of kids. Parents, at least in the US, are growing more and more terrified of letting little Sue do anything on her own or to express herself and it manifests itself in these issues we see. The generations before also had the same exact issues the current generation does, if not more so for some things.
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Let's just wrap them in bubble wrap and cater to their every need! Give them everything they want just so we don't have to be the bad guy (aka parent) to the kids. Then go on to wonder why "kids these days" don't want to have any responsibilities, or consequences for their actions, not to mention the lack of respect that some display. No, it's not all parents and not all kids, but there are a lot that I have seen, and a lot of the time - it's on the parents.
Also, schools these days are contributing to this with their strict rules (like heaven forbid you play red-rover, tag, or ass burner) - and when kids are bad they just get free days off of school...I don't understand.
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Yeah, this. What's happening it's we're getting older, forgetting how dumb we were, and deciding that surely we were never so stupid as young people today. Like every generation in the history of mankind, we're mainly wrong (though it's perfectly plausible that the OP's little brother is in fact dumber than he was, based on that story).
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He's basically drowned in his own testosterone. He'll probably be more or less a normal young adult when he hit 20.
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Now, I must say that what he did was not as idiotic as what you are doing. Posting your stories on this site like it was 4chan to gain something. Sympathy? Like you are ever going to get it. Grow up.
BTW, as a small tip from me to you, dont assume you know best. There may have been reason for why someone would buy one game for more money than an entire bundle for loss. Let us see if you are able to understand why. Good luck. Seems like you will need it.
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A holier than thou, eh? Well sure, if he did so to support devs i wouldn't mind, but he doesn't give two shits, and the money he spends comes from my paycheck too buster. Me and my sister give him pocket money, and we aren't well off. And uh, i'm sorry, we can't post anything on the internet at all regarding personal matters? Awww. Guess we better bow down to you, and stop posting threads like this!
Also, don't assume anything too.
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People like to share experiences and thoughts in a place where they spent their time before. Now why would he/she go about posting this on 4chan (or any other site) if they didn't know about it?
If you didn't know, an individual can lessen their emotional troubles by sharing it with someone. Sure they can share with their friends/family. So, why not the internet? It has become a large part of our life anyway.
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You should beat the shit out of him. That will teach him to respect and fear you. And obey your orders. If not, beat him again. And again.
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Are you fucking stupid.
It's not about fucking obeying, but understanding what's wrong with it. Otherwise he'll just do it again, not to mention how you'll affect him inside his head. But it's not like you'd even care, being on top of your high horse the way you are.
Would you also beat someone up because they're gay?
It's because of people like you the world is retarded.
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Why would he beat him up if there's nothing wrong with him ? You both make no sense ... Beating him would make things worse actually -.- that's completely retarded and fucked up ... At that point, beating him repeatedly is exactly like throwing a knife at someone, it's STUPID. And an accident could happen ...
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What's wrong with kids these days is the world they live in.
Your brother is just another idiot, among many.
The world should have ended a long time ago.
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I don't exactly see the problem. I mean, I watched porn when I was like 13. And yeah sure, it was stupid of him to download it on his mom's phone, but he's pretty young to think of anything better.
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My girlfriend's 15yo (male) cousin has his favorite pornstars listed on his facebook.
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I'm not sure if people here just wanna ignore the fact that this generation is idiotic like you said or what...
SWAG,YOLO,#hashtags,twerking,duckfaces,fans of 1d,jb suiciding cause of them and much, much more...
P.S. I'm talking about my country. Dunno about others.
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You can't judge the whole generation basing on one kiddo. Besides, puberty, like the guy before has said, it's the most irrational part of everyone's life.
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If at the moment he bought Batman, he knew that the HIB exist then yea, its kinda stupid. But if he didnt knew? that doesnt make him stupid. No one knows everything and updated on everything in the internet right?
About the other thing, yes.. thats stupid. I'm glad my young brother is 23. He is a grown man :)
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jesus... you lost fate in your brother because he bought a game for 1.50 $ more. And oh no your mom found out he downloaded a porn. You know he seems to be retard for throwing the knife at you, but stop bitching about it on the internet as fluttershy Only because you have a moron as a brother, does not mean all people are bad.
Just man up...
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113 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by meneldur
Welp, my little brother did it again. My mother caught him downloading porn. Best thing? IT WAS ON HER PHONE. Fcking idiot. You know what he said? He clicked a link on FB and totally by accident downloaded a 3 minute porn video! Best excuse ever.
If you recall, I lost faith in him when he bought Arkham City for $7.50 when the Humble WB Bundle was out for only $6.....
Seriously... What is going on with kids these days....
Post any experiences with your own idiotic sister/brother =_=
EDIT: He's 14, hitting 15, and he's supremely rude to me, and rejects all my advice, and once threw a knife at me once, so you'll forgive me if i don't act as a bigger brother.
MORE EDITS RAWR: Have you ever thrown a cutting knife at your brother tho~ I think i've earned the right to diss him ._. Also, I could've publicly humiliated him via FB, but i'm still not that cruel. Keep pushing me anons!
Seriously how many more edits: Yes peeps i did tell him about the HB! And yes, i lost faith in him because after showing WB bundle to him he still goes and buys batman. For me, that's a huge deal that says a lot about street-smarts. He essentially failed his immensely huge lineage of asian culture (Yes, I'm not afraid to admit it, we asians are hugely cheap. Have you seen us? My cousin literally bargained for rice that was already $1 a kilo. And yes, we got it for $0.80 a kilo. Ten kilo bags.) Where are these edits going.
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