..not planing on gifting anything to others. So far.

Would that be ok for you?

I mean, what I actually want to figure out by starting this thread: Are people around here actually selfless, keeeping an + 1:1 ratio?

Or is it more about beeing a frantic shopper on steam and bundles sites and than gift the stuff you don't really want, reconsidered, and instead get the more pricy games you really want through gifts?

Where do you get the keys that you gift? Why do you participate here? Why invest time in ascending in this community, which isn't about some common issue or activity, but just wining and gifting games?

Is it just an outsourced branch of the steam community, where those people with noteworthy virtual capital already know each other?

I'm not big in internets/communities. The title of the thread is actually pretty precise. So excuse my questions if you think their're naive.


Since answers keep repeating and I guess most people won't read my other posts in the topic, I just wanted to clarify again: I'm not saying, hey I am totaly selfish and proud of it. I just wanted to know about the motivations of people and how that community works, starting with the reason thar brought ME here. Yes the title of the discussion is a bit provocative. I have my answers now and I'm pretty sure I WILL gift something here if I can spare it in the future.

So, thanks again for you understanding replies.

To those who call me a leech: I guess you call that people in real life as well. So I really don't care what you think about me and I really don't need your gifts.

8 years ago*

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I came to give away games. I've tried sending off excess bundle keys to friends, but I've failed to find takers for a lot. This lets me clear out the unredeemed keys from my bundle account collections and make people's days.

The generosity of people here is stunning, and I'd like to contribute to it. Ever since I've qualified, however, I've been limiting my GAs to people who have contributed SOMETHING. I suggest trying making a GA, as I predict you'll find it rewarding.

8 years ago

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Number of people that have account on steamgits right now is getting close to a million. That's quite a bunch.
So that means you can make up any theory you want as to why they came here and it will definitely apply to some of those people.

8 years ago

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I can't say that I've given lots and lots away yet. I'm fairly new, but similar to others, I've had some extras from bundles and the fact that I have keys for games (sometimes really good games) that are just lying around irritates me. I don't mind games I'll never play sitting in my steam library, but the thought of keys that are not activated keeps me up at night. I even put my games on a list for some IRL friends, but the response was pretty muted. So I ended up here, and I've been giving away copies to (hopefully) people that appreciates it and plays the games.

I also think you are probably overestimating how easy it is to win on this site. I only enter things that are of interest to me and with more 300 entries, my name has yet to be drawn from the hat. I'm sure if you enter every single giveaway you qualify for, you'll win something eventually, but there's no guarantees. Personally, I like to keep track of what goes into my library. Also, a great deal of giveaways are set to a higher level that 1, so leeching can only get you so far.

Good luck with your plan, I guess. I don't see it being the guilt-free buffet of free games that you're hoping for, but I've been wrong before.

8 years ago

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This is a cool community, and I definitely enjoy hanging out here. Even charity is not entirely altruistic; whenever I give to charities I feel good about myself, and/or not guilty for not helping people who have it worse off than me. Similarly I enjoy giving away games to people who may not be able to afford it, and it's nice to receive recognition and appreciation for a giveaway too.

From a practical point, you can get rid of bundle keys that you'd never play otherwise, and get a chance to win games that you will (maybe). I've played all my wins, and only enter giveaways that I want but there are others that do it as a game collector or for the cards which is cool too. And like others have said, once you're here for a while you often want to make better and better giveaways, trains, etc. so the metagame becomes a hobby in and of itself.

8 years ago

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We get games here, also do giveaway out because we care.

8 years ago

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People will probably blacklist you for this topic, because there is some arbitrary concept of "leeching" in the heads of some users.
IMO, if you come to only win some games you'd like to play, feel free to enter anything that looks good. As long as you actually play the damn stuff and not just hoard them, they at least end up at someone who appreciates them to a degree.

8 years ago

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I don't mind leeches but I sure do mind people that don't play the darn game or at least start it once to give it a go.

8 years ago

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The question is: Why are you here ?

8 years ago

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No addiction says the group therapist. I tend to believe.

8 years ago

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I like how you pick up attention. Very original, although a little bit anxious for no reason. Good luck with your blacklists

8 years ago

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blacklisting someone who is registered for 1 day is pretty stupid, if you ask me. ^^ let's be honest, the vast majority registers because of free stuffz, and that's totally fine. the transition to an elite member with 1:10 ratio comes later. ;)

8 years ago

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Thats true

8 years ago

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Indeed. I made a giveaway only after i won something.
I also did something that cannot be erased even if I wanted to.. I wanted to break the $30.0 CV barrier because it was cool for some reason and I made a random dlc giveaway =x

I am no elite though x3

8 years ago

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I'm kinda new here and I only joined for free games (didn't we all?). Turns out I got addicted to doing giveaways instead. It's true that I've only given away bundle games till now, but I only discovered how to know if a game is bundled yesterday. So I'll definitely do an unbundle giveaway soon.
It's also really nice to join discussions and listen to share and listen to new opinions

8 years ago

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when i was new here, i just wanted some free stuff. and i gifted games purely to raise my CV and therefore my chances to win games myself. but that quickly changed. now i love this community, and i gift games because it's fun for me. and i like making someone happy from time to time. i invested way more money into this than i got out of it, and i'm totally fine with that. ^^

if you only registered to get the chance for some free stuff, that's completely fine, if you ask me. and if at some point you won a few games, maybe you consider giving the community something back.

welcome to SG! :)

8 years ago

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Found this site in a time where I lost a lot of faith in humanity seeing so many generous people on here made my tiny lil black heart warm a lil sure I can't give as much as most but it does make you feel good inside to know that somebody has a game they wanna play. Gamers usually online are really hatefull but on here people really only get hateful if you break a rule which is fair. and ofcourse getting a chance too win games you wanna play is awesome. Thanks to everyone on steam gifts for restoring some faith in people for me. Wish you all greatness in yer lives =p Arf .!.

8 years ago

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Most of the time I will dump my leftover bundle keys and try to win keys for similar games (bundles that I missed, or that I didn't purchase because there was just one or two games I didn't own).

Sometimes I will have extra money and make some decent giveaways with non-bundle keys and improve my "real" gifted:won ratio. Sometimes I won't be able to do so and my ratio will drop in time. Depends a lot on RL and how it all goes. I try hard to keep a 2:1 ratio though.

8 years ago

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I iike being here.
There are interesting people around.
I learn new things.

When I have money I try to buy something to make others happy.

But there is no obligation as you have to make giveaways.
I will accept you as you are :)

8 years ago*

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Well that's a understandable question :)

I like being here, I like making giveaways and it makes me feel part of the community.
Do I give away bundle leftovers? Yep
Do I buy bundles or games from the store just to give them away? Of course

I like doing that, especially when the winner is someone who really enjoys the game he entered for and he's happy to have won it. I wish I could giveaway more but I'm always tight on money so I do what I can :p
Note about cv: no I don't do it to increase my CV, I don't really care about it :3

Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy your stay here :D

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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I'm here for the cats and other stuff.

8 years ago

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i was once skeptical on this site as well when i joined but after winning my first giveaway and than another i decided to give something back to the community and before i knew it i surpassed giving away more than 50 games wich is nothing compared to some GA giants on this site ;p.
Giving away stuff can be quite addictive !

I don't think your obligated to giveaway anything but reaching level 1 is quite easy with a giveaway of less than 30 cents

I mainly buy my games from steam usualy during sales i hardly buy bundles and i tend to giveaway games wich can reach people on both sides of the level spectrum by usually giving away games wich arent bundled or havent been giving away yet or often [besides the lvl 0 games to welcome new people to the site. ]

During my time here i got to know a nice community here wich the majority of it are really awesome people making discussions to debate something, troll something make people aware of real life issues informative topics and funny topics and topics to put a face on people's avatars. As for me i like participating in these discussions and feelng welcome in the community. thanks to this i got several steamfriends from SG wich i have played co-op with, got invited to several awesome groups and been blessed to be chosen into several WL and i won some nice giveaways too.

In terms of your question all i can say is that i believe in karma ;p

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You don't know it yet, but I bet even in you is a hidden selfless guy. Just try it, go to Indiegala and buy the Take-Off bundle. Then play Red Faction or whatever you like, give Darksiders to a beloved friend of yours and gift the rest on Steamgifts. All will be happy (including you), furthermore you will level up here and get a chance on better giveaways here. First steps to addiction. :)

8 years ago*

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You know, alomost 1 year ago I came here to get some free games... Well, I think you can check where I'm now)

And welcome to SG ;)

8 years ago

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Nice thread here. I also only gave away games I did not want to play, until now. Never tough in buying a game to give someone (excluding real life friends) I also have lot's of games I want to buy for myself and even on 50% sale sometimes I don't buy em, guess I like to spend my money on other things
Maybe I'll do more GAs when I have a job and earn my own money

8 years ago

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Most people start out with a similar mindset but after the rush of the first few wins has faded you will realize that you won't have a chance to win the good stuff unless you give something away yourself. So you buy something 90% off and give it away and everything is great. The next offer is just 75% off but it's a real great game you'd like to play yourself if you had more time so you still buy it and give it away. Then you waste some time on the forums and meet some of the fun people around here and get invited to GA groups with cool people and higher odds of winning.
It's a vicious circle... get out while you still can.

8 years ago

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Welcome. You'll miss most GAs because no one really makes lvl 0 ones, unless some crappy bundle games, and even if there's a better game for lvl 0, there will be 10k leechers on it, so you'll most likely not win it.

8 years ago

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The best thing about this site is that it doesn't require from you to do giveaways. It doesn't require even saying "thanks" if you win. It doesn't require anything at all but activating your win and to not be a cunt. And it's beautiful. You are free. You can leech as much as you wish and we'll be cool with that. Most of us came here for free games too and the greatest thing about all this is that lots of people start giving just because they want to and there is no power which says "you have to do it". People find happiness in sharing that is why this community is so lovely unlike any other. We are doing giveaways because we are enjoying other people's happiness. If this reason is not enough for you then I don't feel like trying to convience you to anything :) This is your life, your decision, do whatever you like :)
Cool that you've started this discussion :)

8 years ago

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I'd like to make his words mine :D

8 years ago

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