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TLDR: Go out, there's nothing for you here. There is no summing things like this up.
Feel free to comment on one of the videos but not all, or do whatever you feel like.
Disclaimer: I have no part of this channel whatsoever, I do simply find their videos extremely, well thought through, and I find them to always give me a thing to think about, they all serve a good purpose.
For any of you not speaking swedish, there are subtitles to english, and I've seen some of them myself, and they are really good translations to be honest, so don't just click away because they speak a different language then you! You should know how to activate subtitles on youtube.
The ones i consider worth watching:
PS: This first one doesn't have subtitles, I included it anyway because I think what they say is of no importance. (it's basically got no speech at all, no dialogues whatsoever)
Jag ska döda er ungjävlar!/Jag ska mörda er jävla idioter! = I'm going to kill you fucking children!
(watch first!) Personal Comment: Being very religious, this makes me think a lot about the part of turning your cheek, and "If your worst enemy tells you to walk 1 mile with him, walk 10 miles with him.". Not correct wording on the quote there but, whatever. I also think what I would do myself in such a situation, where I was one of the kids who had been tortured (possibly every day) by my father, and then something like that happens. Would I run or would I help? Being the person that I am today, knowing what I know, I would probably have ran to be honest. Or would I? I'm not entirely sure, because I've never faced a situation like that. I have been bullied to a point of deep depression over atleast 2,5 years of constant physical and mental bullying. I would still help those people in need, that is the closest I would get to things like that, which is not even near in terms of mental problems.
(watch before reading!) comment: This video basically just takes up todays problem with racism, how everyone consider everything to be grounded on racism when it could be on something completely different, how people feel offended for no reason other then feeling offended by the person using a word in particular or misinterpreting what they just said. For example, many people think that's it's hard to tell that black woman on the bus to move their fat ass from the two seats they're taking, because they're afraid of being called a racist, which they might be if the woman in question is "abusing her color". This does sound extremely silly, but it's still happening. The turned around rasicm where black people are racists to white people, and of course the nazi in the end which is some kind of racist to every kind of race there is except himself.
(watch first!) comment: This is my personal favorite, this clip has a record for me. There is not a clip that has made me laugh, think so hard (philosophic wise) in many years before seeing this clip, I believe this was the first video clip I saw from these creators. Is this philosophical video? That's for you to decide, but for me, this is not the most philosophic video. For the people I have showed it to, they have mostly just thought I'm some weird ass guy for watching this, and they said this was probably the most sick shit they've watched in years. Am I a sick person for thinking this is highly amusing and interesting in a way I cannot explain? After watching this video once again, I will answer a yes to that question. I am a sick person, and so are you. We all are. Maybe it is philosophic anyway, I just didn't realise it at first. I love this one.
(watch first!) comment: This is placed in a warzone, but the purpose of this video (for me, you might interpret this in a entirely different way) has nothing to do with WW2 or anything. It's just another "life is unfair" video, in this part where it's about work. How this guy with his guts flowing out being very positive and everything, doing his Generals shit job and being brain wasched into thinking he's doing a very good job and thinking that everything is very fair. The german doesn't know he got a shitty job until this other guy tells him how "good" his own is, even if they have the kind of same job. The thing is that they both have it shitty, but they don't know it.
(watch first!) comment: I don't have much to say on this video, it's basically just saying: "Life is a pain in the ass, and most of the time you got to take grasp on the problems yourself, and not wait for others to solve them". This goes out to everything basically, rasicm, the enviroment, bullying, everything. A prime example is how those people who join these anti-bullying groups in school, but never do anything. Damn I was always woundering how much these people actually did except just eating cake and talking on their meetings. I never saw them doing anything "in-action" and never heard of any of them. The teacher just talked to the dudes and called their parents, these people did nothing as far as I know. This video also is a sign of: "You may be a bad person, but whatever you have done, you can change". This blue man was a rasistic criminal, but after a memory loss he is actually deep down a very good person. Most of us are, deep down. The ones that aren't, they need help, and they probably have some mental issues from their childhood, or something like that.
I'm sorry if my comments aren't philosophical enough for you, regardless, if you watched any of them, leave a comment of what you think. I'll read everything and respond accordingly for further discussion.
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