I have decided to start a youtube series where I review each game in my Steam Library. As a novice youtuber/streamer, I don't expect much of it, just wanted to check out games I have and leave a review while I am at it :)
My question is, what kind of videos would you like? Completed games gameplay? Just the first 30-45 minutes without edits? In addition any other idea/comment would be fine.

I was also thinking of making an table and end every video with stats for like 10s or so. Maybe finish with a steam review screen.

Tnx in advance

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I most definitely will, just wanted to know people's opinion on what makes a review good or worth watching or reading :)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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That sounds interesting, got a link?

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I look either for a short 2-3 minute review (preferably as objective as possible) or a raw gameplay to see if I'd like it gameplay-wise. So to me a perfect video review would be ~1 hour video with 2-3 minute review followed with raw gameplay. It should be very well described, so I wouldn't thought it is 1 hour review. Side note: when I see 2 hour gameplay and a guy spends 1 hour in a character customization mode (or similar) I want to scream my rage into a pillow.

5 years ago

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But as Urthemiel wisely said it might be reasonable to start with something comfortable to you. From my experience if one don't want to lose motivation it is better to start small, like very small, even fight with oneself to keep it small, so it won't become a demanding, time-consuming job.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Have you ever watched somebody doing it, waiting for your turn? :D

Seriously though I love doing them too but not watching them in the gameplays :)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Thanks for the input, exactly what I wanted to know :)

I also hate those long character creation videos :D

5 years ago

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2-5 minute long. 15 is about max for me, for some very complex games. I want to get a good, in-depth review, not waste my time.

5 years ago

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Do you think comparing them to other games of the genre is a positive or negative thing?

5 years ago

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Positive, as long as the other games are reasonably well known, or if they are recommended over the reviewed game.

Also, I would recommend, that you create a very short, but flashy intro, much more like a BOOM or "Here we go again...", not the common 20+ second long Tralalalbadambanbodamboodam, trying to compete with intros of Monty Python's movies.

5 years ago*

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Please do something other reviewers or lets players don't do already or at least do it somewhat differently, perhaps by providing insight into something others miss or skip. I can watch raw gameplay on any other video too and those videos will likely come up far ahead of yours.

5 years ago

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You are correct, which is why I am consulting the community, however it is very hard to be different and new at this modern age :)

We will see how things go

5 years ago

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I'd prolly stick to some under 5 minute reviews. Like show case some gameplay for it, but maybe show gameplay clips that show examples of what you're talking about.

5 years ago

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You are going to share reviews or gameplay? Those are different things.

5 years ago

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My idea is to make reviews, using gameplay videos, but primary idea is reviewing games from the steam library.

5 years ago

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I thought you were gonna record gameplay when you said that

Completed games gameplay? Just the first 30-45 minutes without edits?

Anyway. I think using gameplay is good idea, but instead of first xx minutes, edit good gameplay parts of the video.

5 years ago

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I was just saying that as examples of videos I see. Editing best parts is what I was considering too. Thank you

5 years ago

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I like to watch the start of the game like first 30 minutes and how someone feels playing it what is the graphic and controls etc. and then 15 minutes past someone finished the game and what is his opinion after the end as some games can be fun at start but get boring after a few hours or can have shity endings etc.

5 years ago

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As a novice youtuber/streamer, I don't expect much of it, just wanted to check out games I have and leave a review while I am at it :)

This! If you're just starting out, I would recommend going with what you're most comfortable with, depending on how much time and effort you can invest in your videos and reviews, and then tweak your process through feedback.

Different people like different things and it can be difficult to cater to them all. For now, just try to put yourself in their shoes and think what you'd like to see if you're your audience. Maybe you like short vids, then by all means, go with that. You'll eventually find your audience.

Oh, and grab a couple of friends and get them to give you some honest feedback. Some of the people who watch your streams/vids will also have opinions and feedback as well. Be sure to take note of those and decide which stuff you can implement and give them a try.

Good luck! :)

5 years ago

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Thank you, I already have some people in mind. But online communities are larger and which better than a gaming one like here on SG :)

I will try to improve as I go along, there are a lot of games to cover.

5 years ago

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5 years ago*

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I will try ;)

5 years ago

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I'd agree with what most of the other commenters have said. What is most important is that you enjoy the process of making the video and have an end result that you yourself would be interested in seeing. If you are comfortable when making the videos, the review will be much better. I'd also consider just how much time you really want to devote to the review process, which you might not know until you actually give making one of these videos a try. Especially if you have lengthier games in your library that you might have to replay.

If you are merely looking for input on the most popular review formats then I think it is best to go one of two ways. Either focus on the short (2-10 minute) neutral review or do a longer let's-play or gameplay video. Those are probably the most common videos people check out when trying to determine if they want to play a certain game.

I was also thinking of making an table and end every video with stats for like 10s or so

Not sure what you mean by this exactly, but a clear numerical rating is always nice to see when someone is rating a game. 8/10 is easier to conceptualize than "It was good but not great."

Good luck!

5 years ago

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Something like (this is improvisation):

Gameplay 7/10
Story 6/10
Controls 7/10
Fluidity 3/10
Music 2/10

and then average score of X=5

In a way that can be used for all games.

5 years ago

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That seems like a good system and a good number of categories- enough to give an idea of just where a game excelled and where it fell short but not so detailed as to bog down your viewers.

Just a suggestion, but in your first couple of videos you might want to end them by asking people for advice on what categories are most helpful to them. I don't know what type of games you like to play, but that might determine which aspects matter to the people likely to view your reviews (i.e. story is probably very important in RPGs or adventure games but might not matter as much if you mostly play and review RTS or FPS games).

5 years ago

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It almost sounds like you want to do 2 different things, and that's fine. Actually, it's great! Sometimes, I want a simple 5-10 minute review (depending on the game; you couldn't do something like Transistor justice in only 10 minutes, I don't think.), and sometimes, I just want to watch some gameplay and judge for myself. So, why not do both? Lots of YouTube channels these days have multiple series going on at once; Stop Skeletons From Fighting, for example, has Punching Weight, Past Mortem, and a few others, including your basic bro reviews. My suggestion is to title them to keep them straight (something like Goofy Gameplay and Rabbit Reviews, but something not that stupid, of course), and make concise, descriptive reviews, as well as gameplay videos.

Gameplay is usually the best thing to use to judge whether or not you'll like a game, so straight gameplay (skip over the 3 hours of cutscenes in the beginning, the title, all that stuff that nobody cares about unless they're actually playing), and get right into the action, maybe even showing several parts of the game that showcase different things you'll run into, or the levels at which you'll encounter them, as games generally become more difficult and complex as they go on. I'd recommend not having commentary on these, because that usually gets annoying.

But while a picture is worth a thousand words, and a video is worth a thousand pictures, one million words aren't always going to be the right ones. Having reviews is a great way to give context to what people are seeing in those videos. Now, games like Mega Man don't need context, because it's just jump and shoot, but with something like Transistor (sorry; I'm just REALLY stuck on this game right now), you might not have any idea of what's going on, even though you're watching it unfold. Reviews are also a good way to hook people on your personality; I have a few channels that I watch, even if I don't care about the games in question, just because I really like the reviewer. Whether you want the reviewer to be just you or be a character (even one that's very similar to you) is your choice, but this is where you get to have some kind of voice. It's also up to you whether you want to add your opinion or not, but I'd divorce it from the rest of the content; a review where someone just endlessly gushes about a game, but says nothing of any real substance is completely worthless to anyone but its creator, and is best saved for casual conversation. I NEVER read 10/10 reviews. What I mean, though, is to have the beginning of the review be mostly factual, explaining how the game works, giving an overview of the story/characters, talking about the genre of music used in the soundtrack, etc. After getting all that out of the way, you can talk about whether or not you liked it, why, how well these elements fit (or don't) together; that sort of thing.

5 years ago

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Thank you, I might start several series one day, for now, just want to focus on the REVIEW section. Thanks for the input and gl :)

5 years ago

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Doing both is actually not a bad idea and wouldn't really take too much time. If you do 5 minutes review using your gameplay there's no reason not to use the rest of if to do another 10 or 20 minutes video explaining what it felt for you in certain parts, or maybe making your neutral point deeper and with more examples.

All in all, motherkojiro's comment is what i would have said if i knew what i was talking about.

And this part is on me: please make it neutral! It's great to know a game has lootboxes and whether or not it affects the grindiness, but please for the love of jim sterling don't start a 20 minutes manifesto about the evilness of x company and profits and etc, there are dozens of opinion yelling channels already.

Making it unique is very important. if you want views you can't make the same video as that other 100k followers channel, they will not switch to you just because.

4 years ago

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Make a review for your friends. Don't try to pander to some unknown audience's assumed tastes or expectations. Tell it as you would tell a friend about a game, what you liked and disliked and wether technical issues made a game unenjoyable or if it still had something that made you want to keep playing it.

4 years ago

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Nice advice, thank you :)

4 years ago

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