Will the 'final' version of Path of Exile be F2P or not?
I added it on my wishlist so I suppose we'll have to buy it (don't get me wrong, I didn't say it was a bad thing)...

EDIT: it's F2P

11 years ago*

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I quess it's not final but i played it few months ago and its nice game.

11 years ago

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Yeah, I played it too, but now there are Steam Achievements :D

11 years ago

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Achivments?Hua dats rly nice.
Anyway i will be glad to download and play it again.

11 years ago

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when i played it a year ago, i wasnt impressed

got really boring

11 years ago

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same here; not a bad gaame, but it gets boring + classes are (or at least were back q1 2013) unbalanced.

11 years ago

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it was obvious that melee classes were suckers but now it is on the way of fixin, there are new gems that shine in new combos.

11 years ago

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I haven`t played since april, but I had to faceroll in order to survive with glad.

11 years ago

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is it free??? on steam

11 years ago

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It's listed free to play, so it would be

11 years ago

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It's in the 'Free to Play' section of the steam store.

Good for them getting on Steam regardless; I'm not the biggest fan of the 'diablo-like' genre, but PoE probably the best one ever made.

11 years ago

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Oh, I didn't see, I never look what's in the categories :/ Sorry...

11 years ago

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Genre is called action-rpg and i find PoE very boring, enjoy TL2 waaaaaay more:P

11 years ago

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Team Lortress 2?

11 years ago

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Torchlight 2

11 years ago

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i heard super long skill tree .. Kinda hooked on Marvel Heroes atm but will give this a shot down the line .. and LOTRO keeps calling me back with its 100% exp in 30 days (must escape moria)

11 years ago

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Not so much long as it is wide... Here's a link to the Passive Skill Tree on the official site.

It's definitely something to see, there are few games that allow for this much flexibility.

11 years ago

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Did they change the stats? Because if they didn't there is no such thing as flexibility - all you have to build is HP nodes.

11 years ago

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dafuq? are u serious? Probably u havent builded ur chars properly when u think hp nodes are the only one choice...

11 years ago

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Once again, back in April all the good builds stacked HP because this was the stat to go.

11 years ago

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There was a big balance change somewhere around there. I stopped playing right before it happened so I dunno if it really fixed anything. However I have have since heard things like "It's still Path of Life Nodes" so meh. I also remember, however, someone saying that CI is now even more OP than it was previously.

I definitely will get back into this game but I have other games I want to beat first.

11 years ago

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huh. It's on steam. That's cool. I've been looking forward to playing it, but it's kinda hard to just leave Diablo 3. I also won Titan Quest Gold, and my hardcore Torchlight 2 character died recently...so I have a number of ARPGs that are crying out for attention.

On the plus side, my girlfriend broke up with me a month ago, so that's a major distraction I no longer have to deal with :D

11 years ago

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hell ya baby :D

11 years ago

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not available in my region.


11 years ago

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you dont need steam to play PoE

11 years ago

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Played it in beta, played it when it was released - impressive indie attempt, but had bad camera control and clunky UI.

11 years ago

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More games like dis on steam pls.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

11 years ago

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Awesome! Hopefully I won't encounter the same server problems I had when I played it a few months ago.

11 years ago

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that really awesome. anyone if they have fixed the ram issue?.

11 years ago

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never tried it so far, if f2p i will for sure, even if it will distract me from torchlight1-2

11 years ago

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If you like RPG's then this game is for ya.

11 years ago

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except there isn't much rpg to do (or at least there wasn't when i played it then).
for me it was more like a hack-n-slash with rpg elements.
got bored quickly, but at least i can say that it's NOT one of those pay-to-win games. so, that's a plus.

11 years ago

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Yes, it will be F2P. The buyable stuff is 95% aesthetics, the remaining 5% is improved stash, which is not that necessary, in my opinion.

From how I understood it you can already download the current client from their site and the "release" will happen as a patch.
I you know someone that has the game, you can copy/paste the game folder, after you launched the isntaller once (which creates the game folder and the registry entry). Since the first download can be glitchy, you could save a few hours this way. :)

I played the game for the last 2 days, and while the combat and the UI feel clunky, the game is very interesting, particularly if you are into crafting or trading. From what I understand the end-game is not my kind of end-game, but it's surely very interesting.

Considering it's free, I can only reccomend it, it's worth the try 100%.

11 years ago

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Stash is very unnecessary, portal scrolls are all over, at least it was like that in closed beta when I played.

I liked the UI but apparently I like bad UI's, because when people usually like them I usually dislike them....its odd.

11 years ago

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Stash is also unnecessary because you can easily mule with no punishment. IIRC the character limit on just one account is 24, which is plenty. Then you can make other accounts.

11 years ago

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oh god, yeah

11 years ago

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After some chinese guy got into my (and others) account through no fault of my own (even if Gatling gears say their security is fine when it cleary isn't) I refuse to play the trash. Blaming the community for your fuckup dosen't sit with me.

11 years ago

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Learn to use some decent password, those with passwords stronger than qwerty and using common sense don't get hacked like that...

11 years ago

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It was a decent password jackass it was there security that was complete shit.

11 years ago

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If you had a decent password and used common sense on the internet you wouldn't get hacked. Learn about what a decent password is bro before you start calling people smarter than you jackasses. You can share what that password was here to prove that it was decent but you probably use the same password on all sites and haven't changed them in years so I suppose that's out of the question ;)

11 years ago

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if somone hacks the database thats lists everyones password its irrelvant how secure your password is they know it regardless and that happens alot

11 years ago

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But not ALL PoE users got hacked, only a considerably small part, so yeah ;) I've been playing PoE since closed beta so my account was definitely in the database at the time of "database hack" but apparently due to some magic (or my v.strong and unique password used only for PoE) I have never been hacked in PoE or on the internet in general ;)

11 years ago

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My password was unique to PoE. I know your ego is bigger then your intelligence but could you atleast try thinking?

11 years ago

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So share please how strong it was ;) I'll try thinking: You probably have no common sense and just got phished or something like that. I have not heard of anyone who used common sense & good password and was hacked in PoE. You say that my ego is big but it's you who won't admit that it was your fault that you got hacked (like 99% of the 'hacking' that goes around the web) - you probably have no idea how 'real hacking' works and how much resources it takes - your worthless PoE account wouldn't be targeted by a real hack. Mass hacking of accounts in F2P games is mostly done through some Phishing methods that rely on victims being retarded enough to fall for it ;) Also, seeing that you call me jackass right from the first reply: It was good that you got hacked, who needs a retarded jerk like you in any community. Stay in any shithole that you didn't get hacked in 'yet', EOT from me.

11 years ago

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1: I changed the password fucking months ago sorry if I don't remmemeber one password I changed fucking months ago. 2: I wasn't phished, you may be dumb enough to fall for that shit but some of us actually have working brains. 3: Why would I admit to something I didn't do? I know you think you know absolutey everything but for once you're wrong.

11 years ago

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:* What I know is that your method of discussing something is talking 20% about the topic and 80% about how stupid the other party is ;) Sticking to the topic will 'maybe' make you look less retarded in your future interactions with human beings :)

11 years ago

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You appear to be out of comebacks. Go home kid.

11 years ago

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Nah, I just ended the topic of being phished but I can still comeback in your style, look: What now KID? How about that, pretty strong huh? ;)

11 years ago

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I don't know why you have such an odd obsession for defending this game. It's quite funny actually. There security was shit. End of story. Don't want to believe that? Welp that's your problem not mine.

11 years ago

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Also, passwords in databases are usually hashed so it takes a while until they are even usable to a hacker if the password was strong enough to begin with and during that time you can easily change the password if company notifies users of security breach (which they did). In a database security breach it's of course mostly fault of the database holder but users can mitigate the risk by having strong passwords and changing them right after they get to know about a possible security breach.

11 years ago

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Been playing PoE since 2011 and still enjoy it from time to time.
Nice to see they made it to the final release.

11 years ago

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Path of Exile is a free to play game. I was playing in the beta until I started getting a lot of lag in it. Gonna play it again to do some achievement hunting and to see how the game is since I played it back when it first launched in open beta. Had some really good times in it.

11 years ago

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I tried it at start of the Beta. Will play it for sure :)

11 years ago

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Download is available now.
Also nice how they compressed 4,2 GB to 2,7 GB for a faster download.

Time to get some trading cards.

11 years ago

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Path of exile level 5 badge here I come!

11 years ago

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Am I the only one that is unable to connect? I'm eager to play this game :D

EDIT: Nvm, it has just let me :)

11 years ago

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How is it with the trading cards ? Is it only if you pay for something ingame ?

11 years ago

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Probably, as all the others (like DOTA and TF2)

11 years ago

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But Path of Exile has mostly customization items...

11 years ago

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Every 9 bucks you spend gives you a card drop, there's 13 cards IIRC.

11 years ago

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It's gonna be legendary.I'm actually thinking about buying cosmetic stuff to help developers (o_O)/

11 years ago

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Loved the closed beta, haven't played since, looks like they did great on the full release, downloading.

11 years ago

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Ah cool, I played the beta quite a bit before my computer conked out on me.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by TheWyrdfell.