What do you think about Neil Gaiman's "Good Omens"?
I have only read a little bit of Sandman out of those, but I really liked it. Too bad I have such a freaking sort attention span....
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For me they're like £12.49/£12.59 so the deal isn't so great.
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When you click the link does it show "Buy with Epic Discount" under the price?
If you view it from the store page Far Cry Primal is 70% off bringing it from $49.99 down to $14.99. However when you click on the game underneath the price it says "Buy with Epic Discount" knocking off $10 more bringing it to a total of $4.99.
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Unfortunately, Far Cry Primal for me is at £12.49 which is below the threshold of £13.99 to get Epic Discount on top.
If I buy, Far Cry Primal Apex Edition which is £45.99, I do get the Epic Discount to bring the cost to £35.99.
Looks like this deal isn't so good on my side of the world.
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Last time it happened with some other games, and after a couple of days the price was changed a little in order to be above the threshold, if I remember well (at least in the € zone). So, if you're interested, it may be a good idea to keep an eye on their prices ;)
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I will bear that in mind but unless Ubisoft decide they want to raise the price a bit during the sale, I don't think there is much epic can do.
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Epic or Ubisoft? My guess would be it was Ubisoft not wanting to undervalue their games.
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I think Ubisoft deliberately set it so the discount doesn't apply except to their full price packages rather than the base game. I am sure there will be other offers soon with these games so I will have to wait a bit longer.
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I doubt that you'll be able to play them with only Uplay after purchasing through Epic, as it doesn't work like that when buying Ubisoft games with Steam from what I recall (Have to run them both no matter what). Maybe they've changed that, but I doubt it.
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I was about to comment the same thing. While I also can't speak for Epic-Uplay, every single Steam-Uplay game I'm aware of requires BOTH clients to be installed [Steam to launch, Uplay as a backend that gets accessed as part of the launch]. This double-layering is part of the basis for Uplay's poor reputation of game stability (as, unsurprisingly, layering DRMs isn't beneficial towards such).
If this works the same way, it may be more trouble than it's worth. All the more so given that Epic's support appears to be awful, so if any problems do arise, you're pretty much guaranteed to be SOL. Supposedly Epic matches to Steam's refund policy, however, so perhaps it won't be a problem (so long as you keep below 2 hours of gameplay and refund within two weeks).
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It seems this requirement for both clients came from Valve, as they wanted a certain control over the games, so they could get their share for microtransactions. The situation is different on epic. It seems you can acttually play your Uplay titles without the Epic launcher.
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Thanks. Well, my support experiences with Epic so far have given me an extremely negative perception of them, and there are various other legitimate concerns that those opposed to Epic have brought up, but there are definitely things (such as this) where they clearly surpass Steam.
..then again, I do feel as though that's a fairly low bar to set a game distribution platform against. :P
Mm, now to decide just how strong my urge to hunt mammoths and hack people is..
If only I could do both in the same game; What a game that would be. :P
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I just played my first "EGS game". Played through Observation in one sitting, which is extremely untypical for me. I'm blown away! That game is a masterpiece. Don't think I've ever had a better SciFi gaming experience. Brilliant sound design and voice over. Great presentation. Awesome story with a great ending, and just a perfect SciFi atmosphere. It was a blast, and with the Epic discount it was only 8€. People have their doubts about EGS, and that is their right, of course. But I have to say, it's such a shame that many will ignore this gem because it's on EGS.
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Wow, last thing I expected in a poll was question about Gaiman o.O
I read most (I think) of his books, including Good Omens, but Sandman is his best work imo.
Also I saw some trailers of Good Omen, but never watched the series itself... don't know if I want to. Did you watched it?
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I started Sandman not much time ago, but I've never finished it, not enough free time. And I read American Gods after seeing the first season of the series, quite liking it. I sai the trailer for Good Omens too, that's why I'm curious about it... Probably I'll read the book. And maybe after I'll watch the series. :)
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Sandman was the first thing of Gaiman's I read. It's amazing. I recommend it constantly. I've read probably 6 of his books since, but unfortunately none has come close.
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I really have to find the time to read Sandman to the end then. :)
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When I launch Uplay launcher game is in my library. Epic doesn't offer DLC pack for standard edition. So I don't think I need to install or have installed Epic launcher to play FC Primal. It is something like buy the game on Epic and you will have 2 choices from which source you want to download the game. I have only tried to start Uplay and installation, but I haven't started game itself.
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I have opened Uplay, started installation, choosen language, confirmed license, set install directory and game is downloading directly in uplay. There weren't any notifications that installation need Epic launcher or started Epic launcher or anything considered to Epic.
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After I have made purchase in Epic it asked me to sync it with my uplay... so I have then started Uplay Launcher and FC Primal was in my library so I have just added DLC Pack to my shopping cart and it is marked as purchased in uplay and added to the game.
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I've been eyeing Primal for a while now but with EGS being such a mess it's not easy to understand their prices and by the looks of it they're not even sure themselves. I might go down your route but I think I may just end up waiting for a similar discount on a proper store instead.
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Maybe in some regions is Apex edition discounted too... but in EU only Standard Edition has 70% discount and with epic discount it is 90% discount.... and you can buy with 80% discount in uplay Wenja DLC pack for 1,40€... so you have Apex Edition for 6,40€
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Maybe in some regions is Apex edition discounted too... but in EU only Standard Edition has 70% discount
That's what I'm referring to when I say they're not even sure themselves about the prices. Both my screenshots are from the client in the same region.
Good to know it would work combining the DLC from Uplay with this though, should I decide to go down this route
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Just for clarity, the link takes me to the Digital Apex page and it doesn't mention anything about an unavailable discount. Anyway, if the wenja pack is all that's included in the Digital Apex version buying the DLC from Ubisoft is going to be marginally cheaper since they have a higher discount.
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Apex edition is base game with Wenja DLC pack
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Good Omens was by Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. this poll is Pratchett erasure and i won't stand for it. boooooo!
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My huge error. In my (partial) defense I can only say that I was super sleepy when writing this post! I hope I could be saved from fustigation ;)
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When I see "[Epic] Ubisoft historical lows," I expect the following text to be about Ubisoft mistreating their customers, again.
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Thanks. Recently, I have been buried by work and Ramadhaan, but Ramadhaan is over, and things have calmed down a bit at work. Now, all I need is some time to recover.
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That might be the next chapter of this story, when someone tries to buy and play any of these games and find him/her/itself in the magic world of Ubisoft+Epic combo of DRM, clients, support and so on :P
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Damn differences. But last time they changed a little the prices after a couple of days, If I remember well, in order to match with the threshold and be able to get the 10$ added discount. Maybe they'll do it again ;)
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Originally it was like "Awesome, a Far Cry ancient times without guns for a change!" and it's still pretty cool from some of the gameplay I've seen, especially the trippy parts. But there's a lot of spearing, honestly I'm not a fan of spears. The best part would be the animal taming and I think that would be quite fun but that turns into chaos during outpost takeovers and I enjoy the puzzle type more, like the watch dogs infiltrate stealth guards thing. $5 is definitely tempting though, and the more I type the more I'm tempted. I do hope it can just launch through Uplay though. It's also a little of I'm waiting for steam summer sale and a little of "Far Cry 5 has better bows, I'm a fan of those!" and ofc the usual backlog.
Edit: The apex edition is actually 80% off at $11 on ubisoft store :/ I prefer to buy complete packs but I'm still on the fence about it.
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Edit: The apex edition is actually 80% off at $12 on ubisoft store :/ I prefer to buy complete packs but I'm still on the fence about it.
Weirdly, the Wenja DLC (that's the upgrade to Apex Edition) has gone down to $1.39 on Steam already (according to ITAD), but apparently still hasn't had any sales on Uplay (again, according to ITAD). Either way, it's a $7 pack at full retail, meaning that even without sales, you'd still be able to make up the full price of the DLC any time you wanted to [ie, 5+7=12].
So buying it during this promotion (instead of just getting the base game) would probably actually be a bad idea, assuming you had any patience to wait on the DLC going on sale. [In fact, can't you apply Uplay credit to get a discount on purchases?]
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Edit: The apex edition is actually 80% off at $12 on ubisoft store :/ I prefer to buy complete packs but I'm still on the fence about it.
Interesting, it's 11Euro for me. Nice to see them accounting for the exchange rate as it's rather unusual.
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I think the prices are good - and in the past years steam also made some not very consumerfriendly changes (remember you could by a reduced game in the past and gift it later) - maybe i give epic a chance
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Historical lows or not. I'm still not buying. Epic could list them for $1, I'm still not buying. Until Epic improves their client, and stops with exclusives, I'm not buying. If they want to compete, they have to create a platform worth having.
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Epic is not the only guilty one about the exclusives. If the people sell their games to be exclusive they have their parcel in the case, not only epic like all minions like to say. We can just ignore the exclusive games and nothing will change in our happy life (at least mine cause I dont need a game to be happy)
P.s.: Yeah, Epic client sucks. That's my main reason for not buying anything there
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I'm from Ukraine and for me its ~11$
Yeah, it is still good deal, but not that good to grab it immediately
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I'd consider dropping the cash on at least one of those if I didn't need to run both EGS and uplay, anyone know if that's the case?
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I have no reason to doubt that the game is good but the developer, or whoever is handling their twitter account, seems to have lost all their marbles
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🤣 Haha wow. Gone nuclear.
I was talking about the book from the poll, not Omen of Sorrow, which I believe is the game from Aone but I haven't seen any official twitter account going that nuts since I stopped reading the tweets of the Troll in Chief
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Hi! On Epic Games Store there's a nice Ubisoft sale, with some historical lows, like:
Far Cry Primal
Watch_Dogs 2
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands
for 5$ each.
You have to link your Uplay account, and the games will appear also in your Uplay library: so you should (not sure tho) be able to download and play them from Uplay, avoiding the need for EGS client.
Well... This just looked like a deal good enough to deserve a heads up. ;)
Edit: sorry for forgetting about Terry Pratchett, I was sleepy... But that's unforgivable, I know. :/
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