Dear Santa!
For this Christmas I have a small favor to ask.
I have been very good this whole year and I have also made a friend this week, so please consider my request!
You know I enjoyed Recettear the first time I tried it at my friend's place and I have it on my wishlist for a decade now. I was waiting for Carpe Fulgur games to be bundled for no avail. I would really like to have it, if possible.
I'm grateful for the socks I receive every year, yet I still have to ask you to reconsider this before this year's annual gifting.
P.S. Happy Holidays and Capitalism, Ho!
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Dear Slaveofwant, I want to let you know that I love the dynamic you're doing!
The Christmas theme is applied greatly, it's a 10/10, and I love seeing how everyone makes their little letter in the comments!
So for this Christmas, my wish and request is that you have a great time, have a happy holiday, and GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!
I hope that even if I'm not participating you read me, and if not, well, at least I got it from my heart! Happy holidays to everyone
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Dear Santa,
This is the great days of the end year. We all love this time because we may conclude the year achievements and build a goals to new one.
I wish you a well and ask you something connected with games :) I know you have to know everything so you may know what I am waiting for better then me. Hope next year would be better then current one!
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Japanese accounts are ineligible due to region restrictions.
Dear Santa🙄
I already had what I wanted.
Please deliver games to the homes of children who are in need of more things to play.
Thank you for always racing me on Christmas night in your UFO and reindeer sleigh.
I won't be able to participate this year, though, because it would be too much trouble to be monitored by NORAD.
See you next year, thanks again for everything, I really appreciate it.
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Dear Santa,
This year, I’ve been thinking a lot about the joy of running a little shop, making friends, and discovering treasures. I’d love to try my inner self and experience the adventures of managing my very own item shop, at least virtually. So, Santa, if your sleigh happens to carry something that could help me on this whimsical journey of bartering and adventuring, I’d be overjoyed. Perhaps a tale of "Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale" would surely make my holiday season unforgettable. Though I’m new to this game’s world, I can’t help but feel like it has something, something that I’d love to experience for the first time.
May your journey across the world be as smooth as a perfectly negotiated sale! Merry Christmas!!!
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dear santa:
[H] 1 filet o'fish
[W] Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale
willing to sit on it to keep it warm
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Dear Santa,
Once again, I write you as the year ends to communicate that I have been as good a child as I have managed, which is not really all that much, but I'm reflecting on it and attempting to improve, to varied degrees of success. Nonetheless, and shamelessly, I once again bring you a request. Last year, I've asked for my health, which back then was still rather precarious, to improve so that I could play games again, and slowly but surely it has; you did not disappoint, and I have, to the best of my ability, corresponded by playing games again. Thank you very much for that. This time, thankfully, my health remains fine, even as my schedule remains absolute hell; I would ask for more free time, but I know even you can't work that sort of miracle. Therefore, I will settle for less: please bring me a fun game, which I am sure I shall greatly enjoy in whatever limited free time I have. On that note, I'm sure Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale would be very enjoyable, and so a copy of it would make me very happy indeed, should you be able to provide one. If not, perhaps you'll bless me with something else; your taste has not led me astray yet, so I'm sure this won't be the first time. Once again, thank you.
P.S.: Just remember to please, please avoid decking the reindeer up in Padoru gear again this time; that was honestly traumatizing to everyone.
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Dear Santa,
Today is a special day. First of all, I ask for strength for tomorrow, so that it will be the happiest day for everyone. May this Christmas be filled with joy, celebration, lots of laughter and fun. I wish you and everyone here a wonderful Christmas and a prosperous New Year =)
Sincerely, kodo
ps: if you could send me a little key, it would make my Christmas happier XD
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Dear Santa
For Christmas I'd like to be a capitalist! And for that I need a shop! I'd like a whole shop!
-I wanna sell stuff!
-Raise prices!
-Get in debt!
-Also erase the letter C. The letter C is stupid. There are like, S and K who can do anything that C can. Whether C was so unoriginal it copied both S and K, or it was so awesome that both S and K copied it is unimportant. C is obsolete. It does nothing outstanding, but it got to the podium. When people talk about the alphabet, they say "a, b , C", as if this letter deserves such a prestigious place, right next to the letters that babies utter when they first speak. The only salvation I see for C is making it make the sound "Ch" exclusively, but that also includes making new letters for "Sh" and "Th", and then figuring out what to do with an unemployed H. So it's better to nuke it. I wish for the letter C to get nuked for Christmas, Dear Santa.
Happy Holidays!
sincerely , Drake_Theduck.
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Dear Santa,
Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale looks like a cute game, I would like to try it.
I have a soft spot for games with good 2D graphics. I blame Japan for that :P Too bad they can't join this.
I hope you have a wonderful holiday too!
From chaosttc
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Dear Santa,
I recently found out about this game Recettear which caught my attention, it reminded me of Moonlighter, a game I love in where you also manage a store selling looted things you get in dungeons. So yeah, I'm asking for this game this year, you would made me the happiest boy in the world with this game. Also, I kidnapped Mrs. Claus and Rudolph to inspire you to get me the game, if you want to see them again you know what do.
Thank you and happy holidays!
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Dear Santa,
How are you? Well, enough chit-chat. Last year I asked you for PlayStation and you brought me PolyStation. Not that I wish to imply you have been cheaping out on me. Let's just agree that because of my messy handwriting I have to take partial responsibility for this failure.
But this year, you have the opportunity to redeem yourself. Ever heard about Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale? All my classmates already have this game and they say it's AAAWESOME. They're totally obsessed with this game. Even in the tuck shop they try to haggle and ask the clerk if he has any "Slime Fluids" and "Water Shrooms" in store. So please, Santa, get me Recettear, so I have something to talk about with my friends. Thank you in advance!
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Dear Santa:
I know that this year I may have had my faults and successes, maybe I could not meet the expectations that some had of me, or my own. I could have been better this year, and since I began to walk a new path in my life called "Adult life" I knew that. But the important thing is that I tried, right? It doesn't matter if I fail again and again, somehow I have to get up. I don't know if I deserve any gift this year as a reward for my effort, I think that only you should decide if there will be or not. If so then I don't ask for much, lately I'm looking for a more calm experience instead of what I usually play from time to time, to be more specific, the name of the game I'm talking about is Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale, thanks to this I discovered that I like calm games of this style, and I was also able to discover another game franchise that completely catches my attention called Atelier. Also, the aesthetics of Recettear remind me of the graphics of the first Playstation, which makes me nostalgic for those distant years when I had fun with these same ones.
Anyway, I don't want to go on any longer, so I'll say goodbye to you, I hope it's until next year. I wish you happy holidays to you and everyone here, and also a prosperous new year to everyone. Thanks you!
P.S: If you notice inconsistencies in my english it's because I used a translator, I'm sorry about that.
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Dear Santa,
I know the holidays can be a hard time for a lot of people - they have a way of magnifying a person's losses (be it loved ones or material possessions). So this Christmas, my wish is for you to bring some happiness to the people that need it most...
Thank you for everything you do,
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Oh i always wanted to play recettear again, but when i remember when i played it, i suck so bad that i ended up not making any progress at all... i wonder whether it was just because i was a kid and dumb at playing games or it was really hard?
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The story mode isn't hard, IMO. You just need to remember to buy and resell merchandise to supplement the spoils you get from the dungeons.
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i see, i guess i was just not aware of that mechanics, hahah. maybe next time i'll play it properly :)
thanks for the answer!
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Dear Santa.
I know we haven't talk much since the strawberry-milk incident. But well, we don't want to open old wounds, RIGHT?
I hope this letter finds you healthy. Recently I've been working on my cooking skills, improving my recipes and how to sell my products. And I've found a certain game that may provide some guidance. It's called "Recettear: An item Shop's Tale". I won't say you must bring it when you come here, but I suggest it'll be in our interest, just to get even.
Love you, fat bast... corpulent rascal. CokeWithBread.
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✨Happy Holidays!✨
Santa's coming to town, and he's bringing a full sleigh. He’s got not one, not two, but FIVE COPIES of a very special game that I love very much: Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale
However, as we all remember from childhood, Santa won't bring you something if you don't ask, so to have a chance to win this game, you’re going to have to write a letter to the big man himself.
Your letter must be submitted as a comment on this thread.
Your letter must start with “Dear Santa” and end by saying who it’s from (postscripts optional).
Your letter must include a request for Santa. Said request may or may not directly refer to the game, but is preferably relevant or causal to it in some way.
English is the preferred writing language, but since Santa speaks all languages (and translation apps do, too), I won’t require it.
Any letter meeting these requirements will be accepted, unless it’s something exceptionally low effort, like “Dear Santa, please bring me Recettear for PC, Sincerely [name],” or if it appears to be copied from another user.
Japanese accounts are ineligible due to region restrictions.
Letters must be submitted by the deadline, obviously. The giveaway may go on for longer, but that’s the time needed for your letter to reach the North Pole (I don't want to be racing against the clock to rush the link to someone posting their letter close to the end of the giveaway). You have one hour after the deadline to accept my friend request and link.
No leaking, obviously! Only those who’ve been invited are eligible to win.
I will send the Giveaway ID via DM on Steam, so keep an eye out. Do NOT send me a friend request after submitting a letter; wait for me to reach out to you.
I don't check if people have played their wins (I'm in no position to judge, though I’m in the process of changing that), but since this is a game near and dear to my heart, I would very much appreciate it if the winners show the game some love.
Thank you for indulging me. Love and peace, all~ ❤️
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