So you had irl fun for first time... Congrats i guess?
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yeah that happens if you go out at the weekend with yor buddies.. nothing really special ://
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No, I'm hostile to anyone trying to rain on someone else's parade like an ass. People should stop acting like that and rather boost each others' happiness some, and reward someone being brave enough to risk putting their personal stuff out there on the internet. It's empathy-less trolling like this or rather, not so much literally this trolling here, but the attitude behind it, ripping shreds in our communication and understanding amongst each other as a species. So yeah, I defend people trying to actually reach out and make a human connection, harshly.
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Well SURE he is, but that doesn't mean he wasn't just trolling the OP man, like a real dick.
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More fail trolling, keep it up! Please, show us all what a douche you really are, go for gold!
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Actually, no. I don't know the OP, and there's already enough people on SGifts that think I'm an idiot. Similar number that like me, too. Really, well, shit happens. Pfffrt.
If you want to know why I am defending, try reading my other posts on this page. It's a solid argument.
Still, your "Try sex, it's better" made me laugh :)
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God what in jumping jesus fuck is wrong with all you misanthropes? Why not go out and actually have some social interaction before what's left of your teeny little hearts withers and dies along with the rest of your spirits? Oh, and your e-peen from fapping it too much?
OP - ignore these callous fucks. Good for you man! And I'm feeling your positive vibes; did you score / make out at all?
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Agreed: people can and will be rude/disrespectful, whatever. You on the other hand are no better by using the same disrespectful remarks and comments making you no better. Actually makes you a verbal hypocrite. So imo, next time you want to defend someone's honor over the anonymous net, try doing it with some class instead of lowering yourself to others standards by acting the same way. Just my opinion and have a nice day :)
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Umm, no, not hypocrite as I'm criticizing their lack of empathy and scolding them for it, like a slap to the back of the head. There is no need for me to show empathy to a troll comment or the troll behind that comment. Or do you suggest I instead be understanding of their possible reasons for posting such comments? Maybe they're just stressed and all? Since there's no chance of that really - just trolling and being dicks to someone trying to share good vibes and get some harmony going - I see nothing to sympathise with. Thus, no hypocrisy.
Although I see your point, tell me why I should restrain myself against trolling dicks that forget there's real people behind all these comments? In real life they'd get the same harsh tone from me - and I can't help but feel restraint is a thinly veiled attempt at maintaining high-horse superiority (not accusing you of such or trying to attack you just stating opinion here, curious what you think). These people made me mad, and I'm showing it. They gave reason and provocation, and are mirrored some of their negativity back at them, closing the loop. I didn't do anything else, in essence, than defend the OP and slap the trolls' down. I see no problem with that.
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Yes, some people in here are actually pretty individualist and antipathic despite it being against what this website is all about. However; getting mad every time some scumbag decides to show how much of a dick he can be will only cause you to waste time and energy, and that is exactly what some people want you to do.
If you answer every negative comment in a forum with a "fuck you" you'll also be doing nobody any good. You'll be only sparking up pointless discussions with people that have nothing productive to say rather than having them shut the fuck up.
Also, I read all of your comments in Sergeant Hartman's voice. That's absolutely necessary to add.
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Anyway, easy reply? It should feel a little nice for the OP to have someone back their ass up some, don't you think? Rather than just ignoring the trolls and leaving a page full of 60 - 70% troll comments for him to read and feel disheartened by. I'm not just mindlessly raging for the sake of raging, nor am I solely to tell the trolls off.. I'm thinking of giving the OP a sign of "got your back, bro, and get you :)".
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a very late reply indeed, but since u were interested in my thoughts, here they are. I understand your point and can sympathize. I just wish people in general were less harsh and more inviting than they are nowadays. To be honest your first few posts came off as someone venting and looking to rage. But after your thought provoking responses to my comments, I'm forced to understand your anger and by no means think you are wrong in defending the OP, I just disagree with the methods even though I've done the same. Oh, and trust me when I say I know my place and do not have a superiority complex of any kind. I'm not perfect and actually have a temper issue, but it still doesn't mean there aren't better ways. Alas, I see the dilemma. Why hold back on arrogant assinine Trolls when your decency doesn't seem to enforce positive results. Problem is, Trolls and Asses in general feed of of people such as you, me, and others that use our anger to defend others or berate the trolls themselves. Just food for thought.
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You're calling it "the internet". It's not. It's "people in a public forum". People. Not random pixels on a screen, not vague lines in a book somewhere. This is someone who's genuinely trying to reach out over said internet being smacked down harshly from their personal cloud 9; that's what I take issue to. The fact that the medium happens to be the internet is entirely irrelevant. There's still a person hoping for some synergy and harmony with others here trying to go "AWWW YEAAAHHHH, GUYS GUYS GUYS LISTEN!" - which he should be applauded for instead of troll-dumped on.
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You know what you need to do the next time right? You need to tap some ass. AAAWWW YEEEAAAH.
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For the first time in my life, i danced and danced with pretty cute girls. It was awesome! I went to this summer program and it was really fun :). I made new and awesome friends. I had to tell someone cause i feel so happy now :)
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