Will this game get bundled? idk from where g2a resellers get it, but it cost just 40 cents on G2a and gives $40 value, I even saw several ppl exploiting this.....one guy even created 20 copies of it...and lots of other keep doing it, It started like 3-4 days ago, as I see.


It's not on bundle list yet, http://www.steamgifts.com/bundle-games/search?q=fallen+enchantress and you can check all giveaways created for it http://www.steamgifts.com/archive


Seems that cheap price is out of stock now

I know you don't like G2a, but this doesn't mean other ppl can't buy this, but even if it gets to bundle list, it will still give a lot of CV for just 40 cents.

Jet Racing Extreme

Ok I failed the question of the poll, you probably can see why.

9 years ago*

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Should his get bundled?

View Results

G2A is not an authorized seller

9 years ago

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I know, but this doesn't stop ppl from buying it for 40 cents and get $40 CV, I'm right?

9 years ago

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In cases like this, it usually gets bundled if a lot of users are utilizing the exploit. Off the top of my head, I believe the same thing happened to Sleeping Dogs.

***As a bonus, it's easy to out some scumbags and/or potential blacklist members by observing people giving away multiple copies

9 years ago*

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What does this mean for SG?

9 years ago

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Probably the end of days.

9 years ago

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I like nights better anyway!

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Nice find, i wondered where all those giveaways coming from.

9 years ago

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I thought it was an incorrectly selected game, maybe that game is or was given for free somewhere? because that looks strange, so many ppl selling that for such low price, game is trash, but still $40 of total value, lol.

9 years ago

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The game is not trash :( Legendary Heroes is better, and I'm sure a lot of people got annoyed when LH got released and was basically a big fix, but the core game is still solid.There's just not much of a reason to play it when LH exists (actually, it's punishes mistakes a bit harsher, so anyone looking for a more "hardcore experience" might enjoy Fallen Enchantress more).

9 years ago

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Ok then, thanks for explanation.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Happy cakeday!

9 years ago

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It is bugusing. 40$ is this package http://store.steampowered.com/sub/85177/ . But Fallen Enchantress http://store.steampowered.com/app/216390/ has no own price, so steamgiftsscript use this package price.

9 years ago

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Will be good if they make the price 0.

9 years ago

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so people shud not buy this becoz its only 40 cent ?

9 years ago

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Buy it all you want. However, don't be surprised if it "suddenly" earns less than $40 CV from giveaways

9 years ago

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Yeah, I'm prepared for a bunch of "I just dropped in lvl" threads...

9 years ago

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u shud be worried about yours cv , see if u drop to 1 with all your giveaways got bundled

9 years ago

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Wow, I wonder what you did with the three seconds of your life that you saved by typing "shud" and"u" instead of "should" and "you".

9 years ago

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A lot of my giveaways have been bundled

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

9 years ago

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the sellers must get it from somewhere, probably free, since when they sell the game they lose most of the money because of G2a taxes, so even selling for 0.39€ it's not really profitable.

9 years ago

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G2A doesn't pay taxes lol, they're an illegal reseller, they steal from developers and publishers all day long... What makes you think they wont scam you too by making you pay non-existent taxes... I'll put my house on the fact that G2A have never paid a cent in tax.

9 years ago

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I find it funny that they force you to choose your country at the checkout so that they may apply "VAT" to it (cause you know, they don't avoid paying taxes /sarcasm). The site is a load of bull if you ask me.

9 years ago

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Like their insurance? lol "G2A Shield"

It's like a Mafia extortion racket, you've bought your game, now give us another $3 if you want a valid key >_<

9 years ago

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Is there a big chance to get a bad key if you don't?

9 years ago

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From what I know, your chances of receiving a bad key are about the same whether you sign up to their "insurance" or not. The difference is, you MAY get a replacement if you are.

9 years ago

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But they must earn really a lot - I've seen G2A adds on practically every CSGO stream lately and half of the player streamers have some kind of deal with them.

9 years ago

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You can always do a chargeback if the key isn't valid.

9 years ago

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and how do you it m8 MancSoulja this?
how funny the accusations u r making :P

9 years ago

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G2A Is no different then the trading market. People always try to F you over.

9 years ago

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You should file a ticket with this along side with the thread. I was wondering about the increase of GAs I've seen. 40c for $6 bundled cv is still good imo.

9 years ago

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idk, it may take several months weeks to support to answer? But I will try. Or maybe less in this case idk, but they should see the thread anyways, and ppl will at least know from where come these keys.

edit: they answered fast, thanks to thread maybe, but doesn't matter.

9 years ago*

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The best support can do is notify the bundler about this and you get this retroactively bundled and a few months down the line you'll get "WHY DID I LOSE MY LEVEL" topics and if it's about Fallen Enchantress know that it was your impact!! True bundling king!

9 years ago

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I don't think we will get I lost my levels thread, I'm pretty sure the guys who created several copies of it, knew that they are doing it on purpose.

9 years ago

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Maybe, but some people don't know that when they exploit it, they may drop in lvl. They don't realize that when it gets bundled, it might affect previous GA's.

9 years ago

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I don't think it will take several months. Week tops imo.

9 years ago

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11 people will be angry :3

View attached image.
9 years ago

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I wouldn't touch G2A with a 10 foot pole.

9 years ago

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And without a hazmat suit.

9 years ago

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Ahahaha, nice one !

9 years ago

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Will it get bundled? You can bet it will!
Where the keys are from? That, I'd really like to know, since these are also from the flea market part, so somebody had to get them in person. And since there are two people, it is either a clever way to split a bunch of stolen/leaked keys, or somebody found some really obscure source.

9 years ago

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Almost all the sellers are from Poland, maybe some kind of bug in the steam store? o.o (or Archibot did something :o)

9 years ago

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Country flag rarely means anything. I recall reading some reddit post (yes, grain… okay, mountain of salt) that the user with the UK flag and about 400,000 sales is actually a Russian group. Apparently you can set your flag/location easily. Still, it is sure that the user is not one person.

9 years ago

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Well, i think all is possible with proxies :p

9 years ago

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That's an error or done purposedly, my friend sells on G2a, and some day his flag was suddenly changed to Polish, and seems lots of flags did the same, or at least most of the European one's, idk the reason, but those guys aren't all Polish, and it happened long time ago. Maybe it has to do with some EU laws I guess for EU countries that are part of the actual Union, or who knows.

9 years ago*

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Oh, didnt know, only used G2a once, and was to buy :p

9 years ago

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G2A's European office is registered in Poland, so it may be a default setting somewhere.

9 years ago

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it's because poland stronk

9 years ago

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Yeah my flag was changed to Poland aswell and you can't change it yourself. I asked them to change it in the support chat and they did it right away.

9 years ago

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I was wondering why these have been appearing. It's worth noting that the giveaways for this were also invalid because the $40 is a package that includes a lot more than just the original Fallen Enchantress.

9 years ago*

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0p for it will be fair imo, that game is very bad that's why I guess developers decided to stop selling it on Steam, and release a new game of the series, and give Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes to owners of Fallen Enchantress.

9 years ago

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So, was the upgrade to Legendary Heroes a one-time thing that's expired, or if I was to obtain the abandoned game now, would there still be a way for me to get the new one?

9 years ago

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New one was on bundle for $1 some time ago, about what I said above, I saw it somewhere on Steam store, maybe reviews, maybe update news.

9 years ago

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Yes, it's the ultimate edition containing FE + DLC and FE LH + DLC instead of just FE.

9 years ago

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I was tempted to join one of these GA's, but then I read the reviews :P

9 years ago

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Blackguards is also 40~cents on G2A. I personally don't like this website as well but I guess I'll buy these 2 games for myself. They're only 85cents total anyway lol

Edit: nvm I don't want to pay another 40 cents fee

9 years ago*

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Oh, I saw the guy who made 20 copies of Fallen Enchantress, made several copies of Blackguards too.

9 years ago

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Damn.. if these games are price error, should I just get them while I can?

9 years ago

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price error? Nah, that doesn't happen on G2a.

9 years ago*

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You should decide that for your own. If you'll enjoy them, I don't see a reason why not to.

9 years ago

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Blackguards is in a current IndieGala bundle that costs about 6 USD on happy hour, so the game itself goes for about 20 cents in the happ hour 4-pack. And 40-ish cents is the minimum where the person giving the key up gets about 2-5 cents after every purchase, after G2A takes off its cut, so apparently some newbies there are about to experience why even the cheapest bundle keys usually start in the 80 cents range.

9 years ago

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Haha thank you for your answer. That explains Blackguards but I guess we'll have to wait and see what's going on with Fallen Enchantress

9 years ago

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blackguards on an IG bundle? I think you have the wrong game.

9 years ago

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Indeed. Confused it with Darksiders. I don't know why, but I constantly mix up these two. This has been like the fourth or fifth time it happened.
But I know Blackguards was also dirt cheap at some point. Somehow I got a few keys for it, so it had to be. ^_^

9 years ago

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Yes, Blackguards has been bundled by Humble multiple times.

9 years ago

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"Blackguards is in a current IndieGala bundle that costs about 6 USD on happy hour, so the game itself goes for about 20 cents in the happ hour 4-pack."

That's a bit inaccurate in terms of describing the breakdown of how IG happy hours work and the cost.

9 years ago

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Well, disregarding my error on mixing up Blackguards and Darksiders, yes, it does to a degree. Then again, it lets me give away 40 or more copies of some good HOGs, so there is that. :)

9 years ago

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Right. My point is that rarely does anyone only go for a few extra copies, people who do happy hour are usually looking to get up to 20 copies or the max of 40 copies for the best deal.

9 years ago

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Well, 5 if you just want to give them away. But yes, traders must love the 40-copy one.

9 years ago

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Blackguards were on $1 tier 1 bundle as well.

9 years ago

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40 cents of euros + other 34 cents for pp fees -.-

9 years ago

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G2A is the devil

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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+1 for paypal fee

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I've used the site a couple of times to buy without issue. Is there something I should know? Why the bad rep?

9 years ago

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G2A keys are sometimes stolen, it's a grayware site for a reason, most times the publisher/developer will chalk it up as a loss, but sometimes in the case of Ubi and Rebellion they actively revoke keys sold on G2A..

It's like buying something which may or may not be stolen or acquired in a less than savory way. More than likely the publisher/developers aren't being paid for the keys..

9 years ago

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If they are stolen, they are always revoked. Ubisoft, after being attacked by press again, decided to actually give back games and write it as loss, and that's probably only time stolen keys weren't revoked.

Most of G2A keys, publishers are paid. Just much, much less then what G2A sells them for, as sellers get some cheaper-region keys.

9 years ago

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It isn't just stolen keys. I know somebody who bought a cheap Skyrim there and a few other copies for gifts - all of which were then retroactively region locked and made unusable because Bethesda found out they were being sold outside of the country they were intended for sale in.

I know plenty of people who haven't had any issues buying from the site (beyond finding themselves being billed monthly for G2A shield because they didn't read the small print) but I also know enough people who have been screwed over that I wouldn't trust it for anything of value...

9 years ago

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Nope, seems like they didn't charge anything monthly. at least not for me! Well, I'll have to be careful from now on. Thanks for the tip!

9 years ago

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Because people like me sell games on there, and we're SATANIC!!

All my keys are stolen from the hundreds of steam accounts I compromise every day, then use them for g2a.


9 years ago*

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While I don't agree that this should be bundled due to G2a, if someone can find the legit source of these keys (how they got onto g2a in the first place) then it's a different story.

9 years ago

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I'd suspect it was something very very shady, for so many keys to be available at such a low price something must have happened, it's not on any of the well known bundle sites, I suppose some obscure site may have it for cheap but even then people would find out about it somehow.

I don't know if the FE devs/publishers are known for revoking keys or not but if they are stolen I am pretty sure they have a potential of getting revoked..

9 years ago

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It's not question about source, but if people exploit it. Which they certainly seem to do, just for that it deserves to be added to list.

9 years ago

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Well given that Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes heroes has been in a $1 tier Humble Bundle, and given that is an expanded version of Fallen Enchantress it seems especially weird that the base game still gets full CV...

9 years ago*

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Not weird. Fallen Enchantress itself has never been bundled and Legendary Heroes is a standalone game that technically has nothing to do with the former. It's not DLC and it doesn't require the former to run, so they're not connected in any way that matters.

9 years ago

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I'm not saying it's wrong or right, just weird and you haven't convinced me otherwise. You can't really say Legendary Heroes has nothing to do with Fallen Enchantress or that the two aren't connected as Legendary Heroes is Fallen Enchantress with extra content. The developers just released the extra content in a 'standalone expansion' as part of a dick move.

The two have separate app IDs in the steam store and one of those app IDs has never been bundled. But it's just a technicality. The more valuable app ID on steamgifts includes all of the game content of the less valuable app ID and I think it is fair to at least call that 'weird'.

You might as well argue that Borderlands shouldn't be on the bundle list. It was only bundled as a single tier key along with DLC. As the base game has never been bundled on its own without extra content that should still get full CV, right?

The only difference is that the Borderlands base game has the same app ID whether it came in the bundle or not. So it's impossible for steamgifts to differentiate between bundled copies of Borderlands + DLC and unbundled copies of Borderlands alone. But that doesn't have anything to do with fairness, it's just a technicality.

9 years ago*

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Yes, and in relation to SteamGifts, what is technically true is all that matters. SteamGifts doesn't work based on what we abstractly think should be done. There are rules, guidelines, and software algorithms that govern it's operation. So, while we can make an argument that the original game should be considered bundled, nothing in the way that SteamGifts operates can allow for that.

In other spheres, this is what is known as the letter of the law. It doesn't matter what the spirit of the law is, you have to follow the letter of the law, and if you don't like it, then you need to change the law to be more consistent with it's spirit.

9 years ago*

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I'm not arguing with the law, I'm not saying what should be done, I didn't say anything was wrong and needed change, and I wasn't suggesting civil disobedience. I just said I thought it was a weird situation that a technicality meant people are getting more CV for less stuff, and I still think it is.

Although I would add that as Fallen Enchantress has been removed from sale what people technically appear to be getting CV for is the Ultimate Edition that includes Fallen Enchantress + Legendary Heroes + all DLC.


So now that you mention it, almost certainly a few 'laws' should probably be looked at.

9 years ago

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That explains why I suddenly got so much extra CV, I was wondering where that came from. I gave away some copies during and shortly after Christmas, and they've removed the game from the steam store, and I'm getting CV from the complete pack. Well, one mystery solved at least.

9 years ago

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I was wondering where these Fallen Enchantress GAs were coming from.

9 years ago

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dont be suprised when the game will disapear, and you are -1 in sggtols

9 years ago

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Well all the blackguards games are bundled as far as I know.

They're still decent games worth giving away and entering to win.

9 years ago

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lol, i just bought one of those Fallen Enchantress keys on G2A. this is the second time i used this site, i believe. and when i tried to activate, it said i already own the game - Fallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes. so either there is some automatic conversion going on (like every buyer gets the newer version instead), or i simply got the wrong key. i guess it's the latter. oh dang. ^^

9 years ago

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Yeah that's wrong, two different games.
The legendary heroes one is better though.. so.. win? lol

mb, missed the part that said you already owned it. So you got shafted..
Fallen enchantress isn't worth loading up if you have the legendary heroes though jus sayin.

9 years ago

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it wasn't about getting a game to play, just a +1 for the collection. so i guess all i can do with that key is gift it to someone now. ^^

Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes: 8JVQ4-RQQTY-0JGDX

the last 5 characters don't belong there...

please post something here, if you activate it, so others don't try their luck for nothing. thanks!

9 years ago*

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They didn't post :x

9 years ago

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Yup, already used by someone else :(

9 years ago

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got it, thanks :3

sorry for the delay, antivirus crashed, had to restart

9 years ago

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gratz :)

9 years ago

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Poop, too slow.

9 years ago

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I do not really understand all the fuss about it to be honest. I visited that website and i can't seem to find this game for such price.

EVEN IF someone found a way to get these cheap and started to give it away for FREE here, how come is it exploiting? Isn't this website about giving away games to other people? Why everyone are so focused about those funny levels and stupid points?

Someone got the game cheap, thanks to that some folks in here have a high chance of winning that game because giveaways are appearing and yet people get angry because of some stupid points?

Sometimes i think some people here make giveaways for the sake of points and levels and not to just make someone happy.

9 years ago

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The cheap copies are sold out now.
Last time I saw them available was 2 hours ago.

9 years ago

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so thats where it comes from. but boy their site is such a mess, i was geniunely lost trying to figure out how to actually buy a game and after like 5 mins, when i finally made it to the cart...i also noticed like 2 extra fees (paypal plus shield of some kind) so i ran away screaming.

seriously, thats like the most user-unfriendly site layout ive seen since 1978. cant belive those guys are actually successful >.<

9 years ago

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4 giveaways from one dude in row. I think it's fair to say that people are exploiting it. Which is one of qualifying reasons.

9 years ago

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Apparently the whole stuff started a week ago http://www.steamgifts.com/archive/search?page=3&q=fallen+enchantress

9 years ago

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I don't understand what the fuss is all about. I buy games from G2A all the time (usually with shield). Only had an invalid key once and it got replaced within 5 minutes. Never had any other problems with the keys or playing the games they unlocked. Must have made at least 30+ purchases from them, my favorite steamkey site.

9 years ago

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The fuss is they are supposedly shady key re-sellers and black market place for keys. Someone else would be able to explain better. Of course the majority of people don't care because they're getting the games for cheap but I personally don't use them.
Also... did you have g2a shield on ?

9 years ago

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Yes, I had shield on (as I said). I don't really care if it's a black marketplace for keys, as long as I don't get banned from Steam or anything. I don't pirate anything and pay for all music/movies/software, so I don't mind getting a key or two on the cheap.

9 years ago

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Most keys from these grey market sellers are legitimate, they come from boxed copies or from low-price regions where the keys are not locked (if you buy one of the Castlevania games on one of the grey market sites, it's likely to be a Brazilian key for an example (as are, for the record, all of my Castlevania giveaways)). The problem is that while most keys are legit, not all are. There have been cases where keys have been illegally acquired, either through use of stolen credit cards, or from key gens. Usually what happens here is that the key will get revoked if you got it illegally and the developer/publisher notices, but by using G2A and similar sites, you are making it easier for illegal keys to be sold. This is something that by the way hit the Natural Selection 2 devs quite hard, because they had to mass revoke keys, and as the game was bought through their site, they ended up still having to pay the payment fees (buying through a payment service like say paypal or amazon is not free, though it's an expense that the end user usually does not see).

9 years ago

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Guess I was very lucky then ;) I only buy from sellers who have 99%+ positive feedback though.

9 years ago

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Well, most keys are likely good, it's just that when things go wrong, they can go very wrong.

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by sviat.