No, it's not a pretty name, it's stupid, and the child has to live with it until they're a grownup and allowed to legally change it to something normal. That's why it's child abuse, like many other things that "parents" do, like indoctrinating children with religion.
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I don't find Tali'Zorah a stupid name just because it's from a video game.
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Who are you to say/judge whether some name is normal or not? Just because it is not common name in some country doesn't make it child abuse. Same "argument" you have applied here used some people in other countries when parents wanted to name their child with English name. As ThirteenK said "just because it's from a video game"
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And again, who are you to say what name is normal and what not? Just because in some countries it is normal it makes it normal? 1. You wouldn't get far with this approach back in a history when new names were getting introduced. 2. One of my friends is named Desmond and he went through a lot of shit back in school since this name is "abnormal" here. 3. You can't compare naming children with indoctrinating with religion, there is a huge difference and if you don't see it there is no point in arguing with you (btw. I am strongly against raising children in any religion).
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Control freak much?
I grew up with kids from cultures all over the world with some "weird" names. As well as some seriously non-traditional names.
If this is child abuse, then you're the type of person that wants to come into my house and take my kids away because I make them cry when I tell them they can't have ice cream every night for dinner.
This is so far from child abuse it's not funny, and suggesting so shows you don't take real child abuse seriously.
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Please. Do you have children? And if so, if you think that them having a non-traditional name is child abuse, then you have no clue what child abuse is.
Especially since you're comparing this non-traditional name with names (above) with clearly loaded cultural connotations.
Your opinion that a name is lousy (I'm not saying you aren't entitled to that opinion - to each his own) and that it's abuse are chasmically apart. And I think you know that. I'm assuming you're just trolling at this point.
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"Confused friends and relatives are told 'we wanted a nice Quarian name,'" Adam added, "just because it's funny to see the confusion become worse."
The name is not the problem imo, it's their thinking behind it.
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Possibly only reasonable criticism of name in this thread so far.
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Well I'd love to be named after a videogame character.My name'd be original and I'd be kinda special.At least there will be always something about me that people would wonder.
And my real name is Burak ( I almost never use this name though ) and I don't really like it.There are Burak's everywhere, 3 in my class, 10 in our Faculty.Well still better than the name Mehmet, every 1 of 3 men named Mehmet in my country -_-
And think about it, 10-12 years later you'll play the game and the character you named after.Isn't that great ?!
Well if I ever marry or have children, and my wife/mother of my children accepts it I'd love to name my kid after an awesome character ^^
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Depends on the character, actually. Naming a kid Dovahkiin really is stupid. In a few months we'll see kids named Nomad or Prophet or some such sh*t. You can name your kids after a book or videogame character, but you must choose wisely and think things through before doing so.
Just imagine filling in an application form for a job 20 years later, and writing down Commander Shepard as your name or whatever.
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I had a Mass Effect themed daughter too. It was an abortion
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Poor child indeed, the kind of bullying/teasing she might have to face. But if you could fix the whole bully issue in schools, then it's fine. You might as well call your child Pumpkin Head.
Then again, if it's not the name, bullies will always find something to make fun/tease.
PS: I'm a Mass Effect and a Tali Zorah fan.
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Uhm... that name is a lil' bit too weird to be given to a child, no matter how much you love Mass Effect. >_>
/and I do, a lot.
Unless they plan to only call her 'Tali', then there's nothing wrong with that, IMO.
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What's wrong with Zorah? I like that name. Derivation of Zora. Zora Neale Hurston? Ever heard of her?
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I didn't say it was wrong, but calling a child "Tali'Zorah" isn't really what I would define 'normal'. Might be real fun for the parents but not so much for her when she's at school and let's people know what her real name. In years from now who knows what will become of Mass Effect and she'll have a name that sounds kinda tribal.
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So let's break this down:
"Unless they plan to only call her Tali, then there's nothing wrong with that, IMO." Infers that there is something wrong with Zorah. Thus my retort.
"Normal" would be a very subjective term. And you're suggesting that she will be embarrassed by/not take pride in her name. How could you possibly project that? There are millions of people with non-traditional names that are wildly successful. You're also assuming that the divulgence of a "real name" will somehow be problematic for her. Why? Especially since friends are usually the ones to know that, and tend to be curious/supportive/interested. Her outlook will determine whether she takes pride in her name or is embarrassed by it, which will in turn affect how said name is perceived.
e.g. One of the most popular kids at my school was a male named Dominique. He was a badass (talented, kind and funny to all), and had his named called out in admiration despite being both non-traditional and traditionally feminine.
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No, son, there is nothing wrong with 'Zorah', but there is in fact something abnormal in "Tali'Zorah", like I said, because of the two names together 'separated' by an apostrophe. It isn't 'normal', especially in developed countries, since that sort of spelling isn't common at all nowadays, they are most common in indian cultures, also and especially in the beginning when the US was discovered, there were many tribes back then, but not anymore.
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Again, you've used the word "wrong" often here. Denotatively and connotatively you're saying there's a moral problem with the name.
And once again, you've intimated that a "tribal name" is immediately a negative association.
If that's how you feel, then okay. But I don't agree with the assessment, logic, or suggestion there.
Why call me son? That's kinda odd.
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Well, at least they didn't name her Femshep. Anyways, is it just me, or is this site seriously making an article based solely on a forum post from the Escapist? I know, I know, it's Kotaku, but shouldn't they at least try and keep up the good image of journalism?
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I know, I know, it's Kotaku, but shouldn't they at least try and keep up the good image of journalism?
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you were actually being serious with that, but this is probably the funniest thing i'll read today
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Keyword is "try", which they don't seem to do based on this article.
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I think it's a beautiful name (even the full version). Don't see what the fuss is about. Certainly beats North West.
Edit: Btw, didn't read the entire article, did they mention what the last name is? Tali'Zorah is a nice name on it's own, but it really depends on whether it works with the last name or not. For example, Tali Zorah would work well as the full name, first and last, but Tali Bob just sounds weird.
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Reaction of most people in that discussion and in here really pisses me off. What kind of argument is "Poor child indeed, the kind of bullying/teasing she might have to face" or "Naming your kid "Tali'Zorah" is basically child abuse." etc. Are you serious? This only shows what judgmental pricks we humans are.
THIS Whole video seems to be unavailable but just check that bottom one, it is around 1min long.
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That'd be nice but that's not the world we live in. My wife and I carefully vetted the names we were considering giving to our kids to make sure there were no obvious ways it could be mangled into something at school (especially initials, first/lastname combinations etc). It's absurd but necessary. Thankfully it didn't lead us to discard any names we really liked.
Nobody should need to deal with bullying, but I don't think it's going away so sticking your head in the sand and calling your kid "Chode" or "Placenta" because you liked the sound is not doing anyone any favours.
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Yeah. You get it. And you're right.
I think it's quite a beautiful name. But even for those that think it's terrible, I support their right to think that.
What I disagree with are all the judgments about her life already predisposed to failure and mockery. That's wholly projected, and a little bit unnerving that theoretical adults would be so willing to pass judgment so quickly.
I'd hope most would honor and respect whatever name was given, barring ridiculous (and non-analogous) examples in this thread that already have negative meaning attached to them. The name in question in this thread has no such negative connotations. Any judgments are derived, and quite frankly, a shame.
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I don't think she would be bullied for her name. In fact, even if they opted for the full Tali'Zorah, I guarantee she'll just be called Tali in every day usage. It's like Alexandria being called Alex. I'd be more annoyed (if I were the child) about having to explain how to spell it properly over and over and over again. I have a name that takes a "y" where it usually takes an "i" and even that's annoying to correct all the time.
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She saw a name which she thought sounded nice and decided it would be a fine name for her child. There's nothing more to it than that; it's just being blown out of proportion. Especially since it's just a pair of "ordinary" names stuck together with an apostrophe added to make it look alien (I hope they drop that part).
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I like it. She doesn't have to go by the entire name all the time. I do the same, and eliminate a lot of my name for official and even legal things (signing my name, and Driver License etc). So it's not so bad.
I myself have an unconventional name, that is very much associated with something else (Elvis). It was really annoying when I was a kid for a period of time, but I love it now. More than most, I know that I earned my name. Though, I still avoid listening to any of the music, just on principle.
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But sometimes it's a bit too much. Check this out and let me know your opinion on this matter.
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