We've worked very hard these days. Now, finally, we are proud to present you

The Haunted House

You've heard a lot of frightening stories about this abandoned weird house. Finally you're here to check for yourself whether the rumors were true. You enter the house...

Additional info

  • The Haunted House will be closed after the 31st of October;
  • For better experience it's highly recommended to read all descriptions and check all links.
  • If you're blacklisted by any member who participated in the event just open the link in incognito/anonymous mode to proceed further;
  • Please, bump the thread. Keep it alive;
  • Whoever complains about blacklisting will be locked in the house at the end of the event till next Halloween;
  • Happy Halloween!
  • Solutions
  • Thank you all for visiting our house! We're happy that you enjoyed it so much :) I'm sorry that I didn't reply to all of your comments, but be sure that I appreciate all of them a lot ^_^ Thank you for your kind words and critics too! I'm very happy with what we did. See you on SG!
  • How it all started.


Big thanks go to all group members, KTS and keohookalani. You all did great job in a short time!
There were 49 contributors in total. Thank you for your 262 GAs!

The credits below are approximate. They are for better understanding who made more for each room :) We were all working together influencing and helping each other. It was a wonderful experience. Please, if I forgot to mention anyone, message me.

Prototype of the house: The Haunted House by Charles Dickens
Organizer: CrystalGamer
Forum posts: CrystalGamer, HiroHiro, SexyBudgie
Mediums: HiroHiro, keohookalani, KTS, prus666, Tistao
Linking: CrystalGamer, HiroHiro
Sending descriptions: HiroHiro (85%), CrystalGamer (15%)

Clock Room

Idea: Luxy, SexyBudgie
Writing: Luxy (1st part), SexyBudgie (2nd part)
Picking GAs for descriptions: CrystalGamer, HiroHiro, SexyBudgie

Double Room

Idea: alpshrk, Lightning994
Writing: alpshrk (1st part and ending), Lightning994 (2nd part)
Checking and rework: Luxy (1st part), CrystalGamer (2nd part)
Picking GAs for descriptions: together

Picture Room

Idea: CrystalGamer, MusicalBitch
Writing: MusicalBitch
Selecting videos: MusicalBitch
Checking: CrystalGamer
Picking GAs for descriptions: MusicalBitch

Cupboard Room

Idea: CrystalGamer, Tistao
Writing: Tistao, CrystalGamer (1st part, was reworked by Tistao)
Checking and rework: KTS
Picking GAs for descriptions: Tistao

Master B's Room

Idea: CrystalGamer, Tistao
Writing: CrystalGamer
Checking: SexyBudgie
Picking GAs for descriptions: CrystalGamer

Garden Room

Idea: zombiehug, Zareh, eeev
Writing: zombiehug, Zareh
Checking and rework: Zareh, eeev, CrystalGamer
Picking GAs for descriptions: together
Linking: zombiehug

Corner Room

Idea: CrystalGamer
Writing: CrystalGamer
Checking and rework: KTS
Picking GAs for descriptions: CrystalGamer

8 years ago*

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Nice, thanks for this massive work, you're awesome :з

8 years ago

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thank you guys for the amazing giveaways

8 years ago

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Thank you all very much for the giveaways! :)

8 years ago

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bumpity boo

8 years ago

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scary bump

8 years ago

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Thanks guys that was amazing

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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Thanks a lot really cool!

8 years ago

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Enjoy your Halloween!

Bump Bump

8 years ago

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Any hints as to how to get into master b's room?

8 years ago

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Nice idea :)
I'm blacklisted halfway through by somebody, possibly blocking access to some other giveaways. Well, let's hope I deserved that blacklist :P
Also thanks for Euclidean and Killing Floor 2, entered those two.

8 years ago

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Thank you! :) As for blacklist: just open the link in incognito/anonymous mode to proceed further.

8 years ago

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Open it in private window, or log out

8 years ago

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I've never even thought about that. Thanks guys :)

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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The first giveaway says invite only...

8 years ago

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it needs to be ghostly bumped all th time

8 years ago

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Bump for wandering around

8 years ago

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Keep wandering, you can find an exit :)

8 years ago

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Ah forgot to bump it ^^
I can only imagine how much time you spent on organizing and making this event.
Very well prepared halloween event with tons of stories, pictures, spiders xD and giveaways of course ^^, thanks a lot

8 years ago

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"Whoever complains about blacklisting will be locked in the house at the end of the event till next Halloween;"

I loled. Thanks for all the work this year! I'd like to get in on some of the action next year if things are going better at my new job.

8 years ago

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Terrific event, it felt like playing a game on its own. Also a certain author would ask for royalties... if he could. Watch out for his ghost's vendetta.
And a big thanks to all who took the time to make this happen. ^^

8 years ago

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I love Charles Dickens even that I didn't read a lot of his works. A Christmas Carol is one of my ever favourite books!

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Sadly most of his works are now nigh forgotten, the one you mentioned being a notable exception - hell, who didn't watch Mickey's Christmas Carol as a kid? 'Tis the way I got to know who Dickens was in the first place.

8 years ago

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David Copperfield and Oliver Twist are also still very popular among children I think.

8 years ago

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Such an awesome experience! Thanks for everyone involved in this amazing event! \o/

8 years ago

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Awesome event :3 Thanks for the giveaways! Bump-

8 years ago

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Bumping for leaving the house safe and sound , finally :)

8 years ago

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Bump for spiders nightmares soon ._.

8 years ago

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Bump! I enjoyed this event more than the earlier metro event! Thaaaaanksssss! ^.^

8 years ago

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I think I'm lost but everything I've done so far has been a lot of fun. Thanks for the creative puzzle!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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I found 8 letters, and tried brute forcing the last one through anagram solver, I couldn't find a single 9 letter word. I hate this puzzle, I wasted 6 hours on it. I am not touching another puzzle ever again!

8 years ago*

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Can someone please tell me if Master B's Room giveaways ended yet? Or there is still time to find that damned last letter and try to solve it?

8 years ago

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One is over. Most of them have ~ 8 hours left. Others range from 4 to 18 hours :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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