What are some good looking steam backgrounds with hot/sexy girls?
Example: My current background!

1 decade ago*

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I really like this one: http://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/753/245070-Summer%20Getaway%20Sale%20-%20Bioshock%20Infinite
Btw you can check my inventory for more i have quite a few of them

1 decade ago

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I dont know if already posted but here is a 20€ background

1 decade ago

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Thats more scary and creepy and stuff than hot..

1 decade ago

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Check out mine: Lina and CM from Dota... need I say more?

1 decade ago

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Not hot.

1 decade ago

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you can check mine too, a different beauty :P...

1 decade ago

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Poor attempt at being hot. Shes not.

1 decade ago

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I used "beauty" not "hot", I`m aware that is a game character :), and everyone has a different definition for "hot" and believe it or not, most wont have same tastes as you do :).

1 decade ago

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So you get boners from clothes and not naked exposed ladies. No thanks wierdo.

1 decade ago

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You're acting the weirdest here in this thread. :-/

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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First, yes. Sorry, but I won't lie.
Second, you seem to be looking for porn, which isn't the point of this thread.
Third, you see to be trying to start a shitstorm in this thread...

Just look at this. Most comments in this thread has a rude reply from you.
I'm just really wondering whatever you are even trying to achieve here? To get a reputation for knowing the difference between hot or not or something?
Just leave it and relax... And please have a little more respect to others... Commenting "you're weird" to everyone is a bit childish.

1 decade ago

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Almost as if you're trying to hide something...not that there would be anything wrong with what it is you may or may not be hiding.

1 decade ago

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Uh oh. I think what's you're looking for is porn. Being hot/attractive does not necessarily mean being naked. So yes, even clothed women can be hot. That's not weird. Actually, you're the perverted one here, if the only think that turns you on is naked female body (well, you're either perverted or 12 years old).

1 decade ago

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I`ll just stop answer to you then (@ Artuurs), as the others said, you act weird, seems you look for porn on steam lol, wrong place dude, and definetly you didnt understood what I meant...

1 decade ago

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LOL wut. You get off to cartoon horses. Not sure you're in the place to judge someones tastes.

1 decade ago

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Get off to horses? Youre a idiot. I might aswell have the rights to say, you jack off to crippled guys with implants and flesh replaced by metal.

9 years ago

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You're in a group with a picture of a horse exposing its boobs as the group profile picture and are in a group called "Pony Butt Sex <3" with its group description being "Whether you want to fuck ponies in the ass, or get fucked in the ass by ponies, this group is for you." Can you say the same about my "crippled guys with implants and flesh replaced by metal"?

(Look, I don't wanna go back and forth so lets just leave it at "Everyone has different tastes and nobody should judge them for them." Yeah? Yeah.)

9 years ago

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You're right. Thank God, we all have different tastes, that' good right? Think about it: all men or women like one man/woman, sounds creepy. :D

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I cant believe how easily all you guys are aroused. Most of everything in this topic is far far far from being hot.

1 decade ago

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Not saying this to start a fight or anything, but maybe because different people find different things hot.

I once asked a friend, why people put effort into making Dead or Alive games when they can just make porn games? Isn't it bad to tease guys with 'almost 100% nakedness' who play their games? He told me "sometimes it's not that you see, it's something you don't ;P"

1 decade ago

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Yeah i dont find clothed ladies as hot as naked ones, sorry. Your friend gave a bad answer. I hate teases, i want the full real stuff.

1 decade ago

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Naturally, i also like nakedness but i'm feeling in the same way like your friend does :D

1 decade ago

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People with very simple minds can only be excited blatant displays of sexuality. The reason why his friend is right, at least for those who don't have the intellect of a neanderthal, is that not seeing everything forces our brains and imaginations to fill in those blanks, and then we visualize all the ways we'd like to "fill in those blanks".

1 decade ago

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Except the real visual thing is better than the imaginated one because we can see it.

1 decade ago

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I find it hilarious that you go around downing other people's opinions as to what's hot and what is not.. The most ironic thing though, is that your profile picture is a fucking MLP Pony with a goatee.

This is all i can think of when i think of people like you.

1 decade ago

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Was thinking the exact same thing ;) Maybe he wants to clop to some freshly shaved ponies.

1 decade ago

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Or maybe youre a asshole and love to assume the worst in everyone you see. You are sick of thinking like that, not me.

1 decade ago

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You should use an argument to your own protection, not accuse him for something.
Otherwise, you are giving him reason, like you just did.

1 decade ago

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Even though that has absolutely nothing to do with this topic, it's like "Oh you like a cartoon show that I don't like... So I guess that mean you can't say that some guys gets turn on easily by not-so-sexy stuff" wut? What kind of line of reasoning is that? What are you mentally challenged or something?

1 decade ago

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Not at all. He just fills the criteria, that's all. You know it, I know it.
Are you a doctor of some sort? You seem familliar with diagnosing unknown people's state of mind.
I'm not saying jack shit about the show MLP itself, as I haven't even seen an episode. I have, however, seen the folks that are prone to follow those shows, to the extent of putting some weird personified picture of a pony as a profile picture.

1 decade ago

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Well maybe it's kind of weird I give you that, but still, you can't assume that he has "bad taste" just by that, as well as the other dumb guy who assumes that he masturbates to horses just by his profile picture, It's not even about the show IDGAF about that, It's just that I find a little annoying people just judging other people by arbitrary personal assumptions, not cool bro, I mean the guy didn't even said anything weird or dumb his only "crime" is having a profile picture that you guys don't like, how is it that fair? :c

1 decade ago

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Do you not read what I wrote in the first post? I don't assume he has bad taste because of that, I assume he's a self proclaimed genius who stands above the rest, what with his comments on some of the other posts in this thread. He DID say something weird.. I advise you to take a look at some of the comments that he's dropped in this thread. This was in no way meant as an offense to people watching the MLP show, or in any way related to his profile picture.

1 decade ago

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A genious? Nope, just being honest, dont think so crazily false of me like that, i stand above no one.

1 decade ago

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So, by making a joke about him jerking it to ponies, I'm dumb? Who is the name calling judgmental one now? I'm sorry you find it annoying that humans judge others. Maybe you should stop living among us if you can't handle the most basic behaviors that every single one of us does.

Welcome to Earth. We judge people here. Also, this is the internet. You must be new here.

1 decade ago

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Thank you. My picture has nothing to do with anything.

1 decade ago

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Im not watching it either, that picture is a small portion of a drawing, a gift drawing so i respect my gifter by wearing it, got it?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Youre a asshole, im pretty sure thats how you look like. Youre also a idiot if you think that if im related to MLP, it automaticaly tags me as something as ugly as that which you showed me. You got no idea what youre doing, nor do you understand the points here.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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100% Orange Juice, duh.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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TY <3

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Skeleton?! o_O LoL

1 decade ago

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Can't get more naked than that.

1 decade ago

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What background is that?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Welp, there's only one on the market of the 3rd one.

1 decade ago

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oh sh*t wasn't any on when i posted that!

1 decade ago

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No market entry for the 3rd one, so here.

1 decade ago

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The best one is my one - crucia rift background. Hands down.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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damn that's expensive

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I think we have a winner :D

1 decade ago

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Yup, thats on my list to buy right now :>

1 decade ago

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I want it... just so I can sell it at a ridiculously-overpriced price.

1 decade ago

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what game is that from?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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1 decade ago

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Boner alert!

9 years ago

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My current background from Magic 2014.
This girl is hot, literally :)

1 decade ago

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Plenty of hot chicks in this one

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Jesus Christ.

1 decade ago

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Um... considering all the options I don't think Jesus Christ wallpapers fall in the hot/sexy category, sry. :/

1 decade ago

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I keep telling people the Fists of Jesus devs really missed out on a whole new market with theirs. ;D

9 years ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Yupp, we all agreed about the second one being the best on the bottom of the first page ;)

1 decade ago

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Also hottest chick in backgrounds is taht samurai chick in house-of-dead-ninjas game background.

1 decade ago

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Shaundi from Saints Row: The Third

1 decade ago

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