Hello everybody! I recently received a friend request from Woowooma. I didn't know who it was, but out of curiosity I decided to accept the request. Here is our next communication:

hi there sorry to bother you i just want to clarify if you know this guy?

he put your steam address as his main account, is this true?

No) I don't know who it is

oh are you sure?

May I inquire about the details?

so that account is not yours?


yesterday he offered me a trade and asked me to check the price of my karambit knife on dmarket and i found out that i deposited the knife to his fake account
do you know something about this?

I have no idea, it's really just some guy who decided to copy my account
This is the first time I see it

i think i did a big mistake
i told my friends to report your account
now i just got a response from steam

It's a shame ( do you have a link to his account?


Hello,Our Fraud Moderator Team approved your request to suspend this Fraudulent Steam account related to stealing of funds/money. In addition to violation of contract, activities on the account may violate federal law and state law. If such activities persist, Valve reserves the right to refer the matter to authorities.Per the Steam Subscriber Agreement, This fraudulent account can make an appeal to prove his/her innocence regarding the said issue. Our Fraud Moderator Team will investigate this fraudulent account to see his/her involvement in this illegal activity. The Steam Moderator in charge of this case will suspend this said fraudulent account permanently if he/she fails to make an appeal for this illegal activity.FRAUD USER'S ACCOUNT :Steam Account Name : SaksssSteam Account ID : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198174795655/Steam Moderator Contact Information : https://join.skype.com/invite/pigRfJTCJoDgSteam Support,Johnny
actually he blocked me
his steam account is error after he blocked me
"The Steam Moderator in charge of this case will suspend this said fraudulent account permanently if he/she fails to make an appeal for this illegal activity."
i think we need to make clarification about this
can you please help me contact the moderator to explain this incident ?

Of course

they provide this one
Steam Moderator Contact Information : https://join.skype.com/invite/pigRfJTCJoDg
here is the report Ticket: VP-J3M3-Z8YM-KZDX

I did not fully understand what actions are required of me?

joined the moderator and write a simple explanation
also ask if we can still withdraw the report

OK, I'll contact support

okay thank you
how is it?

I'm not at home right now, I'll deal with it later

at least you can leave a message
anytime now they will restrict your account :(
" This fraudulent account can make an appeal to prove his/her innocence regarding the said issue. Our Fraud Moderator Team will investigate this fraudulent account to see his/her involvement in this illegal activity. The Steam Moderator in charge of this case will suspend this said fraudulent account permanently if he/she fails to make an appeal for this illegal activity. "

He didn't write 4 anything else and the next day he deleted me from his friends.
Has this happened to you? I don't know what would happen next, maybe they would try to get my steamguard from me or something.. I decided to write about it to warn others against it.

10 months ago

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Very old scam, yes. Just report and block that user.

10 months ago

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Number one reason to not accept random friend requests.

Never use your Steam login credentials anywhere else. Only sign in at Steam. Never use someone else's link to Steam. Use your own bookmark or type your own. Never accept unexpected 2FA prompts.

10 months ago*

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I've had two accounts contact me with horribly pixelated screenshots supposedly of me buying something on the Steam market, and them not getting paid for it. I didn't bother seeing how the scam played out, but I assume they expect you to pay them somehow.

Steam do not send you friend requests to deal with support issues. Only engage with them if you enjoy wasting their time and yours.

10 months ago

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Contacting Steam Moderators via Skype would ring a bell in me

10 months ago

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"I reported your account by mistake" type of scam

10 months ago

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Got to give it to them, it's a notch or two above "Hey it's me, your brother". Still age-old shitty phishing attempt that starts out from "somebody who looks like you scammed me, but I found and reported your instead." and goes to "Please use this external link to discord / skype to communicate with the Valve moderator, outside of Valve's systems. It just works"

10 months ago

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First rule of Steam:
Steam Support does not reach out to people by Steam chat or Discord. Anyone approaching you that says they're from Steam Support and asks for your account information or items is a scammer.
Second rule:
No Steam Admin Will Interact With You On Steam Directly

10 months ago

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Some scammers even use the profile of people they find on the official Valve website. it's kinda sad that their pictures and names are being used to scam others

10 months ago

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social engineering is a beast

10 months ago

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In the past calling out was against the rules, however I don't see it mentioned in the guidelines anymore. Might still happen that a mod asks you to remove profile link and name.

10 months ago

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Pretty sure it has always fallen under the "the Content is not pornographic, does not contain threats or incite violence, and does not violate the privacy or publicity rights of any third party;" part of the Terms of Service, similar to how anti-bot rules fall under the "the Content is not spam, is not machine or randomly-generated, " part of the Terms of Service, rather than being in FAQ or Guidelines.

( Guidelines DID have a "Use the appropriate avenues for support. If you have an issue with another user, submit a ticket with a user report, rather than calling them out within the community or on the forum", but that pretty explicitly only covered internal SG calling out; Pretty sure the ToS bit was the premise for calling out extending to "non-obvious information related to any individual, so long as the individual isn't a public figure and the matter isn't related to the individual's actions in that public role". As further evidence of that, SG staff were exempt from the public figure exception, due to the Guideline protecting SG users, indicating that there were definitely two overlapping rules being followed on the matter. Though that might have just been covered by the then-also-existing guideline of "When posting content, it should respect the privacy and rights of others.", though that really just seems redundant to the Terms of Service consideration, so one'd assume that didn't actually add anything itself.)

That said, it does seem to in fact be noted in the current Guidelines: "Private or identifying information. Users in the community have a right to privacy. Do not post their private or identifying information without their consent. For example, their name, address, phone number, photos, or private messages."

It does feel a bit unintuitive to associate it to the current bit, until you reach the "private messages" part, and realize it's pretty casual about what it intends with its associations. Moreover, it's pretty obviously similar to the previous guideline, and the ToS element hasn't changed, so it should be straightforward to interpret that the calling out rules haven't changed. And, even if it is interpreted as not being in the rules somehow, staff was at last check still acting on the rule, so the listed rules don't much matter in terms of the expectations the OP'd be running into. :P

TL;DR version: This is indeed calling out, and that's still against site rules. Technically, if it's a username used by multiple steam users you may possibly get away with referencing the username, but any direct account linking or other form of obvious identity clarification would most certainly be a rule violation.

( Well, unless the OP can make an argument for the individual being a public figure, in their role of being a scammer; Even the SG user protection rule can have exceptions if the public figure role is deemed large enough, as is proven when konrads was made an exception to the calling out rule, being deemed a public figure in his role as.. uh.. a konrad. <.<; And there was no biteback when threads were made negatively referencing Humble support by name. So theoretically there's also a point where negatively referencing a steamid would also be acceptable. Iirc anyone suspended from SG was also considered an exception, so that'd also be a consideration. [Really, this topic hasn't come up in years, so sorry about the somewhat hazy and uncertain presentation, which is of course made even more uncertain by how staff and their associated expectations have changed since then. :P] )

10 months ago*

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The mods will not ask something, they will directly suspend you.

And the punishment for it is, nearly, always much higher as the bad boys get.

So better not count on "it isn't anymore in the rules/FAQ/guidelines" because it is still enforced.
If only for people that have a sg account or not, is the only thing that is not sure and maybe allow a calling out of someone without a sg account.

10 months ago*

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Variation of the time-honored classic "I accidentally reported your account".

10 months ago

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Dammmmmm, I got exactly that scam 5-6 years ago lmaooo

They even included a gif of me getting banned xd

10 months ago

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I had somebody do the same thing "oops me and my friends reported you" I just responded "I'm not too worried"long time ago

10 months ago

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I used to get this on Discord on a weekly basis when I had my Steam profile linked to my discord account. After unliking, it stopped.

10 months ago

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"Contact Steam Support on Skype"


10 months ago

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To be honest, I believed the story until he mentioned Skype. This is the first thing that made me doubt

10 months ago

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Skype is still a thing???

10 months ago

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For scammers, sure it is.

10 months ago

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The fact that they are still using this method means that it's still working.
How the hell is it still working?

View attached image.
10 months ago

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Most people are uniformed or just stupid

10 months ago

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Because psychology. They're set up in ways to exploit weak points in people's guards and rely on catching at least someone once in a while at a vulnerable enough moment. Their "logic" immediately falls apart if you think about it even for a second, but they try to rush people through it and not give them time to think. Like how this method tries to panic the victim with the whole "IF YOU DON'T ACT NOW, YOUR ACCOUNT WILL BE TERMINATED" crap, or how the "pls vote for my team" variant tries to exploit people's desire to help others with "just a small favour" (and if that one is via a phished friend's account, they immediately switch to guilt tripping and threats if you refuse, going on about how you're "not a real friend" if you don't wanna do a small thing for them). It's extremely exploitative.

And the worst part is- these aren't even the worst kinds of phishing scams... I'd imagine these don't make enough profit to be an "industry" since Steam users with actually valuable accounts are more wary. So it's mostly random arseholes causing chaos or trying to get a quick buck. Meanwhile, there are entire criminal organizations with whole call centers (using fake company fronts) which have the sole goal of tricking people (especially old people, because dementia makes people very vulnerable) into calling them so they can empty their bank accounts. T.T

10 months ago*

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Yes that's definitively a scam.
The ticket support is so funny, Valve suspending an account that easily just because some guy said he lost 600 dollars outside of Steam and provided a random profile link. Like "it was asked so nicely and you seem so truthworthy having bought only 5 games on our store let's delete this guy's account without any proof"

10 months ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

10 months ago

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People do fall for them. Most don’t, but a handful do. It only takes a few minutes per failed target, so they can reach out to dozens of people per day. Even more if they use bots.
The perpetrators usually live somewhere very cheap, where just a handful of victims for low amounts is a decent income.

10 months ago

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One look at that profile tells all there is, "10+" games badge & no "years of service" badge
Disposable account for scamming

10 months ago

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Thanks for (REDACTED)!

10 months ago

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A Nigerian prince warned me about that guy

10 months ago

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You just made me and my friend laugh, thanks)))

10 months ago

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Plot twist: Your friend is the Nigerian prince.

10 months ago

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those type of things only happen in ohio

10 months ago

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Yep. Didn't waste my time with them. If it's not about something I recognize, it's an instant block. I did not know it was a scam at the time, but knowing I wouldn't be randomly banned just because someone asked to ban me, I simply didn't want to engage.

10 months ago

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First thing that tipped me off, he mentioned "Steam Support".
We all know there is no such thing!

10 months ago

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Please contact steam support through aol instant messenger to receive your $50 steam gift card code.

10 months ago

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Oh, you reminded me of an interesting incident. My roommate once sent me a link via Steam to some "gift card" site. I went without hesitation and immediately realized that it was some kind of phishing site, because I was immediately redirected to a site where I had to enter my login and password.
And what is strange in this story, when I told him that it was a scam, he replied that he had not written anything to me and that he constantly receives messages that someone is entering his Gmail and other networks. In the end, it turned out to be a virus on his laptop, which sent various phishing sites through applications in which he was authorized. It's also interesting that he didn't get anything stolen (he only had RDR2 and DayZ on his Steam account, but that's not a bad goal in my opinion).

10 months ago

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Closed 10 months ago by vinstonsmitt.