My post last night was quite short and the result of the burst of excitement at the idea of joining Touhou.
Now that I've calmed down a little, I'd like to the take the time to explain in detail why I'd like to join.
First off, I really like the group concept and I don't just want to be in the group, I want to be an active part of it. Like I said in the first edition of this post, I'm part of very few Steam Groups because I carefully choose them. That's why, being unsatisfied, I created my own RPG giveaway group (of which Touhou's ShandyAndy and Velsu are members). If I want to be in Touhou, it's to be an active, genererous and loyal member.
I must admit that I'm not really into anime these days but used to be quite a bit a few years ago. My favourite manga/anime ever is Mushishi but very few of my friends have ever heard of it.
I tend to be a funny guy and love joking with people (and not about them) I'll regularly drop by in the chat, like I am, writing these lines.
I'll admit I don't have a lot of free time on my hands as I have a day job, kids and I make music. But if I say I have time for Touhou, I mean it.
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Hey Archi :)
I won't be applying for this awesome group since for some reason I won a lot of games the past month and I haven't made enough GA's yet, but I'll gladly bump this thread for my white heart :3
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It's called totalitarian capitalism - you're free to enter and create gibs, but when archibot tells you to leave, you leave, then ask questions, never the other way :3.
Every new member has to pledge his life to almighty ArchiBoT and the Great Leader before getting invited, our Hans Madu is in charge of that :3.
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-1 for not knowing Free!
Cj your weebness level isn't high enough.
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Group is filled with weebs so I wouldn't blame ya :P.
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Tell us why you would like to join the group
I've read and have gone through the rules. Being a part of this group might help me remove this feeling of a deep, dark void inside myself. I also understand the concepts of the group.
-Edit- Oh, and free gibs I guess ^
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For some reason you are on my WL... So I suppouse that is +1...
Not that it matters....
2.25 - Archi: btw guys
2.25 - Archi: dont forget you can +1 your candidates
2.25 - Archi: it's totalitarian capitalism, so your +1 doesnt mean shit
2.25 - Archi: but it can convince fake to give more points
2.25 - Archi: :D
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I really would like to apply but don't know if i fullfill the requirements i don't know anything about ratios
The reason is because every time i make a giveaway the game goes to a person who only enter because he can and don't for play the game.
Oh and yeah, make giveaways :3
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Why do all you giveaway groups with your sweet high value games and your low entry numbers all require me to spend time talking to people?!
I am a loner dottie! A REBEL
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Does the bot make me speak in the channel, or can I lurk quietly and silently judging? Always judging...
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According to BoT:
ArchiBoT: high five.appropriate response is \o
ArchiBoT: Wavin' man. Can be used to say hi or to get attention.
ArchiBoT: A smiley of a cheering guy throwing his hands in the air, expressing great happiness. In a rare case, it can portray someone throwing his hands in the air in exasperation or panic.
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I've read the rules and the info about your group and I liked what I saw, so here we go.
I've only started to use steamgifts recently but the more giveaways I create the more I feel like I'm just throwing away pebbles in the ocean.
I like the idea of getting rid of my duplicate keys letting other people enjoy games that are just here, collecting dust in my ever expanding list of of leftover bundle keys and steam gifts bought en masse on sale, but seeing them go to people only interested in a +1 to their collection is kinda turning me off from the whole thing (not even blaming them, as with no repercussions for doing so you might feel encouraged to join everything in sight)
The idea of a smaller group with an internal economy that's not JUST about the giveaways and also has weeb gifs and achievements is exactly what I had in mind, the only concern I have is that while I would LOVE to be able to just hang out and slowly get to know other people I'm not the best at breaking the ice and closed communities that have been around for a while tend to be harder to get into for newcomers. In that regard I'll hang out in chat for a while and see how it goes :D
EDIT: after being around in chat for a few days I can safely say that you're cool, yay :P
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Everyone likes to win tasty Games!
Although i'm not a big fan of ratio stuffs i respect it what am i talking about!? It's group's rule i have to respect it
I guess as long as i giveaway many games and the ratio won't bother me
I like to give and win, let's all! Count me in if you want!
btw can anyone tell me is anime real or not?
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Oh, count me in, I would love to be part of the group. I've checked the website and the members page and I really like how everything is managed. It's clean, it's clear and it's visually nice.
I've read the rules and I like the group concept. I think I also meet the requirements to be a member. As strange as this might sound, lately I'm enjoying more making giveaways than actually winning them, so keeping a good ratio wouldn't be a problem.
Also, as a user of ASF, I know that if Archi is behind this, it has to be good :D
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I would love to join, you guys seem like a great group. I like the automated everything approach, it makes great sense, and I really appreciate all the efforts you have put into developing your bot. I have read and agree with all your rules and your website looks great too.
About me, I joined SteamGifts 1 or 2 months ago, I have been very active and have given and won :) a lot of games, I am L4 right now. I love games, and I love that nice feeling inside when you donate one of your favorite games to someone else, and you hope they have as much fun playing as you did! I think I am a good match for Touhou Giveaways and I hope to join you soon!
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I'm interested in joining. Why should you pick me? I like to share and play videogames with other persons, that makes funnier the experience. SG is a good place to share, not only games, time and friendship too.
I think that your group is fantastic, because it offers the opportunity of share, giveaways, time and friendship, with people that are really interested in this matters. And not only bots and people that not even are interested in play the games that you gave away.
My favourites kind of games are the RPG and coop zombie games. I'm looking for some really nice persons to play with and I think that this is a great opportunity.
In any case, thanks for the chance and good luck to everyone :)
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Bumpee. Y'all seem like a nice group of people. Which is why I will not attempt to join your group.
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What is Touhou Giveaways?
The Touhou Giveaways group was founded by Archi on February 18th 2015. We're a small, ratio-based group, sharing the spirit of giving away and winning games on SteamGifts. You might already recognize us from awesome events that we organize from time to time.
We have implemented many unique features into the simple concept of a private giveaway group, and today we are probably the most "technologically advanced" group that exists on SG. The objective is simple: the group should be a nice addition to the SteamGifts community and should require no extra effort from the member.
All group giveaways are tracked by our bot, which automatically handles everything - adding new giveaways to the database, tracking winners, calculating points and ratio, detecting current/finished giveaways, statistics, and more. We even reward members with our very own touhou achievements! Our group is fully automated, and thanks to that, our members can focus on creating and winning giveaways, instead of being forced to manually add them through the website or post links in a group thread. This way everybody is happy to make giveaways the same way as public or private giveaways, and ArchiBoT does everything else. We even created our own userscript which enhances further SG experience. All 2hus love it :3.
Basically you could say that the entire group is run by ArchiBoT, and humans are only helping him :3
To make the precious data gathered by the bot available for the members, we also coded our very own Touhou Giveaways website, which acts as a "frontend" to the data gathered by the bot. Members can check their stats, ongoing giveaways, giveaways won and many other useful information we provide in a nice, fancy and modern way. We're still actively working on improving our group even further.
Touhou Giveaways is not a typical giveaway group that can be found on SG - we're more like our own small community of people that like spending time with each other, be it by chatting, playing or discussing SG
rantsthreads.I highly recommend joining us on the chat if you want to get more info, ask a question, or simply talk with us. Doing so will greatly increase your chances, while at the same time finding out if you like our companionship or not :3. We don't force any member or candidate to stay on our chat for the entire time, but no interaction with group members apart from SG is rather discouraged.
We're looking for members who:
If you think that you'd be a good addition to our group, do not wait any longer and send in your application right away! Tell us why you would like to join the group, and why you consider yourself as a good candidate. After the deadline, all applications that meet initial requirements (rules) will be reviewed by our staff, candidates who get most points in our private staff voting will get an invite to the marvelous world of Gensokyo.
This time we're going to give more chances to less known people on SG, so even if you're not that recognized and without rather massive number of giveaways, don't hesitate to write - there's nothing to lose, only to gain :3.
Website | Members | Rules | Introduction | Chat | Steam group | SG stats
Currently we're looking for up to 10 new members.
Mandatory giveaway
We'll vote and choose lucky winners after finish of the giveaway above (deadline). Until then we're accepting applications. Giveaway is open for everybody of course.
Candidates: (In chronological order, updated manually from time to time)
Voting finished!
Congratulations to:
Better luck next time:
(Not listed candidates didn't get any points)
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