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now to dig out anime game recommendations(will edit this later... maybe multiple times as I think of more)
Anime Game recommendations(some I have only played on console):
Visual Novels(seperating these as they aren't for everyone):
Adabana Odd Tales(has absolutely beautiful artwork and a great story, you can glimpse at my screenshots for basically no spoiler look into the art).
Marco and the Galaxy Dragon: story is very anime, its 100% voice acted(I don't recall a single line not voiced), full on animation story segments, artwork changes every few lines of text unlike most VN's
Higurashi... part slice of life... part not, ch.1 is free so you can try to see if you like it before committing to buying other volumes, use 7th mod if the visuals put you off so you can get the console versions made later on.
Not Visual Novels:
Basically every single Nintendo first party title that is anime(Xenoblade, etc...)
Disgaea... think Final Fantasy Tactics with a twist... only complaint I have is the camera angles, it is a port(from handhelds I believe) so it doesn't play well with a mouse on certain layouts in the item world(its all randomized) making seeing certain things difficult. Will need to play 5 that I shelved ages ago after I finish 1(got distracted by shinier switch games).
Holo Cure: Vampire Survivors meets HoloLive, game is free passion project, all I know is some animator who worked on some big animes works on it(I recall them working on shows like JJK and such, can't be bothered to fact check myself)
Persona games: while I haven't gotten to them yet personally(my switch cartridge is collecting dust), I know they are great games.
Ys games: 8 specifically, the older ones are good to(for the ones I have played.... need to go and finish a bunch of them), 9 is ok early, I haven't gotten far enough for the point where it gets better according to people, shelved it for playing at some future date. 10 is annonced!
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I can second Disagaea. I say it's better for handheld (aka Steam Deck) since there's a lot of mindless farming (at least in 5, don't remember 4, never played 6) you can do and it'd rather have a more active experience. Persona of course everyone is familiar with.
Some RPGs:
"Tales" games, Tales of Arise, Vesperia, Berseria
Ni No Kuni, 1 has more studio ghibli animation I believe so I only bought and played 1.
Atelier series, Ryza 2, Ryza 3, and Lulua are the ones I've heard as the good ones (at least the ones I gravitated towards)
edit: 🍅
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Super Cloudbuilt, unavailable for purchase right now but devs are working on it. Publishing agreement ended so it was purchase disabled. Devs are removing all code from the publisher and replacing it with their own code, as well as adding new intro levels
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No there's no time frame, the development team shut down so they are working on it on the weekends in their spare time. I have a key I can give you, add me if you want it.
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I've been really enjoying playing Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot lately, so that's my Anime game recommendation for you :) Bump!
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The last time I played Dragonball was on the PS2, unfortunately I can't remember which part it was, those were the days. But I have Dragon Ball Xenoverse in my library, which I really want to play in the future. I've heard a lot about Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. Is it the best game in the series?
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I'm not sure, it's actually my first proper experience with Dragon Ball games, only played a bit of one other Dragon Ball game before but that was so many years ago on the WII, I don't remember that one too well, but Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot has very good reviews and I am really enjoying playing it so I can vouch for it atleast. It's actually one of the first anime games I've ever played too, I hope other ones are as good as this one cause I want to play more anime games later xD I will say I have no prior experience with Dragon Ball from the anime so I went into the game mostly blind only knowing a few characters and such prior to playing it, I think if you've watched DBZ it'll be pretty much the same story but as a fun game.
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Guilty Gear and Blazblue - I know not the most original choices but man those games are anime as fuck.
ArcSys knows how to do anime right.
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Hey Shurax, thank you for the GAs!
I'm surprised it hasn't been given yet considering the Ys have, but Falcom also makes the Kiseki series, or The Legend of Heroes, a game series of now ten..? episodes, all in the same worls, different continent, and whose stories are intertwinned. The first are somewhat old school, but the story is great, the newer ones are obviously more in line with today standards! The next installment is coming on Steam very soon: Trails through Daybreak, and introduces a new cast as well as a new continent.
Again, thanks for the GAs, GL space cats! 🍀
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Steam is a great platform where you can find a lot of things.
Do you have any "Anime/Japanese Game" recommendations for me?
I would also be happy about hidden gems that are not so well known.
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