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I know I will be the buzz kill here, but I can't think of anything cool about myself, if I could choose not to be with myself, I would!
Maybe I am so uncool that that makes me cool? haha no! doubt that! anyway, at least I can be honest right? ^^
Btw nice idea to get whitelists this way, very original! :)
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nah man you are cool you got a cat, you play video games for a hobby, you have friends (I am assuming) everyone is cool in her/his way :) also the point of this was not to get whitelists, i more wanna give out game to people who deserve it :) if you do find something cool about your self i will add you :)
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I have a cat? checks Steam to see if I never changed that (she died in December so I removed it now) but yeah I know it's just that...I am not really able to see any positive stuff about myself at all, so if I need to write something positive I need to ask someone else what they are XD
And friends...well... I suck at making friends so I hardly have any, I wish I had more friends but making friends is so damn hard!! (just to be clear, with friends I mean real life friends, I have many chat buddies ^^)
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also everybody is cool and has something unique and cool to offer the world. everyone even if that helping somebody move a TV or anything that helps humanity as a whole! for you it w=may even be giving away steam games! have an awesome day mate =)
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I got a cool brown wedge in my iris.Similar to this:
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i'm not really cool. i did chip the same tooth three times, my front right tooth, so that's kind of interesting. last time when when i was a teenager, probably like 13~14 years old. i threw a triangle-shaped rock at my buddy's bike tire and started immediately laughing. well i heard an audible ping off the tire as the rock came back and hit me square in the teeth. no lip at all, just right on my four front teeth. instant fucking karma. i mean what are the odds of that? i told my mom i fell and hit my mouth on the sidewalk. the third dentist did a much better job at repairing it than the first two.
first two times i chipped it are kinda boring but i'll tell anyways. first time, i was probably like 5-7 years old. sitting in my hallway, i stood up, turned around and smacked my mouth right into the corner of the wall. it was drywall and had that metal piece they put on corners to smooth/reinforce them. idk what they're called. second time i was on the school bus laughing and out of fucking nowhere, a pen hit me square in the teeth. i don't understand. i just came outta nowhere.. popped the shitty dentistry work right off my tooth.
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Wow instant karma! Epic! life is full of surprises eh? me and my brother had a organic fair trade popcorn stand at a local farmers market when we were 8 and 9, and we were both making 100 dollars a day in profit. Then an old lady tried selling it and took away some of are business then she was expelled from the farms market because she did it on purpose. Then she died a week later, then 1 month later her husband died too. Karma lol it was kinda sad tho :( added you :D
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oh, your story reminded me of another odd incident that happened to me.. when i was in my early 20's, i used to do this thing while driving around. anytime i saw somebody walking, or driving with their window down or whatever, i would yell "hi!" or "hey!". i thought it was funny. well, one particular time i did this, i had a buddy in my passenger seat and were headed to a friend's house. when we were less than a mile from the destination, i saw a big white truck with its window down, so i decided to give 'em a "hey". i get to my friend's house, text to her let her know i'm outside, and seconds later i see a big white truck pull in behind me. two guys exit the truck, one guy (the driver) comes to my window, and his passenger walks up to my buddy's window. he then tells me, in a pretty angry fashion, that he heard me yell "hey" so he wanted to see what i wanted. this guy was a typical big redneck dude, and i thought i might be getting my ass kicked in mere moments. i was pretty confused as to why he gave any shits at all, even enough to follow me up a longer-than-usual driveway to a house where he obviously was not invited. i don't really remember what my response was, probably just told him i meant nothing by it. he introduced himself as "stacy" (which really struck me as odd because i've never met a dude named stacy), shook my hand and asked for my name, which i didn't give him. when i say he "shook" my hand, what i actually mean is he squeezed the shit out of it in what i can only assume was an attempt to intimidate / provoke / piss me off. it kinda sucked because i had recently gotten a boxer's fracture which to this day hasn't healed correctly. i held my ground, told him this wasn't even my house and that i was waiting on someone, and tried to act as calm as possible. they left shortly after and i had a strange story to tell friends.
fast forward a few months and i had noticed a cross on a tree on that very road this whole thing occurred on, though it was the other end of the end, a few miles down, signifying that someone had hit that tree and died. you see where i'm going here? i didn't think anything of it until one day, i was at a bar i used to frequent that is about a mile from that tree. somehow the tree got brought up in conversation and the bartender told me an anecdote about a man named stacy who was at that bar one night, left in his big white truck while drunk, and smashed into that tree on his way home, killing him.
i instantly knew it was the same person. the "hey" spot, driveway, tree, and bar are all within a radius of just a couple miles. plus how many dudes named stacy driving a big white truck could there possibly be in this little town?
it was shortly after that i had realized 100% of the people who answered my greeting die soon after, and i've never yelled at anyone since. ok, i like to tell that last sentence as a joke, though technically correct. sorry for the wall of text, i tried making it as brief as i could.
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The cool thing for me was that once I was riding a mountain bike and speeding down a very high steep hill, looking at the speedometer attached to the bike reaching 25km/h, I felt like I was letting myself go.It's a little dangerous and I won't do it again
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I was cool but global warming made me hot :D
i guess the coolest thing about me is when i was 10 I fell from rooftop about 4 meters height and landed with head and i didnt die :D just some broken teeth and jaw
damn i remember it doctors didnt use Anesthetics and told my father that ill die :D
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yea it was too much for me :D i wont go further in details its disturbing i guess haha
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mmmm. I got scars on both of my hand during the army. One burnt scar on left hand(accidentally poured hot water on my sleeved army shirt while filling water, upon realizing the heat, I pulled my sleeve and ended out removing a portion of my skin), and a stitch recover mark on the right palm(fell down during running and I slide on road hump that is made of cobble and the worst thing is, the road hump is cracked open). So I ended out been able to see the inside of my right palm before the 5 stitches.
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Never encounter a need to fire rounds on living beings during my 2 year in army. (Were taught close combat battle skills and only allowed to fire rounds on living beings that are showing force or invoking danger. Such as holding as holding a hostage/ weapons).
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My grandpa and my father were metalsmiths but there aren't many jobs for these in the area, so my dad started to do maintenance in soccer fields to make a living.
I grew up without much money, but I was able to get a partial scholarship in one of the best schools in the region and enter the best college of my country (#2 overall, #1 in my major).
I am struggling with the studies, but I am able to at least be above average consistently. I hope to get a job in my area and make them proud.
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With the proper tools, yeah!
Whenever they had time and material to spare, they would make some trinkets to bring home or gift around.
Both my father and my grandpa liked to make decorations unfortunately, but a friend's father has a small arsenal at home.
Most weapons are not swords though, those seem to be kinda hard to pull off adequately.
Oh, and thanks, that's appreciated!
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I have a sword and dagger collection parts of which I drag with me around the world when I move, and stress that airports will think I'm a terrorist and/or steal my stuff.
I also have a kingdom that privileged people (my close friends) get to discover. Everyone is a peasant by default, but if they want to move up they have the opportunity to submit a written application for an existing (and open) or proposed position. All applications are considered, not all are approved.
Side note: This is a pretty neat way for people to find something that's cool about themselves and share it. Good on you for encouraging people!
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Umm had to dig up some old photos since most of them are on the other side of the world right now and I can't be bothered digging in my suitcase for what is here haha. But here are some photos I took 2-9 years ago (it's a slow growing collection due to all the moving :P). They're not the greatest photos but it's all I got right now :P
That's not all of them, but the new ones are mostly knives and daggers these days. Have my eye on some LotR and fantasy swords to add as soon as I can though.
I think my favourites out of these are the sai, throwing knives + karambit (last pic), and Excalibur :)
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I did Witcher 3 for 100% and many other games 8-)
and yesterday Red dead redemption 2 for 100%, sadly on RS launcher
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I've won the beaver of informatics two times with all points
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I can play the piano(had learned it for years), last year I started playing the guitar(with a few days of instruction) and this year learned how to play drums. Hoped to keep learning the latter but because of COVID I couldn't attend the academy anymore(I couldn't contact the instructor). Just moving on my own, searching for the information from the books and Youtube.
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Thanks for this, that is COOL! I added you on my WL as well ;)
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When I was a kid I liked to make simple games using Power Point, later I started making some games in Macromedia Flash 8.
Currently, I'm planning to use Godot to make a game that I could upload on someday.
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I'm a Biotechnology Engineering student, how cool is that?? Also, I know how to play guitar.
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All I ask, is you tell the most cool thing about yourself!
And then I will judge you, and see if your cool enough. 😎
And as we say in Canada, "PEACE OUUTTT"
i am gonna do monthly gibs for you guys!
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