So i got my beta key yday and i started playing today

the main think the bugs me is HOW THE HELL this game has a monthly payment?

dont get me wrong , i would have bought it if it was B2P cuz IT IS fun
but imo , doesnt worth a monthly payment even if it was 5 bucks a month

ur thoughts about the beta?

11 years ago*

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last beta round i played it it crashed for me after 30 minutes. set all the details and stuff to lowest and it crashed again. this time after 15 minutes. put everything to max and the loading took a bit longer but it didn't crash at all. so imo it's poorly optimised.

other then that, it was the weekend so lag was to be expected. but it was just too bad for me to want to continue playing. not even considering getting it, and hoping they will just bring out number 6 :(

11 years ago

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i didnt crash but the loading screen takes 4ever xD
i waited for 5 mins in the loading game after u use the rift.. i alt f4 it out and when i started the game again i fell off the sky and died xD

11 years ago

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Ditto. I've not been back.

11 years ago

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It has a beautiful world, decent story & quests and great voice acting; but the gameplay is so dull, it's unbearable. Also, it feels like playing a singleplayer game, and the optimization is the worst part, especially for an MMORPG.

11 years ago

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I totally agree with u , cool lure , feels like the singleplayer and aweful gameplay

11 years ago

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+1 I am very disappointed about this game :( expected more.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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cba even trying it for that price (and subscription)

11 years ago

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You can see alot of people agree with you here

11 years ago

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I'm glad im not the only one

11 years ago

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You can also see a lot of people disagree, but that's a nice bias there.

11 years ago

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It has good production values but it screams single player and that's what it should have been.

11 years ago

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About the payment... I don't like paying more than a certain amount of money for games, and that's why I hate games like WoW (especially WoW), so I find the montly payment terrible. But I heard that Bethesda will add DLC-sized, or micro DLC-sized, content every month, which if it's true, then it's totally worth the money to me. I believe it will become a B2P sometime after a year or two.
Now, about the game.
I got the chance to play it for a couple of hours, and I really like it as a game. Sure it is not like Skyrim or Oblivion, but it's really nice. I like the character developemt, even though I kind of not like the classes perks, and I am still not sure if stabbing exists... The gameplay seems nice for a MMORPG. Actually, it's one of the bests. I have to play a MMORPG for 2 years, with last one being Metin 2 (which I was playing for years), so I can actually be sure about that. BUT, it lacks customization, which is a heavy portion of a MMORPG. For example, I picked Khajit, so my passive perk is that the medium armor's experience advances faster than the light and the heavy armor, BUT, I have not found a single medium armor piece yet... Only 3 light armor pieces and 1 heavy armor pieces.. But the game is in BETA, so I cannot really judge that much the game yet.

11 years ago

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Also, it does have huge loading times... And I don't understand why... I am right now waiting to get into the game (it's requesting character load...)... And after 4 mins, it is still loading... lol

11 years ago

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i played the previous beta and it ran smoothly with no issues at full details, 4gb of ram 550ti nvidia and i3 processor so not exactly a top of the range machine, the install size made my eyes water not for downloading i could care less on my slightly expensive but no data caps connection but the hdd space needed, it seemed like morrowind or oblivion only perhaps a little prettier(not played skyrim as yet sadly so cant compare), had i the spare cash id sub cause it was fairly fun but then id sub for every mmo if i had the cash :)

11 years ago

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The game looks like a single player and feels like one, doesn't attract me at all
The combat system is not so great, i only played Templar.
Maybe they will improve, but i doubt that can make miracles in less then 3 months

11 years ago

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Its good for most mmo players nowadays, they mostly want single player gaming even in MMO and refuse to play in groups.

11 years ago

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This game doesn't deserves to be called "the elder scrolls".

  1. Feels booring.
  2. There is more color in the real world than in the "magical world of tamriel"
  3. The animations are horrible. I never thought that it's possible to make a pretty looking character look so bad while running/swimming.
  4. It doesn't deserves all those money....
11 years ago

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Agreed, the game is just so horrible. I forced myself to play for 3 hours, hoping it gets better. No way, it is just plain boring. The combat is worse than Skyrim's and feels weak, along with a horrible clearly MMO hit recognition which just makes it worse. The animations are lack luster and not very good, swimming is bad, running is bad, combat animations in 1st Person are also just horrible. The quests were so dull, you got talk to a guy to talk to another guy to find a lost guy to talk to him so then you can kill 3 bandits to talk to another guy. It was just plain horrible. The class system is good though, however the very foundations of gameplay were bad so the game cannot be great without an overhaul. Since is beta can they fix it? They can, but they won't.

11 years ago

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I'm glad that i'm not the only one who doesn't likes the animations...on the beta forums nobody said anything....

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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So... You mean it's exactly like the rest of the TES games? :P

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Err... there's a lack of colour? What areas are you visiting?

11 years ago

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Starter zones. A mmo must have a pretty looking starter area to attract new players.

11 years ago

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Again, what starter zones, exactly? Even the tutorial zone was pretty eyecatching, and after that, I got taken to a place filled with vibrant colour.

11 years ago

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+1 100% agree

11 years ago

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Played a few hours, the combat is ok, but not really interesting, the quests are ok as well, the only interesting thing for me would be traveling throught the whole world of Tamriel, but that's mostly all there is for me and I wouldn't pay monthly for it, maybe they'll make it a buy 2 play game, than I'd consider buying it ;)

11 years ago

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Played for 3/4 hours it's a decent game. I like the environments ( I've visited Skyrim and Morrowind).The combat is clunky: sometimes you hit the opponent and he doesn't get any damage. The graphics are not that great, there are alot of very-very-very low res texture around. It feels like a single player game! In any case I don't feel like a subscription model is a good thing for this game. If ESO had been like Guild Wars 2 ( pay once, buy something later if you want) I would have bought it.

11 years ago

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Tried to uninstall the game using CCleaner, the game is still there (you have to delete the folder by yourself) -_- Zenimax really wants to force us to play their game...

11 years ago

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I tried about 10 times to create a character but each time I got "name already in use" even if I tried completely random names so this TESO must be the most successful beta EVER if all names are taken.

11 years ago

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Funny, the first name I tried (Vinaa) wasn't taken.

11 years ago

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I'm probably one of biggest TES fanboys out there, and I say.. This game is totally not worth of monthly payment. After playing the beta yesterday and today I can tell you that the game won't only be f2p within a year.. it will probably go f2p in 3-6 months lol.

The game is awesome but it is not something anyone would pay monthly for. And just as you said, I wouldn't mind giving 60€ for it in total.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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it's a VERY, VERY, VERY standard boring MMO, they trying to hide that fact by Elder Scrolls franchise, it's nothing more than - kill three spiders. find four stones, press three switches, and you just run across the map from one to another NPC . ZERO innovation. It's TERA with first person view and Elder Scrolls textures. I think everybody were secretly hoping for some sort of Skyrim Multiplayer but it;s really JUST ANOTHER MMO RPG. Seriously.

11 years ago

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Monthly payment = no buy

11 years ago

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Very boring, Uninstalled after few hours.

11 years ago

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i hate all the damn loading screens between areas. it seems like in the first 5 mins of game play i went through like 7 loading screens and that bugs the hell out of me its not like were playin n64 or ps1 now

11 years ago

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This is what I think

11 years ago

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Hour later and nobody took it XD , thanks for the key!!! :)

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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With this being my third beta weekend for TESO I can honestly say, It's a lot better now then it was that first weekend. Still laggy has heck in places.

The problems with the game this weekend mostly stems from the massive amount of people logging in, which makes sense since this is their 'server stability test' weekend. But yeah, being 20 people in que 5 minutes after opening was rather annoying.

Game play, I've referred to it before as 'Cookie Cutter'.... and I'll stick to that. Especially after I was talking to a friend about it and he thought I was talking about another MMORPG with roughly the same layout, story and character skill tree.

All in all, I'll wait till it becomes F2P.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Just started it.
I got a nice Khajiit kitten with a bow.
This pleases me.

11 years ago

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Not worth the price. #corta

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by viperziv.