Hey ! Thanks for the chance Scarlet, appreciate that :D
I think the game that got me the most is Life is Strange (the original), the ambiance is so captivating, beautiful and chill yet so concerning and horrific at times. The storytelling is absolute cinema and it works perfectly with the time-travelling gameplay while choices you made had actual impact. I got every emotions playing this game and I loved every part of it.
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Welcome to my whitelist. I've never played Life is Strange, but for some time now, I've been thinking about getting it and trying it myself. I like games with choices.
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Interesting. For a game that I have won and played I would say Yakuza: Like a Dragon. I had low expectations for the game but it exceeded all of them. What I liked most about it was he abundance of story. I'm catching up on my wins, I've beaten more than half of them at least.
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The Talos Priciple. Great puzzles, story, atmosphere, and philosophy.
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Dear Scarlet Sunflower,
"The Last of Us 2" left a strong impression on me because of its intense story, powerful emotions, and how it made me care about the characters. Its mix of beautiful and brutal moments, along with its themes of love, loss, and revenge, made it really hard to forget. I'd love to play the games I win from you. Best Regards and have a nice week, Sir Myr the 13th.
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Heaven's Vault, it's the only game where i really felt like an archaeo adventurer, i loved discovering new words through planets, and gradually learning more about the game world by translating sentences using these words. Can't wait for maybe a sequel one day.
From the games won on SG, hacknet dlc made me play the base game and the dlc. I often felt very stupid when faced with the puzzles in this game, but everything is well presented and logical, so you end up getting there and really feel like a somewhat hacker.
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red dead redemption 2 it has a great storyline and side missions
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Fats stay/night and Tsukihime are true masterpieces.
Mass effect trilogy, star wars old republic and dragon age origins also.
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Borderlands 2 - it was the first (and still one of the very few) FPS games that doesn't give me simulation sickness.
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Hello, you make some pretty cool giveaways, perhaps the strongest game is the Binding of Isaac, truly a legendary game for me, I watched the video on YouTube for a very long time, then played on the pirated version, then switched to Steam, you can say the game of my childhood. And the same game that opened the roguelike genre (it's the best)
replayability, builds, plot, all the DLC, everything is just perfect
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Hey thanks for the chance!
As for the game that left the biggest impression, it's Omori. I went into it completely blind and had no idea what to expect. The way it started so lighthearted and then slowly unraveled into something so emotional and heavy completely caught me off guard. It’s one of those games that sticks with you long after you’re done.
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Nier Replicant made a big impression on me mostly for the unique storytelling, it was something different outside the cliche that we usually see in such games. great gameplay and one of most amazing soundtracks i've ever heard in games.
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I just finished Dragon's Dogma 2 and I am incredibly impressed. The 61% review score on Steam doesn't give it justice. It may not be the GOAT, but it's up there with many amazing open-world RPGs.
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Wild Arms 2. It was sort of recommended to me by a friend. They gave me a loose disc copy in an exchange saying they thought I'd like it. I had very little knowledge of rpgs except pokemon, but I gave the game a chance and fell in love. It expanded my horizons in so many ways and really led me to giving most any game a chance. Still one of my top games and franchises.
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For me was Metro series cuz made me interested and read all 3 of books (2033,2034 and 2035) ,story ,characters , the atmosphere are awesome and still waiting for next game and book to come out
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biggest impression may be Half Life 2 or Mafia. Half Life due to it's captive story and nice posatpo settings, and Mafia... well, it is Mafia. Made in my country, dubbed, so when I as a kid, did understand it perfectly... And in general has many features that are not usual even today. Speed limit, police chasing you if you go through a red light or carry a gun visibly, gun amount limitations. Simply amazing game.
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For me it was dishonored. To the point I almost got outsiders mark tattooed. Maybe good that I didnt :P
Stealth has always been my fav go-to genre and I was glad to see it return. The idea of "play your own way" was new to me at the time, which made me huge impression on level design as well.
And the amazing art-style that made whole thing just.. perfection. The art-deco style and it still stands up graphically insanely well.
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The games I've given away are on sale RN so I don't count, but I'd like to recommend Outer Wilds to you! Brilliant experience! This one made me cry in the end, really. If you love exploration at its finest and a story that'll captivate you, don't miss it! Just don't google anything about this game, try it. I know that every OW fan says the same thing and it's weird, but it's how it is
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Hello I would like to join... Best game i have played was dead space series which combines all i love: first person shooting, sci-fi, blood and gore, horror and character upgrades.... I am more than happy to play the game I win however do not always have time to do so
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Good day, Miss Scarlett! This is a tough one, but I have to go with Clue (or Cluedo). I started playing the board game when I was ten, and it just expanded from there. The VCR mystery game, two small card games, and (I think) three video game versions. I love puzzle games with deduction, and I think this extends to my career in IT, solving computer problems all day. Plus, the film from 1985 is my all-time favorite comedy!
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I think it's Majora Mask. A very grim, dark story, I was really struck by the way the irreversibility of death was portrayed in this game. Considering that I was going through a difficult time in my life, I will never forget the emotions I experienced (Kafei and Anju quest are forever stuck in my heart).
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From my wins, probably Horizon Zero Dawn, because of the story line. I'm a sucker for sci-fi, and it was right up my alley! :D I can't talk too much about it due to spoilers though...
There's also Hell Let Loose which provided me with hundreds of hours of fun. Especially the community was really nice and funny. :)
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For some time, I’ve been considering this idea, and I’ve finally decided to take action. I’m looking for people I can add to the whitelist. I don’t have many requirements, but you should be at least level 3 and fairly active.
If you win a whitelist giveaway, you should play the game within three months. I do not accept collectors who never play the games they win.
In the comment, write which game made the biggest impression on you and why.
Edit: After several replies, I decided not to respond to each of you individually. You'll know if I add you.
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