I saw that "suspended" comment earlier ... I was so confused
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I just recently typed "This guy is reported" on a 2k giveaway, and I could get suspended for that, even tho giveaway was closed.
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So calling out people or saying I reported this guy or saying seems legit is illegal but giving threats is legal ?, okay..
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bobofatt, imagine this - what if he said it without sarcasm ? What if his "seems legit" was actually legit ? (Reffering to what OP said)
EDIT: I read your comment down below , but still , what if ?Just because some use it does not mean everyone uses it. What if he is not so much "into" the internet and do not know the phrase's second meaning ? Chance of that is small , but yet there is!
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popes law. theoretically you can't be sure of that. the internet is a big place, at some point it won't be sarcasm.
its like how somewhere in the multiverse batman had parents to teach him basic manners like not walking away in the middle of a conversation just because they took their eyes off you for a second, or don't bury the butler alive in a cryotube just because he got a bump on the head, or if the sidekicks keep dieing maybe you shouldn't be dragging children to dangerous crimescenes and confronting the criminally insane
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How about not commenting about something being or not being legit? Why the fuck would anyone even want to say their opinion on a giveaway (not) being legit in the first place? I BETTER WARN ALL THOSE GOOD PEOPLE NOT TO WASTE THEIR FIFTEEN VIRTUAL POINTS THAT WILL GET REGENERATED IN A MATTER OF MINUTES AND BE THEIR HERO FOREVER.
No I mean, please do explain.
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Well not everyone posting something here wants to be a HERO YISS BBY AWW BRO SUCKER. At least if you do, dont generalize. Maybe he was just saying what he wants to say.
And, if the officials of this site think thats calling out, then he's breaking the rules and need to be suspended. Well what the officials think, only them and god know.
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This guy is reporteddddllllyyy awesome is what I was saying......
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He didn't say a word about the giveaway being legit or not. And even though we can be pretty much 99.9% sure that it was sarcasm, you need to take in mind that with text, you cannot be completely sure what the person said. How about investigating the s*it before slamming the banhammer on the guy.
I call this a moderator being oversensitive.
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Sorry, but I'm not going to take ToS advice from someone who doesn't natively understand the language they're written in :/
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Try to guess where he is from, when he tells you that he won't listen to someone who doesn't understand his native language. My guess is Nigeria.
HINT : It isn't.
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Actually, the slightest bit of computer literacy will show you where I'm from.
Now you, on the other hand...
are shitposting. Goodbye, Czechlefuck.
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I wasn't "making fun" of anything, and you need to watch your attitude because you're not pointing out any "rules" but your interpretation of them.
If you don't like it you can always leave Steamgifts for good.<
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Nice, pWnd. I'll make sure I'll do that next instead of brainstorming for an intelligent reply.
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So if my opinion is that this giveaway is fake and I want to want users I need to be suspended for bad behaviour? You realise how stupid this is?
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And if you are wrong and its not a fake giveaway? You drive people away from not only entering the giveaway but you could also piss off the person doing the giveaway so much they they never make another giveaway and even drive away potentially other people who could make a giveaway.
There is a report button near the top of the comment section, click that and leave. If you see any of your friends entering it send them a message on steam that you "think" its fake and the reasons why you think its fake and let them choose if they want to waste the points on it.
Someone posted a link here somewhere to a thread where just such a thing happened. Someone called out and the creator of the giveaway got mad. The giveaway was legit and the person did get their gift. I don't know if they left or not, but it is reasonable to suspect that they could leave and never give another game away and tell others to stay away.
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Many of us think he did. I've been suspended for "calling out," before, although my posting was sort of in a "grey area." I do not begrudge the mods for suspending me, nor do I think it was "too harsh" a punishment. I should have just kept my mouth shut.
If you dance around the edge of a pit long enough, you're bound to fall in.
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Do not call out submitters in giveaways. Please click the report button or submit a ticket, do not comment on the giveaway claiming the giveaway to be fake. Site rule. If you don't want to follow it, make your own giveaway site, with your own rules, with blackjack and hookers.
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Its text. You can't understand inflection, or even what the guy was talking about. He commented on someone else's post, not the giveaway itself. Too many factors at play here to suspend without talking to the guy first.
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Your "logic" works both ways. There are too many factors at play, here, to let such a posting go without a suspension. If I don't want to get suspended, I shouldn't give the impression I'm violating the rules. It would be dumb of me to rely on "one possible interpretation" of my text to save me from being misunderstood.
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Hey, that's nothing.
I once got kicked from the chat because someone said "That giveaway looks legit" and I replied "It's nice of him to create a giveaway just after registering."
Even if I was serious, I got kicked.
I guess the moderators can't really know whether we are calling out or being serious, so we can't really be angry at them for doing their job, even though I really agree with you about that rule. It's taken much to seriously.
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Since the day I got suspended for commenting "fake" on a fake COD giveaway I just ignore them now, I see them as free points for everyone. Rules are rules, but I think this one should be removed, I mean what's the benefit of not calling out fake giveaways? Maybe they are trying to avoid discussions like "its fake", "no its not", "yes it is".
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I entirely agree with the no calling out rule. Only, I personally think that it's taken a bit too far when saying that it's a legit giveaway gets you suspended because "it COULD be considered calling out". Seriously, whatever happened to innocent until proven?
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cough cough You do know that private enterprises don't operate in the same fashion as the judiciary system, right?
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The reasoning is that you can't always be 100% sure a giveaway is fake, and you're needlessly antagonizing the GA maker if it turns out to be genuine. The way it's enforced is harsh, but forbidding calling out itself makes sense. Also see this post.
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Doesnt matter if the giveaway is 100% confirmed by God to be fake or 100% legit. Calling out in either scenario is just as against the rules of the site as the other. No excuse to do it. If you think a giveaway is fake, you hit the report button/create a ticket and MOVE ON.
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The "benefit" is that you don't offend someone making a legitimate giveaway. It has happened in the past (more than a few times) that someone has made a first giveaway only to have people dis' it as being "fake" and thereby piss-off the creator, causing him or her to leave the site. When you weigh that against the "benefit" of "protecting the good people of SteamGifts from wasting valuable time investing imaginary points in a fake giveaway which they will regenerate in a short time," it is clear which side you should come down on.
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A suspension IS a warning.
I for one report people posting that shit.
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Maybe he was just pointing out how legitimate that guys thank you was, who knows?
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Really? Either your taste is way too high, or ... just being a prude?
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No, but I have zero tolerance for false logic, deceptive arguments, and rationalization. When you screw up, fix it. If you end up being punished for breaking the rules, take responsibility for it and learn from it. Trying to explain it away or make excuses is just another form of dishonesty.
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"And almost all of them are stupid"
What an ignorant comment. If that is the majority opinion, then how can you say with absolute certainty that the majority are stupid?
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We can always make a massive outcry on steamgifts, they'll notice.
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It's a common internet phrase that people use to say that something is NOT, in fact, legitimate.
You know it, I know it. We all know what it really means. It's calling out. "Fake" isn't the magic word that defines "calling out". Calling into question the legitimacy of a giveaway in any way is calling out. Whether that be "stating facts", posting stupid smiley faces, whatever. Everyone knows what you mean. Stop it. Report, and move on.
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not all people react the same way, some users might actually be hurt if they see that others are implying their giveaway could be fake - and that's not a nice way to greet new members of the community.
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When I see a suspect giveaway from a new user, I just thank them for the giveaway, welcome them to SG, and then spend those points on something else. Sometimes I'll check the giveaway afterwards, just to satisfy my own curiosity, but in the end, there's no harm done by the fake giveaway.
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Yawn. Seems legit is well known internet sarcasm. Next question? This rule gets brought up time and time again by people who don't understand it. Check the forum history if you want many, many arguments and statements about it. It will not be gotten rid of, our punishments will not alter. You're not Sherlock Holmes. Half of the people we slam for calling out don't even understand something as simple as the Steam inventory privacy settings. If you want to establish legitimacy of the giveaway, do it yourself and then shut up about it. Report it, move on. Don't bother "warning" other people. Warn them about what? Their magical internet points may get wasted? Please.
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Can you get suspended for implying a member of the support team is a little bit power happy as well? I guess we are about to find out.
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Ofc not, give games to people but NEVER ever be happy and don't even think about smiling either.
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No, but the support members will hate you... For eternity... Then, the only way to get back on their neutral side is to dedicate your whole life to Steamgifts, forever, and forever...
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Sounds like I said something politically incorrect on a political forum. Never to be forgiven from the crime of sarcasm.
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The power happy argument is ridiculous. You think I want to spend my time suspending these jokers that can't just follow the rules? It's part of my duty. I wish I could just HELP the users that legitimately need help, but over 50% of our support tickets are User Reports of people breaking rules. Suspending people doesn't make me happy; it's frustrating. But it's necessary.
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Fair enough, but how far does it go? I completely understand suspending someone for calling out fake, that's completely against the rules. I understand the mentality behind suspending things like "seems legit" to imply it's fake without actually saying it, but how far will it go with implying? If people start posting code words like say "potato" as a way of saying fake, will they get suspended for that as well? That's my main issue with stepping into suspending implied things, how vague of implying is going to get someone suspended or how far away from simply saying fake do they have to go to get away with it?
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Only a small minority of cases are black or white. Everything else is a shade of grey and requires a judgement call. The kicker is that whatever you end up deciding, someone is going to bitch about it. Now, doesn't that just make you want to volunteer hours of your day so that you, too, can listen to armchair executives tell you how you should be doing things?
If anyone needs to be cut some slack, it's the moderators.
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The SG "regime" strikes hard vs the non-believer.
Hey my door rang, wait a sec.....
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I agree, I guess its not my site nor my rules, and I don't do it just because I know that the slightest hint will get a massive chance of suspension, but I do feel that for a site thats quite informal, laid back, and chilled, this rule seems to be ruthless lol. Also it makes me wonder if OP will get in trouble for calling out a giveaway suspension comment about calling out on a giveaway comment lololol double banned :P.
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People mostly call out when the person who gives away a game joined 2 seconds ago and its a high priced game or a game pack which you cannot get atm. That's mostly what I've encountered on.
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Look at your description, there's stuff written in there, while in most of these "legit", "fake" giveaways that people are talking about there's nothing being said and there are like 3 copies of 50-60$ games.
But yeah, no need to say anything, just don't enter and move on.
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Nah, it would be enough to have a page when creating your first giveaway where you have to type in a box: "I understand and agree to follow the rules and will only create giveaways for games I am planning to give away." or something like that, ofc with the rules to look at. That would sort out the people who are just incapable of speaking english, which I guess is the main reason for fake giveaways... Just my two cents though
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"Ou-yay, on-way is-thay ite-say, ive-gay ames-gay y-bay eating-cray iveaways-gay and-way eceive-ray ames-gay y-bay entering-way iveaways-gay,ot-nay y-bay eating-cray (ake-fay) iveaways-gay or-fay e-thay ame-gay ou-yay ant-way!"
Pig latin translation. :D
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as someone already said, not my site not my rules; that being said here's what i think.
Every human being, given a little power, will try to abuse it, that's how it works. Obviously i'm taking it a bit ( a lot) too serious, but that's the background of some behaviors. Talking for this site, other than this case,sometimes mods don't know how to take a joke:
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You can't differentiate between joke begging and actual begging some of the time, so how do you best determine which is which?
And, when joke begging is allowed, someone sees it, and makes a real begging post, they'll say "well I saw all these other people doing it and it was okay".
Even more complicated by having a userbase from around the world, many of whom English is not their primary language, which makes it even more difficult to discern the difference.
Thus, all begging is against the rules. It's not even funny as a joke anyway.
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As for how support members spend their time; we're volunteers and can spend it however we please. If I see a suspicious giveaway on the front page, I'm going to check it out and take action where necessary. But a random ticket in page 14 of the queue doesn't exactly grab my attention when I enter the site. I'm not even working tickets right now. As I said before, I'd prefer to be helping users, but over 50% of our tickets are User Reports.
It also doesn't help when users create multiple tickets regarding the same issue, clogging up our queue.
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it's just that, at least according to what i've seen, it seems easier to write -banned- rather than help out people. I'll repeat, just to be clear, according to my experience. That obviously make me doubt of the mods. As for the tickets, i don't know if they get deleted or what else, i made a second one only because i though it got delated, i don't know how you manage tickets.
Here's one more thing, i'm a sort of libertarian, so in my opinion you're completely free to spend your time as you want, even ignoring request, as you're not paid by me to do your job. Again, in my opinion there should be no moderation in every section that contains comments, even if it leads to some unpleasant situations. This was to answer to some of your questions. Yet what i notice leads me to determined conclusions and judgments. That's it, no hard feelings.
Now that i read it, if i knew i could bump it up (i didn't even knew what that meant) i would have done it.
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Jeebus, follow the damn rules - the mods are doing what they are supposed to do and frankly all the crying, bitching, and moaning is one reason I haven't done another GA yet. No one (outside of a very few) has paid a dime or invested time to setup and operate this site, yet there are a fuckton of you that think you should be running it. Get over yourselves...
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I just checked out this giveaway http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/O8mjL/dayz
and what do i see ? a contributing member of the site got suspended for posting "Seems legit!"
sorry that bullshit is a little bit too harsh. I understand if people obviously try to call out giveaways like "This is obviously fake dont join this shit, he is just a russian kid with no money and just wants the game" etc. but come on a sarcastic little comment like that with several facts that back up that the giveaway could be fake wont harm anyone.
Let people give hints or warnings about their suspicion of the legitimacy of the giveaway and let everybody decide for THEMSELVES if they want to join or not.
There is no harm done by people giving warnings, more often some people dont even join because of that and the trusting people have a better chance at winning the game.
Im not a supporter of calling out people, but that was not a banable offense in my opinion and the mods went too far.
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