Wait a minute, I don't understand. If you've been trying to reach out of them, why not just post proof of that? Screenshot into paint to crop and then upload to imgur takes all of three minutes or less.
Making a ticket that says 'this person isn't responding or isn't seeing my key/my new key, here's screenshots' is something I can't imagine the mods would find fault with and not respond.
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You don't need an imgur account - you just upload them.
I mean, I don't know what to tell you. It literally takes less time than it takes to, idk, brush and floss your teeth. If that's too much then I guess it would be easier to not give games away.
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Why do you need an account to upload screenshots? There are plenty of sites where you can do it with 3 clicks, no registering at all. As @tsupertsundere said - three minutes or less, including using paint for editing.
And yes, you always need proof - otherwise it's just word vs word. Who to belive?
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but do I really have to get an make imgur account and take sceenshots
You are clicking just as many buttons posting this thread.
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It is seven days. You can re-roll if the gift is not accepted after seven days. However, this wouldn't really apply in the example you mentioned where the person took the key(s) but marked as Not Received.
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ok, so assume I'm an idiot....
What do I take a screenshot of and how do I do it in 3 clicks?
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Use the "Snipping Tool" provided by Windows
As to what you should screenshot - can't help you with that sorry.
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Windows button + print-screen button? '-'
it's the fast way and without third party programs, just configure to go to your desktop first otherwise it'll go to the picture folder
this is the faster way that I know....
about the giveaway, well, i'm not sure if i'm doing right, but if the user don't activate the key in 7 days, i try to contact in all ways, if he/she don't return an answer in 2 days I create a ticket with a print of the email sent/or the profile comment.
In the request to the mods I add too the giveaway link, the winner profile link and the date of the last time they log in (mostly they log everyday they just "forget" to mark as received) in SG and at Steam account.
I always got a fast resolve from the mods, so I can't imagine your situation well. Good luck )':
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Man, I read all the replies.
The standard procedure after someone did not activate your gift for a week or more requires you to prove you contacted your winner by both email and steam and they didn't respond.
You do this via screenshots of the email and steam conversations. After that, simply open a reroll ticket also mentioning the screenshots. After a while, a mod will reply and a new winner will be chosen.
I don't know what to say about the guy who marked not received. Those keys might've been stolen from wherever you used to keep them. If you have a chance, ask the store where you bought it to revoke them and provide new ones. This is the only safe way to make sure whoever activated them gets punished, even if both of them have been activated by your winner's alt accounts.
DO NOT leave everything as it is if you can solve the problems you have. That will only get you blamed in the future for things you didn't even do.
EDIT: Also, please calm down. I get it, you are nervous about what happened, but people are here to help you. People will react to your tones with the same tone.
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Basically as I understand it steamgifts wants the screenshot of you attempting to contact the winner so that if some time the winner put in a ticket complaining that you re-rolled a game he won, they can show him the screenshots and say that every attempt to contact them was made.
It's not about questioning your honesty, it's about having something to show the old winner to explain why the giveaway was re-rolled in the case they complain.
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You should be sending a ticket in to support about these issues. Do as they suggest, problem solved.
Unless I'm missing completely where you've said you already contacted support.
EDIT: If you need something for fast, easy screenshotting and uploading, check out Lightshot - https://app.prntscr.com/en/index.html
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Prime example why humankind has to direct all research towards fist from the void tech-tree!
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Good morning sir... I am very patient: The people who have an open profile were the ones I could fix, but what about the closed profiles, the ones who don't allow us to post? I sent them e-mails but that is hardly proof... Anyways, I don't care right now because I'm about to crawl into bed. good night.
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Yeah, making GAs here is stressful indeed for that reason. I found that restricting my public GAs to lvl 3+ filters out most troublemakers though. And it's easy enough to reach, so I don't feel like it excludes too many users.
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Every giveaway I make is guaranteed. All my codes are good, but if they are not and I have made a mistake then I am willing to fix it...But I still have some lingering issues that are months old. I try to delete them, but this is not possible without proof from my side (A big mistake in the rules which make Ga's grovel in the mud while lackluster idiots give us all the finger)
One person has even marked as not-received even though this is a lie and it became a double lie when I tried to send the person a new code.
The others are just people who will not accept, no matter what I try to contact them many times... post on steam, send e-mails and I get totally ignored. I have a good rule! If a person has not accepted a gift after two months then we should have the right to re-roll or delete without having to prove OUR honesty.
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