What games have u gotten in this bundle? XD

8 years ago

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50ish% chance to get at least 1 (maybe more) of these games.

EDIT: Nevermind. Ignore what I said above, since they are different bundles.

8 years ago*

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Unless they changed what games you can get*

8 years ago

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Nah. Blind bundles with non-fixed contents that include low-tier bundled games (and previously free games) don't really have those odds. Ever.

The way they make a profit is by offloading unwanted keys on people who are willing to trust them, and knowing that people unfamiliar to bundles and freebies will go look up the games they got on steam. To any regular gamer, if you 'won' a copy of Grass Simulator you would know it is garbage. To the unfamiliar buyers, they would look it up on the store and say "Oh hey, I got a good deal because it also came with these other games!".

Even if the trust wasn't abused (for instance like with GOG's random key thing where their speciality stock of older titles is already well-known), they still have limited supplies of keys. It's entirely possible for the 'good keys' to all be taken by the time you try to make a purchase, so it's like a layered gamble with bad odds. Even GOG had to switch their stock every day to keep it fresh, and most 'random key' things just use a shortlist of low-value 'prizes', using the rare 'good' keys as bait.

8 years ago

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GMG mystery bundles were pretty good for people. So good I was able to trade for half of the games super cheap.

Though with this new bundle. It could be shit and have lower odds. Not even all steam as well.

8 years ago

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Define 'pretty good'? The only thing I heard about them were that people were feeling ripped off by the chaff keys.
edit : Ah crap, just saw your edits and other post.

Disregard! :P

8 years ago*

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good? it was an abomination of a bundle


8 years ago

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Wait you mean the 7pack.

Nevermind. Ignore my first post.

8 years ago

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thats wat i was wondering cause its 7 games for 9.99 i thought it might be different

8 years ago

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Nah. Blind random/gamble things are nearly always bollocks.

They say 'random key' but what they really mean is 'random key from a shortlist of really low-value titles and stuff that was once free or in bundle bottom-tiers'. They use the chance at a better key as bait. It's a bit like opening boxes in CS:GO or crates in TF2, but at least in those cases you know what the potential contents are. See my comment above ^

8 years ago

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advice: don't gamble

8 years ago

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Just a few reminders about GMG:
1: Any purchases 'expire' after a week from purchase. While this doesn't 100% mean they keys will become invalid, it does mean there is a chance they will, and if they do, you won't be allowed a replacement.
2: GMG has a history of using illicitly obtained keys. While not near as unreliable as G2A sites and similar sites, there's still a chance you may have some issues with your keys.
3: GMG has a habit of not indicating what platform their keys are for, and will refuse refunds for platform-related reasons. So be very careful in making sure you know what platform [eg, Steam] a game is for, especially for bundles that don't indicate platform.
4: If there's a problem with a key you put up for giveaway, never indicate the key was used for anything other than your own account, as GMG cancels support for your entire order if they suspect the games went to any account other than your own personal one (even if it went to a family member's account :/).

As far as the Mystery Bundles, I can't say any thing specific, I stopped using the site for the above reasons before 'em :P though with previous non-mystery bundles, I did have to deal with several invalidated keys after the first week :(

They definitely don't sound too appealing, from what I've seen- even if you do get one of the 'rare' games, the sale price of that game is still typically lower than the bundle price, even with the junk games thrown in, so it seems to be a 100% win for GMG.

tl;dr I'd definitely be extra cautious about buying one of the bundles from GMG. :/

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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My concern with G2A is primarily with their own direct sales, like HRK bundles.
That's where you really get the iffyness factor up to max.

Though, I wouldn't ever invest in an auction site unwilling to adhere to basic built-in purchase assurance, that's far too sketchy. Nevermind all the horror stories of dubious followup conduct on bad trades.

And that's before you get into the 'supporting such a miserably dishonest company'. :/

But, well, everyone has their own lines on that sort of thing, so I'm not going to begrudge someone who thinks it's worthwhile- unless, of course, it's one of those scammy G2A (employees? hardcore fans?) that try to boast about the site and then run away when confronted with the issues people have with the site-network. Those are just silly :P

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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GOG and Humble are pretty risk-free [though, of course, one can't ever assume them to fully be such], and so long as you stay away from Preorders, so is Groupees. I've seen nothing negative from IGS or Bundlestars, either.

Aaaaanything past that, yeah..
And that's why you make PSAs when you can- not to say 'hey, this site and that site suck,' but to make sure people are aware of the potential risks and can make educated assessments on whether the site is worthwhile for them.

I dunno, it's the information I would want to know, at least. :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Humble offers guaranteed refunds for pretty much any mishap, no matter how trivial, which was the topic I was intending to address.

Have they been pretty shitty on clarifying: region locking, region restricting, tier key combining, actual bundle contents, and so forth, since their layoffs several months back?

Yes, they have.

But I was only attempting to address 'getting scammed'- paying for something and not receiving it as stated and not getting a refund / without paying an extra fee.

Humble is the best in that regard, offering refunds for things other sites wouldn't even begin to consider offering it for.

How sucky they are in other respects is irrelevant, much like how Groupees' poor management of their chat, their erratic preorder hints, and who they allow to post bundles is irrelevant to their seemingly very good support for making sure you actually get what you paid for [with the exception of that one developer that broke contract with them and refused to give steam keys for their greenlight bundle game- but Groupees followed through on pursuing that matter, so that's not on them].

8 years ago

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I never had problems with G2A so far. There has been months from my last purchase so I know my keys are already safe. Only similar problem I had was with Kinguin, but made a mistake from buying from a new user (I was distracted) and key was dupe.

Didn't use the Buyer Protection thing but Kinguin still provided me a working key, probably talking to the seller. I can only assume it was a honest mistake from the seller or he thought he would get away with it and got scared. I was lucky I guess.

But yeah, its a risk. I'm not whiling to take it very often. Only when I have some wallet money, then I use it to buy some game that were bundled a long time ago or that I feel that it won't be bundled again anytime soon.

8 years ago

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yeah anything that says if you don't pay extra or sign up for a monthly service you run a risk of having your games be duplicate keys with nothing you can do about it... I say that is a bit too much risk.. I don't see how buying form Steam is a risk, unless you use stolen CC's or something.

g2a has some amazing deals but I've only used it once to pick up a bundle, after they signed me up for a monthly service subscription I cut it from paypal, I was highly tempted to buy the avengers lego game for my children, but the risk of betting a duplicated key or getting taken for my money was too great to risk..

I figure if I wait a few months it'll be 10 dollars on steam or one of the other trusted sites I use for buying keys and I can get it for them there..

8 years ago

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Lego games don't really go too cheap on Steam, from what I've personally seen.
Keep an eye out for Lego theme bundles, especially on Bundlestars.

Even if they aren't "bundles" in the extremely-high-discount sense of the word, they're basically the best deal I've seen on Lego games, and Bundlestars tends to offer them pretty regularly.

The Lego games are just super awesomely done, there're few non-party games that have that level of appeal to adults and chlldren both. :)

8 years ago

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BTW I've bought from GMG alot...

1) never had any keys expire or not be usable one I've purchased them.. including a few which I accidentally purchased and traded months later with no issues.

2) No they don't, GMG is an officially licensed reseller, they were accused of buying ROW keys from cheaper regions. Also I've personally never had an issue after buying a few hundred games from GMG...

3) Again this isn't true, I accidentally jumped the gun and purchased a few games which were on steam without checking, on the games page it said Playfire... GMG refunded my purchased no questioned asked. Not sure why they wouldn't refund your games, unless you activated the key or waited a long while before requesting the refund.

4) Never had an issue with their keys so I never had to request support for anything other than buying a Playfire key when I thought it was steam..

I don't want to call you a liar, but I think you're either mistaken or had other issues going on with the stuff you mentioned..

8 years ago

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BTW I've bought from GMG alot...
1) never had any keys expire or not be usable one I've purchased them.. including a few which I accidentally purchased and traded months later with no issues.
2) No they don't, GMG is an officially licensed reseller, they were accused of buying ROW keys from cheaper regions. Also I've personally never had an issue after buying a few hundred games from GMG...
3) Again this isn't true, I accidentally jumped the gun and purchased a few games which were on steam without checking, on the games page it said Playfire... GMG refunded my purchased no questioned asked. Not sure why they wouldn't refund your games, unless you activated the key or waited a long while before requesting the refund.
4) Never had an issue with their keys so I never had to request support for anything other than buying a Playfire key when I thought it was steam..
I don't want to call you a liar, but I think you're either mistaken or had other issues going on with the stuff you mentioned..

The policies in #1 and #4 are directly from GMG staff, asserting falsehood there would be pretty absurd.

#3 is pretty infamous, and you can see people [who've presented themselves more reliably than you have] complaining about it all over the place, so again, your personal experience is mostly irrelevant to negating the overall perspective. [In other words, stating it for contrasting reference is fine, but 'This isn't true' is just egotistical in presentation.]
In any case, the mislabelings are common enough you shoulda seen them yourself, even if your follow-up experience has been more satisfactory than that of others.

#2 has pretty substantial proof from multiple publishers. Again, pretty ballsy of you to outright call them liars. And given that GMG had to do mass replacements/refunds for at least one game in the past because of it, it's pretty solid on that side of things as well. And again, your personal results are largely meaningless to the whole, unless you can assert to have a statistically perfect spread of purchasing habits.

Stating your personal, singular perspective against official statements and common consensus may occasionally have potential merit, but not when you try to outright invalidate the latter with the first, rather than with actual evidence.

Also, your points are nonsensical.
For #1 I said 'might' expire, but if they DID, they were confirmed by GMG to not be replaceable. In my personal case, 70% of my keys were expired by the end of 6 months. I can't in any way attest to the overall rate of occurrence.
For #2,they WEREN'T an official reseller for the publishers in question, that's the whole issue!
For #4, you're not even addressing the actual point!

I appreciate alternate perspectives- that's how we learn, and discover actual truths.

But for you to espouse a perspective so dismissive and lacking in substance, and then end it with an accusation of me lying, is quite distasteful.

If you have valid evidence to negate any of the points, by all means, that's useful information for us to have- but please refrain from personal attacks and empty declarations in the future.

8 years ago

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my evidence comes from my personal experience... atleast 3 times I've had to ask for refunds because I accidentally purchased Playfire and not steam games... all three times they refunded my purchase with no questions asked. I am not, nor do I claim to speak for everyone, I can only speak of my own experiences, which have been nothing but positive from GMG..

GMG is an official reseller for rebellion as evidenced by numerous statements made by both GMG and Rebellion themselves, and the fact that rebellion keys continue to be sold via GMG.. In fact the whole thing was a troll over on reddit.. The whole question about keys was because of the cheap prices via coupons.. which GMG said themselves, the eat the cost of the coupons..

Or are you talking about CD Projeckt red or whoever it is? Which again GMG protected the source of their keys, on top of that they continue to sell CD ProjectREd games on their site, and to top matters off CDProjectRed is in bed with GOG which explains why they would have issues with the keys in the first place..

I was just stating I can't comment on the 4th issue because I've never experienced it, so I can't say one way or the other. Again all my statements come from my own personal experiences when dealing with GMG.. Never had any problems at all. The few times I've had to deal with their support, my issue was resolved either that day or the next.

I'm not saying people won't or can't have issues with GMG, but I have never had any, if that changes, I'll certainly change my tune.

8 years ago*

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When presenting personal experience, you indicate it's personal. When making straightforward negations, you present citations, supporting evidence, or logical clarifications that weaken the initial points.
Your approach was far too generalized, rude, and assured in its validity, for something that lacked that sort of support.

I have no idea about Rebellion, or anything relating to it. Witcher 3 was one of the main two (I forget what the other one was), and there's several publisher statements from different publishers that are floating around stating that they didn't authorize GMG to distribute their games. Which is why GMG is- and I say this completely not ever using Reddit myself- apparently no longer allowed on Reddit deals pages.
Honestly, I know little of this topic in general, but several other users made a point of detailing the matter, and their citations seemed legit.
So I have no reason to doubt it, considering the overall negative encounters I have personally had with GMG, until someone gives me reason to [with sources, not 'in my opinion's :P].

CDProject actually owns GOG, so 'in bed' is a rather ridiculous statement.
And several other sites- or rather, every single one other than GMG- manages to sell Witcher games without any complaints from CDProject.
So no, them having issues solely with GMG makes no sense whatsoever.
And, given that CDP is more respected in their conduct than GMG, one gives them the benefit of the doubt in the matter.

And, 'protected the source of their keys'? This isn't journalism, it's business. You don't protect sources, a lack of transparency indicates wrong-doing, that's just a given. And how the heck does their 'source' matter, if the publisher is the one asserting illicit purchase?
Clearly, their source wasn't direct, which is all that matters for that- right? :P

And sure, both you and I are working in large part off personal experiences.
But my initial assertion was that there's a lot of negative elements floating around GMG that should be considered, including some explicitly stated by GMG staff themselves.

All you really have to say is "I haven't had any of these problems, so there's a chance these considerations are limited in who they affect, and even that some of the considerations are mistakes."

I respect that counter-perspective.

My problem is when you attack a more general opinion shared by many, without offering any non-personal or logical basis for such, and then determine that that's enough to attack my own perspective as being a lie.

Clearly, your perspective is at best equal in validity to mine, and thus asserting that your perspective is absolute and mine is a falsehood, is egotistical and exceptionally rude.

I don't begrudge your perspective, rather, I welcome it.

I just wish you'd wait a bit to call me mistaken- and avoid calling me a liar altogether. :X

8 years ago

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sorry I'm not trying to argue with anyone, if someone thinks GMG is a bad site I'm not going to change or try to change how they feel.. I personally love GMG, never had one issue and buy a ton of new games from them, the additional 20% off is amazing. Sorry if you took offense to what I said, I was trying to be humorous with the liar bit, I guess it didn't come across that way.

Sorry you and others have had issues with GMG..

8 years ago

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Sorry if you took offense to what I said, I was trying to be humorous with the liar bit, I guess it didn't come across that way.

Glad to hear that it wasn't intentional :)

And yeah, GMG's prices aren't something I usually hear people complain about- they'll often take Steam Sale or Preorder prices and take their own discount on them, that tends to be pretty darn appealing.

But then, G2A and the like have appealing prices as well..

It all ends up being a matter of 'is the potential risk worth the cheap prices, for you'.
And everyone is going to have a different perspective on both the rewards and the risks involved. :)

8 years ago

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I have had issues with GMG staff. It seems to depend on the staff member you get. My housemate had his entire GMG account shut down (they wouldn't even let him get his games off the account) because we live at the same address and apparently their T&C's say 'One account per address'.
The staff member was rude and ended up saying it doesn't affect their sales if he doesn't have an account and closed the ticket.

I also got a dupe Lego key once that was for one of my giveaways. They refused to replace the key and when I explained it was for a giveaway they then told me they would close MY account for giving away keys I brought from them as they are for personal use and they would be refusing to help with the duplicate key issue as their support doesn't cover giving the keys to others. I don't bother with GMG anymore. Granted, these may be int he T&Cs but i'd never had that problem before and decided it was better to buy from other sellers who don't penalize me for gifting things.

Prior to that any problems I had with my account or purchasing were solved quickly and efficiently.

8 years ago

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Those sound like unfortunate situations to go through, I suppose it could be rather troublesome if they restrict accounts per household and you live in a household with more than just one gamer.

I'm not sure about their TOS, but if they specifically state you can't give the keys away, then I can see why they would have an issue if you admitted in the support email you did. I can see why they would have done what they did.. It doesn't make good business sense but ultimately rules are in place for a reason.. I suppose they don't like the idea of having to trust a third party who may or may not lie about a key which you gifted them actually working.

Not saying the person lied but the more hands a key passes through means the more chance for some shady stuff to go on..

8 years ago

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It makes purchasing for those who reside in uni dorms impossible unless you do it off of one account, and back then GMG had a one purchase per game per account rule. I'm sure this was to stop resellers snatching up all the cheap keys they would sell and selling them on for profit but it was a crappy system.

I agree with you completely about the TOS, I should have read them. But imagine if it had been a birthday present, would that still apply under the same rules? When a person buys a product they (usually) assume it's theirs to give out how they choose so.

And that's the exact reason all my bought keys that aren't bundles are high levels, I never want to run that risk. But said person has given away over $15000 here so I doubt they lied for a free game, but I completely understand your point. At the end of the day I prefer other sites to GMG because I find their support so lacking.

8 years ago

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That's basically identical to my experiences, and those of others I've talked to :(

And no, I've read the ToS and so forth extensively. The basis for their claims is not actually in the ToS at all.
Rather, they taking existing parts of the ToS that are intended to address different things, and reinterpret them creatively.
The one week on no-replacements? Clearly covered by their 1 week refund policy.
Their one-account rule? Clearly covered by their 'don't duplicate games' rule.

And the phrasing is just vague enough, that even though that exact phrasing means something entirely different elsewhere, they can play it off as being justifiable.

Whether it'd hold up in court or not, I couldn't say- but it's certainly not clearly stated, and given the general laws protecting customers, it's unlikely it would hold up.

But more importantly, their behavior around it is completely indefensible.

The sum of the matter is, they're inconsistent and unreliable and disrespectful, and that means there is an increased risk to using them, compared to other sites.
How pervasive those elements are is another topic [though they're enough that quite a few people have had notable issues], because even just a few encounters of that sort are worth noting for consideration.

After all, we on SG are a lot of people that play the odds on free games daily, why wouldn't we want to get some idea of the odds for paid ones? :'P

Edit: The Terms of Service have been heavily modified since I had issues with GMG.

Here is the rule they stated was the basis for non-sharing in the past:

Sell, distribute or otherwise transfer copies or reproductions of the Game to any third party in any way

Note the 'copies'. They claimed that meant 'purchases', rather than 'duplication', even though the second meaning was quite clearly intended [and you actually don't have any legal right to restrict non-commercial transfer of purchases].

This, however, has been added since:

We consider one account per individual / household as 'fair use', and reserve the right to ban (deactivate) any user who is in possession of more than one/multiple accounts;

That, however, is enforceable, though they're legally required to refund you any non-claimed games, since they're a product-provider, not a service-provider [products are the sole property of the consumer that bought them, and you can't restrict access to them; services are the property of the provider and you can. Hence they can restrict access to your account, but not without also ex. sending you your keys to your e-mail.]

8 years ago*

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He is not. Reddit will not allow game deal posts as GMG would not disprove they are grey key sellers. After far cry 4 revokes and witched 3 call out they are a joke company. I haven't touched them in years now anyway. Nothing wrong with 3rd party resellers but at least be honest about it ...GMG are liars.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm guessing your lack of problems with refunds comes from the fact it was Playfire purchase, one they have complete control. If you'd buy Uplay key and go "I wanted Steam, refund", they probably would just tell you to GTFO - like they say, "This means that NO refunds will be offered for MMO titles, Steam, UPlay, Origin and Games for Windows Live (GFWL) titles where the key has been disclosed to you or sent by e-mail. All such sales are final"

As for 2), sometimes they are not - best example is Witcher 3, where CDRed/GOG officially said they do not have contract with GMG and have no idea where GMG's keys comes from.

8 years ago

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I got pre-order of Fallout 4 on a -50% coupon error. Had the key a few days before launch for pre-loading.

now saying that G2A is trustworthy is just ridiculous in my opinion

8 years ago

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Sorry, I'm not quite sure I understand any of your points. :/
I also don't really know what pre-loading is, though I've heard it thrown around a lot lately.
Is that early launch closed access preorder?

8 years ago

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point is I exploited the price error and GMG honored it, thus being one example of good service which cannot be taken for granted.
Pre-loading is simply when you activate the game before it's release date in order to download it, then it'll just have to decrypt the data when the game is released instead of a lengthy download.

8 years ago

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Interesting. That's a nice counter-perspective. :)

Thanks for explaining pre-loading- that's an idea that wouldn't have occurred to me, but it sounds really useful for preorders.

8 years ago

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particularly if ones' internet is meh

8 years ago

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I bought GTA 5 from GMG months ago and i didn't have any issue during lunch either.

8 years ago

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ive actually never had any issues with GMG, all games i bought alll worked and i have got a good bit from them, im jsut really curious on wat games are in the bundle from others experience

8 years ago

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I just meant it as more of a casual, general PSA. Not really a 'stay away, caution, warning!!' but an 'okay, here are things you should keep in mind, to be safe'.

Can't argue that GMG sometimes has some very tempting prices.. :)

Well, consider my comments free bumps ;)

Also, you might wanna consider replying directly to people, rather than to the thread itself, keeps things uncluttered, and alerts people when you've replied to them :)

8 years ago

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GMG are generally pretty good for normal purchases, but any 'random key' variant is generally a way to milk cash while offloading unwanted keys.

8 years ago*

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I've never bought any of the mystery bundles... too much risk... You get random keys which can be anything, not really worth it as I can use the price I'd pay and buy a game or games I know i'll enjoy.

8 years ago

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Pretty shitty bundle, here is what I got from the 5 pack just now.

Deadly30: G57BT-D3Y8L-9Y7F? - ?=B

Skara Starter pack

Return NULL, Ep. 1

Zack Zero: H0DPP-CTXG9-IQDE? - ?=N

QuestRun: MACYT-R947C-R07K? - ?=9

8 years ago*

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Also, because I clearly am stupid I bought the 7 games bundle right now aswell, thinking it cant be worse then the previous one:

Steel Storm: I5PNQ-GM2GX-WJPK? - ?=6

Gun monkeys (!!!): JL0K9-5CA3F-XYDD? - ?=B


Tower Wars: GMR2Y-KNFTZ-9RYT? - ?=6

Keebles (Again!!!): HCLNJ-IQFE6-38B2? - ?=I

Canyon Capers: LJW6Y-6J6H9-JTF5? - ?=R

Ocean City Racing: XWPKL-IZ0P8-RLHP? - ?=F

8 years ago

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Hot damn. What total garbage.

Thank you for your sacrifice.

8 years ago

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Yep. Like mentioned higher up the page, they use these as ways to offload junk keys from bottom-tier bundles (or games that were offered for free). It works because new gamers check out the games on steam and see prices between £3 and £7 and think "Wow what a great deal!", meanwhile everyone else is seething because they know they got ripped off. Check out any youtube video doing an 'unboxing' of these random bundles, it's the same in most vids.

"Oh wow, Grass Simulator! Lemme check how much that is-" "Such a great deal!"

8 years ago

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I dunno, my backyard simulates grass pretty well for free, that example sounds like a rip-off either way.


8 years ago

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I also thank you for your sacrifice. and someone else took Keebles :)

8 years ago

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dont buy this garbage

8 years ago

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I can't believe people still buy these...

8 years ago

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Those are absolute garbage.
Full of rebundled and free games, not worth a single dollar combined. You'd have better luck with HRK.

Steer clear.

8 years ago

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Bunch of free/nearly free games for $10?
Ummm ....

View attached image.
8 years ago

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This is the reason I stopped buying from GMG even though I sided with them when /r/gamedeals decided to ban their site to be posted there.

They stooped down to g2a, hrk level and other shady sites that offer random steam keys for $1 or so. Also their deals on pre-orders are normally beaten by nuuvem/funstock digital/gamesplanet/etc.

Last purchase from them was when the fallout 4 50% coupon error happened.

8 years ago*

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:D dat coupon only lasted 'bout an hour :D

8 years ago

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well I still do "purchase" from them but only because of "free credit" ;p

8 years ago

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playfire or no? I thought they removed credit

8 years ago

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Playfire is dead, but credit for reviews is still kicking ;)

8 years ago

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To me it still looks like GMG trying to prevent bankruptcy by doing these overpriced mystery things...while alienating the people that dare buy from them...

8 years ago

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Agree, something is rotten in GMG...

8 years ago

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Hopefully they'll get me my Hitman I got using Playfire Credits first :P

8 years ago

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Don't support GMG. They're as shady as shit. Well, not as shit (G2A) but their business moves are questionable. These bundles are low, garbage games that's been bundled to death. No, don't buy it.

8 years ago

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Remember, stay away from GMG.

8 years ago

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I guess someone got Rainbow Six Siege from it, but for $9.99... you can get this month's Humble Monthly (using the Humble Indie coupon) for $10.80... so yeah. don't feel like Gun Monkeys.

8 years ago

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