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meh, curious

ETA: 27min

8 years ago

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I don't expect much from the Switch, but Nintendo was my childhood. I just can't give up on them, no matter how much they try to make me.

8 years ago

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Well I'm gonna wait it out, the payed online with only SNES and NES games really turned me off.

8 years ago

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I'm getting sleepy but my hype is keeping me awake!

8 years ago

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tell me later how it was with 5 words im gonna sleep now......

I stood up again, watched some mins.. they kept telleing the same over n over again....and went to bed, so much for this "hype"
best sentence for me 299,99$ in NA but in Europe "ask ur local retailer" <-- means 300€ thanks 😤

8 years ago*

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330€ in Europe :(

8 years ago

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For me it was 10-11pm, I managed to watch it all, man what a finish!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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2nd gif is nice :D

8 years ago

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I've been waiting for this moment since Nintendo first mentioned codename NX. I can't believe the time has finally come.

8 years ago

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One of the English translator is awkward to listen to.

8 years ago

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Nothing about pokemon yet so we can all keep twiddling our thumbs...

8 years ago

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Yeah... no Pokemon or Smash, which are my favorite Nintendo IPs. Well best for me, I'm gonna save my money for now

8 years ago

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there is sure to be a game coming in each of those IPs but it's a question of when. As far as Smash Bros goes sooner rather than later if they decide to do an enhanced port from Wii U similar to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

8 years ago

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The rumors state just HD remasters of sorts... Pokemon Stars in Alola with maybe 20 more pokemon and a new legendary, so meh. And Smash 4 remastered with a bigger roster, so meh too since I have it on 3DS and my best friend in Wii U when we go into game nights.

8 years ago

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Well for what it's worth I also heard similar rumors before about Splatoon being ported but it looks like a full-blown sequel? The last home console I had was the Gamecube though so I can't say for sure as I've never played it. I think it's smart to take certain games from the Wii U and port enhanced versions to potentially beef up the game lineup though, especially since the Wii U was their poorest selling system ever and many people (such as myself) will have missed out on those games.

8 years ago

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yea, there are some wii U games that look pretty good, it's good move for them! But my 2 favorite IPs will just be remasters of sorts, so I'm not that interested... perhaps if they sell a $300 zelda bundle in 2018 I might get convinced

8 years ago

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There should be another presentation focusing on games in about 9.5 hours. It looks to be "Treehouse Live" so if it is anything like it was at E3 when they first showed off Breath of the Wild then it should be more English-friendly.

8 years ago*

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Breath of the wild as a launch title,that'll be a system seller.

8 years ago

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I thought the same and got genuinely uber hyped when they showed that final trailer and launch date, even if I'm not a Zelda fan (as of yet).

8 years ago

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Looks good, but Nintendo still can't do a decent press conference. Needed more Reggie and a couple of the translators were really hard to follow >_<

8 years ago

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OMG Zelda is a Release Game!!!

8 years ago

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I guess the rumors about it being delayed and replaced by the Super Mario game as a launch title were wrong...

8 years ago

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Maybe they were on purpose so they would cause a bigger shock :D

8 years ago

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Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2, and Zelda Breath of the Wild look fantastic in my opinion.

Other games I saw:

  1. F Zero
  2. Minecraft
  3. Street FIghter
  4. Sonic
8 years ago

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+Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

8 years ago

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I didn't spot F Zero... I gotta rewatch the final montage then

8 years ago

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Xenoblade is ultra!

8 years ago

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You probably saw Fast RMX, not F-Zero.

8 years ago

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You are correct.

8 years ago

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Fire Emblem!

8 years ago

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I think they said they will show it in a Nintendo Direct next week.

8 years ago

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Konami announced Super Bomberman R just now (and it's OLD-SCHOOL style of Bomberman)!

8 years ago

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Nintendo uploaded a short trailer to their Youtube channel:


8 years ago

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they just showed it on the live stream and it looks good. love the two-player Co-op in story mode

8 years ago

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Wait, what ? Konami is actually making something people may want ?
Where it looks like basic gameplay is classic bomberman with some puzzle & platforming elements carried over from Bomberman 64?

that's unexpected in a positive way...

8 years ago

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online not free ? ok now i'm playing only on pc master race

8 years ago

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That's the only thing about the initial presentation that I disapproved of, as they never charged for it before. As primarily a PC gamer I am used to having the option of free online play across most of the industry, but for someone who isn't it is admittedly on par with Sony's and Microsoft's practices (which I very much dislike to be honest). If it is deemed necessary to have paid online play to subsidize costs for certain infrastructure and what have you, it better be cheaper than competitors though, especially since Nintendo's history when it comes to online play has been a bit spotty in places. A potential issue that would concern me is that people might not be willing to buy into it and the end result is that it could potentially be detrimental to player numbers.

8 years ago

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yea, they enforce paying to allegedly give a better service, but Sony did the same and PSO still is subpar (if it has become good someone please tell me so, since I sold my PS4 hehe).

However, Nintendo is a family friendly company, this might hurt them in the long run, and I'm not willing to pay $50-60 a year for multiplayer in my games.

8 years ago

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they said something to the effect that it will be free for some months until later in 2017 so hopefully they reconsider

8 years ago

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around 6 months free, but I don't think they will backpedal until 1 or 2 years in. Or they will have to gift Switch tittles to have a good value for the subscription. But so far my money will stay on PC

8 years ago

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I didn't have a PS3 myself but when we tried playing Dead Space MP on a friends PS3 we had constant disconnects and the game would just stop working after 1 match and required restarting the console and stuff like that. But apparently it has improved because PSN has been working flawlessly on my PS4 (except when "hacker" kiddies are on the loose).

On a sidenote: While it obviously sucks that you have to pay to play online I look at PSN subscription as a 5€ blind bundle.
This Month they had This War of Mine: The Little Ones Edition, Day of The Tentacle Remastered, Titan Souls & The Swindle but not every month is that good. Still, surprisingly often they have nice games like Binding of Isaac Rebirth, Rocket League or Fury on Day 1.

8 years ago*

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Yeah you can see it as a blind bundle, but in 10 months with my PS4 I only played like 4-5 of those games so I see it as a bad investment myself. And Nintendo will give SNES and NES that you could emulate if you want... I even own those two consoles anyway.

8 years ago

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same (for the time being... it's hard to resist Smash and Pokemon for me)

8 years ago

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for me , not really . We have 0 news for Pokemon (not sure if he exists ) and Smash will be like mario kart 8 : garbage remake
Remake and Online not free Big N does the same shit like other ... Bonus the hardware is totally obsolete and we need a F**** app on smartphone for vocal tchat , this online will be more worse than the online of wii and ds xD

8 years ago

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we need a F**** app on smartphone for vocal tchat , this online will be more worse than the online of wii and ds xD

wait what?!? I thought they had a headphone jack enabled :/

8 years ago

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"Online lobby and voice chat

Our new dedicated smart device app will connect to Nintendo Switch and let you invite friends to play online, set play appointments, and chat with friends during online matches in compatible games─all from your smart device.

A free, limited version of this app will be available for download in summer 2017."

Definitively , Nintendo lives in an other dimension

8 years ago

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Well shit... I'm still hoping for compatibility with other headsets via headphone jack, but the big N is full of pretty stubborn and arrogant bastards most of the time :(

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

8 years ago

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Yeah... I was expecting $250, or $300 with a game or pro controller bundled. The launch seems fine with Zelda and I think that they might giveaway 1,2,switch and the boxing game.

But the paid online killed all my hype, specially when they will not give away Switch games with the subscription (at lest for now), they are offering NES and SNES games with it... PS4 and Xbone at least give you new(ish) games with better value.

8 years ago

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totally out of time with paid online system...
look at evo look at other titles too, after excitement and paying customers they need to get into free2play model or else its busted and wont be acknowledged anymore

8 years ago

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Shin Megami Tensei 25th Anniversary!

8 years ago

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I only buy the Switch for Zelda and i am very hyped about it. already pre-ordered it today, only 2 month waiting is nice :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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If you already have a Wii U that's fine (assuming the rumors that it has been cancelled for Wii U are false), but to invest in a Wii U at this point would be dumping money into a dead system.

8 years ago

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thats right and i selled my Wii U back in the Days when i realized that there is no new Zelda for it, ok now there is, but then i can buy the new Console and like you said Wii U is a dead console

8 years ago

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Indeed, it's been awhile since the last original Zelda game for a home console. Between the Wii and Wii U there was only Skyward Sword that wasn't available on another system. Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD were nice, but as I already have them on Gamecube they don't really count for me. I'd be willing to bet that they will get re-released for the Switch as virtual console games at some point.

8 years ago*

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I don't have a Wii U, thats why. And for the Wii U was no NEW Zelda Title :)

8 years ago*

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Any word about backwards compatibility with DS / 3DS games?

8 years ago

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I don't have the source on me but I recall they shot that down a while ago.

8 years ago

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OK, guess I'll probably pass for now then.

8 years ago

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It was already determined previously that it will not be backwards compatible, presumably because a change in hardware architecture does not allow for it. Even if it did, DS and 3DS games are very low resolution (the latter being around 240p) and would look terrible on a TV and probably not much better on the Switch's display (which is 720p).

8 years ago

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There's still the option of using black borders. But I guess I shouldn't have expected too much from Nintendo as they've been going down the drain since Iwata's death :/

8 years ago

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Yeah but if you think about it, with letterboxing and no stretching of the image, at ~240p you are talking only a small fraction of the screen. You would have to sit like 3 feet in front of it for it to be of any use, which kind of defeats the purpose. On the other hand if you stretch the image to make it take up more of the display then the image quality degrades, so it's kind of damned if you do damned if you don't. I don't see that there is a way around these inherent issues with the low resolution.

8 years ago*

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Presentation was a let down.
300$ system
32gb memory
70$ controllers!!!!!!!!
paid online...

8 years ago

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720p 60fps

8 years ago

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still more fun than pc, xbox, playstation... :P

8 years ago

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Not for me, i like the yakuza and soul series.
Though i'm a bit bummed for not being able to play "Arms" or whatever that first game was

8 years ago

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Lol no.

8 years ago

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*720p while mobile. Docked it'll do 1080p

8 years ago

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We will have to wait, but my guess is, upscaled rather than native 1080p
but yeah, keep that in mind when buying the console

8 years ago

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Thought I recalled seeing that it specifically throttled down when mobile to save power but I guess it's mostly speculation at this point anyway :)

8 years ago

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According to what I have heard there is more processing power while docked so it may very well be native 1080p

8 years ago

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32gb memory?!?! Wow, really? I didn't get that part... that's horrible, although it's gonna be cartridges so no need to save your games to the HDD like Sony or MS. The Pro Controller is $70? That's rather steep... crap :/

And yeah, paid online killed the whole purchase for me. Fuck them in the ass, I refuse to pay $50-60 a year for being able to play multiplayer

8 years ago

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Yeah 32GB is not a whole lot when you consider how big some games can get nowadays. SD cards are cheap enough though so it shouldn't be too much of an issue.

8 years ago

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And 80$ for the regular ones :))

8 years ago

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Breath of the Wild hype is real!

8 years ago

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the analogs are also buttons

ME: an L3 R3!!! Omg what kind of sorcery is that? Welcome to the future!
With that said the nintendo games always make full use of the weak hardware the other games not so much
Suda and bethesda had yet nothing to show, but Suda is God so, whatever...waiting on that No more heroes as a weak PS4 port.
The Fifa Guy was the lame one, and i'm talking about a conference filled with old business man in suits

8 years ago

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yeah, the EA guy was so smug and dull, I wished someone punched him just to see if he was human... then again he represented EA so in that regard he did a good job I guess.

8 years ago

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I get it, you are presenting the same game every year.
He was wrong though, the WII had FIFA

8 years ago

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Yeah, but it was super shitty tho! It played horribly, a friend purchased it and nobody liked that one... we were uni students so we only played Wii Sports while we got drunk xD

8 years ago

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Still dont care :>

8 years ago

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Excited but probably not enough to buy it at launch. Aside from Link Between Worlds, haven't even played the last threeish Zelda games yet.

8 years ago

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Same old, same old, lots of gimmicks, 0 AAA 3rd party support, same milked to death franchises.

8 years ago

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0 AAA 3rd party support

are you kidding? for the first time in ages they presented real AAA 3rd party big hitters... SKYRIM, Shin Megami Tensei, Street Fighter, FIFA, Minecraft, Sonic... and even a new Xenoblade, along with a console Fire Emblem (I think it's the first). Gamewise I think their first year seems pretty solid.

8 years ago

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Thats true.
lol...one side has Shin Megami, the other Persona :D

8 years ago

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To be fair a lot of that is just the games they put on the handheld and consoles combined together which this is supposed to play the part of. Minecraft and Skyrim have been out for a while, and they only skipped last year's FIFA on Wii U, but it was on mobile platforms. None of those inclusions seem amazing.

8 years ago

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Skyrim or Fifa on a handheld may seem quite amazing for people who love those games. On the livestream the chat when crazy when Skyrim on the go was confirmed by Todd Howard. Personally I would only pay $40-60 por Pokemon and Smash without too much hesitation, and would have to see the end result of Zelda, Mario, DK, Kirby, Starfox before making such investment (Nintendo prices rarely go down which sucks).

8 years ago

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They've had some neutered version of FIFA before just like this one, nobody cares, people will play the full regular versions on PS4 or X1. Sonic hasn't been good in years, Minecraft is available everywhere already and nobody will buy a Switch for it (and it's an indie game that just had tremendous success, not AAA), Skyrim is 6y old and anybody remotely interested already has it and played it long ago, and as for most of the rest they're JRPGs that represent a niche market in the west outside of FF.

8 years ago

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You talked about AAA 3rd party support, I just stated the biggest games with those qualifications. What do Sony and MS have as AAA 3rd party support different as that one that aren't niches? COD, BF and TF for FPS and Ubisoft sandbox games. I think that's pretty much it by those standards and it's not much to miss... specially if you game on PC too.

In the end people like Nintendo for their original IPs like Zelda and Mario, no Nintendo fan gives 2 shits if it's the same old plot and characters. Just like Xbone owners look for Halo and Gears of War and PS4 owners look for Uncharted and Last of Us, nobody gives a shit if it's the 4th or 7th game on those franchises as long as they are fun.

8 years ago

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I'm not gonna list the truckload of games you can play on the other 2 for obvious reasons. All I'm gonna say is this, they relied on the usual Nintendo stuff last time too and look how that turned out. Nostalgia and gimmicky games aren't enough anymore, you need to bring in the non Nintendo fans.

8 years ago

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of course consoles with years on the market will have a lot more games available, but they do seem to have a big 3rd party support this time with a handheld-home console hybrid, which you might seem like a beefy handheld or a Xbone with lower specs but that can run the same games (at 30fps, meh). Personally I lean to Nintendo exclusives mainly and everything else on PC so I don't care much for 3rd party, but I believe it won't be a Wii U disaster like last time with 3rd party support; what's key with the switch is portability, you can't play a decent Skyrim or Fifa port on any handheld device and that's their biggest value imo.

In the end the pricing and paid online is what will hurt them the most I think.

8 years ago

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With just 2.5h on a full charge portability isn't really that useful. And no, it won't have the same games at lower framerates, it won't have them at all. What you need to understand is that you're the "I just want the Nintendo exclusives" guy, and this category of buyers isn't big enough anymore. They need to cater to the core gamers too and they once again will not. People that only go for one platform won't go for this.

8 years ago

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People that only go for one platform won't go for this.

Absolutely agree with that, but they aren't going for that target audience since at least 3 generations ago with the Wii, which ended up being the most successful console in history. Nintendo fans just want fun and unique experiences, you just need to watch the gaming media and gaming youtubers reaction, most of them are rather positive with some concerns, but if you want a single gaming platform to play shooters and other action mainstream games then Nintendo has only had the N64 as your go-to console and even then Sony sold way more units.

And just as a disclaimer, I've only owned a gameboy color, N64, gameboy advanced and a 3DS. I don't buy a console or handheld unless I find a good value proposition in them, however I don't deny I like their IPs and would like better deals before buying this new concept of home console and handheld hybrid.

8 years ago

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Wii can hardly be called the the most successful console in history, it sold a lot because it was dirt cheap at its time and the gimmick fooled a lot of people (the motion controls were awful and horribly innacurate) , however all the non Nintendo fans stopped using theirs after the initial excitement wore off, and became pricey paperweights. Most importantly the issue is if they don't convince enough people with their new gimmicks then they'll go through another failed console. All the excitement you see is from their usual crowd, they need mainstream players and casuals, regular people that don't spend their time on gaming websites or whatever.

I don't know if they have enough to get so many people outside their usual target audience interested, it might have even convinced me if the battery life wasn't garbage for any game I'd actually be interested in.

8 years ago

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So you discard the Wii? Ok, how about the 3DS with 61.5M units sold? The Switch is part handheld after all and that might save his low-battery ass as long as the charging is done fast and gets some useful power banks or extra batteries at reasonable prices (granted, this seems rather difficult).

I think it's gonna be the next Xbone, with a horrible first year that will make them make an urgent price drop (or big IPs bundles) followed by some more value propositions to make things good on the second year onwards.

8 years ago

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Like I said, the portability is key, if the battery life gets better then it will have a better chance of succeeding. I expect a better version within 1.5 years. But they keep saying it's not replacing the 3DS which is foolish, making it compatible with 3DS games would be a deal maker for many, especially for Pokemon fans.

8 years ago

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late 2018-2019 is gonna be the most interesting period, they might even release a "switch pro" with double the battery down the road and sell the "og switch" for $200. We must wait and see, but launch might be rather rocky, then again Nintendo under stocks its consoles to create an illusion of high value (and it worked wonders with the Amiibos).

8 years ago

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Actually Sanzaru has 2 very decent sonic games on the 3DS (14/16)

8 years ago

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There are 7 Fire Emblem on home console: 2 on NES, 3 on SNES, one on Gamecube and 1 on Wii. So no, it's not the first.

8 years ago

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Oh right! The classic consoles, I didn't know about NES, just SNES, but if I recall correctly they were japan exclusives. Didn't know about GC and Wii tho, were they released in the west too?

8 years ago

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Yes, Path of Radiance and its sequel, Radiant Dawn, were released outside of Japan. The main character, Ike, is playable in Smash Bros.

8 years ago

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Skyrim would have been amazing if the game wasn't several years old atp.
FIFA is a port of the XBox 360 / PS3 version.
Minecraft is on everything already, I doubt many people that are interested in it haven't already played it to death.
Sonic...they released two exclusive Sonic games on WiiU (not counting PC), and neither was that well received.
Street Fighter is a port of the old SF2 HD Remix but with two new characters and a new mode.

Shin Megami Tensei is exciting though.

Xenoblade and Fire Emblem are owned by Nintendo, so they don't count as 3rd party support.

So yea, there's some 3rd party support, but it's mostly just ports of old / low spec games.

8 years ago

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Skyrim and Fifa on handheld will be a first. It seems minecraft fans pay it on every platform, Sonic has been sucking and changing from dev to dev, but there's always hope... SF will come with that nostalgia game but I think SF V will come in later.

XB and FE aren't 3rd party, I just said "and even a" before saying gamewise they seem solid. And yeah, I'm not too hyped for their whole game lineup but then again I always bought 2-4 games a year for all the consoles I've owned so I don't look forward to a huge lineup and nowadays I game on PC so seeing some unique games proposal (key IPs with some old ports but for a handheld experience). What I killed my hype was the pricing ($300 with no games... fuck no) and the paid online bullshit.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by hotbullet8.