Suggestion: Next to the "enter giveaway (XX P)" button, add a checkbox (or something like that) to join, at the same time, to all the open giveaways of that exact same game. Starting from the top, ie from the giveaways ending soonest, going down as long as you have enough points.

7 years ago

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Sure, who needs to read all these boring descriptions?

7 years ago

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in 90% there isn't any. And if there is, one can check it after one has won the giveaway. And if one wants to look at the descriptions, one does not use this checkbox and individually enters giveaways.

7 years ago

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Use the search function > open all the available giveaways in different tabs > click to enter > Ctrl+W > click to enter > Ctrl+W.
Not necessary.

7 years ago

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There's already the search option for more giveaways of exact this game (magnifier glass symbol).

Allowing entering multiple games at the exact same time would make it more difficult to spot bots. Plain and simple "No!".

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Considering auto-joiner scripts are not allowed on SG, not gonna happen.

7 years ago

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If you use Extended Steamgifts script, you can just search for public giveaways and enter them without having to open the giveaway page. It also adds a new icon to let you view the description right from the GA listing.

7 years ago

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Yeah, it would also be useful to be able to auto-enter any games that you specify. There could be an option to auto-post "Thanks!" in the giveaway, and if you win a giveaway send the key to one of your alts to trade or idle for cards. This could work when you're offline too, eliminating the need to visit the site entirely.

Yep, I think we're really on to something here, hopefully cg will implement this feature soon.

7 years ago

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Given how often that very statement has been made in full sincerity on this site..

7 years ago

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How do you get to this from what I said, and why? I thought I was making an innocent, decent suggestion, and now 4 people have blacklisted me, first such ever.
I'm sorry for opening my mouth and now you can all stop being assholes.

7 years ago

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I understand that the replays are snarky but you need to understand that this isn't such an innocent suggestion (even if you thught so), so calling them names will certainly not help you reduce these blacklists

7 years ago

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My reply was sarcastic, fair enough, but I didn't blacklist you and there's no need for name calling. If you make a suggestion, you've got to be open to criticism also and honestly the responses are pretty tame especially compared to some other places.

The issue that myself and others have with auto entering giveaways is that you aren't taking the time to read the descriptions made by the giveaway creator, which may have a request, rules for a group giveaway, or just something that they wanted to share. By auto entering instead of opening the giveaway you're basically disregarding that, and some see it as being unappreciative of the giveaway creator who is contributing their time and money to share something with the community.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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we should also have a wishlist on sg so it autojoins everything with infinite points.

7 years ago

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Click the magnifying glass. Use middle mouse button on all "pictures" of the giveaways to open them in a new tab individually. Open the first tab. Click Enter Giveaway. Use CTRL+W to close tab, mouse instantly hovers over Enter on the next tab. Click left mouse. CTRL+W. Rinse and repeat.

7 years ago

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No, absolutely not.
That's one step away from using a bot.

7 years ago

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Wow how lazy can some be, people offer free games but their life is so damn important and busy it's too much to ask them to manual enter for GA's

7 years ago

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Porrima, doing a poll would have given you a quantifable idea of what the general consensus is like for this idea. The above answers however would indicate the feeling about this. Joining giveaways isn't that hard to do and with only like 4-500 points daily, it should not be that many clicks to join the giveaways anyway. I understand where you are coming from but even then, people don't read descriptions as it is and people auto joining will completely ignore the instructions we giveaway creators place on our giveaways.

7 years ago

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