thank you for the bump! I recently started listening to audio books at work, and this website will save me a lot of $ :) Thank you!
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sure, recommendations would be nice! First audiobook series i've listened to were Brandon Sanderson's Steelheart series. I really loved it, but it was more of a.. "kid" series. Now I am listening to his The Stormlight Archive saga, which is more of an adult fantasy book (I do not mean erotic, i just mean more complicated book. Like Game of Thrones, possibly?) At first I really disliked it (for the first 8 hours) but after that I really started loving it. Right now i'm on the second book in the saga, so i still have around 25 hours to go, but more recommendations are always welcome since my shifts are usually 10-12 hours long :P
I usually love horror books, but discovering this Stormlight Archive saga (the more "adult" type of a book) really opened some more options, so feel free to recommend anything!
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in the horror category i recommend Scott Sigler. His stuff is usually really bloody. He was among the first who gave his audiobooks away for free and gained enough reputation to even get his books in the New York Times best sellers list.
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I would beginn with Nocturnal. The original was read by himself but later slightly rewritten and recorded with Phil Gigante as reader. If you want a shorter book to to get a "feel" for the author Kissyman and the Gentleman is among my favourites.
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librivox is great too.generally i advice chose an genre, get a short story collection and remember the best readers and simply get everything they have read. most readers stay in one genre.
in the moment i really like old timy scifi one of my favourite Readers is the late Gregg Margarite
(Deathworld for example)
and Mark Nelson
again concerning podiobooks i can give recommandations just give me a genre you like.
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Deathworld is a fine example of how great Librivox can be, but then if you look into titles like The Island of Dr.Moreau, the lack of quality control really does stand out. It's pretty hit and miss, but I've stumbled on some great things thanks to that site, like the 'rogues' short stories. At least, I think that was from librivox, I can't remember...
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yeah hit and miss sums it up quite well. id rather google " best librivox readers" and read through some blogs and forums to find good ones rather than fighting through lots of below average readings. but that the quality controll is a bit lax has at least the advantage that readers dont get discouraged to make better readings
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This site looks pretty interesting, I'll have to take a deeper look when I'll be on PC later! Thank you so much for sharing!
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if you would like something a little different from the usual i think "Billibub Baddings and the Case of the Singing Sword " might be to your liking.
Essentially its a story about a dwarf from an "generic Fantasy World" teleported into 1929 Chicago and then tries to make a living as a private detective. Sounds a bit weird but its really good.
MOREVI: The Chronicles of Rafe and Askana (Remastered) is a bit more settled in the fantasy realm. A bit more "generic" but still unique.
Both by the same author Tee Morris. He is also known for his work in the steampunk-genre
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The Crown Conspiracy by Michael J. Sullivan. One of the highest rated books on podiobooks read by the awesome Nathan Lowell who is himself an awesome author. Its a bit more on the action side.
Concerning Nathan Lowell. He write mostly scifi but has written some Fantasy too. Ravenwood also one of the highest rated books on podiobooks.
I quote a bit from a review by K.G.H. Nicholes who sums Mrs Lowells style of writing very fittingly
"Nathan Lowell gives me permission to enjoy "ordinary living" - doing what needs to be done, and finding pleasure in doing it "
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yeah i had the same feeling but today its one of my favourites. he really stays true to his herritage (yes he still has his axe and knows how to use it) and kicks ass and takes shit from no one not even al capone (whom he meets in the story). on a small side note the book is also a bit on the mature side. so billy gets a bit of "action" too
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Ooooh, nice! I know what I'll be doing in a few. Thanks.
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My Podiobook Faves: (a few anyway)
-- Scott Sigler (Horror/Sci-fi)
-- Mike Bennett (Horror ... great voice)
-- Matthew D Jordan (Post-apocalyptic)
-- Seth Harwood (Noire)
...Podiobooks and these authors have gotten me through some real crappy days at work.
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great selection all among my favourites too.
to summarize
Scott Sigler = lots and lots of violence
Mike Bennett = soooo english without english acccent
Seth Harwood = F&%K
Matthew D Jordan = lots like stephen kings dark tower (maybe even better)
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My library provides free audiobooks, which they offer through a third party service, in my case OneClickDigital.
I think this is fairly common in the US and UK, check your local library website, though not all of them seem to offer this, and some use other services.
OneClickDigital is almost entirely DRM-free mp3's, and though you have to download through their app, I find their Android version of the app perfectly tolerable for this.
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sadly that is (as far as i know) not a common practice in my country(germany). of course our libarys have websites where you can look up your account (what have you borrowed? when do you have to bring it back? and of course the full catalogue) but you still have to go there. i assume its probably due some copyright-issue here.
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i am just spreading the word. i would say that everything above 75% Rating is at least worth a try. there really is lots of good stuff there literally enough for years. and a review or just a rating on itunes amazon or goodreads is a really small price to pay. it even happened that some authors got enough reputation to find an actual publisher for their works.
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thanks for the tip Downpour looks interisting. reasonable prices as far as i can tell. always makes me nostalgic seeing the prices. 2 years back when the 1β¬=almost 1,40$ and now ist 1β¬=1,10$
i just saw that there are some books on downpour that you can also get at podiobooks for example scott siglers infected, ancestor,contagues only difference is probably a short commercial at the start
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sweet! thanks for sharing this link... If i want to listen on my mp3 there a way to DL 1 or 2 files? or do you have to DL each little chapter file? How do you handle your DL's? or are you listening on the website?
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do you use firefox? if you do get the down-themall addon
1.go to your audiobook of choice the download episodes header
3.right click DownThemALL
4.filter audio data (mp3 )
5.start downloads all mp3 files to a location of your choice
All FIles of one book in one go. hope this helps. if not i try to explain better
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Audiobooks put me to sleep faster that a bottle of wine.
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Thanks! I'll most likely just pick something at random to listen to. And if I like it, I'll see if there's more by the same author. That's usually how I roll when it comes to free things.
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Good way to do it. If its bad well you only lost a bit of time. I admit even if its not good i usually listen to the end. It must be really really bad for me to stop before finish.
Usually the rating system is rather reliable. Other than that the more reviews the book has the better. When i fill up my mp3 player i take a fantasy, a scifi and a random story. Even the a random one usually turns out to be good. Thats how i started with Joe Cottonwoods works.
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well. is there a specific genre you prefer? there are lots of good books to find there. Here are some
Fantasy Genre (is abit hard cause sucha vague Genre)
-Murder at Avadon Hill
If you are in the mood for a Murder-Mystery in a Fantasy Setting
quite brutal and bloody great fun pretty much like everything from scott sigler
-Bones Burnt Black
brutal murder mystery in space
just a few suggestions. generally everything above 75% is worth a try and the more reviews the better
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Here is a little collection of mine on dropbox, download anythings while it's available for the next few weeks. *** Sorry it's been blocked off by DropBox
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Still thanks. Got myself 2 books. I am waiting that humble bundle makes a new audiobook bundle. Has been ages since the last interesting one. I didnt get the one with the hunger games books. Dystopian Future =YES but please without Teenagers as main protagonists
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Underwood and Flinch is his best work so far. The second Underwood and Flinch Novel Blood&Smoke has just recently been released. Actually its the third. The first "Underwood and Flinch: A Vampire Novel" is composed of the books Resurrection and Bonded in Blood. And the fourth installment is already in the make (the first chapters are availible via Mr.Bennets Patreon page).
But his other stuff is great too. His reading of The Shadow Over Innsmouth is awesome. Normaly i am not so much into the whole "cthulhu myth" but he delivers it so freaking good.
I didnt think someone can sound so english without accent.
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If you like audiobooks and you are short on money (like me) you might want to take a look at this website AUDIOBOOKS FOR FREE. TOTALLY LEGAL. NO REGISTRATION. NO DRM. WITH THE AUTHORS PERMISSIONS.
Lots of high quality content that you normally have to pay good money for. Of course you can donate but usually most authors just ask that you write a small review on Itunes or amazon and generally just spread the word about their work. Most books are read by the authors themselves and are often produced on a professional level.
Currently podiobooks has over 700 (if i counted right) audiobooks to offer.
What i really like about this website is that theres NO Registration and NO DRM (just usual mp3 files). Just look for a book that you think might be interesting and download the files (for firefoxusers downthemall- addon comes in handy).
A big chunk of the selection is SciFi and Fantasy. If you want some recommendations just ask me. If you are familiar with podiobooks maybe give some recommandations of your own.
on a sidenote:
Also there are some really good Superhero- Novels to find there for example Playing for Keeps, Other peoples heroes, The Secret World chronicles, and How to succed in evil. All rated with above 90%
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