It'll probably flop like the first three Playstations did.
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I hear the 4 thing was is an old taboo and isn't really relevant anymore. But I guess we will see soon.
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from what I saw of it - you will want to buy new games - it would be nice if the old ones played but meh, no big deal, everything is different and pretty much anyone real concerned about PS3 games already has a PS3 so no problem anyway
and if you don't have a PS3 the price should do a bit of a nose-dive, so yeah, I don't see any problems
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Well the backwards compatibility should be solved by cloud gaming. It could work like that: you'll put you PS3 game in the PS4 and that game will appear on your "cloud gaming acc" or something like that. And after that you could play on cloud, streaming it to your console.. It's just a theory but makes sense i guess..
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I've heard many rumors. I hope they are just rumors.
The worst one I heard was paying for online, I'd drop it right then and there.
But I think Sony is doing good with PSN+ so I Don't know why they would drop it.
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Yea, and it'd do more harm than good honestly...
I love PSN+ :3 Huge backlog. ;_;
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Thank god I saw this so I didnt miss the Giantbomb live stream for it. thanks.
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Little Big Planet 3, Killzone 4, Uncharted 4, Final Fantasy 9000, Ridge Racer, Gran Turismo 6, Infamous 3, Metal Gear Solid all revealed
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Its just a dualshock with a PSMove Bar, hardly a rip off, they just shoved two controllers of theirs together
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well PSMove was the initial ripoff of wii motion controller and kinect (which itself is an 'enhanced' eyetoy).
Sony has a history of copying controller aspects: shoulder buttons, analog stick, rumble, motion, touchpad and so on, all Nintendo inventions they've adopted on their next iteration
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hence I've written: "kinect (which itself is an 'enhanced' eyetoy)."
Eyetoy (that's what the PS2 cam is called) is the only controlling related invention of sony that I am aware of. Though it's only a gimmick used for very few select games, not comparable in scale to changes to the main gamepad that all games will use.
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And Nintendo now has a standard controller just like the other companies.
Everyone copies each other.
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well it has an oversized touchpad, so not really "standard" ;-) and the 'old' motion controllers are still being used too.
and no, though of course each gamepad shares many similarities, I've listed cases of blatant idea adoption of sony over the past 15 years, since they've entered the console market. At least stuff like analog stick and shoulder buttons were reasonable. Not to compare to the hardly used motion aspect of Sixaxis. Is that even included in the ps4 gamepad at all?
It's quite clear that Nintendo leads the innovation in the controller area. (No matter what games that actually sparks)
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The pad isn't even a screen though? So it really isn't all the same except that they are touch.(Everyone loves touches shit nowadays, so Sony went with the trend.)
Sony does indeed use the second-mover strategy(copy other/make similar things.) a lot. But to say that Nintendo doesn't is completely wrong.
They've copied Sony's dual sticks, they've copied having a real controller, they've copied have 2 back buttons(R2/L2), their wiiU gamer pro controller is a complete copy of the 360 controller.
So no they don't really lead the innovation in the controller area, they copy just like everyone else.
And I'm not even biased like you, as I like PS and Nintendo. (Fuck M$ though.)
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"The pad isn't even a screen though? So it really isn't all the same except that they are touch.(Everyone loves touches shit nowadays, so Sony went with the trend"
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I think because buttons are old school, and touching is more future like.
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nah, actually I can read a lot of positive spin towards sony in your posts. I don't specially like any of these companies, just stating the facts.
yah, it's no screen, true, but as that would completely destroy their traditional controller design they couldn't go so far (remember the shitstorm over the ps3 prototype gamepad?). So they took the touch stuff, added in the kinect/cam part and voilá.
I've never stated for Nintendo not to borrow ideas either. That's what I meant with sharing similarities. I don't accuse anybody of copying for using an analog stick or shoulder buttons anymore, because that's the default nowadays. But touch/cam/motion stuff just got recently introduced and you state yourself that Sony uses this stuff then after surfacing.
The problem there is just that while Nintendo goes all-in with their new concepts, Sony only takes some aspects that then are not even used too often in actual games (again as an example: motion in sixaxis).
You can't really accuse Nintendo of copying having a 'real controller'. They've had one in the past, they even created pretty much all of it's aspects still used today.
Yes they've taken the 2 shoulder buttons, but they introduced them in the first place as well. Sony enhanced on this idea by putting 2 instead of 1. M$ enhanced by using 1 analog and 1 digital. That now became standard across many gamepads.
The layout of their Pro controller is indeed very alike to 360 (with few exceptions). Shows to me more that M$ just hit pretty much the best ergonomic design with it, without much left to improve.
Still I've giving half a dozen examples, where Nintendo introduced new aspects for gamepads, that have been taken over by other companies. Quite a few more than they've copied themself. With the last motion hype and the now following touch/screen hype, they are again leading there (and I say that again without actual judgment if that's a good or bad thing. Though looking at the enormous amount of casualization motion/kincet/touchpads/mobilephones deliver to the gaming market and considering myself a 'core' gamer, I guess it's not so good for those games I'd rather prefer to see....)
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While I believe the SNES was the first console with shoulder buttons on the controller, the NES was the first console to have wireless controllers available, so they were innovative. One thing many don't know is that the old school NES controllers also had a small mic in them (in the Japanese consoles only I think) that allowed limited voice interactivity with certain games - basically was limited to yelling crap into it during gameplay. For motion control look no further than Le Stick (1981) for the Atari 2600 and Commodore 64 - hard to believe eh...?
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You know the PSP had remote play, right?
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but apperantly you are not aware of the difference between the psp remote play and the new version. I take a quote to show what the psp was (not) capable of in this context:
"wut the f*** is the point of using the psp if u cant even play video games!!! >:("
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It IS possible and if you watch the presentation over again this is even hinted at =- I've done it with my PSP & PS3, but there is some lag which makes it a less than enjoyable experience with certain games. This new version claims to have no lag at all.
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dafuq is this shit, I can't watch it in english and the german one sucks hard xD
Oh yeah, I now use the IGN Youtube Stream....even though it says 720p, it looks like its 240p maybe even worse :/
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PS3 had plenty of good games, far more then XBox did.
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thats why it has USB ports and you can play as a PC...
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Who knows, maybe Sony will get proper steam support with ps4 as opposed to the miniscule amount on the ps3? Oh wait, no. We're talking about Sony here.
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"Get tha fuck out, Steam is PC gamers ONLY what are you doing here?"
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This is actually good for PS3 gamers because it will mean all multiplatforms games should be stronger. ;D
I'm hyped, Sony always does lots of new IPs every gen, so it should be very interesting. Also anyone else gonna watch the stream?
UPDATE: PS4 was announced, was pretty good meeting.
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