I have 4 Dream games

  1. a game that combines the car damage and variety of Forza with the level of destructible environments of Red Faction Guerrilla and the variety and enjoyability of Mercenaries.

  2. a game that is an Online Turn Based DnD RPG that stores your characters and allows someone to be the DM.

  3. a PC Harvest Moon

  4. a PC Animal Crossing

10 years ago*

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Prince of Persia (2008) Sequel , for god's sake.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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HL3, Portal3, Left4Dead3, ...... dota3

Edit: and yeah TF 3

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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-9999999 to dota 3

10 years ago

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+1 -9999999 dota3 and more moba.

10 years ago

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+1 +1 -9999999 dota3 and more moba.

10 years ago

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What about TF3?

10 years ago

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I always wanted to play a co-op stealth game like in the veins of Deus Ex or Thief where people have to "branch out" in the map so they can complete the task instead of the typical "stay together all the time" co-op mechanic.

10 years ago

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I think Splinter Cell : Conviction had a similar type of Co-op story.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I want to be Captain Picard.

10 years ago

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Disaster Simulator

The most complex game ever.

The game is all about sandbox, free roam, open world, and of course, disasters.
You will start by choosing a location. Any location worldwide. Then you must choose out of a vast array of disasters, including: Hurricane, flood, bombardment, zombie apocalypse, earthquake, volcano, tsunami, tornado, war, and many, MANY other. Or, you can simply set it as "Random", and face the unknown.

Then you can start playing. The game's events will be randomly generated, so you cannot know when or where to expect the disaster to happen. You must find shelter, weapons, or even food, depending on your difficulty settings. Then, the game is just fun, fun, fun... Survive the zombie apocalypse, or find a boat to stay alive when the tsunami strikes, take cover underground in the dark metro lines...

Unlimited settings, unlimited possibilities.

You will have the ultimate control over the settings, options, setups.
You may choose whether to need food and shelter, or not. You can also choose to be invincible, or to be a weakling. You can spawn with a full armory, or with only a rusty fork. You can also turn off disasters completely. The possibilities are limitless, the world is yours.
And also, there's destruction. Lots of buildings crashing down, gas stations blowing up, and bridges falling into pieces.
Oh, and did I mention the possibility to play co-op multiplayer online, or local? Also Massively multiplayer online, with thousands of players.

Oh hell, I want this game.

(PS: Sorry for the wall of text. Just read it or leave it.)

10 years ago

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That's very specific.

10 years ago

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I've been wanting that dream game forever. :P

10 years ago

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it would be the first and probably only game i buy for full price. somebody make it happen!

10 years ago

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too true

10 years ago

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And lots of physics.

10 years ago

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Sword Art Online.

Not simply VR, it has to be live.

10 years ago

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Log Horizon, please

10 years ago

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+1 :333

10 years ago

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  1. A VR FPS in which all you have is two pistols (dual wielded) which you can aim with you arms and hands as if you were actually holding them.

  2. The Elder Scrolls VI, with 2-4 player co-op.

  3. Super Hexagon 2

  4. A revamped version of Quarantine mode from Combat Arms, everything about it was a ton of fun, but Combat Arms itself is awful for many reasons. If it was done from the ground up in a better engine by a developer and publisher that actually cared it could be a really great game on its own.

10 years ago

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Instead of number 1, how about this:

VR-MMO-FPS-RPG. Setting doesn't matter; futuristic, present day, medieval, and fantastical would all be good.

It has to include real aiming (around corners and the like), death consequences that aren't insurmountable, but also quite possible, and seamless matchmaking. Also, the game would be a true role-playng game, the AI understands what you speak into the mic, other players can set up quests, etc.

10 years ago

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A first person game of any sort wherein dying actually feels like dying rather than the screen suddenly blurring while the respawn animation plays.

Like a game where if you get shot in the leg your character crumples and has to crawl about with wasd very slowly as the visual field has all sorts of weird things happening

Or if you get shot in the head or something one half of the screen goes black and is replaced with those weird patterns you sometimes get when you press lightly on your eyeballs

And when you fail to accept a revive and press "give up" instead of just respawning your character puts a gun into their mouth and then fires right before the screen goes black

It'd be pretty cool.

Also, Need For Speed Underground 3, where the game starts with you street racing in some large US city, then you bail and take a plane to Europe or Japan or something to escape the cops and then you have to build up your garage again, but later in the game you have to fly back to the US to settle a rivalry or something and your cars are still there.

10 years ago

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Don't you think you'll get bored after seeing those deaths many times and feel "Why does it take so long to die?"

10 years ago

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Not really, there's a suicide button

Besides, this makes is so that there's incentive to try and stay alive rather than continuously respawning

10 years ago

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Quake 5

10 years ago

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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic III

hopeless :/

10 years ago

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gta v pc

10 years ago

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-Ghost Master 2
-Freedom Fighters 2
-next Gothic game (I mean the real Gothic, from Piranha Bytes)
and many, many others.

10 years ago

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New Red Faction with Freeroam, Multipayer Vs and co-op, and a map editor. Would pay alot.

10 years ago

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Bucky O'Hare (from NES platform) on PC with DX12 & 8-bit music. Pervert`s wishes.

10 years ago

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Red Orchestra 2 with full servers.

10 years ago

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What are you talking about? RO2/RS have plenty of full servers 24/7
And even if they didn't you can always find one that has like 20-30 people with the rest as bots, which isn't too bad

10 years ago

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Not where I am. The free weekend has helped a bit but normally there is one server, half full.

10 years ago

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Do the servers change with your region? I hadn't realized that. I play on French servers and stuff all the time, so I just assumed. Could be French-Canadian, which would explain it. Sorry bro, hope your dream comes true someday...

10 years ago

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You can play on any server, but with communication being important in RO2 I prefer to play on English language servers and the UK/US ones give me bad pings (at least they did last time I tried).

10 years ago

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An online multiplayer stealth game in the dark where you only have a melee weapon which can instakill anyone given that they haven't seen you. Audio will be a big part of the game and you'd have to listen in carefully to hear enemies approaching you, etc. I could probably make this game myself, but meh, I'm too busy.

10 years ago

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A real life simulator(not sims T_T) Where you can fuck, play, move, shit everything mate. Virtual life in the virtual life that would be nice.

10 years ago

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Yeah, you could FINALLY have quicksave in real life.
..kind of.

10 years ago

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I've been thinking a lot lately about Darksiders and how we probably won't see the next installment of that... (just finished 2 a couple of weeks back)

10 years ago

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A PC Animal Crossing would be an insta buy!

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

10 years ago

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Dead Rising 1 on PC and new Duke nukem games if one day GB decides to stop being so fucking ridiculously greedy ...
What i'd love too, is an open world game Predator too ... same kind as Concrete Jungle on PS2, which i loved so much, but open world this time with a large city and plenty of targets to hunt :P Interiors to sneak in and all of those. Lots of objectives etc

10 years ago

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My dream is a Free Roaming 3rd person game, very close to Skyrim graphic and character evolution, but placed in Naruto story and world....and you are a ninja, obviously xD

10 years ago

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That would be cool, and choose between different lands, most would choose land of fire though xD

10 years ago

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  1. a PC animal crossing

there already is one, its called Impossible Creatures, check it out, nice game.

10 years ago

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"a PC Harvest Moon"

"a PC Animal Crossing"

Emulators exist :)

10 years ago

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DayZ with unreal engine 4, map earth scale, full building, without bugs and optimized.

Nah!, really Lineage 3.

And Borderlands MMO!

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Galahir950.