If you really think that this is a case of unfair dismissal and you have any records/proofs of it (like: did you have any disciplinary hearing? was it done following the correct procedure? were you notified about anything they weren't happy with in writing? ...), how about taking them to court?
A friend of mine was in a similar situation (even the position: assistant manager in a hotel) about one year ago. She sought advice at the union, collected everything she needed (files, papers, ...) ant sued the company. 6 months later, and 24 hours before appearing before the judge, they offered an extra-court agreement with substantial payout, apologies and a remarkable reference letter ;) They basically do it counting that no one would take legal action, but when it happens they shit their pants :D
Anyway, good luck with the new job!
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Eh, my first boss tried to fire me on similar grounds. Well, mostly because I was better at my job (programming) than the other half of a two-person team, and the other half was the boss' wife.
Lucky for me, that guy was retarded when it comes to labor law, and didn't do the things he's required to do, like getting my signature on the periodic review forms as well. He also made (false) accusations about me sleeping on the job without proof. So all I had to do was prove that I had done what was asked of me, and contest the points where he couldn't prove anything. That got me a severance fee that tided me over to the next job... Flash-forward a couple of months, and that company's no longer doing software development. Turns out the various issues I warned hem about and wanted to solve caught up with them. Turns out tax auditors and the like don't like it when accounting software repeatedly adds or substracts random cents.
So yeah, here's to turning a bad situation into a good one, and watching the people who got you into that mess screw themselves over.
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lol i was fired 2 days ago by retardet boss too, high five bro.
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Once I was fired from a proofreader / copy editor position because a magazine I didn't even work on failed, so the internal reorganization made me redundant. A year or so later, I was back on my old job, which I quite liked.
Then a pay cut happened. Then another, bigger one. Then the paychecks started getting late.
I'd given them a month to get their shit together. Unfortunately, they couldn't. Sorry, guys, I like you all very much, but if I'm not getting paid, I might as well not work, either.
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well mate (or more coretly queen :P ) you could have use that oportunity to get more cash every month but you're right, our integrety is a lot more important that a few more bucks at the end of the month (if you still can pay the monthly expenses )
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It feels nice to know that someone exacted sweet vengeance on a douche-in-power! Stay frosty and may your next employer be much better.
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As the title says, tomorrow is the day of all days ... I'm getting fired from a job for the very first time in my life!
I'm excited. Are you excited? You better be
So, currently I'm still working as an assistant of management in a hotel. I was getting along with my boss pretty well but a few weeks back we had a fight. Basically, she was just having one of her retard moments and I was unlucky enough to be the only one around at that time. Sucks for her I don't take it easily when someone tries to fuck me over by trying to force work on me I don't know anything about or that isn't even supposed to be part of my work (Jek, do the taxes for 2012, you have time until tonight 10pm).
Since then she's just searching for reasons to get me fired, even got the IT guy, which I'm luckily really good friends with, to spy after me, because according to her I was sleeping and watching movies at work (Lol no).
Anyways, thanks to my buddy I know about all this stuff and also know she wants to fire me tomorrow. Which is good, considering this work was my only source of income and I still have to pay rent and for uni. I found a new job pretty quickly, way better pay and working conditions.
So now, celebrate with me! Feel free to bash you bosses here too
So today I went to work all happy and stuff, doing my work and waiting till she arrives. First thing I did in the morning was filling out how many hours I worked and put it on her desk. She arrives just like nothing happened, tries joking with me and stuff, I don't react. Don't talk to her, only when it's necessary.
The end of my work day: I go to her, tell her I'm gonna go drink a coffee and that she should look at my paycheck while I get my things. I come back take it, look at her and just flat out ask how she thinks this should continue. She gets all defensive, trying to tell me some bullshit story about how things were rough for her and she is sorry. Well guess what, things are rough for everyone, still i'm not going into work all mad and try to fuck up someone's day. Especially considering I got paid not nearly enough. I wouldn't even be able to pay my rent for next month if it wasn't for a great friend of mine.
She still tries finding some bullshit excuses, I just cut her off and tell her that I do not take it kindly when people treat me like that. Funny thing is: Some employees are leaving and this means I would be one of the very last people who are fit for the job. Who know the system and can actually solve problems.
She literally begged me to stay.
Sucks for her I don't intend to :)
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