I am searching for a Scrip thats Adds All SteamGames to my WishList.
I searched for it but i coulndt fined it

8 years ago

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There is no such thing ... games get cards added on a later point ... and making something that constantly checks and updates that would take quite some effort ( i think )

Rather then hoarding games for the cards why dont you just make a wishlist with games you WANT to play maybe :?

8 years ago

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Nah i know at least from one Script it is out there!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Use this link (your profile ID already in it) steam.tools/cards/#/CsGoTr4d3
And mark Not owned games option
At least you can see all games that you don't own and have cards.

8 years ago

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What's the point?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Then get a script that makes you enter every giveaway.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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It's a SteamGifts recurring gag. We had a—now permabanned—user who was all about getting games with cards and selling them to buy other games. Profitz™ is now his call sign among us.

As for realities, there is sometimes a possibility to get an emote/wallpaper/foil that sells for a pretty penny.

8 years ago

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I see. One could just get a job and buy games that way... but who i am to judge :D

8 years ago

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What? Working? Are you crazy?! :p

8 years ago

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how to farm $0.03 cards

8 years ago

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Pretty much my story. 2 cards per day ,each 0.04 cents. I DONT EVEN KNOW WHERE TO SPEND ALL THAT MONEY ANYMORE...HELP>

8 years ago

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Bear in mind that steam prices are regional, but card sales aren't - so here in Brazil, for example, those few pennies very quickly add up to enough to buy a game.

Not that I'm suggesting it isn't staggeringly ridiculous to try and win games to farm cards instead of trying to win games you want to play...

8 years ago

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That is pretty much strange. I live in more or less poor country but have to pay 60euros for games and you guys get it for pennies. Somehow. Never really understood why's that. I mean why games costs almost nothing in some regions.

8 years ago

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It's mostly based on market tolerance - the highest amount that most people in a region are ready to pay is what they'll set the price at. In many ways it balances out, because the majority of people in Brazil don't have anything close to the disposable income of most of the rest of the world, and the cost of hardware is insanely inflated.

There are also a few developers who ignore the economical differences and just try to exploit the Brazilian market for all it's worth, which is why Fallout 4 costs more here than in the US or the UK...

8 years ago

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But same more or less could apply to my country ( at least to some extend ) and we here pay full price. I guess because we are part of EU and they do not differentiate one country from another. Regional price is set to 'full' and that's the end of story for them.

8 years ago*

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Yeah, ideally steam prices should be truly regional to reflect local economies, I agree - but I guess in Europe there are so many countries so close together, and with almost no border restrictions in many cases, so it would be impractical to enforce. That, and the EU is considered a single economic area, so maybe that's the only thing they take into consideration.

8 years ago

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Just asking out of curiosity but by how much games are cheaper for you? For example a triple A title?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You can compare all regional prices on steamdb.info, as well as price history and highest discounts. So you can see that for GTAV, Brazil has one of the lowest prices, but for Fallout 4 we're among the highest.

8 years ago

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I see. Still at your worst you pay more or less same as we here pay as a standart :D

I guess im moving to India then. At least i will be able to afford games:D

8 years ago

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Yes... and no :D

Minimum wage in Brazil is equivalent to about US$218 per month, whereas in Lithuania it's equivalent to about US$423.

So yes, on paper it's lower or more-or-less the same, but no, in real terms it's usually not :D

Russia would be closer than India, and the prices are usually cheapest there :)

Also, when I say that hardware prices are insanely inflated, I'm not exaggerating... 300% of the US price is typical here :O

8 years ago*

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I am searching for a Scrip thats Adds All SteamGames to my WishList.
I searched for it but i coulndt fined it


8 years ago

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Thanks dude for the Help you are the only one who help me for real forsenC less than 3

8 years ago

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just consider this your wishlist.. much simpler.

8 years ago

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Okay seems like there is only The GitHub Script. I know about it bevor but i wanted it easyer. sry and thanks for Help


8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by fox13579.