There's only a small group of people I'd ever give cash or cash-equivalent to.
For everyone else I'll purchase what they need. About two weeks ago the girlfriend needed money for gas, so we both drove out to the nearby gas station and I filled both our tanks at the same time. There was no reason to give her cash, and now I know her tank was 100% topped off so there's no potential for her to pocket a small portion of the money to buy something while assuming she'll have enough gas for the week.
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I trust her to spend it on whatever makes the most sense for her at the time she wants to purchase something. It isn't about trust it's about human nature--if I give her $50 and her gas tank will cost $50 to fill she'll spend $20 on gas, then another $5 in the C-Store. Then in a few days she'll need to fill up again so she'll put another $20 in the gas tank and $5 in the C-Store buying coffee, a cookie or whatever. Bottom line is she wasted 20% of the "gas" money I gave her.
With my method no trust is required--I want to give her gas so I buy her gas. It's no different than people who give a Best Buy gift card instead of cash. I assume any family member who gives me a Best Buy gift card wants Best Buy to have their money, and I further assume that family member secretly wants me to kill them for buying me a gift card to a B&M retailer. :)
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Sounds like you got some trust issues. Me and my girlfriend share a freaking bank account.
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That could end really badly, but I wish you luck...if anything I think she would get in some legal trouble if she played a game with it.
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She and I will likely never share a bank account. We've been together for 4.5 months. I have a house, a car and lots of expensive toys. She's a college student with over 2 years left before she graduates. We're also 9.5 years apart age-wise. She doesn't want access to my bank account and I'm not offering it--everything works out!
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Yeah, it depends if I have extra money at the time I see them. If so, I'll give them a few bucks. I've bought a couple of them some food before, and one of them was happy for it, the other threw it out and wanted money for booze. Win some, lose some.
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I have a policy: If a homeless person asks you for cash I will tell him I don't have any because chances are he's just going to buy liquor. But if a homeless person asks if I can buy him food then I will because I know he's hungry and I don't have a problem with that.
It's just hard to tell these days because around where I live there are so many normal people that fake being homeless and panhandle just for free money so it's hard to trust.
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Depends on the situation. I have helped many times by buying food / giving cash.
Now, I only offer to buy food/hot drink etc since the time when I got laughed at my face when I offered to buy some Arabic woman with child a hot meal instead of giving her a few £.
People these days...
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I noticed, a lot of you talked about that they will buy alcohol and drugs from the money. For us, it seems like a really bad thing, but think about them. I know how it feels to be depended on something and the huge cravings for the thing you need. Doesn't matter, whether it's alcohol, drugs, cigarettes or any other stuff. The point is, you must understand them. Yes, it is bad, that they use it, but what else they have gotten? They won't get a job and the only thing they have, is their addiction, which they have to feed. I know, most of you now will think of me like an idiot, but I just know how hard it feels, when you are hooked on something.
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The problem isn't the addiction, the problem is that its the only thing that can relief them from their ruined lives, no one in position to blame them for turning to alcohol and drugs for that, some of them might be in blame for not surviving in our society but still not in blame for turning to alcohol and drugs.
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The last time i tried to help one i hadn't eaten myself in a few days, finally got 1-2€ and went to buy me some bread so i wouldn't starve to death.
There was a homeless person in front of the store and as i entered i felt really bad, because i knew that my life right now sucked, but at least i had a bed to sleep in that night.
I had enough money to buy 2 packages of toast and decided that i only needed one for the next couple of days, things would work out for me, they always do.
Long story short, he didn't want it, asked me if i don't have money instead, we talk for a few minutes, then i leave.
Turns out, he wasn't worried about food at all, he needed the money for drugs.
I was shocked when he openly admitted that as if there was nothing wrong with saying that.
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In other words you bought a dead possum for 5$, I usually buy mine for 4$. You've been ripped off.
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I helped at a homeless "cafe" to get them a little food and to drink, but I'll never again give them money, they only buy beer and wine with it
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I help when I can...regardless if someone is homeless or not.. I have seen people with kids who were a couple dollars short for grocery's i'd give it to them.
I always say..If I became rich. I'd be rich 2 days...then poor again because I would of given my money away to everyone.. XD
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Actually not uncommon especially among those who recently lost their home. Pride bites at the back of your neck until the realization sets in that you will not be able to get by on your own.
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the guy looked worse than i would after 50 years of chemo and cancer and aids and what not. i think he knew very well, that he wouldn't get much else that day, he just wanted to show me, who the boss was. little did he know, that it was still me.
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A rip off, I know a guy down the street who would tell 5 jokes for just 2 quarters, half the price.
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I would like to discuss about this. Have you ever tried to help homeless?
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