I would like to discuss about this. Have you ever tried to help homeless?

11 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

11 years ago

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isn't it against the law in a few u.s. states. don't worry obama care will see all them grubbers in jail soon. why jail? cause you know they don't have healthcare and can't pay the fine, so off to jail they go.

11 years ago

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Misinformation is so much easier than bothering to read or learn or think.

11 years ago

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I would like to believe blinkdog, because frankly the homeless people in L.A. are rowdy, evil and nasty.

11 years ago

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hobo jail is awesome. 3 square meals a day, shelter, heating, free cable

and the arguments against it don't really work cause we already arrest males who fail to pay alimony(Even if they did so cause they couldn't afford it, valued too high to begin with and then you get laid off) even though we aren't supposed to have debtors prison. so its got a precedent for arresting people for lacking $.

Besides whos gonna molest a scary hobo in the shower? what if he has rabies?

11 years ago

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You mean by like giving them money/food?

Yeah, not more then that though.

11 years ago

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This is going to be a PR nightmare

11 years ago

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"Kind hearted Hillary? Or devil who gives poor people booze money and laughs as they walk into the liquor store?"

More at 10.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I give restaurant leftovers sometimes if I know I might not get to it.

11 years ago

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does it count if you get half way though a burrito start feeling queasy and then dump the extra on the nearest hobo before bolting to the nearest bathroom?

If so then yes.

11 years ago

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As douchery? Yes, it certainly does count.

11 years ago

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but free food

11 years ago

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Nevertheless. If you wanna be good, buy one for yourself and one for that guy. I can't even possibly imagine myself doing something like you described. I'd feel ashamed and less of a human if I ever did something like that. As if it's not enough for them to be out there, no home, all alone, deserted by world, begging for food. As if it's not enough they have everything pitched against them. Some idiot comes along and does something like that.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Real helping or just giving money? Because they buy just booze/drugs from that.

11 years ago

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Well not all of them one would hope, but it is the reason I try to give them food rather than money if I can.

11 years ago

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Not every homeless person takes drugs or is an alcoholic. Sure, the majority may be, but not all are. I have met decent ones.

11 years ago

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Some just buy a shotgun so they can clean up the streets...

11 years ago

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Looks worse than the Super Mario movie.

11 years ago

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it was an awesome movie

11 years ago

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I am cool with that personally, I know some people wouldn't be though.

11 years ago

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I love how many people around here just blindly believe and further stereotypes.

11 years ago

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The irony of it is, I have a much higher opinion and willingness to help/talk to a homeless person in question than stuck-up spoiled whiny brats that keep going on with the stereotypes. 2 billion people aren't starving because they're lazy. But this is a public site, so I guess you can't help with what kind of people are going to appear here.

11 years ago

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Well said, and thanks for being one of those who get out there. As a person who has been in that situation myself I can tell you that it is well appreciated.

11 years ago

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I wonder how many of them even know that highly paid people got pinked slipped like crazy as of late and are living on the streets or out of their cars even with children.

People assume WAY to much.

11 years ago

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and you don't think that made them sad and they might drink more than before that happened? :)

11 years ago

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Oh I am sure, people with much a better life drink themselves silly also though.

It really depends on the person, thats why I would not lump them into one group and call them all druggies/drunks.

11 years ago

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yeah, not all are druggies and drunks

some of them are "crazies" who still haven't died(some say their descendents carry on the life they were born into. the only life they know. Down there in the dark and the damp). Been on the streets since Regan took away their mental hospital(asylums), live in the abandoned sealed off subway tunnels(warm in the winter with all the steam) and raise rats and alligators for meat and hides. Got a whole society down there. (Some say their own language too.)

and others are trustfund hipsters being ironic and learning hobo sign while scrounging in dumpsters for the environment or something

the disabled vets who can't work enough to do anything else but beg and the government overlooks so they can't get welfare. just slipped through the cracks and discarded when uncle sam squeezed all he could from them left them broken and alone in the cold.

and then theres the classic bindlestiff(times get hard, relatives in same boat can only afford to take in wife and kids so the father becomes a transient looking for work going wherever the rails take him, sending back any money he manages to acquire beyond barest food)

11 years ago

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Try going through withdraw & then say that drugs aren't real help.

11 years ago

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We(few friends, a nurse and a doctor i worked for) managed to create and support shelter for 28 people this winter. It has cost me a lucrative deal at work but in the end it was worth it. To bad a few of them have to ruin it for the rest though

11 years ago

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I'm curious how the "few" of them ruined it, what did they do? :o

11 years ago

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they urinated all over the place

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Err that's really random...

Most of the homeless that beg on the streets, I don't give anything to them. The real homeless who need help are the ones who don't sit around loitering and asking for free stuff. They're probably out trying to actually get a job, I try to help those kinds because they're doing their best.

11 years ago

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It's actually really hard to get a job without a residence (at least in the US)...

@OP I've helped a few homeless people in my time, I don't normally give them money, but I've given them food, cigarettes and I even took one guy to the local diner for a decent meal.

I don't have much money now a days, nor do I really go outside anymore since my accident, but I'd still help people if they needed it in the future.

11 years ago

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not just hard to get a job, impossible to get government aid. you need a permanent address to get welfare.

11 years ago

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Well, if you showed up to a job interview, hadn't showered in weeks, with rotten clothes, and no home, do you think you're going to be employed? Most just cannot get jobs because of the position they are in.

11 years ago

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Pretty much, sometimes its really not a persons fault that they are poor on the streets, as sad as it is sometimes soldiers come back and the family, friends, and everyone deserts them. I have seen that happen...

Times are actually pretty hard right now, people who had great jobs are living out of cars or not at all...

11 years ago

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walmart hires, well if they need anybody

11 years ago

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I totally agree with nosef, those who want to change their situations are actually trying to do it. I won't provide any help to beggars.

11 years ago

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how old are you? because this statement sounds like its from a 14yr old boy who has no idea how the world works.
You're talking about "trying" to change their life but unless you live in some kind of third world country, there basicly isn't anything to do BUT beg. I've been to social care dozens of times with people i found in trainstations and such.
I've tried everything to atleast find them a place to stay and work on their hygiene. Can't count the times social care has send me back to the streets with these exact words :we will try to find him/her where they "live" as soon as a spot in our shelter becomes available."
I can tell you that after 3 weeks the same people are still living on the same cardbox on the same spot without ever heard from social care. Its a shame we still allow people to have empty houses while people have to live on the streets.

11 years ago

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I live in NYC, speaking of empty houses, every time I look at Governors island I sorta get sick to my stomach. So many empty apartments/houses...

11 years ago

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roughly 50% of detroit is straight up abandoned

edit- chacago too apparently http://chicagobuildings.org/

11 years ago

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Yep I am sure there are a lot of companies willing to hire people with pretty much nothing to their name.

I agree that homeless should do more than just beg but it is hard enough for university graduates to get a well paid job these days let alone a scruffy homeless man with no access to clean clothes, a shower or even a bank account to get paid into.You can't blame them all some of them are just trying to make it by day by day.

Much more could be done if our governments reallocated just some of the money from military funding. I read somewhere that $20 billion would be enough to end homelessness (by giving them shelter, food and providing support to help them get a kickstart) in every state in USA. Which may seem like a lot but compared to the hundreds of billions it is not that much. Of course it's not that easy as there are 100 other things the money could go towards but I'm just saying...

11 years ago

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where do illegals with no address or any form of id get jobs? I think he meant homeless should try and get those jobs or something. theres gotta be somebody out there who'd rather work with a(smelly) white guy who speaks the same language than a scary brown guy who can't understand you and needs to be instructed in pantomime, pictograms(like the rabbit/turtle throttle on lawnmowers) and talking slowly and very loudly(volume helps understand foreign languages you don't speak)

just find a racist contractor and you're golden
except black hobos, they're sol

11 years ago

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And every homeless person smells? I've never met a homeless person that smells before and I live in Seattle. If they smell it's probably from beer/drugs, it isn't hard to at least go to a homeless shelter or someplace to get your life straight.

It's merely a matter of letting your pride go, in which case most aren't willing to bother looking for help and resort to pity.

11 years ago

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I saw a homeless woman who begged money. When another woman offered to buy her bread roll or sth like that, she refused and kept begging. After a few minutes, when she finally got the money she bought herself beer :o

11 years ago

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Your profile picture relates to your comment. XD

11 years ago

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Why i was thinking he meant doing a giveaway for Home(the game)?

11 years ago

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Because you're Home-less? Me too, by the way :(

11 years ago

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Nah, i'm not really looking so much for Home to think like that, i just think in puns oftenly :P

11 years ago

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Am I the only one who has fantasized about helping a homeless dude by taking him home and giving him food and a shower, only to find out hes hot afterwards? No? Just me?

I'll show myself out.

But on a side note, a woman (I don't know if she was homeless) was waiting outside a grocery store with her two kids and asked me if I would buy some food for them. I came back with two slices of pizza but they already left. : - (

11 years ago

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I fantasize about being the homeless guy. Say.. Maybe we can work something out..

11 years ago

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It's times like this when I wish I were one of THOSE people. You know, the kind of people that go on Craigslist in the "Casual Encounters" section and arrange blowjobs with strangers at the gas station.

11 years ago

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This swerved violently off-topic kinda fast :P

I'm confused - are you a gay dude, or a woman? Your nickname confuses me.. xP

11 years ago

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Lol! I'm a woman, Jack is short for Jacqueline. P:

11 years ago

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And the "Scribbler" means you write? Short stories? Fanfic sometimes, as a naughty indulgence? Hmmm, your avatar.. 21 or so? Or am I way off the mark?

11 years ago

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Draw, not write. Haha, don't get me started on naughty indulgences. I've drawn my share of...er...those sorts of things. BLUSH

Close. 23, but still a good guess. Yourself? Your avatar-- I don't know, I have to assume you're a redditor. P:

11 years ago

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if it helps my rather large somewhat ratty and definitely unkempt neckbeard is often referred to by friends and family as having qualities more usually associated with the housing impaired. Want to compromise for a night with a 40year old 250lb(pure "muscle" I swear. no? how about "more of me to love"?) software engineer?
I don't mind being dropped back on the streets to spend a night in the cold afterwards if it'll help sell the effect for you, not even if its raining long as you provide a sandwich. :)

11 years ago

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You had me neckbeard. ; )


But really, I didn't find any of the above particularly objectionable. I think I have a problem! P:

11 years ago

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Lol first i was like "dafuq"? Then i was like "cute, someone came out of the closet" After reading the comments i was like " damn, should've said i was homeless before typing this whole mess"

11 years ago

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Someone read/watched too much shoujo anima/manga I see. XDD

11 years ago

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Lol I've never actually seen any anime/manga with this scenario but if you're aware of some, I would love for you to kindly direct me to them. ; - )

11 years ago

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Never seen one myself, not that I seen many shoujo mangas or animes out there, but it just seemed in the spirit of it, you know like there's just ordinary person or something that you treat nicely and then you discover that he isn't so ordinary as he seemed or expected him to be. XD

11 years ago

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Isn't that from a doujin or something?

11 years ago

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Or course you aren't. homeless chicks are the shit. Clean em up a bit, share some food, they put out in the hopes of having a warm bed for the night and when you're done with em just drop them somewhere on the street no need to drive her home cause she hasn't any. and its not like she can pester you, whats she going to do call you on her cellphone?

more seriously though it really helps if the homeless can find a dog somewhere. I once saw 2 people on street corners, one had a baby and the other a puppy guess who had more coin....turned out to be college hipsters conducting an experiment but still. You want to help the homeless instead of $ find a puppy that doesn't eat much. Teach a man to fish and all that.

11 years ago

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I'm pretty sure that's a niche Japanese porn category.

11 years ago

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I'll introduce a word to you; Hentai.

11 years ago

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That just means a fetish, or kinky. It's not specific like 'panchira' - upskirt', 'munechira' - 'down vlouse', or 'shokushu' - tentacles for example

I was thinking more along the lines of something for 'picking up down and outs'.

11 years ago

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<3 your thoughts and mine coincide

11 years ago

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just giving them money.

11 years ago

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Yes I did.
Food, money and a talk (sometimes that one can be important as well).

11 years ago

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"Have you ever helped a homeless person?"


"Have you ever helped homeless people?"

11 years ago

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Yes. I just give them money and sometimes things like a duvet when they knock on the house's door yeah yeah yeah yeah.

11 years ago

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they knock on your door? you wouldn't happen to have a circle with an x inside or a drawing of a cat near you by any chance? http://www.cyberhobo.com/signs/pics/hobo48.gif

11 years ago

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Really much homeless guys dont want to find job cause they are lazy, and only want to drink..... if you want to help better donnate food/beds/clothes to the facilites that are taking care of the homeless guys that dont drink/take drugs, cause what will this random homeless do with your money?... they will buy alcohol.

I once read something like i think it was on reddit

Son: HEy this poor man want money give it to him
Dad: why should i give him money?
Son: cause he is poor
Dad: well then why you wont give him money
Son: i dont have any money
Dad: ok well then maybe you will take showel and do some work in our garden i will give you some money for it and can give it to this guy
Son: hell no
and then "son" said something like " i wont work for this guy its better if he will work"

11 years ago

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It is harder for a homeless person to get a job than an ordinary person.

Edit* I should have phrased that better. "It is harder for a homeless person to get a job than someone who is in a better posistion."

11 years ago

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infact it's almost impossible to do so.
No one will employ someone if they don't have an address/phone number - or the ability to clean safetly

11 years ago

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Exactly. People should stop being stereotypical. Not every homeless person is homeless because of drugs/alcohol or because they are lazy.

11 years ago

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why can't they in theory do "mexican work" put up drywall, paint, mow lawns, kill rats ect. don't need an address for that and mastery of English must offset uncleanliness as far as hire-able traits

because they're disabled or mentally impaired or "dey took our jerbs"?


11 years ago

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still they have institution where they can get clean clothes take a shower and a sleep i was acutally donating much stuff to this kind of institution from a company i was working in.
And yes this place had much people in but it was not full, cause most of the homeless guys as one person said to me there they are comming drunk and they wont let them in.

And i dunno if you guys were ever working but even my friend told me he meet a homeless guy in his office work.
He said he was clean and didnt looked homeless.

11 years ago

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The homeless that dont go into those facilities usually have animals, and most (at least around here) homeless shelters here dont allow pets.

11 years ago

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Yeah but thats reddit.

so lol...

11 years ago

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Anyway its like begging for steam games, some dude add me tell me hey i really love rpg's give me that skyrim you have in inventory, well i could just say fu*** off but i said to him that he can just iddle on team fortress 2 servers and if he get lucky he can drop an item worth 3 tf2 keys and 1 tf2 key is now worth 2 dollars.
Well ofc he didnt had tf2 premium so i gave him dota 2... he dropped a pudge item worth 8 keys...

11 years ago

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I am honestly not sure if you are serious...

Are you comparing homeless people to some kid in his parents basement wanting a game....which is purely greed based? To something like food? Which is well....life or death based. I am a little nauseous now.

Not even gonna argue this further...good day to you.

11 years ago

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I was talking about giving them money, not food...

Just the thing is there is really much low paid jobs that homeless guy can take, but its better for them to beg cause its easier.
Try to find a institution that help homeless guys, take adress and ask homeless people why they are not there, they can get food and help there.

and who is arguing... im not.
Do what you want

11 years ago

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Right...and all homeless people always buy booze, never food, lol...

You're delusional thinking homeless people can get jobs easily, those "places" turn many away, in high population areas especially.

Have fun with your flawed view.

11 years ago

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And to add to that, there isn't always an available "institution". I live in a city of over 150K people, and everything is full up long before everyone has a warm meal or a place to sleep.

11 years ago

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And the only "institutions" where I live are open during Christmas. So homeless people get a nice warm meal, a place to sleep, and a shower, etc, only to be turned away once Christmas is over.

11 years ago

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Yeah I have seen that....terrible.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I don't see why the Dad didn't offer the guy a landscaping job.

11 years ago

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I have given people food, drink, etc. I have sometimes even bought bags of chips, etc, and sat down and spoke to homeless people.

11 years ago

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yes :)

a guy in denmark was freezing, drunk and falling on his steps so i took him to his friends and gave him a scarf and in many other occasion i shared food :O

11 years ago

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I've sat down and chatted with a good deal of them. Used to see several drifters for weeks on time. I'm cool wit it.

11 years ago

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Your profile picture is so freaking disturbing. :S

11 years ago

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i volunteer at a food bank, we help homeless people every day

whenever i ride the train downtown there are usually people begging and i give them a dollar if i can

11 years ago

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Most creative sign I've seen, "Spaceship crashed, need parts." We had a chuckle, but then I began to wonder...what if this man was a starship captain from the future and truly needed to return in order to save mankind? I'm still sad I didn't help him, but I was just a stupid high school punk.

11 years ago

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Lol ... Voyager!!

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Checks calendar. Goes on with life.

11 years ago

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What have you done!? Now we're doomed!

11 years ago

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Does skateboarding over them count?

11 years ago

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lol they love it

11 years ago

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I once bought a Sub and gave my change to a homeless guy outside.

11 years ago

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Has a homeless person ever helped me?
Didn't think so..

11 years ago

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I like your attitude.


11 years ago

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Lol you're doing it wrong.

11 years ago

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Even if it wasn't a joke it still made me laugh. XD

11 years ago

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ask not what hobos can do for you but what you can do for hobos.

(kennedy got it backasswards for government(with governments you "trade freedoms for protection" so you generally expect something in return. that and people should ask "where are my taxes going") but it actually works for charities)

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I have, a few times with my boy scout troop we brought food to a homeless shelter, even talked to a few of them

11 years ago

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Yeah. I gave them money a few times.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by chimpanzeeSeven.