First apologies for my English. Registered took a while but I began to be a little active usuary.

I have many games on Steam, and give away a couple of gifts, those games mean nothing to me, but when I give gifts, the lucky ones were happy.

Today I won my first game, buy it not be a problem for me, but always makes illusion win something.

The game in question was the Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, I was a big fan of the previous and was happy.

I went to talk to the contributor (luke123), the answer was this:

I can read in your profile too ....

In conclusion, not worth making people happy to take this.

Surely leave steamgifts, the next time I see a game that I like I will go to steamtrades where I found great sellers.

11 years ago*

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That sucks...

But don't link to his profile and censor his name in the picture, you can get in trouble

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

11 years ago

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I really don't see a problem with naming-shaming in a case like this.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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There is no real defintion in the Rules for the so called 'calling out' or atleast i wasn't able to find it.
"Do not call out submitters in giveaways. Please click the report button or submit a ticket, do not comment on the giveaway claiming the giveaway to be fake. "
".. claiming the giveaway to be fake" In this case it's not really a claim but more of a fact, because the creator of the GA is clearly ignoring him and has no intensions of handing out the key he won.
In my opinion there is nothing wrong with what the OP is doing, but maybe that's just me.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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Still no definition of "calling out"

11 years ago

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Alright, go make a thread were you negatively call out someone. See how long it takes before it gets closed and/or you get suspended. -.-

11 years ago

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Why the fuck would i do that?, i'm just stating that the rules are lacking definition and therefor it's all subject to personal opinion if certain things are allowed or not.

11 years ago

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No it's not. It's a fucking rule

11 years ago

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Making a public accusation against anyone for any reason is calling out, as common sense will tell anyone who uses it, and it's a good way to get a suspension, as seen here.

11 years ago

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Bajon que te haya pasado eso, a veces pasa... Será para la próxima, lo bueno es que ya está reportado

11 years ago

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That sucks indeed.

But man, thats pretty rude how you try to push him to send you the game.. he would have up to 7 days.

11 years ago

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Glad I refreshed =p I was going to say... there is a 7 day period after the giveaway, so technically he could still buy it and gift it... of course, I don't know when that giveaway ended and I don't feel like checking =p

11 years ago

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Ended 6 hours ago ;)

11 years ago

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Well obviously you got hurt. Some people are just like that, idiots. Fake giveaways do happen. Nothing to do there though. Usually once you win you don't rejoice until you get the key just for that reason, not to get hurt and demoralized for going from happy to pissed off. Be wary of anyone who is giving out their first game as you don't have a track record for them. They might not understand how the site works or simply giving out false games for whatever reason.

Like some people commented already it felt that you were quite aggressive how you went for it and basically demanded the key with threats. It's a touchy subject how one should act as winning a game is such a good feeling that you want to get it as soon as possible. Still it escalated a little too quickly and going for threats isn't going to help usually. Again like someone said he has 7 days.

11 years ago

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I feel really bad for you. :|
It takes forever to win a game on here. It takes time.

11 years ago

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man he has 7 days to send you the gift im in the same situation the guy hasnt send the key yet, 2 days have passsed he has been online, we'll see if he sends the key

11 years ago

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When people add me and asks for the gift that they won from me, in my oppinion it is very rude, and I would have asked for a re-roll or have waited the entire 7 days before gifting it, also you will get suspended for calling out. :)

11 years ago

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Fake giveaways are a fact of Steamgifts life, sadly. Not something to get demoralized over, though, they're fairly rare. But I can imagine how bad it must feel if your first win is a fake.

11 years ago

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Way too early to complain about not receiving a gift and naming people like this is not proper conduct on the forum.

That said, it doesn't seem like the giveaway creator understands how SteamGifts works.

11 years ago

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Estimated Wins - 0.34
It is not yet your time. Be patient, young one.

11 years ago

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He won already. The problem is he won a big game giveaway from someone who did not know how the site works.

11 years ago

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MaximumBunny I think Incog is aware that he won. He just points out that even by own statistics he hasn't reached 1.00 wins, as it would indicate the cruel faith he has been fallen onto. Basically he is saying sarcastically that win statistic kind of predicted a fake giveaway.

He was simply trying to cheer a bad situation up with humor. ...

11 years ago

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I see. I shall add this joke to my database then. :| ... :)

11 years ago

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That was an obvious fake one, but bummer that it's making you bummed out. :/

Reporting fake giveaways is a bit ineffective. We could definitely use a new system for the support team/admins to hear us better.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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No. It works just as intended. There's never proof the creator is not sending the gift until it's ended and marked as not received by the winner and we will never delete a giveaway based solely on someone's suspicions.

11 years ago

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You were unlucky, that's all. No reason to be over dramatic about it, since that kind of situation isn't common in this site. With some experience, you'll learn to identify fake giveaways in a heart beat, with high chances of being right (not 100% of course, but high).
But man, calling out is not right, discuss it with support instead.

11 years ago

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my head hurt that read

11 years ago

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Ok i im new to steamgifts

11 years ago

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So was your giveaway a mistake? Or did you actually knew what you were doing?

11 years ago

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"create a giveaway" is pretty self explanatory imo

11 years ago

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The OP has been suspended for calling out. Never make public accusations against anyone for any reason. It's not allowed. If you have a problem, put it in a support ticket and only in a support ticket.

11 years ago

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And closed.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Dirtdiver.