What should I do?
Get the upcoming Ratchet & Clank game if you can. Great series, and since you haven't played the previous games, you should find out what you have been missing out on.
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It would be smart to sell the limited edition and either buy a regular edition for cheaper or spend it on other stuff you want.
Congratulations and more good luck to you!
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From the relevant contest's rules:
"The right to receive a prize is non-assignable and non-transferable, and no prize substitution,
exchange or cash equivalent will be allowed"
I'm not sure what contests you've seen, but cash substitutions are, to my knowledge, rare- primarily since merchandise costs the sponsors in a contest a fraction of the retail value [since they just pay manufacturing costs], so they end up spending more for cash prizes.
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True, this makes sense. Maybe I was thinking of contests with vacations.
I can remember a time when you 'instantly won,' rather than have to text or go online to see if you won the prize. I myself have not recently won any contests. The most recent thing I won was free fries from McDonalds Monolopy pull tabs. :)
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Well, contests typically have a clause that allows sponsors themselves to decide to give equivalent cash value [in case of a stock shortage issue], and some contests offer an alternative cash prize openly [again, I believe typically of smaller value], so either instance may have affected your perceptions.
Or, perhaps, every contest I've ever looked at has simply had different rules than yours; I can't profess to be a contest expert- I'm not the one who won a golden console, after all :P
But yeah, the text-code things are a trick of the companies involved.
Basically, if I recall the statistic right, only 1 in 5 codes is ever activated;
but the companies can still say '1 in 8 wins' or the like, since it's technically true.
Basically, it's a way to let them claim one thing, while in reality ending up having to pay out less.
And, what if a top-tier winning code is never redeemed at all?
I for sure never bother entering codes I get, heh :X
Instant-win is so much more handy :'(
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Limited Edition consoles (unopened) typically sell for $700+.
A standard PS4 runs for $400.
That price is going to drop as the console gets older [typically end-life consoles sell for about $120], and are even cheaper preowned.
Point being, if you don't plan to use the console- heck, even if you do- it's worth selling if you can find an interested buyer. That's a decent chuck of change, and unlike other collectibles, consoles only depreciate in value over time.
Take the money now, and even if you want to get the console later on, you can do so for a portion of the money you got for the sale.
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A quick check shows that Limited Edition 360 consoles that once went for $700 (unopened) are now going for $60-$100 [on ebay, opened]. Base 360 consoles are around $40-$70 (opened).
Unopened ones seem to have some mild interest in the $250 range, while the ones listed above that seem to be entirely passed over.
I've noticed the pattern of depreciation pattern since the SNES/Genesis days, [back then through trade shops].
I'm not sure what your experiences are, but generally, hardware depreciates, even where software may not.
I've yet to see any exclusions to that, which suggests that if they exist, they're in the minority.
Between the desire for newer consoles, emulation catching up, and so forth, it seems natural enough.
Which isn't to say that there may not be a minimum depreciation value, or that it may not surge up again in value at times, but that generally, people are less interested in even limited edition, outdated consoles as time goes on :P
Well, YMMV- I was just noting my own experiences in the matter.
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Unless there are specific PS4-exclusive games that you want so bad that you can't fall asleep, get rid of it quickly while it still has high value. You can do so much more with the money you'll get. I would start by looking into a video card upgrade and a bunch of PC games. Without spending any money of your own this route will likely get you more capable hardware than a PS4 (assuming the rest of you PC is not ancient) and a much larger selection of games.
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I'd sell it. If it is indeed worth something like $700, then the question you'd ask is "Would I buy this for $700 myself?" If your answer is no, then why wouldn't you sell it?
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Quick note: this is my first discussion so I hope all the formatting is correct. No giveaway guys. I'm poor, sorry. :(
I was with a friend around lunch time and we decided to get something to eat. We went to taco bell because it was the closest fast food restaurant around. My friend decided to buy the "Taco Bell Big Box" and I also decided that the contents of the box looked delicious so I also purchased one. It so happened that the Big Box had a sweepstakes to a Limited Edition Gold PS4 Bundle. We didn't buy the boxes for the chance to win, but we decided to try them out.
Although my friend's code was not a winner, I was lucky enough to be one of the 6048 winners nationwide to win the bundle.
I have never owned a PlayStation or an Xbox system because of my family's house rules, which are dictated by my parents. The household rule states that M rated games shall not be played under this house's roof. Nintendo consoles fitted this household law the best, so I played lots of Mario games in my youth. Although I am over 17, I will respect my parent's wishes and will not play M rated games in the home. I do not have a place of my own and I currently still live in my parent's home. I could see myself playing Destiny and maybe some other games with the PS4. My friend already owns a PS4, therefor he could live without the gold exclusive limited edition PS4.
I was wondering, what do you think I should do with the PS4 bundle?
Is it worth using if I won't play M rated games with it for over 3 years?
Should I keep it or sell it?
How much do you think it would sell for?
Should I keep it in the box for 50 years and sell it on a secondhand market for a gazillion potato dollars?
How much of an anomaly is this win? Did anyone else beside me on Steamgifts win a PS4 Bundle?
I am curious for your thoughts on the matter.
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