Do people actually try to fill the blacklist quota?
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even to beginners? i made some mistakes, when i was new here. i didn't activate a game once. but i made up for it later. and look at my profile now. i love this site and spent quite a bit of money for my giveaways. you would have blacklisted me during the first few months, i guess. and i don't think i would have deserved it.
i try to blacklist only the worst of the worst. people who don't deserve my games. people i just don't see improving in the future. my blacklist has less than 10 entries, growing only very slowly. 1000 people sounds like you blacklist every guy that looked at you in the wrong way. ;)
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i asked if you also blacklist beginners. there is a big, big difference between a guy who just started here some weeks ago and gave a free game away, and a guy who is here for 3 years and didn't activate half the games he won. it's like a young boy who steels an apple and a murderer. you give both a death sentence. ;)
misleading giveaways are one thing, but giving away a game that is free, but not yet deleted from the SG games list, is something that really could be a mistake. not everyone is immediately aware that a game is suddenly free on IndieGala.
all i'm saying is that you seem to blacklist everyone and their mother. and i am almost certain you have some false positives in your list. everyone can do it as he likes, of course. but i personally don't like this excessive blacklisting. i am sure not everyone in your blacklist deserves his spot there.
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That sounds like a lot of work. Thanks for the train!
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Well he's lvl 4 and gave away Batman Arkham Asylum, it's something :D
Although he has won a metric ton of games O___O
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I looked it up, but thanks:) Apparently the official definition is "A NEET or neet is a young person who is "Not in Education, Employment, or Training". The acronym NEET was first used in the United Kingdom but its use has spread to other countries including Japan, South Korea and Taiwan."
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I have read your thread and I was like: "Why then am I still on your blacklist?" Then I've read ew comments and I now I do know... Anyway, is this really a reason to blacklist people? This site even advertises itself like: "Win Steam games for free!" It's a main purpose to be here for some poeple - to win games. Mostly because of not having enough money... At least it's why I am here. I can't even afford bundles with approximately $200/month. Come on, I have to survive somehow :P
Trust me, I am giving as much as I can afford.
And not, I'm not gonna complain more about being on your blacklist - it's your choice. I just think it's not a good reason to put people there. Keep in mind that not all of the people here can work, have a job or a lot of money...
Also, it is was really ind that You blocked me on Steam... Nice...
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Hmm, I don't know how does Steam invitaions work then... I actually tried that with Friend and it was like:
PS. I don't drink coffee, I don't smoke, I don't drink alcohol... Well, I only buy food and pay the bills :P
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I don't want to be rude but I think it's unfair to judge and blacklist people by comparing their wins with contribution because of one but really big reason - you simply don't know them. Maybe you blacklisted some filthy rich a-hole who only wants to receive stuff without giving anything back but there's possibility that you're judging some poor kid who's giving away games which he can afford. What's wrong with that he's winning more games than he gives? If he plays them, appreciate someones generosity and try to give something back (in proportion to his financial situation) I don't see anything wrong.
It's your blacklist so it's really not my bussiness but I wanted to share my opinion.
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As I said previously, it's just my opinion and as every other person I couldn't argue with my own arguments, I find them very reasonable :D
You have a point with that you're giving bigger chances for people with smaller win ratio but it still seems weird. What's the difference between person who won 300 games and gave away 300 games and person who won 300 games and gave away 200 games. Both of them won 300 games and that's a lot, but with your arguments person with 300/300 deserves a chance to enter GA and person with 300/200 not so much. About giving back I'm still with my opinion that people might give away stuff proportionally to their capabilities (for example guy 300/300 can afford every AAA game for himself and give away much more than 300/200 who gives only what he can spare).
I assume it's some sort of rewarding people who give more to the community but blacklisting people seems very random because you actually don't know the real value of their donations.
Everyone has their reasons.
PS. I hope I'm not annoying you with all the talking. I think it's interesting topic for conversation.
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hmm some people dont seem to like this, but I think its ok if you look at it with the perspective that these people already won a ton of games, so blacklisting them gives people who won less a better chance to win. Not likely to do this myself, however.
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lol, you actually won 40 games more than you gave. blacklisted!!!!11
(just kidding, i told you - i don't do that shit ^^)
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as for your train, if you haven't got the rule in all your GAs "I'll ask for a reroll if you haven't made any giveaway this year until 27/5" approved by support before creating these GAs you will not get them rerolled, even if the winner doesn't meet this criteria.
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I was asking that question myself, when can you actually ask a reroll if you just post some sort of condition on the description, now I know. Thanks zelgh!
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Oh! You are right, zelgh did say you must get the rule approved BEFORE creating the GAs. I might ask for a rule in the future myself, but I don't know what is the actual criteria of support!
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generally rule must make some sense and be obvious and easy to judge. "You must comment" "Your Won/Given Ratio must be 2:1 or lower" "You must have given a non-bundle game in last 2 months" are examples of good rules. "You must be blonde in real life" is an example of a bad rule ;)
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Oh ok! I'll ask for a rule that you must have a motorpenis in your avatar or I'll for a reroll then! Bad joke aside, thanks for clarifying!
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So, is "you must be female and post naked pictures of yourself holding a sign with your username" a good or bad rule? (Or simply a way to get nothing but troll entries in your giveaway?)
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I see. I started to do that once too, but realized it was soon getting too many. Also I saw no point in doing it, because that's mostly kids who have no idea how this site works and will a. never show up on the forums where I do most of my gibs or b. never reach a level where I do most of my public gibs. So I stopped doing that.
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remember that i have nothing personal with anyone in here.
So... Does that mean that I can be a complete asshole to you on the forum and you won't blacklist me?
Heheheh... Muhahahahah...
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Is that a challenge? That sounds like a challenge to me. ALRIGHT, HERE I GO!
...Oh wait, I can't say that here without risking a suspension. Ugh, restrictions, restrictions... :D
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I realize, just bumping for others. What I did was wrong, and I should have read the FAQ more thoroughly.
Have a nice day :)
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A sad topic (in a perfect world, there wouldn't be anyone worth blacklisting) but trains make things a bit better :)
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Huzzah!. Before i switched to a straight razor, i got razor bumps.
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