Update : I had edited my comment and closed this topic. However, another user contacted me about this in the comments section of another steamgifts thread. Several people sent me friend req's on Steam about it. Further, some people think I have redeemed the game and "Hiding" it on Steam. This is not the case. I feel I should explain.

Here is what happened :

I was using my 400 daily points to enter giveaways. I only join giveaways for known games that I want, or unknown games of a genre I like.

A few days ago, someone was doing a giveaway for 50 copies of "Comixxx Swap". I accidentally entered this giveaway, because I was quickly looking at Steam page tags. The first or second tag said "Puzzle", and I said okay, and entered, because I like puzzle games. Yes, I admit I am at fault, I was rushing and only going by tags.

Fast forward a little, and I was one of the 50 people who won the game. It was at this point that I took a second look at the game, being excited that I won a new game and how rare that is. Here is when I noticed it was a pornography game. Yes, it was here that I finally picked up on the three xxx's in "Comixxx" .... that had not registered in my mind before.

So now I didn't want this game, I am not going to redeem it, much less even play it. Yes, this is my fault. So I asked around and was told to just ask the gifter to re-roll a new winner. And I was going to do that, no problem.

Except I realized, I am now taking part in another person getting a porno game, that I believe is damaging to their well being. I am a Christian, and my bible says that God loves everyone. I cannot be a part of someone getting this game. Yes, 49 other people got it, but I wasn't a part of that. But because of my mistake, I am now a part of this. That one person matters and is important, and I cannot be a part of a re-roll of a pornographic game that I believe will hurt them.

So, I have decided to mark the game as "Received", but I will not redeem it, and I will accept the consequences and punishment, that I deserve. The Steam key for this game will simply sit there, untouched. This is all my fault, and I understand the consequences. The consequences being, suspension or possibly even ban from Steamgifts, blacklisting by other users, criticism, and ridicule. I am at peace with this, as some things are more important, no matter how much I enjoy video games as a hobby.

My only suggestion to this entire situation, is to have an optional filter that allows us to exclude pornography games from our SG feed. This is not to excuse my mistake, just a suggestion.

I sincerely apologize for creating this mess, but I do not apologize for my solution, if that makes sense.

John 3:16 - Jesus loves you.

2 months ago*

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You can have it rerolled. Just comment that you dont want it on the GA, Hoster can then reroll it citing that the winner refused the gift.

Edit: Thanks for this post OP, peak SG entertainment.

2 months ago*

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This can be done to one-game-giveaway for sure, but I doubt that Steamgifts administration tools allows doing this to one out of fifty games in one giveaway. But he should try for sure

2 months ago*

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Of course we can reroll a single winner in a multi key giveaway. We can also remove users from the list of winners instead of deleting the whole giveaway if deletion for them is requested and consent given.

2 months ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

2 months ago*

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He wrote, that he doesn't want it to be rerolled, because he's conservative Christian.

2 months ago

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yea.. saw the update.
If there was a category for Mental gymnastics this Olympics.
OP would be getting Gold for certain.

2 months ago

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Radicalism is always trash, may it be in religion or politics.

2 months ago

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Yes, thank you. I did not set out to involve myself in this. But, due to my mistake, I am involved now. I can't knowingly participate in someone else being harmed. I realize people will criticize me, ridicule me, blacklist me, and the staff here at SG punish me. I am at peace with this. If there is one less harmful thing in that person's life, it is worth it.

2 months ago*

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I can't knowingly participate in someone else being harmed.

I think you're pressing your own opinion and values onto others. What about personal freedom rights? Who are you to judge for others?
I don't like these porn games either, but don't feel entitled to judge for others and i'm Catholic myself, but i don't need an institution of church to tell me what to do and think.

P.S.: Tell me you're American without telling me you're American.

2 months ago*

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While I do agree with you totally, I understand the somewhat twisted and contorted reasoning behind his actions and words. Without the all the babble what he's saying that he made a mistake entering but now he will knowingly give this game to another person. While it's silly to deny someone of something he wants because it challenges your own belief, I feel like I'd personally feel responsible for giving it away. Say someone was giving a game out promoting animal violence (totally different subjects and totally not the same, I get it but they see it that way XD) and I won it, I would not play or even redeem it but I would feel guilty about rerolling as well, seeing as I don't believe people should be playing a game that's "evil". Though the whole thing really is silly imo. I think it's entirely the giveaway author's responsibility and the entrants themselves. If they didn't want to play a porn game they wouldn't enter and likewise, if they wanted to they probably did. To deprive of someone from something they could gain is not the spirit of giving... :P So it's basically mental gymnastics as CultofPersonalitea said.

2 months ago

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I see it as paternalism covered by religious values.
And i don't like to be treated as a child, because someone believes in some fantasy creature.

2 months ago

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Again, while I can sympathize with him, I still +1 you :)

2 months ago

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So it's basically mental gymnastics as CultofPersonalitea said

We can call it more direct "bullshit".

Because he want to not be involved in damaging someones well being with pixel titties in a game (i never heard from tits that harmed someone) but he have no problems with harming and killing in the games he play (He play as example Hatred).
Which is against the religious thing ("""too""").

Too much muricans are crazy people, that should to try to come back to the reality.
I really hope they don't come over to europe in masses or we are fuc*ed (and not the good way :-D).

2 months ago*

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Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
i think if im remembering correctly this movie has bra guns so some titties can be deadly lmao

2 months ago

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While I agree almost with everything I know of people and can say from personal experience that porn in any medium is pretty damaging to your view of how sex in general and specifically how sexual situations / relations should be. Many taboos, many weird kinks and generally poor treatment and poor communication almost exclusively as I've found. Always appealing to someone's nastiest (sometimes downright criminal) fantasies. Also consuming it and choking the chicken both have a very real chance of turning into addictions. But of course you don't need the lecture, obviously, we're all grown people and can all decide what we think is best for ourselves. Also, Hatred is like.. Every 3rd American's wet dream. Not surprising anymore when someone goes out and buys an AR-15 for "self defense" XD Also also, don't want to get political here but as of late I've begun to think Europe has way more problems to worry about other than Americans XD

2 months ago

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Crazy is a world-wide epidemic.

2 months ago

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Just to let you know ... your avatar (quake) is symbolizing the staff of the horned one ....

2 months ago

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hahahahah, look at the games you own and play(ed), but tits are surely harmful!!!!

2 months ago

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Idk why this is suddenly about me and the games that i play.

2 months ago*

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sorry Bro, had to crucifix myself and missed the right reply button. i thought i replied to the OP

2 months ago

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I'm pretty sure this can be easily done for you. Keep up the good work! 👍🏻

2 months ago

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Your post : I mistakenly applied for a game that I cannot play for legal or religious reasons.
Please reroll.

Your@*.com (Request New Winner)👈
📝:Request ⇢Reason⇢Winner rejected Gift⇢ Your Posf Permalink input

2 months ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

2 months ago

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Wow, are people that prude? It's just some porn, they can simply ignore it if it's not to their taste.

2 months ago

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I am on the pro side when it comes to porn games, if they are decent i enjoy them.

But in the above case it does not has anything to do with beeing a prude.
In that case i can understand the reactions because he posts 18+ content in the chat for a 16+ game so basically he does willfully spread porn to possible minors.

2 months ago*

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or teens playing on dads account...

2 months ago

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I'd agree with you if it wasn't because games on Steam can be deleted relatively easy nowadays, it's at most an annoyance and it's not like they have to jump at the opportunity for any mysterious key that pops up. As far as I'm aware you don't even need to check a game's store page in order to delete it, so they're just reacting to seeing the title and icon on the client and/or support page.

2 months ago

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I feel most people were more angry about it being furry than it being porn.

2 months ago

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Yeah I suppose you're probably right, never gonna get why people react that way to furries tho. Like, it does nothing for me and I do find it kinda weird but there's some people out there that legit get aggressive about it, as if it was all that different to other kinds of fetishistic porn drawings.

2 months ago

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I don't think people realise they can remove games. Not telling people what games they activate is a different story...

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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I actually gave it some more thought about it afterwards but the thread was closed so... but now it's open again so I guess I can continue.
Pretty sure than that what happened yesterday was that I read "counter strike" and any empathy for my fellow humans got quickly ejected out of the room, I kinda have an irrational level of bitterness for people that play that game (memories of how noisy and annoying they were in cybercafés back in the mid 2000's) and a tendency to not be bothered, but rather enjoy, when bad things happen to them while playing it. So my bias led me to feel rejoiced by their mild suffering at that moment.
Now I remembered, or more accurately found out while reading other comments, than CS isn't an 18+ game like I first thought so minors could be playing it legitimately, and yeah that's kind of a problem. Not that serious of a joke if one assumes that the player-base is gonna be entirely made of adults or kids playing without permission (their problem for breaking the rules meant to protect them), but when factoring in a potentially large chunk of players being under-aged the actions of that user become very questionable.

I guess I deserve the blacklists gotten from my previous comments, not gonna bother to edit them tho because that would be disingenuous, but I did want to at least offer some explanation to my words for whoever bothers to read this reply... even if said explanation makes it sound even worse, at least I'm being sincere.

2 months ago

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Are you for real bragging about spreading porn to possible minors?

2 months ago

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If minors are playing a game rated M/17+, then it is not his problem to babysit them. The issue would be on the parents allowing it to happen in the first place. The internet is a wild place, so anything can happen at any time and people need to understand that and the consequences of allowing something to happen that shouldn't be happening to begin with.

2 months ago

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I am pretty sure in your country it is illegal by law to provide people under the age of 18 (called minors) with porn as it is in my.
The rating for CS in my country is 16+ by the way.

So do not start to blame parents for letting their "kids" aged 16-18 play the game that is rated that way.

2 months ago

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When I used to play CS there was always graffiti spray paints of Tubgirl, Goatse, etc. Probably being done by "possible minors".

2 months ago

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That story is way more embarrassing for you than your victims. But it seems your stupidity saves you from realizing that. "Hilarious".

2 months ago

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It all depends on the POV honestly. Some people like humour that is more inclined towards the dark side, some others do not.

I see his comment as both good and bad, it is funny to do it because he is trolling random people (i've done it myself multiple times, not in this way he has done though), but he is also exposing himself to others about what he does. The best course of action would have been keeping it to himself and only share this stuff with people he actually knows and might find it funny.

2 months ago

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It's less about the fun factor but the price for some joke of questionable value. Be it that some kids don't know how delete games from a library or that he risks randomly granting minors access to stuff that isn't for them.
He doesn't care either way but is oh so proud of himself.

2 months ago

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I got a suggestion for you, make a 50 key private giveaway for either game and invite OP only.

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

2 months ago

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nice, i gave to someone i know on discord Mentai

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Why did you delete your comment requesting a re-roll in the giveaway? Without a comment along those lines a re-roll is, afaik, not possible.

2 months ago

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Seems your solution is hiding the game on Steam. This will show up as "not activated" here on Steamgifts. Not the best solution imho.

2 months ago

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+1 it could get them a suspension

2 months ago

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Most likely in a few months you will be suspended for a few days with a warning due to non-activating your wins. For the second time, you will be suspended for a month. And finally, for the third time, you will be banned permanently. And it doesn't matter that it is because of only one shitty game that no one cares about, even the giveaway creator. Think twice before the decision.

2 months ago

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thank you

2 months ago

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Thank you for your comment, but give your thanks to God, only He deserves thanks, not me.

2 months ago*

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You're welcome.

2 months ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

2 months ago*

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Except I realized, I am now taking part in another person getting a porno game, that I believe is damaging to their well being. I am a Christian, and my bible says that God loves everyone.

They entered because they wanted to win it, there is no reason to project your Christianity and your self-imposed rules on others, it doesn't work like that. Thinking like that caused enough harm already.

2 months ago

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Wow keep the christian self righteous BS to yourself.
You are no better a human being than someone who has a nsfw game in their account. Please dont delude yourself, this pattern of thinking is not helpful for your mental health especially in the long run.

Also the 'christian attitude' should probably have urged you to do right by the GA and redeem it. Having that NSFW in your account is your cross to bear, unless you are more concerned about public perception of your account (nobody cares btw). That would have been more noble than this cowardice.

Edit: And if you have still not redeemed/reveal the key. You can still fix this situation by removing the 'Mark as received' ASAP and requesting the gifter for a reroll.

2 months ago*

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Can't you just ask for a reroll?

2 months ago

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he doesn't want to

2 months ago

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Yeah, but it seems like a lot of trouble for nothing. Of he could activate it and not play it.

2 months ago

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This may seem like a dumb question but how do you think that is harming someone? Do you know how procreation works? I'm not going to insult you by going into the how god vs nature thing but humanity would have fizzled out a long time ago if there wasn't sexual stuff going on. You have an opinion of not participating in something but don't insult other people by insinuating they are somehow being harmed. By doing so you are actively participating in the criticism and ridicule you mentioned.

2 months ago

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I can respect the intention leading to your decision, though the logic itself doesn't seem very sound.

Rather than doing good by martyring over this key, how about flipping perspectives a little and think about why trying for a reroll can also be doing good.

Maybe the reroll will actually go to one of those proliferating bot accounts, which removes one copy of the game from the reach of a legitimate user that you worry about. You would have sacrificed yourself for nothing.

Maybe the reroll will go to a hoarder, who just loves to hoard keys and would celebrate winning a game, though would barely even think to play any wins, much less this game. Now you needn't worry about the game harming anyone.

Maybe somewhere today, there is an SGer out there who is having an extremely depressing day, and to come back home to find that they have won a game (a rare chance, as you said as well) - any game - would bring a bright smile to their face. You might have missed out a chance to make somebody happy like this.

Maybe, just maybe, the reroll would go to an actual player who really wanted this game. Or maybe their religion embraces abstinence and this is their way to vent naturally. I'm sure all of us can respect another person's voluntary decision to want to play a game they want.

Sacrificing your entire account for the sake of one tiny speck of an undeserving game over what you believe can help humanity in this vast world just doesn't seem balanced.

2 months ago

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Thank you for your reply. I am not going to debate this much, because I know how this thread will go. Many charged opinions and such, but your post had compassion, so I wanted you to know I was appreciative of this, thank you.

If I were to knowingly participate in harm to someone else, God will hold me accountable. I know better. I have been taught better. I can't gamble someone's well being like that (if it goes to a bot, etc) - that person (who will have received this game) is worth the trouble (let's be honest, this is just a video game hobby on a website, there are people going through hell on earth right now somewhere in the world). Even if that person has 1000 pornographic games and they love them, it still matters. That person deserves to be loved and someday might turn from it and follow God. I don't know the future. What I do know is that God has taught me to love others and protect others from harm.

2 months ago*

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How dare you look down your nose at people who watch/play or like porn and sex - what gives you the right to tell people your better than them because of this? Oh you must think anyone who has anything connected to porn is evil or unloved is just sad and misguided

2 months ago

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I am not better than anyone. I think you misunderstood me.

Have a nice day

2 months ago

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I'm sure God loves you for braking the rules on the site

2 months ago

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May I make a counter-argument?

While we should not assist someone in sinning, we should not sin ourselves in attempting to stop another from sinning.

By not accepting the gift and not allowing the gift giver to give to someone else, you are depriving that person of their property, which is a form of theft.

The Ten Commandments are specifically prohibit theft, but do not specifically prohibit pornography. While pornography may cause harm, it is a lesser harm than theft, which you are committing by not allowing the owner to gift their game to another.

2 months ago

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I'm sure God will seriously appreciate if you hosted some AAA GAs to share amongst the sinners. AAA games would guarantee more eyes. You could add Bible verses to each of these GA, who knows how many souls you can save from eternal damnation!

Saving 1 sinner at a time through your video game hobby on a website, sounds like a nice idea :)

2 months ago*

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nah you are just a hypocrite and bend your own rules until they fit you. this is pathetic

2 months ago

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So your willing to be suspend rather than just taking the game and never using it?

Edit: also if God is involved didn't he help make you win the game? and you do know that can harm the person who gave the game away just as much as it does to your account - not being very nice are you?

Edit: Just saw what games you already own so you think it's OK to kill people but not have sex - how do you think you came into this world - so in your eyes - it be better for me to shoot someone dead than have a child - people like you make this world worse

2 months ago*

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I think the problem for many christians is the exploitation of human beings in (real life) pornography,
there's nothing wrong with sexuality in itself when it's consensual.
I would even say more, there is nothing wrong with a guy who goes with a prostitute who enjoys her job and does it for her pleasure.
It's just a serious sin to harm others, when the girl is a victim of trafficking, for example, or is driven by poverty

But in a videogame you can harm nobody, a porn game, a shooter game, it hurts no one and kill no one. But that's just my opinion.
But as i said already i'm a very bad christian. So probably a lot of christians would heavily disagree.

2 months ago*

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Your Christian values don't seem to prevent you from playing games where you creep around shooting and assassinating people, so I think you will be fine to ask for a reroll lol.

To my knowledge, the only harm that comes from porn is possible chafing. Which is one reason people buy lotion, which in turn helps foster a thriving economy, which keeps people employed. Which leads to happier people, which leads to stronger and happier family lives. So, in actuality, you'd be doing your nonexistent god's work by rerolling.

Or...just take your suspension for being silly.

2 months ago

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Except I realized, I am now taking part in another person getting a porno game, that I believe is damaging to their well being. I am a Christian, and my bible says that God loves everyone.

If God loves everyone he also loves people that play games with nudity :D Also there's nothing in the bible that condemns looking at nude depictions. So you're just making it up as you go? ALSO if you had never entered there still would have been 50 winners, unless you're now going to enter all XXX games to try and win them so other people can't get "hurt them" by them. ALSO nudity does not equal porno. In conclusion it's hard to find the logic in your argument, but you're not going to take into account anything I said so have a nice day anyway :)

2 months ago

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ALSO if you had never entered there still would have been 50 winners, unless you're now going to enter all XXX games to try and win them so other people can't get "hurt them" by them.

This so much. OP is taking too much responsibility. What more than rejecting a gift can you do?

2 months ago

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I am not trying to take anyone's free will from them. This was an accident, I explained in the OP.

In future (if I am not banned), I will be more mindful and closely inspect the giveaways. I was simply not aware I had to do this before, the thought of pornographic games being here didn't cross my mind.

Have a nice day

2 months ago*

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I read that and I get it, but it kinda reminds me of self-flagellation. You became a part of it, but you're not to blame for 50 keys. if the giveaway creator reads this, they might give away that key again. Maybe not via SG, because there's a small risk it was redeemed nonetheless, but by posting it somewhere else. You can't prevent that to happen.

Thanks, have a nice day as well!

2 months ago*

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Huh, that's a great point. The person that created the giveaway could totally just offer that key somewhere else and it would still end up in someone's account, OP is likely achieving nothing at all other than posturing as a self-proclaimed martyr, which is probably what they thing is morally righteous judging by all the nonsense they talk.

2 months ago

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Wow! So your somewhat forcing your morality on others?

Seems like a waste of time, that could be better spend inspiring people to be more Christ like, instead of judging them for their sins. That's up to God, not you and me.

I get not wanting to be "part of the problem," but it seems like you're needlessly making drama for yourself.
Just request a reroll for a game you dont want, and pray for the person that gets the game, and the other 49 people who also wanted it.

Stopping one drop in the river of corn out there, isnt going to do a damn thing, other than make yourself feel good about yourself, which is the sin of narcissism.

So while your intentions are decent, pushing your perspective is not.

Go to church, and spend that time talking with people who are new to the space, and become a closer member of their church family. Maybe you can inspire them to be strong and give up on corn consumption. Because stopping one copy of a game that could easily be pirated, is really defusing these positive intentions you have.

2 months ago

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corn consumption

Imagine it's hot corn. Starting to pop all over ...


2 months ago

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View attached image.
2 months ago

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2 months ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

2 months ago

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Just redeem the game, and don't play it as simple. People have tons and tons of game in their library, I myself have some porno type of trash games in my library which I don't play at all.

2 months ago

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+1 I dislike horror and have some like you said just don't play

2 months ago

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Agreed. Also, it's possible to redeem and then hide the game in your library, so nobody would even get the wrong idea that OP is playing a porn game.

2 months ago

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but god knows /s

2 months ago

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Using Steam's hide function only hides a game from being visible in your client's library so you yourself won't see it there unless you specifically look for it. But if someone else visits your profile and looks through your games tab, they will see the game still

If you meant the newer "Mark as Private" feature instead, then that is not allowed. Marking a game as "Private" essentially functions in the opposite direction as hiding, it will only show up to you but nobody else can see it. This would mean that the game would appear as unactivated, so if the intention would be to redeem a win just to mark it as "Private" then there really is no point to it as the end result would be the same - a suspension for a missing win.

2 months ago

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Ah, okay. And here I thought, simply hiding it would basically make it activated but invisible. I only used that hide function once, when launching a game I won here would tend to crash my computer. So, for the purpose of preventing me to launch it accidentally, hiding it in my library was more than sufficient. Thanks for the explanation, though.
Anyway, keeping that in mind, guess this only leaves the forward approach: redeeming the game and using it as an opportunity to leave a negative review.

2 months ago

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Filters would be very nice idd. Myself I would love to have a VR-only filter. I don't own a VR and don't expect to buy one... but you can never be sure. For now I just put all the VR-only games on the Hide GA list... but if one day I change my mind, it will be hell to try to find them amongst my 11.5k hidden games.

2 months ago

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It will not be hell, it will be impossible :D

I gave up with the idea of unhide something that i hide 5 or 6 years ago, when my game taste were partly different and when i put different games on the hide list that i wouldn't hide today, because after the first 200 hundred entries my energy was completely gone and still 18,8k to do or something like this. For, in the end, maybe a hand full of games. 10?, 20?, 40? In each case, not enough to justify the invested lifetime.

2 months ago

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I'm (a bad) christian too and tbh... You could just redeem it and not play it ? So many games are not played.
So why not tell yourself that it's like taking drugs away from someone so he doesn't smoke it.
This way you've no more problem tadaa problem solved.

By the way i don't play porn but i played this one and enjoyed it :

2 months ago

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That key you are refusing to use could get reused anyway

2 months ago*

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If you get key, won't view it and just mark not recieved, you will be petmanently suspended from site for misleading feedback

2 months ago

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I'd suggest you take the time to familiarize yourself with the rules of Steamgifts as outlined in the FAQ and Guidelines.

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Sure. But what my comment actually meant was most of those suggestions/assumptions that you had made were incorrect. Hence reading the Guidelines and FAQ would give you a better understanding how Steamgifts works.

2 months ago

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May I ask why you never punished him for rule breaking? I asked in support and all you did was close it and not say anything - I guess you agree it's ok to mark games received when they clearly haven't redeemed it (I am asking for everyone who says this person should re-roll but they won't) - I always found you to be one the more helpful (at least of who is left and to me personally) - so if you could explain why they have not got this suspension it would be very useful or why not have a feature that forces re-rolls after 7 days if they have been online in that time - thanks again for your time and efforts

2 months ago*

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Frist of all, just like I've told the user above, you may want to take the time to familiarize yourself with the rules of Steamgifts as outlined in the FAQ and Guidelines which answer your question:

  1. Winners have 7 full days after a gift has been sent to redeem it on their account and give proper feedback. The giveaway has only ended 4 days ago - so at this point in time we have absolutely no reason to take any action at all regarding the giveaway in the first place.
  2. Considering the giveaway has ended only 4 days ago the winning user still has plenty of time to ask for a reroll... and then the creator would have to open a Requesting New Winner ticket.
  3. The winner can still remove their Received feedback.
  4. The winner cannot even mark the giveaway as not received until the giveaway has ended a full week in the past - so they are not able to mark it as Not Received, yet, should they decide to reject the gift.

So only if enough time has passed as described in the rules, there would be a punishment for marking a giveaway as received but not actually activating it.
And that is also the reason why I've closed the ticket that you mention in your comment - there simply is no basis for your ticket at this point in time. For all you know this could just be a troll post.

Generally spoken, certain types of tickets only make sense when all requirements are fulfilled: Users who open a ticket (any user of Steamgifts really) should be aware of these requirements after reading the guidelines and FAQ and know, that without these specific conditions being met the tickets won't qualify for us to take (any) action. Every ticket that does not qualify is just something we - and I'm just putting it into simple words here - are wasting our time on.
Sometimes it makes sense to not open a ticket but rather give things some time to fully develop to then give friendly pointers to a user, ask support for help or even open a User Report ticket if rule infringements occurred and pointing the user to the rules didn't help.

2 months ago

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Thanks for explaining it - i hadn't seen when the giveaway closed

2 months ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

2 months ago

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I know the rules, and that 7 days have to pass, but this case is exceptional. The user admitted breaking the rules knowingly, that he doesn't care about them and is going to do what he wants.

2 months ago

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Let me repeat:

For all you know this could just be a troll post.

We won't disregard the rules because someone thinks something is exceptional. And so far no rule is infringed in this regard.

2 months ago

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And so far no rule is infringed in this regard.

Let me also repeat:

I know the rules, and that 7 days have to pass

And about disregarding the rules if you read again my post i didn't ask for anything i just made an observation, sorry for any misunderstanding in the way i expressed myself. Also the rules change (for example the recent terrorism rule)

2 months ago

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im sorry but, LMAO

2 months ago

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Yeah, I don't do porno at all, but people who play such games at least usually live and let live instead of trying to force their beliefs onto other adults. Also, I'll never understand this approach where murdering in games is perfectly fine, but god forbid, there's a naked woman in your game (the horror!) - apparently sex is more sinful than murdering your fellow human beings, right?

2 months ago

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i do, but separate them from gaming
And OP approach probably like:
Violence in media doesnt exactly translate to ppl being violent irl (the only one who ever said so are those boomer from news outlet that never touch game all their live)
While, nsfw stuff in media often turn ppl into coomer degen, especially if the consumer are teenagers or around that age
this definitely isnt a personal testimony btw

and OP pretty much just doest want to be a part of that, in which is understandable, at least for me

2 months ago

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People claiming morality for digital nudity but not having morality for digital violence is certainely something.
Especially when OP is playing games where women get murdered and you have to investigate their bodies.

2 months ago

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Welcome to America, where slaughtering millions in the post graphic way possible is fine, but show one nipple and all hell breaks loose

2 months ago

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