Hello there, I have been thinking whats the deal with reporting if there is in no way any warning to the users that have gotten into giveaways or already in them.

How about a function that when a giveaway is reported and someone tries to get into it warns the user "This giveaway has been reported, are you sure you want to join it?" or something like that and be able to read what other users have figured out.

EDIT-UPDATE: Well since it has been discussed a lot, my point is sometimes you just join a giveaway and don't actually look for comments thinking it's bad or the guy doesnt have it in the inventory, or whatnot.

If I get a warning, I will read the comments first, then check his inventory, rep, etc.

It's just as it says a WARNING, to double check if you still want to join and if you do, you just join! No trollbait, no increasing chances of winning, not anything else than a simple warning. Also it could be checked if users are abusing the report system and be suspended/banned themselves.

EDIT-UPDATE2: Also next to people nicks/profiles you could have a couple badges like "VIP" "Trusted" "Contributor" "New" "3 strike suspension" or whatnot.

12 years ago*

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That'd be troll bait.

12 years ago

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Troll bait aside; how are people to know if the giveaway has been reported because it's fake or if it's been reported because some bugwit thinks 30 bucks is way too high contributor requirement for fortix?

12 years ago

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Because you will get a warning, and you see if you check posters rep, inventory or whatnot and choose if you still want to go in or not.

12 years ago

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I've seen Fortix up for 2 grand, and it's legit

12 years ago

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They are magical regenerating points... if you join a reported/fake giveaway big whoop, you'll get more points back quick times...

12 years ago

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Actually they are not, when people make fake giveaways they are magical but big dumps. Steamgifts devs thought of a balanced way to give points and how this are meant to be used.

12 years ago

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Um, actually no. If a giveaway is reported and removed, you get your points back. If the giveaway is fake but doesn't get reported for some reason, it's your fault for still not looking up on who the giver is. You think that these fake giveaways are some super huge bad problem. It is a problem, but there are no serious consequences for anyone who enters them.

12 years ago

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im not saying u get magical points from the fake giveaway lmfao.

What I'm saying is: You are using magical regenerating points. So if you join a giveaway and it happens to be fake, there is no reason to get butthurt about it because those points you used will renegerate and you will be able to join another giveaway in no time.

12 years ago

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Easily abused
Report giveaway -> less people enter = better chance to win

12 years ago

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how about you can only report giveaways where you do not enter?

12 years ago

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Sounds sensible, if you genuinely think it's a fake giveaway or there's a problem with it, then it's unlikely you'd enter.

12 years ago

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Abuse ? L.O.L.
Buy a game with 75-80% off and put it here.
What about that ?
Contributors double face palm.

12 years ago

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What does it matter of someone buys something on sale and gives it away? Is it any less of a kind gesture because you paid less for it?

12 years ago

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Yes it is! (At least that´s the common thinking...)

12 years ago

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That's unrelated to reporting giveaways, but anyway....
How is that abusing the system? The creator of the giveaway buys a game, then they give it away. Doesn't really matter if it's a $5 game, or a $20 game with 75% off as it's still one person buying a game and gifting it to someone else - i.e. the function of the site.
The only difference is if you look into contributor only giveaways, which is, once again a different topic and a part of the site, not a loophole or way of exploiting it.

12 years ago

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Yeah, so you're gonna tell me you paid full price for all the games in your give....

oh, forget it.

12 years ago

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No I didn't. Never claimed to. Wasn't the point of the post. Try reading it again.

12 years ago

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That argument again - lol.
And everything started with sick idea of contributors.
I buy a bundle and giveaway games. Hows that different ?
its steamgifts, not everybody has to give site
change the rules or stfu
Ill wait with my bundles ga (not 0,01 or 1 $ bought) till the rules are changed. It is the same for me like buying with discount or on a sale.

12 years ago

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Read my update, replied

12 years ago

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I think to solve the problem with people commenting that it is fake to dissuade others entering, a report count should be added to each game page instead. So then if the game has been reported more times than usual, people are likely to think twice about entering, but people probably wont want to report if the game is actually likely not to be a fake.

Alternatively, 2 buttons could be added, one which says "I think this is legit" and the other "I think this is fake", so people can easily see what the majority of other members have decided in regards to the games legitness, and just like with the system i suggested above, everyone only adds one to the score of which ever button they have pressed, leaving a minimal impact.

12 years ago

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Why give a crap, if people are in for mindlessly entering everything that they find, they deserve whatever trouble they get put up with.

People who say giveaways are fake when they're not just so they keep people from entering (which doesn't really happen) should be reported and suspended. It's not like it is really difficult to differentiate a real giveaway from a fake one either way.

12 years ago

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not everyone is entering everything they find..

12 years ago

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Also there could be a couple icons added to peoples nick/profiles, trusted, contributor and whatnot maybe a new badge so you can double check on them.

12 years ago

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Why care... in less than a week you get 300p again.

12 years ago

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Practically every giveaway is reported by some halfwit or other, even ones made by cg.

12 years ago

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So if we come across false giveaways there's no point in using the report button?

12 years ago

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There is. The more reports, the higher it appears on our killdars.

12 years ago

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wow I actually think this might just need to be implemented :T saves everyone sometime

12 years ago

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even ones made by cg. ...really?

There should be a "trusted" system so to speak. Like giveaways reported by more trusted people have more urgency then others.

Speaking of reporting. Go check my 3 tickets damn it!

12 years ago

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Your tickets are at the bottom of the list. You're not trusted enough

12 years ago

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Check my updates I replied/sugested a couple more things

12 years ago

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i think they should add a system to stop the giveaway automatically...
like 50 reports then stop the giveaway

12 years ago

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That's a terrible idea, because all you need is 49 other troll friends to DDOS any giveaway you don't like.

12 years ago

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Mistreating administration with fake reports should be penalized. Let them hear some classics from MC Hammer for a time and maybe they will learn to behave.

12 years ago

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But there's no reason to give people a button to abuse when it doesn't need to be there in the first place.

Giving people the ability to vote a giveaway into being stopped just makes more work for the mods. Because now you've got to police people abusing giveaways and people abusing the report button and shutting down legit giveaways.

12 years ago

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Might be but I would prefer to have a feature that would somehow discriminate giveaways that are highly reported. It wouldn't have to stop the giveaway, even a warning would be a improvement. Mark their title with red color or tag them same system as contributor. Right now only way to informate others is to write messages into the giveaway's comment section and it could be more effective.

12 years ago

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I don't think the community can be trusted not to abuse this. The way it's set up now, only the mods see people reporting giveaways, and this is how it should be--the mods enforce the rules. Technically, people should not be commenting on giveaways and calling submitters out for breaking the rules, but they do it anyway.

Giving people the ability to visibly flag a giveaway in a way that other users see it will bring more harm than good. Take, for example, if a giveaway that actually isn't legit (Guns of Icarus Online beta key), and 7 people flag it, and this number shows up on the giveaway. A number of SG users, some of whom have been hit hard by the banhammer recently but let's pretend they weren't, would take this as an opportunity to cause butthurt drama in the giveaway comments or a whole forum thread, even though their not-legit giveaway was being properly marked as bad.

And that means a clusterfuck of drama in the forums, and people start getting suspended for making the mods' lives way more complicated than just having to go in and close a giveaway/issue a suspension to the gifter for fucking around.

The no calling out rule is designed to minimize pointless drama. That's really what it's for. It's not there to allow people to get away with bad giveaways.

12 years ago

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Now, in a separate vein, perhaps it'd be a good idea to have some sort of mark on the giveaway if the giveaway creator has a bad gifts-received reputation, so that a giveaway created by someone with a 25% giveaway ratio would look slightly different than someone with near 100%, because people rarely check the gifter's profile before spending points on entries.

But this, still, would need to be carefully designed to avoid abuse.

12 years ago

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You have valid arguments and I'll try to give some from other side. At the moment, there is no direct way of communicating in person between users on SG.com. I have seen more than one moderator stating that after they have deleted the giveaway, people just just re-create it.

This could be because of couple reasons:
1) They don't care and just try to hammer it trough for various reasons.
2) They don't understand that they broke rules and think that it was some kind of mistake.

With flagging it would serve both parties. Others might not enter an incorrect giveaway that is flagged and the creator might notice that he/she did something wrong. Of course the latter can be solved my other means one being stating this in the comments as it is done at the moment.

I think it is important to inform the creator about rules if they are broken, and if possible, point him/her to FAQ. There are multiple cases where reporting is used and fake giveaway is only one of them.

12 years ago

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I look the other way when a giveaway clearly breaks the rules (for example, "Guns of Icarus Online! But there wasn't an option for it, so I picked Guns of Icarus instead.") and people jump on them in the comments and point out the rules. While I suppose this could be technically considered calling someone out, educating the gifter about the rules since they clearly don't know is something I don't bother reporting, or anything -- because the mods are so busy that it'd be an even bigger burden if we made them do it.

People who don't care about the rules anyway are going to disregard anything short of a suspension, anyway. A private messaging system would probably cause more trouble than it's worth.

I think the rules should be a little more up-front and obnoxious, in that you should have to at least read a brief version of the giveaway creation rules (no beta keys unless whitelisted, making fake giveaways will get your ass kicked, etc.) before successfully creating a giveaway, but that's a different discussion.

12 years ago

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trolls and friends compute not

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

12 years ago

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Or next to the name of the person making the giveaway it says if they are trustworthy or not. So you know of you want to enter the giveaway.

12 years ago

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Well since it has been discussed a lot, my point is sometimes you just join a giveaway and don't actually look for comments thinking it's bad or the guy doesnt have it in the inventory, or whatnot.

If I get a warning, I will read the comments first, then check his inventory, rep, etc.

It's just as it says a WARNING, to double check if you still want to join and if you do, you just join! No trollbait, no increasing chances of winning, not anything else than a simple warning. Also it could be checked if users are abusing the report system and be suspended/banned themselves.

12 years ago

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why are you going to read reports, if you are lazy to read comments? I'm sure, every second giveaway will be reported just in case, if that system appears

12 years ago

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Why should I read comments? Normally are just thanks I read giveaway description if there is any, its not in my nature to be mistrusted. If I got a warning though, that would make me think twice and check and if I feel its legit I would still go in.

12 years ago

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What do you mean by a "VIP" badge?

12 years ago

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Someone who has contributed more than $XX and has impecable reputation, for example, a tiny icon on his avatar or next to his nickname.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

12 years ago

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Would that be the often mentioned elite club?

12 years ago

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Nice idea btw

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Yugo.