Did Humble Bundle convince you to subscribe to this Monthly bundle?
Yeah....NBA 2K17 strangely blocked in Bulgaria....
Sent a ticket to humble support.
The game is available to buy through Steam, idk why the key is blocked.
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Is it a EU sanction ? come on...we have migrant...but still less Turkish than Germany ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Brothas don't want to play in a country that discriminates!
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Plenty of people apparently did... Now the question is, can we go ahead and give one away to our buddies or will Humble revoke them, despite being their fuck up
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Yep, that's my concern too, don't wanna give it away and get revoked later. Probably Humble will make an announce about this sooner or later.
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You may want to read the guidelines of this site. It specifically states:
Do not beg users or developers for keys or gifts, whether in comments, or chat.
It doesn't matter if you meant it as a joke or not, so you better remove that comment.
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maybe the other key isnt for nba
wouldnt do giveaway or trade it before you are sure
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What was all that talk of games owned and achieveemnts being nothing but epeen :P
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Just say you have multiple personality disorder. One Jim is all about Steam and the other would rather get DRM-free versions. Aaaand maybe Jim the 3rd completely forgot about already owning the game, hence the purchase. Problem solved, no need to admit to anything. Also, you're welcome. :3
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Oh, I'm not sure it's the same psychological driving force behind those but maybe it is. I've always looked at it something strange, and frankly counter-productive, but commonly accepted behavior reason. I'm sure there are special cases though lol
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Pillars is actually the one game that would give me a real benefit if it was on GOG connect, because then I could buy the expansion either on GOG or Steam (I have the Steam version so I would have to buy the expansion on/for Steam as well). I don't know if you have the expansion yet, but if not, getting the Steam version through Humble Monthly would give you that benefit as well.
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Interested in NBA but not in PoE. Buy or not buy. So much struggle.
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I think so far the times the early unlocks have been worth less (like last month) the other unlocks are better. but times when the early unlocks like this time are really high then the other unlocks end up being disappointing.
anyways at this point I'm just giving stuff away so idrk.
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It makes sense in some situation and it and worth is always subjective.
Though this time I would be wondering about the unlocks and make sure the early unlocks are wroth it.The two unlocks are 60&40 dollars so that is 100 right off the top which leaves a value of around and they say get over 100 dollars in value.
That is why I never buy them unless I think the early unlock is worth it.In this case It's well worth the risk for Pillar imo.The lowest Ive seen it has been 17.99 at least at legit sites.
Also last month for me was not good at all so I'm glad I passed on that the only one I was interested in was Sherlock and that seems to be the worse out that series so no wonder why it's bundled.The best month for me has been May 2017 had 4 games I wanted.
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Interested in 2k17 but not sure about Pillars. It seems like a rather complex game for someone who isn't big into RPGs and has never played a CRPG.
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In that case maybe buy the bundle together with a friend or so? I'd be surprised if there aren't any folks out there who'd be interested in Pillars but don't want 2k17. If I didn't have PoE already, I'd gladly share my package with someone for 2k17 (not interested in sports games at all). Or just go and make a giveaway for it and hope that in a month you get something nice on top of it.
EDIT: It's a strange combo though ... with two so very different games, it will be rare that someone loves them both.
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From all the cRPGs out there, Pillars is one of the most well thought after and welcoming to new players, and with one of the big patches they also introduced 'Story Mode' for beginners, so I advise you to give it a try regardless of your experience level :)
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Bought Pillars 3 days ago...
Oh well, have to figure out some group to give it away (one that accepts bundled trash (I know it's not going to bundled list)), perhaps I find one that has people that would actually play the game...
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There is a WTB section in the Group Buys steam group. People will make offers there for recently bundled games. That's your best bet if you want to get rid of something quickly.
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Wow, I've just kicked Pillars of Eternity out of my wishlist ... guess I am going to play it now nonetheless ...
I guess that's the best early unlocks they ever had, isn't it? (In terms of value, of course there isn't a game that's the right one for everyone.)
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I only got one NBA, but my pals Lilly and <redacted> each got two.
The first / normal ROW key is: https://steamdb.info/sub/116031/ (same as store)
Their second is: https://steamdb.info/sub/116040/ "NBA 2K17 (Europe)"
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So far, it seems like it, yes. The people that had 2 keys seem to all be from EU.
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People said second one was region locked so I redeemed the second one but didnt get a message. Did the same with first one and got the message :)
Edit: Or it was because I just redeemed steam key on the second one and try to gift the first one. When I took no and redeemed key it didnt say anything.
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You should have used the second (seems to be EU-locked) and trade the other one since it's a ROW key :)
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Pillars?................ never clicked so fast in my laifu.
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The 2 games are so different, like they trying to capture everyone at once.
Wonder if HB subs have gone down or something.
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☞ Purchase the AUGUST 2017 Monthly Bundle! ☜
A curated bundle of games sent to your inbox every month. When you subscribe, you'll immediately receive "NBA 2K17" and "Pillars of Eternity" with more to come and enjoy 10% off in the Humble Store!
Subscribe before the FIRST FRIDAY OF AUGUST (4th August) for $12* to receive the AUGUST bundle
Also, it's too late to buy the July Monthly Bundle. You will therefore NOT receive that bundle by purchasing this one!
Notice: ⚠️ Region lock on NBA 2K17!! ⚠️
NOTE: According to an official answer from HB, NBA2K17 is locked to the following regions, meaning those customers within them cannot gift outside the region:
Region Restricted countries - The game cannot be redeemed at all here
Thank you Yirg for the info.
An additional info of how these region locks work can be found here and here. Thank you Cjcomplex for the info.
Most of the people that unlocked the monthly in the first hours after release, received two keys for NBA 2K17 instead of one.
One of these was ROW and the other one region locked. For example, most of the people in EU received a ROW key and a region-locked key for Europe. However, Humble Bundle soon realized their mistake and removed the ROW key from the keys page and later these keys have been revoked from Steam: http://i.imgur.com/svYUqBI.jpg and https://twitter.com/ayylmao4774/status/884491784537214976
NOTE: For those looking to obtain a key for NBA 2K17 via trades - please make sure that it can be activated in your region!
Notice: ⚠️ Region lock on Overcooked !! ⚠️
Overcooked has the next region locks (thanks for the info):
Pay early and get "NBA 2K17", "Pillars of Eternity"
Offworld Trading Company does not come with an extra copy (as the normal one bought on steam does)
Remember that you can get a Steam key for One Piece Burning Blood - Golden Luffy DLC for free here (thank you stevencojo for the tip!)
According to this, One Piece Burning Blood seems to be INCLUDED in the August Monthly Bundle.
Humble original: Quiet City (source)
Read Rachel's detailed Q+A to these Humble Monthlies! Also, read HB's FAQ!
Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!
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