Hey everyone,
I wanna share a lil bit about me, my past 3 months has been really difficult for me. Fighting with my depression everyday and and having a low mood as a daily basis is quite uncomfortable. When you hope tomorrow is getting better, and wake up and feel the same, you starting to lose your hope and will.
I've look for professional help from my Uni and they told me i can be booked in the middle of the summer, i tried my doctor, it sent me home with some free sites to check and call for help and no professional help at all :/... is quite disappointing, it took me 3 weeks to build up my courage and seek professional help, just to be cast away...
If you know someone who's going through anxiety and depression, talk to them, but never challenge them to stop or change. Sometimes all you need is a good unbiased listener ... :)

The only good thing that helped me to go through it and "survive" another day has been games. Therefore i shall i give away everything i got from humble bundle at the moment.

I can creat 5 ~ now giveaways at a time, Please come in tomorrow and check this post for more updates with the next games, and if i delay a bit with the new giveaways, please don't be mad on me, I do keep my word! ^_^

  • Edited *
    • Day 3 * is here
      /jNrrl/dead-in-vinland Forgot to add this one on the list also, apologize !
4 years ago*

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Hang onto whatever makes you feel happy and don't feel pressure to participate in other peoples' idea of what happiness is supposed to be. And always remember that things can always get better. The past is gone. Don't let it weigh you down.

4 years ago

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Hopefully, things will get better for you in the future even if things are tough for now. Take it a day at a time. With better weather and a bit of Sun, hopefully your mood will get better too. All the best Viking4King!

4 years ago

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I struggled with depression for years and never told anyone about it as soon as i told friends about it they helped me out of it and things got better for me hope things bet better for you too soon :)

4 years ago

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Have you seen/tried this book? --> https://www.amazon.com/Feeling-Good-New-Mood-Therapy/dp/0380810336

I was feeling like you, and this book helped me.

4 years ago

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I order it after i read the reviews
Thank you!

4 years ago

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Hope it will help you :)

Good luck!

4 years ago

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Good luck mate, you'll get better soon just keep doing what makes you feel good and don't be too hard on yourself!

4 years ago

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Thank you mate, i appreciate your advice and kind words!

4 years ago

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Hang in there. Going to a doctor is a big step for someone with depression. Don't let the lack of help you received from that particular jerk dissuade you from looking elsewhere.
And remember everyone's life has its ups and downs. When you're depressed however, your depression mutes everything that brings you joy and you only see the dark things. So you may need some help taking off those big dark glasses and being able to let the light in again

It's a good sign that gaming helps you, especially if you have anxiety as well as depression. So keep it going and keep seeing doctors until you get some help, whatever form it takes. Therapy can help but if you're clinically depressed, you probably will need medication for therapy to do anything at all.

Don't let anyone tell you to just stick with it and exercize or some such stuff. If you feel your doctor didn't take you seriously, see someone else.
Keep your chin up and good luck.

4 years ago

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Maybe you need to find the source of your problem
Is is with your family?
Do you need friends?
Do you need a partner?
is it related with work or education?
Or maybe its related to achieving your dreams?

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago

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Bumpty Dumpty ^^

Second Day is on folks, join it

4 years ago

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It's painful to read that things weren't taken seriously, and you were more, or less just brushed off like that... I feel like the world doesn't really take this sort of thing seriously. A lot of people are quick to actually pick on someone who is depressed, and blame something they are doing physically as the cause for the depression. Better days are around the corner. Just hang in there.

4 years ago

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Thanks for being open and sharing your experience. Its a riddle you have to solve yourself. Hopefully, you wont be lost in the journey. There'll be light at the end of the tunnel and you'll be stronger than before once you overcome.
Warmest regards and Best wishes, Cruse~<3

4 years ago

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As you said, you're a survivor (even if it's because videogames).. sadly there's so much people that can't say the same. It's really sad but I'm pretty sure that you are on the right way. The first step is asumme the condition and look for people to talk about it and you've done it, you must be proud of that. It's very important to have the help of your family and close friends... because with their help (and if needed also professional help) in some moment you will overcome depression. I really hope you'll get better. Good luck!

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Your timezone too short. Happen at my midnight time and end at morning before I can join.

4 years ago

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Trully apologize, i'll make it 24h the next one

4 years ago

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Come on in for Day 3 <3

4 years ago

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View attached image.
4 years ago

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May the positive force be with You:)

4 years ago

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Thanks a lot for the giveaways. :-)

4 years ago

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thanks nice games

4 years ago

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