How many games do you own on Steam, but you've NEVER played? What are they? Why haven't you played them? Include any DLC. Do you find yourself wanting to just collect games or hoard them? Some we'll get to later I know because we are "stocking" up on them from the sale. But, is there a game of buying games outside of actually playing these games?

Here is my list of 7 owned Steam games that I've NEVER played and why:

Greed Corp - gift from my nephew that I've never even installed. Looks interesting though.

Aliens vs Predator - Recently won from Steamgifts and haven't played it yet. I will though.

Bioshock - Recently won from Steamgifts and haven't played it yet. I will though.

Toy Soldiers - Just bought it during Steam summer sale and haven't gotten to it yet.

Borderlands GOTY - Just bought it during Steam summer sale and haven't gotten to it yet.

Cubemen - Just bought it during Steam summer sale and haven't gotten to it yet.

Magicka DLC - Bought last month and played some of the core game. Have ALL of the DLC and played none of it yet.

12 years ago*

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I basically stock up for when I move out from my parents and won't have any money.

12 years ago

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My list of games I never played is apparently pretty huge so I'm not going to list them all. There are games in there which I played before (wether pirated or on console, sometimes both), such as Psychonauts, Deus Ex, Metro, etc. Then there are the ones I can't run, like Orcs Must Die, Just Cause 2, Saints Row The Third, Your Doodles Are Bugged (this belongs to the "Gotta Be Fucking Kidding Me" cathegory to be honest) ot Magicka. And then there's the ones I didn't have much time to try out yet, but eventually I'll at least try them all.

Am I a hoarder? Well, technically I'm much more a hoarder than people who buy games solely for the sake of having it, since I intend to play them when I go broke or have more free time (like, now) or with a better PC. So it all depends on which cathegory you call hoarder.

12 years ago

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I haven't played half the games I own.

12 years ago

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I have a backlog of about 150+ games and my 9-5 means I hardly have time to play. However I STILL can't resist buying new games when they're on sale.

12 years ago

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My list of games i've never played (at least i don't plan to try them this year, don't kill me for that xD):

  • Bioshock 1 & 2
  • Borderlands GOTY
  • Company of Heroes franchise
  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution + dlcs
  • Duke Nukem Forever
  • Gothic 1, 2, 3
  • LA Noire
  • Just Cause 1 & 2
  • Tomb Raider franchise
  • STALKER Chernobyl
  • Darkness 2
  • Skyrim + Dawnguard
  • Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY

I usualy choose "less than 10h playtime" games first and i save the long ones for later. Only games i kinda ragequit are GTA Vice City and San Andreas because they have problems with Win7 and also look horrible on 1920x1080 (funny, even GTA3 looks more decent on same resolution). Gotta get an older xp machine to play them.

12 years ago

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I have a good 20+ games that I haven't played much of

The ones that I can currently remember are the Ironclads collection, which is as shitty as could be.

12 years ago

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Kind of hard to hoard something if you can't hold it.

12 years ago

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I collect them when I feel like and will eventually play them. Won Faerie Solitare here ages ago in that big giveaway. Just started playing it and got 28/30 Achievements + 33 hours ...
I like to get games so when I feel like playing a certain style of game I have a decent collection to choose from.

Same goes for my BluRay's btw. Bought them here and there and if I feel like watching a movie I can browse through them. Awesome!

12 years ago

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A lot of games... Problem? Being adult and having a job.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by RDBruski.