Good luck for people who missed it last time.
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Epic Games Store’s free game for January 2–3, 2024 is 20 Minutes Till Dawn, only available for the next twenty-four hours.
Note: There will be daily giveaways from here on until January 4. Make sure you don’t miss them.
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Doubt that you really care, but in case someone else comes by. It's not Epic fault that some games miss achievements, in fact, all the games that support achievements on other platforms are required to have them enabled on Epic too. But this can't be forced retroactively for older titles published before Epic supported achievements - so it's entirely fault of the dev team of each individual game.
For a bit more info:
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I wouldn’t say it’s the developers who are at fault, although I can understand your perspective. To me, this is a question of, “Why should developers pour their valuable resources into adding non-essential features on a lesser platform?” Epic Games Store, if their users are keen on having achievements (and I’m sure there’s data that supports or refutes this), could potentially fund or sponsor studios to add achievements for their games. I don’t think they can do that, financially speaking.
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That's wild take, as was said, they are required to support achievements for titles released after introduction of Epics own achievements API. So the older titles are simple case of big application in bare maintenance mode, where there really isn't anyone to touch source code and recompile to be found around anymore and as second option you have case of some slacker indie dev who couldn't care less.
Just absolutely wild take, idea that content parity is some sort of goodwill and paying customer should praise corporations for basic support of paid for products. As for the lesser store, there's hundreds of titles on Steam that can't be launched without 3rd party patches, published as paid for products with no enforcement of basic functionality by Steam.
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If you're a game-completionist maniac, Epic isn't the right platform for you.anyway. it also lacks other features such as remote play, a mod support, a forum, a good chat etc etc. it's not just that. they only think about attracting people with free games without improving themselves. It's not a policy I like
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Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy|Steam
⛔ Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is blacklisted in Belarus, Russia.
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Epic Games Store’s free game for January 3–4, 2024 is A Plague Tale: Innocence, only available for the next twenty-four hours. This is a repeat—a great chance for those who didn’t claim it the last time. If all goes according to plan, tomorrow’s mystery game should be Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy.
Note: There will be daily giveaways from here on until January 4. Make sure you don’t miss them.
– A Plague Tale: Innocence: Steam | SteamDB
– Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: Steam | SteamDB
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Are there any scripts or browser plugins for Epic store like Steam Web Integration?
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Reminder: Don’t forget to claim A Plague Tale: Innocence. You have about forty-five minutes.
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Epic Games Store’s free game for January 4–11, 2024 is Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. Next week’s free game is Sail Forth.
– Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: Steam | SteamDB
– Sail Forth: Steam | SteamDB
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It wasn't free for me until I restarted the EGS client.
Before that it kept showing up as on sale for 15€ till 10.01.2024 although the main page showed it being free.
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true ...buuuuuuut i kinda like them :p , its like 30% of what drive me to buy and play and replay the game lol XD
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That's usually true, like 90% of the time, but in some specific cases the achievements are woven into the experience.
The first two games that pop into my mind when thinking about examples where the achievements are a part of the experience are Portal 2 and The Stanley Parable (either the original release, its demo, or Ultra Deluxe), both games use achievements to punctuate certain points in the narrative, to the extent that some jokes either wouldn't land properly or straight up be impossible to execute if achievements weren't a thing. In the Stanley Parable there's an entire narrative thread that depends on the player checking the list of achievements and trying something to be triggered, otherwise there's a very low chance of you ever randomly stumbling upon its trigger. And the extremely memorable and very well timed "this is the part where you die" joke in Portal 2 doesn't hit as hard without the achievement notification popping up in the corner.
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Is the Portal 2 one on Steam or Xbox? I don't think I've seen any achievements pop up in Steam for me as I likely have them turned off.
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Steam, since it's a Valve game they were pretty thorough with integrating the game with as many Steam features as possible, including achievements.
I'm also sure because I've never owned any Xbox, in fact I don't think I've ever even used an Xbox in my whole life, they have never been popular in my country so it's rare to see one cos everyone prefers Playstation. I've seen them gathering dust in stores tho.
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Yeah same here, the PS got popularity due to the ability to pirate the games easily in the PSX/2 era and it stayed. I'm one of the few who has a Series S here!
I do need to give Portal 2 a go, I finished the first one many years back and just never got round to it. Is it decent in co-op? And still good if my partner hasn't played the first one?
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I actually never played the co-op mode, as far as I'm aware it's a separate campaign with its own story. Even tho the first time I played the game it was with a friend we went through the single player campaign taking turns with the puzzles, and the other two (I think it was two) times I replayed the game I did it on my own.
That first playthrough I did with my friend was a blind one, the game had released just earlier that year and we played it purely because of its reputation online, neither of us had played the first one and we still had a great time regardless (I did play the original Portal at least twice since then tho). It's one of my favorite games of all time tho, so of course I'm gonna recommend it.
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In my experience way more games have achievements that promote repetitive actions, or "reward" gameplay that has absolutely no effect on the gameplay.
It's nice to have collectibles, but it wouldn't take anything to take every corridor in a game, change it to a fork, and place a collectible in every 2nd of those. Bam, idk, 20-30 collectibles and then likely at least another hour of gameplay time to find the collectible / proper road forward. In the meanwhile it's not narrative addition, not xp, or equipment - just jumping the hoops the devs made for the sole reason for the players to spend time on, and feel better about themselves.
And also encourage each other through peer pressure to spend more time on games than necessary, because hogging the players' time and attention is a good way to feel the game more "worth" for its money. And collectibles, padding, a few "collect/visit/kill/ each X" goals require no talent, time or real skill to pad one's game, so publishers / corporate sure loves them.
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I also wish Epic was a little more accurate and less ambiguous, about the list of the games with achievements. I remember I tried some games, like Train Sim World 2, that had achievements, but they weren't listed as games with achievements.
I also read some Sony/Square Enix games have them, but still not in the list.
It seems to be a difference between epic launcher achi and "original" dev achi. Why? They should conform all types of achievements and list it properly.
The way they make it now, looks quite shallow, imho.
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Yeah, and Guardians of the Galaxy is one of those games.
Going by that thread, achievements exist for it.. but I'm unsure if they're working? Hard to tell. I don't really want to install it to check for myself
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I feel that achievements are essential for some game genres such as metroidvanias. I was trying out 20 Minutes Till Dawn earlier, and that is another game i feel should have some sort of achievements, there is even a an endless mode in the game which has the message that achievements wont be unlocked, but the game doesn't even have an overlay in the EGS version so kind of a redundant message. Its stuff like this that make me weary of using EGS because the experience you get when playing games on it isn't that much different than pirating.
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no idea but I for one thank who ever did suspend them
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I am still convinced his whole deal is some sort of social experiment to see how far he can take everyone here with the achievement comments
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So, uh, which games have you played from the giveaway for the winter event?
Which ones do you plan on giving a try soon?
Installed 20 Minute Til Midnight right away.
Have been enjoying it so far.
Will probably give Guardians of the Galaxy a try this weekend. Had to clear up some space for it.
And as much as I hate it I'm curious just how bad Saint Row Reboot is.
Outer World is a maybe. Looks like Space Fallout at home.
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Right off the bat I experienced visual glitches in Saints Row (DX12) when maxing out the graphics settings and enabling FSR. Had to set post processing to medium (or you can turn off FSR) to fix it. Then I noticed the audio balancing is AWFUL, like you can barely even hear your vehicle. First time playing a game with audio balancing this bad. Game is boring so far compared to the other Saints Row games, but man was I instantly disappointed with how poorly developed it is. I've heard it suffers the same audio issues on console as well.
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It had issues on release that didn't help it's poorly written and cringe characters.
I don't expect any fixes for the current bugs as the 30 year old dev company got the axe by the parent company and absorbed into another one.
They killed SR might as well see the crime scene.
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TBF the series were slowly dying with 3-4-Gat Out of Hell, it was becoming the expansion of an expansion to a game, getting smaller and smaller while reusing the same map. Gat Out of Hell was released 9 (!) years ago , while they were taking 2-3 year old development cycles between 2 and GooH. Then nothing for the next 7.5 years, until the reboot was released (and on wiki I found that the studio was deep in development in 2019, which was already 4 years past their last release) Sounds like they were in a creative downwards spiral already, and found athe wrong forward step to make. Like... rebooting the liked series by returning to the least successful and original game. Oh well.
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Similar experience here. Was fighting the settings just to get it working well enough, lots of messing up with the volume for individual settings and eventually got it working well enough for me... then when a cutscene happens it ignores all that and is super loud instead.
Gameplay is weird because it's like the city elements and cars are made of cardboard, things would just blow up without real reason, sometimes a car I'm driving would semi randomly end up flying and... you can actually move the car while it's in the air too to make it even weirder.
The gang fights don't have a lot of purpose and feels absolutely worse fighting compared to the old games. No more variety on the ehr "builds" as you level up even.
The main characters are not so good, only tolerated one of them... the LARPing side quests were actually enjoyable compared to the main game at that.
Gave the game a good chance and enjoyed some parts at least ended disappointing anyway.
Gotta say all those technical problems from the get go were a really bad impression to begin with.
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Played GotG on Gamepass last year. It's a great game and definitely a worthy giveaway 'finale'.
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Ghostwire: Tokyo - good, beautiful sceneries and city landscape. Nice lore on some Japanese demons/ghosts. Can get repetitive on the tasks though. Enjoyable story.
Outer Worlds - it's okay, felt more like a Fallout 3 since you kinda only have 2 choices for endings, and you can do a full pacifist run with conversation build. Very abrupt random ending for me.
Cat Quest - nice chill game
Plague Tale - very beautiful scenery, extremely detailed if you can run it on max, one of the games I took many pictures in. Story is good. Characters are so-so, except one.
Ghostrunner - speed running style game, enjoyable if you're into it ala SuperHot
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The Sims™ 4 Romantic Garden Stuff is free right now till 9th of Jan, 2024.
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On steam too since a couple of weeks:
Just a reminder, if anyone still haven't gotten it.
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I guess I'll be the one to say it, it's also free on the EA store:
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Reminder: Twenty-four hours left to get Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy for free. Epic Games Store’s next free game is Sail Forth.
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Games is available again now, at least for me in DE
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wow really? not one to say no to a free game but Love is like around £2 full price on Steam
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Yeah. It’s $2.99 in the US. It will be the cheapest game Epic Games Store has ever given away.
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Btw just adding in case they don't change it for next week.
⛔ LOVE is blacklisted in Australia, Brazil, Russia, South Korea All removed!
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Is that blacklist just some internal thing at Epic or is that game somehow restricted in those countries? Because I can recognize those as some of the usual places where they like to ban games... except I've played LOVE and it's just a minimalist platformer so I'm kinda lost about why anyone would see it as worthy of age restrictions.
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Hmm... many factors involved I guess. Some are Dev side blacklist, some are due to Game Rating of said countries, Epic side... probably none.
In the past occured a case that China side managed to claim Watch Dogs or some Ubisoft game, but later all got revoked by Epic since Dev side asked it's not available there.
Then the whole blacklist thing received more attention for them I guess.
Some of the blacklist might get lifted/removed when GA is closer, even if it's during GA, it happened in the past many times when those were removed for some countries, like GRIME, EARTHLOCK, etc.
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It's funny because I have LOVE on Steam, but on Epic it says it's unavailable in my region (Brazil).
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I guess that's the thing that even if it's same game, if it's launched on different platform, they still need to send for Gaming Rating review or it'll be blacklisted until they do so.
I was surprised when I found that out in the past, thinking why same game that was approved on other platform needs to be re-approved for another platform, but seems like that's how it works for Game Rating at all.
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Reminder: Twenty-four hours left to get Sail Forth for free. Epic Games Store’s next free game is Love.
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Love and its sequels are great tho. Yes, it's a short minimalist platformer, but it controls like a dream and it absolutely nails the gameplay loop. I'm also a sucker for bold pixel art that only uses 2 or 3 colors and its music is right up my alley so I was instantly drawn to it.
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To be fair it probably was a really cheap option. After writing my first reply I remembered that both Love 1 & 2 were free on before, so the dev likely didn't charge Epic too much for this promo. I wouldn't be surprised if we see Kuso (Love 2) being featured at some point in the future.
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Yep. I was thinking the same thing as you as well.Lol👍
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Love and Kuso (Love 2) are great little platformers, although Love 1 is much more beginner friendly when it comes to the difficulty curve, Kuso can feel like an uphill marathon. I hope people give it a chance.
Infinifactory is also great but I never finished it, it's just really long. Maybe some day.
Epic is nailing it when it comes to selecting good indie games recently, sadly half of the time it's stuff I already own on Steam XD
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Yeah. The Free Games page seems to be broken. I’m glad you found the thread helpful.
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Usually happens when they're editing/updating Blacklist thing, now officially LOVE blacklist are all removed.
So those Australia, Brazil, Russia and South Korea who can't claim it before can now claim it.
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Reminder: About twenty-four hours left to get Love for free. Epic Games Store’s next free game is Infinifactory.
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Hey, everyone.
Here is the complete and regularly updated list of all Epic Games Store free games. This is a continuation of letsmaybeLP92’s work, who maintained this in previous threads.
Epic Games Store offers free games every Thursday at 8 AM PT/11 AM ET. Once you have claimed them, they are yours forever.
For a more detailed list, check out this Google Sheets document. The spreadsheet includes
Note: To find out what the colors or stars in the spreadsheet mean, simply hover over the GG or Games field (or do the equivalent on your mobile device). There is a note assigned to each that provides the necessary explanation. See the attached image at the bottom of the post for reference.
In addition, here is a backup of this post in raw text.
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