I believe it to be the Playstation, dual shock version. It was slightly updated for each generation of the Playstation line. The most recent of the line, the PS4 controller, no longer looks like a mere update of original controller, however.

Earlier generations may disagree, and say that the 3-button Genesis controller was the best; as it allowed more varied -- I would say complex" here -- gameplay compared to the aging two-button NES one. The original three-button Genesis controller also allowed comfortable play as your thumb would easily move between the three buttons, while your other thumb would be sliding within the d-pad.

The Playstation example above parallels that of the Saturn controller, born out of its predecessor -- the legendary 6-button Genesis controller. This was produced, in part to please players of Street Fighter II, which required six attack buttons to play properly. It was never as popular as the comfortable -- some would say perfect -- original 3-button Genesis controller, mentioned earlier.

What do you say about the above, too?

Your opinions please, and thanks

9 years ago*

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Gamecube controller is still my favorite of all time

9 years ago

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I liked it, too. Better than the N64's "trident" controller! More than one way to hold it!!!

9 years ago

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Wut? I did not need more than "one way" to hold it.

9 years ago

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You must be one of those Japanese men with a third DOOM style arm coming out of your chest.

9 years ago

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Used to play like this:

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9 years ago

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looks uncomfortable

9 years ago

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Not at all. I knew many people with N64 and everyone played like that.

9 years ago

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Exactly how I played too!

9 years ago

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While usable, I didn't like it as much as the DualShock 2. Ignoring the layout, which is personal preference, here are the reasons.

  • The Cube controller offered less buttons (no L1 equivalent to go with Z, no Select, and neither stick had click function, limiting multi system games)
  • Digital face buttons compared to pressure sensitive buttons for PS2 / XBox
  • That DPad was honestly terrible and made some games more difficult than they could have been

They did have the Wavebird wireless controller though, much better than some 3rd party stuff for other systems.

Lucky I have a PS2 controller adapter to use it on Gamecube and XBox. :P

9 years ago

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But the dualshock 1-3 controller (haven't tried the dualshock 4 yet) all feel like they were made for the hands of little japanese people or kids D:

9 years ago

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The Cube and DualShock controllers are roughly the same size, and have everything in pretty much the same locations.

As for the Microsoft controllers, #### the Duke and SType. The 360 controller repeats placing everything in the same place but has slightly longer handles to grip.

There isn't that much difference between them. :P

9 years ago

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The I have with the dualshock controllers are that those things on the pic are way to short, so that my little finger (is that the right word? D:) doesn't fit.
I often get cramps in my hand when I playing with the dualshock cause of that

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9 years ago

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The handles.

I get cramps with smaller system though, like the DS Lite. Its why I have a 2DS instead of a 3DS, easier to hold. Still, with the 360 and DualShock, I never found the size to be a real difference. 15 - 20 mm difference. :P

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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That controller was very ergonomic but the D-Pad sucked major ass

9 years ago

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PC with the AlphaGrip controller

Kidding aside, I agree with the DualShock controllers. Very little I could fault on those, other than number of face buttons for Street Fighter (since I originally started playing those on a Mega Drive with 6 button controllers)

9 years ago

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Oh god , how do you even hold this thing ? :O

9 years ago

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My personal favorite is the Xbox One controller. Smooth analog with clicky D-pad along with clicky top-shoulder buttons and press-sensitive bottom-shoulder buttons. It also feels really smooth and comfortable when I hold it too.

That aside, I did have a Genesis growing up and had both the 3-button and 6-button controllers. I don't recall giving a whole lot of praise to the controller though.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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+1 The battery life is APPALLING! but damn is it comfortable! Massive improvement to the DS3.

9 years ago

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Uh...well, I like my Virtual Boy controller....
But no, I'll go with the...360 controller...I guess.
Would have loved a poll in here btw.

9 years ago

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The massive amount of choices there would be would limit a poll.

9 years ago

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Well, there is always "Other, see comment..."
There are probably only 4 or 5 options that get mentioned way more than anything else.

9 years ago

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Until a unfortunate Jaguar fan shows up.

9 years ago

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LOL...! I was about to post : " On the other end of the spectrum, I hate my fingercramping Jaguar controller"

9 years ago

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My favourites are the Sega Mega Drive (Genesis) and the Xbox 360 gamepads

9 years ago

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I currently use a wired XBox 360 controller and am very happy with it. It fits my big hands.

9 years ago

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Darn it Gwar, you beat me to this by 2 seconds...

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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The atari

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9 years ago

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Good choice. That is a paddle controller for the Atari 2600.

9 years ago

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I still have a pair of those floating around in one of my storage containers I think.

9 years ago

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The Genesis controller wasn't that great. If you want to use punches/kicks in Street Fighter II, you have to switch back and forth by using the start button, which is pretty annoying.

9 years ago

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Only if you had a three button controller. The 6 button was better.

9 years ago

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Yeah, but you had to purchase it separately. That's how they get ya. D:

9 years ago

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It came several years after the system.

Besides, beats Nintendo. They paid Capcom rename Turbo for Mega Drive so they could claim to have the better version. :P

9 years ago

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I thought that Street Fighter Turbo for the Mega Drive was only in beta, and never released to the public?

9 years ago

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Championship Edition is Turbo. It has all the Turbo stuff (including some settings you had to cheat to unlock on SNES) . :P

9 years ago

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Oh yes, I finally remember now!

You mean Street Fighter II': Special Champion Edition. Because Championship Edition and Turbo Hyper Fighting are two different games.

9 years ago

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Since it and Super were the only Street Fighter games released on the Mega Drive, that is the right title. Its been years since I looked at my carts though, its always been CE in memory.

However, despite calling it CE on Mega Drive, it was Turbo. Ramps all the way up to 10 stars.

9 years ago

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I agree. The arcade games were in this order:

World Warrior -- Championship Edition (CE) -- Turbo Hyper Fighting -- Super -- Super Turbo.

While the Genesis games were only: Special Champion Edition (hybrid of CE & Turbo) -- Super.

My favorite is World Warrior (WW). The original, the best.

My favorite stage music are Ken, Guile, and Balrog, all pre-Super. In the Super era, it would be Cammy's. I like the main themes and the heavy damage themes for all 4 songs.

I like WW in particular because I can listen to the themes longer, due to the gameplay's slow speed. True!

9 years ago*

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On the other hand, Eternal Champions was perfect for the way it was laid out.

9 years ago

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Xbox 360. Have yet to try the XBone controller.

9 years ago

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I liked the SNES controller.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

9 years ago

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Dualshock 3. IMO Greatest controller in the last couple generations. I can not speak for anything older than the Ps1 as that is before my time and i havent touched most of them.

9 years ago

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Sega Mega Drive 6 buttons version or Sega Saturn.

9 years ago

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Sega made great controllers, yes.

9 years ago

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Mine too, although I would love to see it updated with dual sticks some how.

9 years ago

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SNES and GameCube for sure!

9 years ago

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As much as i love the Gamecube controller, ill have to go with the Xbox 360 controller.

9 years ago

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i loved the n64 so much <3

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9 years ago

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N64 controller, followed by the XBox 360.

9 years ago

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xbox 360 controller is the absolute best design of all time. sticks and buttons placed just right, concave thumbgrips, it feels great in your hands.
PS3 controller is a close second.

Now, as for which controller I loved the most, the N64 controller. unique, and not quite right, it has always been the most memorable controller for me.

9 years ago

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Out of the ones I've tried: The Gamecube controller. Had the Xbox 360 not had such a terrible D-pad I would probably have said that it would have been the best, but good god that thing was terrible.

9 years ago

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No poll? Nes controller

9 years ago

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How does your thumb even handle that? I have a NES, but I've entirely stopped using it in favour of, shall we say other methods? And it's mainly down to the controller making my left thumb hurt.

9 years ago

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You grew up soft! The NES was my first console and my thumb accepts its punishment with no complaints.

9 years ago

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My younger self had no major problems with the NES either, but these days I'm so used to the softer edges of modern D-pads that I just can't go back.

9 years ago

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+1 Those corners hurt after a while.

9 years ago

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Don't know, i guess some guys have large(r) hands too which makes some controllers very uncomfortable.I have very slim hands.
Not saying i am using a nes controller every day, just i liked it, also for it's simplicity. But if there is a way (which there probably is) to use such a controller for pc, i will definitely looking to get it.
For pc i have a Ferrari Thrustmaster controller, which i only used like twice (for FF9 and 10), while i have so many games that support it, but guess i'm just lazy with setting it up everytime.

My last consoles are the original xbox (a second hand, which i haven't played on), ps2 and wii so i don't really have much experience with the new console controllers.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Definitely the Atari 5200 Controller :) Kappa. No srsly Atari 2600 or NES

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Congratulations, you didn't read.

Also, if keyboard was a controller for a game console, it would be an awful one.

9 years ago

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Well, technically speaking...

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9 years ago

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Its still a keyboard. PS2 could use them as well (admittedly, in only a few games like Final Fantasy XI and Dirge of Cerberus) but it doesn't make it a gamepad.

9 years ago

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SEGAs marketing department treated it like a controller and marketed it like one, at least over here.

9 years ago

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Meh, console developers will label all sorts of gear with weird names


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9 years ago

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This is a controller.

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9 years ago

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That is a nightmare.

9 years ago

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I had one of those.

9 years ago

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Well, I did. I was just trying to be awkwardly uselelessly-sexily funny and out of context on purpose. :(

9 years ago

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Actually, playing Unreal tournament on the Dreamcast with the keyboard and mouse was really enjoyable.

And they both plugged in the controller ports, so they WERE controllers.

9 years ago*

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GameCube has the best!

9 years ago

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would go with the Sega Dreamcast one - a rather big controller and likely not most comfortable analog stick, still great to handle/play with
... pretty much every console i had, had great controllers (Sega Mega Drive, SNES,N64,GC,X360, heck even Wii)
except for Playstation those are kinda mediocore at best, in my slowly fading PS memories ...

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9 years ago*

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I always wanted a Dreamcast, but even after years of looking, I've yet to find one in the wild.

9 years ago

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Bought a 2nd DC Console back in ~2004 on ebay - around that time there were still enough going around ...
meanwhile i guess their becoming somewhat scarce, since their either being hoarded or forgotten in some box/attic.

Would be a great buy, if you can get your hands on regardless - knowing you could download the games burn them on CD
with tools/instruction and simply play them in the Dreamcast without any modification of the console.
(since the games are either N/A or sold at fantasy-collector-whatever-prices)

9 years ago

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Live in New Zealand, Sega didn't go heavy over here after the Mega Drive. I honestly doubt we even got the Saturn, as I've never seen the games or system here at all, and even DC games were around for a while (though not seen for many years).

9 years ago

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NZ - for whatever reason i thought you were in Australia (not that, it would change much - r. availability) ... then not much of a choice then :/ good reason to bury that desire, and maybe try the Emulators or play the few DC released games on PC/other - even if its not the same.

9 years ago

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I tend to dislike emulation. Rather loudly, in fact. :P

9 years ago

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Hmm i see :-D but ok, considering only a few games are more enjoyable in emulated/optimized PC goodness + matching controller/adapter ...

9 years ago

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