EA were selling their games through Uplay after abandoning Steam. There was a lot of reporting on it at the time but they all seem to have been removed from Uplay now as well.
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EA were releasing on both Origin and Steam for a while, but Valve got grumpy and kicked them off because the DLC in some titles was set to be bought within the game using Bioware credit, like Dragon Age 2. Valve decided they should get their 30% cut on the DLC as well and gave them the boot using a new rule they haven't enforced since (as a number of games from other publishers do this as well).
A shame, since EA was better than Ubisoft. At least the Steam releases of EA games were Steam DRM only, rather than forcing a second client like UPlay.
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It's a dumb move in my opinion to keep focus exclusively on Origin. I believe they would sell more if they made all theirs games available on Steam. I, for one, don't buy games that can not be redeemed or purchased on Steam itself. Having one game platform is enough for me.
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But then I couldn't buy EA credit packs which always cost more or don't align with the game add-ons I want to buy that can only be purchased with credits!
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its true they would sell more, but they don't care about anyone's personal platform preference, they want you on theirs. you cannot play csgo without steam, you cannot play battlefield1 without origin.. steams just as guilty and dumb in those exact same regards.
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Yea I heard that too about them having problems with the keys.
Sure is taking them a long time to fix it though...
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Sure is taking them a long time to fix it though.
fix? hmm, you expecting alice to return to steam? not gonna happen, they don't care about steam users. when an issue happens on an ea game on steam, their "fix" is to simply remove the game from steam.
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What other games have they done this too before? Sounds like it's a common occurrence...
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I noticed a few people buying up copies of Bad Company 2 and was wondering the same thing.
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It's purchase disabled due to key issues. We don't know if they'll actually fix it or not, it might be one of those unfixable situations (like with Prey), where they can't generate new keys for one reason or another. And no, it's not always as simple as just "making new keys".
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the issue was purchases were giving invalid keys to register the product over on origin (which was required to activate the game and actually play), personally i don't see how that issue could of even arrived unless it was done deliberately. that's why i am sticking with "i doubt it" ;)
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its 30% less money selling it on steam than on origin... if steam had a more reasonable distribution fee for AAA game publishers then we might not have uplay, origin, or whatever other stupid crap drm is out there today.
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its just Alice, some problem with the keys and crap, it sas is temporary, but who know if its going to come back... guess the people who cared for it already have it.
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If they are, they are making a mistake. Cutting the middle-man works nice if you're owning Steam, not so much if most people except your most loyal Battlefielders avoid your service because it's not Steam. Ubisoft learned that lesson real quick.
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If Ubisoft learned that lesson then why do their steam titles still require uplay activation? It does not appear as though any lesson was learned.
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Valve were the one behind removals and EA leaving the service. Valve were the arseholes here. They wanted to make EA an example so they could get more money, and drove them off. Now other companies do what Valve didn't want (non Steam purchases for game content) but Valve won't do it again so they don't drive off more cash.
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Pretty much all companies have flaws caused by greed. Just that this happened when most PC gamers loved Valve, so a lot of people think that EA was the only cause of the issue.
In the case of this though, I believe EA's choice was the best. Your officially downloaded EA games could be noticed by Origin in some cases, and the games would unlock in Origin, while other titles could use keys supplied by Steam or your registry. DLCs can't do that. A central account used for DLCs mean you had them no matter the service you played the game on.
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I would not say that any of those companies are "evil" per-se, they just make more or less consumer friendly moves (Nestle is evil, trying to lobby for privatizing water supplies in poorer regions in Africa so they can make a profit from it, EA, Activision or Ubisoft are just not the most consumer friendly companies out there. Not that Valve is either these days... The days of "good guy Valve" are long gone, they've changed). Valve made a move a while back that is quite understandable, but which also rubbed a lot of companies the wrong way, which is why EA left. Previously Valve allowed companies to have their own systems for in-game purchases, which was what EA used (it was linked to their own servers), and Valve would not take a cut from it. Valve changed this, and as DeltaBladeX mentioned, they specifically tried to make an example out of EA (while not going after other companies), and EA said "nope, if you're going to treat us like this, we don't want to deal with you" and left (they probably said that in a more formal way, but that's the gist of it).
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Who cares. No one needs double DRM, so play it on Origin.
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EA wasn't running Origin with their Steam releases. Only Ubisoft makes people do that.
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Really? Didn't know that, as I never saw a reason to play these games on steam. I always use the native launcher. An for most of their releases on steam they provide keys to redeem on origin ... so I didn't care
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Is EA removing their games from Steam soon? I just noticed those past weeks that EA games are on daily deals almost every day. Just wondering, since Alice Madness Returns was gone after its last daily deal.
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