Did I just get scammed?
Yea, I checked his profile before buying another bundle, but he didn't have it. I just assume he gave it to someone else. It's pretty clear he just pulled one on me, so I just blacklisted him. I think that is about as much as I can do.
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Well you can try writing a "user report" to Support but I honestly don't know what they'd be able to do in this situation. Sorry this happened to you.
I did find on your giveaways where the person in question said the key was duped, and they're now on my blacklist too.All I can do, really.
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Yea, writing a user report now. Thanks dude, I feel a little cheated, but as others pointed out... I did the right thing and provided him another key and was the better person for it. Still makes me want to evaluate how I gift in the future. I just so new, and am apparently not in the right groups yet.
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Sorry this happened to you.
Support ticket is the only thing you can do I guess. I am curious if you can contact humble bundle about it and report that link being stolen or something like that, they should have a way of seeing who redeemed it or at least contacting steam support about it.
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There are so many of them that you can't find to blacklist. To minimize put higher level requirements (not eliminate since saw lvl5 ones). Or use http://sgtools.info/ for your custom allowed rules.
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I agree! There is really nothing you can do to prevent that except say, "Sorry, tough luck", and just except the fact that my GA will be marked as not received.,.
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I had this happen to me a while back, but with a bundlestars game, although I can't say I'm sure it wasn't actually a duplicate key, it may have been, I just contacted Bundlestars support and they gave me another key for that one game, maybe you could have tried with HB support too? I'm not sure how it works but I think the previous gift/key gets deactived, that's what I read somewhere at least...
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I don't think humble has any problems with duplicated keys, so either he scammed you or you made a mistake and used the wrong key when you made the giveaway? If the latter is what happened, then maybe one of the bundles you bought still has an unactivated key (the bundle you bought for yourself)?
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really? i bought most of them, without any problems so far.
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Well, I now accept the fact that I let myself get scammed, because I bought the bundle 3 times now, and only activated it once for myself, and made 2 gift links for the other 2. Unfortunately, only one GA was made due to this scammer :) Oh well, I have learned something new already.
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If it is a gift link, send the discussion and the link to HB's support. They will sort it out.
There is also some feature on Steam to see which account has activated a specific key. Don't know the specifics though.
As for your problem, I'd give a 50-50 that the winner did indeed scam you out of an extra key.
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Nah, you can't know. If you use that tool, only the person who activated the game will receive an e-mail, not you.
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More like CIS. In my experience, the vast majority of problematic users (especially on lower levels) are Russian or Ukranian. SOmetimes because they never read the site rules properly (or at all), sometimes because they don't care to follow them, sometimes because they never even intended to do so.
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Beware: this is calling out. Remove the link to avoid suspension.
Thank you for the warning, but I don't blacklist. :) Still, with over 1600 sent keys, they get a little tough time when they try to pull this stunt on me. I have to add though: one of them did and we found out that IndieGala messed it up, so it was the store's fault and they even acknowledged it.
By the way: make sure to post the keys in a manner that they can be recorded on screenshots. Also don't forget that you can use the ask for received feedback, in which case that feedback gets locked in by support, so the winner cannot change it back. You have to have convincing and appropriate evidence for this.
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If I was 100% the gift link was unredeemed, I would gladly take a suspension for it and make my profile looks bad, but I would not give him another.
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That's what I should have done, and will do if it happens again :) Thanks.
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Did you check the comments of the GA he marked as not received? Guess he just "found" this out recently, and I'm pretty sure he will try it again (its good to keep a track of this, I have some bookmarks for things like this, maybe I'll check him back in the future).
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yea... I got scammed. All I can do is blacklist him now I guess.
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You were already on mine even before this discussion. You took your time to help me on my first GA, and I appreciated that. Actually, I am slowly building a whitelist of nice people.
Edit: Oh yea... Thanks dude!
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Nope, you were right on Saints Row. That went smooth, and I was hooked after that.
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Maybe you can convince the winner to confirm deleting the giveaway? If he did scam you, at least you'll still have a clean record afterwards. I'd doubt he'll agree though, being a douche as he is. Can't hurt to try.
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I thought that at first. However, after further evaluating... I bought 3 bundles. I activated one, and only created 1 GA for the game. However, I'm down to zero keys left :) I got scammed lol
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I will say, scammed or not, it was very nice of you to provide another. Kudos.
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While there's not much that can be done right now, I would suggest submitting a user report and asking the moderator to note this in the winner's profile. Hard to do anything if this is an isolated incident, but if it's happened more than once, that's another story.
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Thanks Jatan11t, I was hoping I would never have to do this, but it's the nature of the world.
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I can't personally do anything, but as in other cases, it's been brought up to someone who can.
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I took your advice and wrote two support tickets for this. Let's see how my first experience with support goes :D
Thanks for your time, have a good one.
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That is the thing. The guy could've claimed himself, but didn't activate the key. Its too easy. Why he wouldn't claim it?
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Yea, I checked them. I bought 3, claimed one for myself, and gifted the other 2 to the scammer lol. 3 keys, 1 game for me, 1 GA. Zero keys left, what happened?! lol
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IndieGala shows redeemer's email and redeemed key to everyone who has the link.
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OMG! LOL He gave ME negative feedback. Now that is classic. Thanks for pointing that out.
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It's nice to know exactly who belongs on one's BL, agreed!
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You should report him for that negative feedback, because it's for trades only.
/edit nvm, noticed he's already suspended. Four days is a joke though.
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Wow, what a dick
posible scammer, misuse of trade feedback
suspended now
blacklisted too
Not a scammer, actually innocent.
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I'm going with scam as well.
Humble has been getting more strict on their super-lenient key-disable+replacement policy, but even if that doesn't work you may still be able to get the first key outright revoked, if nothing else- though you'll definitely want to make sure it didn't actually go to anyone you'd regret that decision for, first.
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Or he is just trying to make it look that way, since he could've seen the post.
(He was able to thank him in the trade before being blacklisted, and in the trade feedback he said he saw he was blacklisted when he was going to thank OP)
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Could be. Still, neither your or his profile looks even remotely suspicious, so I'm more inclined to think that the problem may be in the key itself. Still, file a report saying that this happened so support can keep an eye out, just in case.
Still, next time you have a problem with a gift link, ask for screenshots and contact the store's support. Almost all bundle sites have sent duplicate keys in the past due to database errors.
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actually im with talg on this one. People make mistakes, and im not taking sides but its also possible how OP made a mistake too, so for all we know this guy could have been innocent :P
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Well the guy also left OP a -rep for TRADE feedback, i dont think he was innocent, either way he is suspended now
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read 2nd page of this topic first though. There is new evidence now !
dam this is like a crime novel, that plays in real time. its awesome ^x^
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yeah he claims that he wanted to "thank" op but got blacklisted lol
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no thats not what i was talking about :P
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Nice neg feedback you got from him
"Had a giveaway, key did not work, he got a new one, gave it to me, messaged and blacklisted me so i could not thanks/answer. Really weird."
Never did this but I guess its time to use a blacklist option, seeing as this guy already did the "your key isnt working, gimme another one" thing
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He also left a lovely little message on his steam profile.
"Hey dude, did not "pull" one on you. Could not answer since you immediatly blacklisted me.
You know that if you check or click the redeem button on humblebundle, that you then just "used" that key and are not able to gift it in a normal fashion? Maybe that happened. You could have just messaged me that key you got the first time to see if it would have worked that way.
Oh well, blacklisted you back, no hard feelings."
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He is wrong because that is the question I asked you a week ago! :D
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You know that if you check or click the redeem button on humblebundle, that you then just "used" that key and are not able to gift it in a normal fashion?
This is simply not true...
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I'm basically brand new to SteamGifts, and I fear I have just been a victim of a scammer. I bought Humble's latest indie bundle, and gifted one of the games. I provided the gift link in the GA itself, and I know the link was good as I checked it before I posted the GA. Well, after the GA was over, the winner claimed it was already claimed.
Am I being to quick to assume that the winner gave the link to a friend and then came right back here to tell me it was no good? Regardless, I bought another bundle and provided him with another gift link and he "apparently" was able to claim it this time. Great, gift received, let's move on!
Should I have just said tough luck to the winner, or did I do the right thing and provide another gift link?
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